Amerika Syarikat
York County

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas York County
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    • Hari 9

      Stowe to Ogunquit, Maine

      10 September 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We had a decent sleep last night, showing that the jet lag has finally passed. We packed up our car and had a chat to some Canadian guys in the car park about their Mini which was brought here for the British car show. We then headed into nearby Stowe for breakfast, which looked miraculously clean considering the celebrations last night. We went to a small cafe for oatmeal and a bacon and ham muffin for breakfast, combined with bad American coffee. We took some photos of the beautiful town before heading to a sight I was interested in.

      Before coming to the USA I had heard that the Von Trapp family from “The Sound of Music” had moved here after escaping Austria and, sure enough, there was their lodge about 10 minutes outside of town. It is now an exclusive accommodation with an extensive property and activities for the guests. Fortunately we were allowed to wander inside and take photos, as well as learn the history of the place.

      We had planned to visit the towns of Manchester and Portsmouth during our drive today, but only settled on the latter. Manchester didn’t seem that interesting and was somewhat run down. We drove to the area near the City Hall as apparently it was the more diverse area, but didn’t like it much. Portsmouth however was a charming and touristy seaside town. Just like the names, the English influences here are really obvious in the New England states. We had a Mexican lunch down on the water which wasn’t as expensive as we’d anticipated (we still can’t find Coke Zero anywhere though!).

      Our arrival into Ogunquit was somewhat slow though as the traffic into town is quite intense. This place is definitely popular with tourists! We checked into our accommodation, which is a good sized room in a hotel which is walking distance to town. Even better, we’re here for two nights meaning we can have a break from driving. We headed to a nearby supermarket as we’re hoping to save money on breakfasts and dinners instead of eating out all the time.

      We had a well deserved nap before we decided to change our itinerary slightly. On the way back from Bar Harbor we are meant to be staying in Portland for one night however the accommodation is very expensive, so we have decided to come back to Ogunquit instead where it is half the price. We couldn’t get the same accommodation as now, but the new place is only a few minutes up the road.

      We had dinner in the room before heading out for a drink. Firstly we went to the lively Front Porch Piano Bar which was very popular with locals and tourists alike. We met a lady downstairs from Miami who joined us at the local venue across the street, called Maine Street. Not only did we meet some locals, we also found out we’ve been pronouncing the name of this town incorrectly! It’s O-GUN-quit, not OH-gen-quit! We didn’t have a late night but we still had a fun night
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    • Hari 10

      Ogunquit Day 2

      11 September 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      What a relief to wake up today, take our time, and not have to jump into the car for another long drive! Today we decided to explore the local area of Ogunquit so after having breakfast in the room, packed up a backpack and walked down to the beach area. It was actually surprising to see how much surf there was - even though the weather wasn’t ideal, there were still a lot of people enjoying being by the sea. The majority of tourists here are either elderly people or the LGBTQ crowd, and the number of rainbow flags about is really impressive, even on the churches.

      I had read about visiting nearby Perkins Cove thinking it was another, possibly quieter, nearby town. It actually ended up being an extension of Ogunquit, where the very wealthy live. We had driven the car there but balked at the idea of staying for lunch since the car parking price alone was $30. We loved seeing the beautiful area but ended up returning to our local area, where we went to the Treehouse Taqueria for a Mexican meal instead.

      We then relaxed in our room before having something to eat and heading to the Maine Street bar for drinks around 4pm. We ended up staying until seeing some friends we’d met the night before, but didn’t stay out all night since we’re heading off to Bar Harbor tomorrow. At least we’ll get to see Ogunquit again on the way back!
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    • Hari 13

      Bar Harbor to Ogunquit

      14 September 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today we ended up leaving earlier than expected, mainly due to going to bed early last night. After packing up the car, I cautiously went to check out with only one key, expecting to be asked where the other key was, but nothing was said by the receptionist so I counted our blessings and we departed!

      So far on this holiday we have been avoiding the freeways to save money until we faced the reality that the toll charges here are sometimes only $1, and nothing like the exorbitant toll charges we have back home! This means we returned to Ogunquit much faster than the drive from there took, as we were on the freeway as opposed to the coastal scenic route.

      Before getting to Ogunquit, we visited the city of Portland, which is where we were originally meant to be staying tonight. We headed straight to the waterfront area which was a collection of cafes and restaurants, with cobblestone streets. We explored the port before similarly heading to the downtown district, but found it to be less interesting as it was reminiscent of a lot of large cities.

      We thought we’d see more of Portland, so we drove out to the Portland Head Light, the oldest lighthouse in Maine. The weather out there was spectacular, as was the view of Portland. It seemed like the perfect place to have lunch, so we relaxed in the sunshine and got some vitamin D.

      We then continued onto Ogunquit and were pleasantly surprised that our cheaper hotel was actually better than our previous one. The walk to town is slightly further, but the room is bigger and more comfortable. Ted went to the supermarket to get some more supplies whilst I unpacked the car. We had planned to catch up with our friends Scott and Nate whom we’d met through mutual friends in Las Vegas a few years back, so we dressed up to go for dinner.

      Before dinner, we headed to the piano bar which was less crazy than before but still popular. We then tried the Maine Street bar which was mostly empty, before heading to the Italian restaurant nearby. It was wonderful seeing friends again after a long break from travelling, which has been our main focus on this holiday. The dinner was great, and Scott and Nate even kindly paid as they said we were the visitors.

      We have a tour booked tomorrow in Salem for 10am, so I set the alarm to avoid oversleeping. Massachusetts tomorrow!
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    • Hari 4

      Kennebunkport Beach

      20 Julai 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Auf dem Weg nach Kennebunkport nördlich von Boston haben wir einen kleinen Abstecher zur Harvard- Universität gemacht🎓. Dort waren mehr Gäste, die geführt wurden, als Studenten. Die gehen bei der Hitze bestimmt lieber ans Meer🐚🌊.
      Da waren wir danach auch. Durch eine tolle Wohngegend sind wir zum Strand gelaufen. Gut, dass der Atlantik so kalt ist. Der See auf unserem zweiten Campingplatz war dann eher wie eine warme Badewanne🛁☀️.
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    • Hari 7

      Immer an der Küste entlang...

      31 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Obwohl die Neuengland-Staaten zu den kleinsten der USA gehören, haben wir uns heute doch gehörig bei den Entfernungen getäuscht.
      Unsere heutige Tour führte uns Richtung Norden von Wells nach Bar Harbour.
      Auf dieser Strecke zeigt sich die ganze Schönheit der Küste von Maine mit ihren langen Sandstränden und steilen Felsküsten, mit bizarren Klippen, zahllosen Buchten und tiefen Fjorden, an denen die schönsten Häuser stehen, die wir je gesehen haben.
      Nach unserem ausgehändigtem Roadbook wären wir die 200 Tagesmeilen über die Interstate 95 abgefahren und hätten nichts von dieser wirklich wunderschönen Landschaft mitgenommen....
      Learning: Das Roadbook ist für die Wurst und wir entscheiden noch immer selbst !
      Wie eine Schneise zog sich der Freeway in sanften Hügeln durch die Landschaft. Immer wieder durchbrochen von atemberaubenden Ausblicken auf den Atlantik und diesen Häusern, die so unglaublich schön sind, dass man es kaum in Worte fassen kann.
      Das hatte leider auch zur Folge, dass wir ständig das Bedürfnis hatten, hier und dort zur halten, um das was wir aus den Augenwinkeln gesehen haben, etwas genauer in Augenschein zu nehmen. Die Strecke zog und zog sich...
      Wir sind an unzähligen Antiquitätenläden vorbeigekommen, die vom verrosteten Bettgestell über alte Skier alles angeboten haben, sind in Farmermärkte eingetaucht und mitten in ein Bikertreffen geraten, haben uns vom Sommerfrische-Feeling in den Küstenstädten einfangen lassen und haben uns vor so viel Schönheit der Natur tief verneigt.
      Die Menschen verbringen ihre Zeit damit, am Strand Krabben und Muscheln zu suchen und keiner scheint hier wirklich getrieben zu sein. Ganz anders als das, was wir in den letzten Tagen und Boston und New York erlebt haben.
      Gegen Mittag sind wir in eine der vielen Lobsterbars eingekehrt. Ohne diese beliebten Krebstiere geht hier wirklich gar nichts und Lobster-Rolls sind hier ein MUSS :-)
      Statt der ursprünglich angegebenen 3,5 Stunden für die Stecke über die Interstate waren wir heute über 8 Stunden unterwegs.
      Wir sind müde und kaputt, aber wirklich jede Meile hat sich gelohnt !
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    • Hari 9

      4. Tag USA - "Life is a rollercoaster"

      23 September 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Auf dem Rückweg vom Strand entdeckten wird, dass der Freizeitpark zwar einsam und verlassen war, aber keineswegs abgesperrt...wir konnten einfach über das Gelände spazieren und unseren eigenen Rummel veranstalten 😱.

      Es ist erst mein 4.Tag hier und ich erlebe bisher jeden Tag Premieren - zum Beispiel das erste Mal segeln, mein erster French Toast, mein erstes Veggie Dog und jetzt laufe und klettere ich tatsächlich das erste Mal auf einer echten, riesigen Achterbahn herum! Julia besteigt tatsächlich die Spitze der Bahn, aber meine Höhenangst lässt das leider nicht zu. Zum Glück gibt es auch Attraktionen für Schwindelfreie 😝. Wir stellen fest ein Freizeitpark ist noch viel cooler, wenn er gar nicht läuft 😂. We had fun!
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    • Hari 5


      21 Julai 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Heute durfte Kati das Programm bestimmen und so sind wir zu drei verschiedenen Pferde-Ranches gefahren🐴. Für eine Reitstunde war es sowohl den Zwei-als auch Vierbeinern zu heiß, also haben wir nur geguckt und gestreichelt. Auf einer Ranch lebt dieses deutsche Reitpony, was Matze superähnlich sieht🥰.
      Die Abkühlung im Pool unseres Campingplatzes in Bangor war dann dringend nötig, wie die Schwimm-Frisuren von Harry, Lena und Kati zeigen💆🏼‍♀️…,
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    • Hari 9

      Vegan donuts & Kittery outlets, Maine

      16 April 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      So we drove from Epsom, New Hampshire to Maine for breakfast and outlet shopping. The donut place was completely vegan. The Kittery outlets were stretched out along a main road and you have to drive from each group.. there was all the usuals.. Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Levis etc etc.. we bought clothes at Hilfigers as they had a super sale on. They were almost giving stuff away 😃
      We also went to Kittery trading post.. the gun shop basically and OMG... crazy that everything is just available over the counter like that
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    • Hari 7

      The Day's Happenings

      8 Ogos 2018, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

      We had a great sail today. We set off around 10, on the motor, but around noon the wind came up (eventually to 13-14kn) We sailed along with the motor for a while (we can keep up our speed (6kn) without using the motor as much— reduces gas consumption) but finally were able to shut the motor off and just sail for a few hours. We were able to make between 4-6kn, and it was great to see the sails full.

      Our big excitement for the day was seeing a shark!! We still don’t know what kind. I’m posting the picture, so let us know what you think it is. Please do not say “a lobster pot,” because it definitely was not!! It could be a whale, but 1) it was sniffing at David and 2) the dorsal fin was not as floppy as a whale’s. It had a light underside and dark topside.
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    • Hari 25

      Portsmouth NH / Wells ME

      2 Julai 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Left the hustle and bustle of our back to back city tour and heading to Maine to camp and explore the coastal towns.

      Stopped at a cool Farm/Brewery called Throwback Brewery along the way, felt a little like home.

      Enjoyed stretching our legs in Portsmouth, such a charming town founded in 1630, of about 20k people. Beautiful homes, waterways, and islands.

      Then got to camp near Wells MA and settled in.
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    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    York County, Йорк, ইয়র্ক কাউন্টি, Condado de York, York konderria, شهرستان یورک، مین, Comté de York, York megye, Յորք շրջան, Contea di York, ヨーク郡, York Kūn, Hrabstwo York, یارک کاؤنٹی، مینے, Comitatul York, Округ Јорк, یارک کاؤنٹی، میئن, Quận York, Condado han York, 約克縣

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