Ngoc Son Temple

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    • Day 15

      Bia Street

      January 24 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      We made our way to Bia Street. This famous area is where all the bars are meant to be selling CHEAP beer while you sit in little plastic chairs.
      The beers weren't that cheap, the owners were extremely pushy, even rubbing Sam's tummy at one point and when we finally did sit down the lady wouldn't listen to us when we wanted to order Saigon telling us that if we got Viet Bia we would get a free shot...... We actually couldn't say no, like she wouldn't listen to us at all so Viet Bia and a shot it was...... Yuck!
      We thought we were in Johnny Depp's presence. No shit this guy in the opposite bar looked exactly the same side on... We got everyone around us on board with it too. One beer and shit deep Sam had the courage to go ask..... Definitely was not him front on....maybe it was.... Who knows.
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    • Day 9

      3up Garden Kaffeehaus

      December 17, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Auf meinem Spaziergang durch das „Old Quarter“ von Hanoi mache ich halt an dem alten Kaffeehaus 3up Garden und möchte einen der typischen vietnamesischen Kaffeespezialitäten probieren. Das Kaffeehaus ist aufgrund seines Alters und trotz des Ruinencharakters dennoch sehr schön. Ich wähle einen schwarzen Kaffee auf Eis, der mit sehr viel Zimt versehen ist. Die meisten Gäste um mich herum haben den „Signatur Kaffee“ gewählt. Ein Kaffee, wo ein rohes Ei hinzugefügt wird. Man rührt in dieser dickflüssigen Kaffee-Ei-Masse herum und löffelt dann den Kaffee Stück für Stück. Ich glaube für mich persönlich ist das leider nichts.

      Ich genieße den Aufenthalt…
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    • Day 51

      Brief Hanoi stop

      March 20, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      I didn’t find the bus super comfortable as I am about 4 inches taller than the beds were designed for, but little did I know this would be my most comfortable long bus in Vietnam as we had booked the best type. It looks a bit like a spaceship inside and fit only 22 people instead of 40 in a standard sleeper bus.

      He also somehow arrived, three hours earlier than Google Maps predicted so had some time to explore Hanoi, visiting an Instagram hotspot, café, and the history museum (where we were kicked out early because it was closed at lunchtime 🤷‍♂️). We then collapsed into a long nap most the afternoon, waking up to the many bright lights of nighttime Hanoi. We didn’t do much that evening. Just going for dinner and watching an impromptu street circus outside of the fully booked water puppet show we’d originally planned to go to, then enjoying the view of the city around one of the lakes.

      We were off again early, the next day on a six hour bus to Ha Giang, which I spent watching some Top Gear episodes I’d downloaded, including the Vietnam special (would highly recommend, it’s very entertaining).
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    • Day 4

      Food local guide and more

      April 29, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Heute eine originale North Face Jacke gekauft. Durch Handeln wie ein marokkanischer Lampenverkäufer, 😉habe ich unglaubliche 14 € bezahlt 😆😳 ist garantiert kein Fake😉🫣. Allerdings muss man sich schon fragen, warum das Zeug bei uns so teuer ist. 😇Klar ist nicht original, aber sieht echt gut aus. Mal schauen, was sie so taucht🤭
      Weiterhin waren wir mit einem locale food Guide unterwegs. Jetzt wissen wir, wie man das Streetfood wirklich isst und worauf man achten muss. Es gab:🦥🐓🦆🫔🍲🕊️🥬. Ne echte Herausforderung nur mit 🥢🥢.
      Ganz wichtig, jeden Morgen und jeden Abend und zwischendurch immer Mal wieder ein Pastise 45%😳😇🥃🥃🥃 Dient der Magenreinigung 😘😉
      Ach ja, der Verkehr ist der Hammer 🫣🥴😱
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    • Day 6

      Hanoi Old Quarter by Matt

      July 19, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Located in the east of the city, the Old Quarter is bustling with locals and tourists seeking out food, coffee or a wide array of market items, from shoes to tin boxes and everything in between.

      After a morning spent sightseeing, we'd worked up an appetite so we headed back into the Old Quarter, where our hotel is located, and found ourselves wandering down a picturesque street with lanterns hanging from the trees and plenty of Pho restaurants. We picked one, purely based on the fact that there was a western couple sitting there, and ordered our first bowls since arriving.

      Pho (pronounced fuh named after the French for fire, because of the cooking method not a spice heat) is the Vietnamese version of fast food. A simple but delicious broth with noodles and your choice of meat, or tofu for the veggies, add some lime, coriander and chillies if you like then slurp away!

      Unfortunately, during lunch, Millen's coffee kicked in and, being something he's not used to, induced a bit of a panic attack style reaction. The sensory overload of the streets of Hanoi wasn't helping to pacify him so we steered him back to the hotel and applied some damp towels and lavender oil (courtesy of BA club class!) until his heart rate had returned to normal and he was back to his happy self.

      It was a short walk to the Hoan Kiem, one of the lakes in the city. We found the water puppet venue, purchased our tickets for the next available show and wondered round the nearby streets, occasionally entering a barter but not buying anything.

      We came across Note cafe, so called as it was full of sticky notes left by customers with some words of wisdom and messages for future visitors. We tried egg coffee, a local speciality using yolk rather than milk, and a coconut cold coffee. Both were delicious, though Millen avoided trying either! We stuck our words of wisdom then headed back to the lake.

      In the middle of the lake is a small island with a temple on it. Neither are particularly special but you have to cross a cute red bridge to get there and it provides a moment's respite from the crowds and scooters.

      Our vegetarians were getting a little tired of the limited rice/noodle options so we sought out a pizza place for some variety, which also served a decent burger 😋
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    • Day 15

      Dinner at Met and a little shopping

      January 24 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      We met two British girls at train street who had been to Met for dinner the night before hand highly rated it. Turns out it was right across the road from the pottery place.
      Before we could partake in some dining we did a spot of shopping - Sam got a cool hoody with a design from a local artist on it and I got some coconut chopsticks.
      Dinner was delicious! We had traditional Hanoi delicacies - Bun Cha and Grilled Fish. Lilly our waitress was actually amazing!
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    • Day 67

      Hanoi und Sapa

      February 27, 2020 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Und ziit rennt. 😆 Jetzt sind mir bereits scho in vietnam und während üsere ziit do, händ mir no bsuech übercho. 😍 am ivan sis mami begleitet üs und luegt zum rechte 😂 di erschte täg in hanoi sind sehr interessant gsi und mir händ üs glernt azpasse. Über stross wird eifach glaufe, am beschte immer glich schnell zwüsched roller und autos dure. S hupe ghört do au dezue wiä dlüüt wo was verkaufe wönd. Mir sind mitem sightseeing bus unterwegs gsi, händ sgfängnis gseh, mausoleum vom ho chi minh, dä literaturtempel und schildkrotpagode. Au e uffüehrig im wasserpuppetheater sind mir go bestuune. Mir händ patisserie und di bekannt nudelsuppe gesse, wiä au dä speziell eierkafi trunke. 😋 noch 4 täg sind mir zu dä riesfelder noch sapa und händ e tageswanderig gmacht. Zmittag häts bi dä füehrerin dihai geh mit ihrer familie. Hmmm. Gschlofe händ mir imene homestay ganz eifach. Leider häts zu däre johresziit gern nochli nebel und dä ries wird au ersch spöter apflanzt. D ussicht isch aber nöd weniger traumhaft gsi und hät üs allne super gfalle.Read more

    • Day 84

      Tag 84 Hanoi #Impressionen

      December 22, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Von Freitag bis Sonntag steppt um den Hoan Kiem See der Bär😊. Dann ist die Hauptstraße gesperrt und überall wird Platz für die Leute gemacht. Egal ob es Tanzgruppen, Musiker oder Jugendliche sind. Hier fährt kein Auto lang. Achja und zu dieser Zeit ist es sogar hier ziemlich frisch 🥶😊Read more

    • Day 3

      Hop-on Bus Tour

      October 4, 2019 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Hier ein paar Bilder von der Tour...
      Nach dem ersten 'Aua' haben wir den Bäumen mehr Beachtung geschenkt. 😃
      Hanoi ist echt grün. Es gibt viele Parks und überall Bäume, aber trotzdem Smog, was bei dem Mopedverkehr aber auch nicht wundert.Read more

    • Day 355


      February 6 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      After the Ha Giang Loop, we took a night bus (last one on this trip!) back to Hanoi, arriving in Hanoi around 6am. As it was too early to check into our hotel, we dropped off our bags, freshened up and went for breakfast. We had a delicious beef pho at Pho 10 Ly Quoc Su - a Michelin Bin Gourmand recognized testaurant - right after it opened, which was the only time we saw empty tables at the restaurant during our 4 days in Hanoi.

      The next few days in Hanoi were spent shopping (for ourselves and others), eating delicious street food (bun cha, pho, banh mi, banh ran, mango puddings) and visiting Hoa Lo Prison Museum. We were also lucky enough to catch up with Alvin (who Cass went to university with and will be working with when we return home - a total coincidence that we were in Hanoi at the same time), and Sara and Danael (a Swiss couple we met on the Ha Giang Loop who are 6 months into their year long world trip).
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