Western Motor-home Trip 2015

Mayıs - Ekim 2015
This was our first long haul motorhome trip with the boys. Off to see America.... Okumaya devam et
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  • Let's Get Started

    30 Nisan 2015, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    We set out tomorrow, so today we pack up the food and other last minute things. Make sure we have enough treats and blankets for the boys. Wouldn't want them to suffer!

  • Gün 1

    Finally we're on the road...

    1 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Today is our first day of the next adventure! We have had a rocky start today. We have had issues with the Cherokee and required new tires. This week has been really stressful so I need a vacation. However, we are ready to go. We load everything and everyone in to the motorhome and off we go. We are heading west towards Sarnia to take the Blue Water Bridge over to the United States. The weather is nice and sunny, the traffic is light. Just the way we like it.

    We get to the border and get pulled over for inspection. This is the first time we have had this. My own fault really, I usually check the border patrol website for admissible foods and I didn’t. We had the dreaded chicken and eggs on board. There currently is a ban due to the H1N1 virus. The border people are really very nice and it doesn’t take too long to get on the road again.

    Through Michigan and into Ohio for the night. We are staying in Perrysburg, Ohio tonight. We arrive very late, around 9:30 pm and we are both pretty tired. We are staying at a KOA (Kampgrounds of America). These are very nice campgrounds to stay at. They have everything you need and more. These campgrounds are great for one night or a week and for everyone from seniors to families. Many of them have pools, kid’s playgrounds, dog walking areas and the friendliest staff you ever want to meet. I like them because you can just phone ahead and reserve your spot and it is there when you arrive. Even if you don’t call ahead, they sometimes have spots available for drive in people.

    So, we are here for one night. We open up the tip outs and set up in about 5 minutes. I have made a chili for dinner and that doesn’t take long to heat up either. We head off to bed around midnight. The boys are a little restless and they sleep with us tonight. (At least they got some sleep!)

    The next morning we take the cats out for their walk. We are still fairly far north so the trees don’t have their leaves yet. It was cold last night so we had to turn on the heat. We have some breakfast and then head out.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 2

    It is getting better..the roads are mise

    2 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    The drive through Indiana was okay until we hit Indianapolis. Then the road went for a dump. They really need to do some road repair! Indiana is basically flat farm land with trees. It is pretty but can be a little boring. That is probably not fair to say, since the farmers here probably feed half of the east coast. It is a pretty uneventful drive and I get some of my knitting done. The boys are quite happy sleeping on my new chair! We took out one of the couches and replaced it with a nice recliner rocker for myself. The boys seem to think we have done this for them!

    A few things about traveling in a motorhome and towing a car. The first thing is that you drive a little slower. We can usually get up to 100 km on the flat roads of Indiana, but you are slower going up and down hills. The flat roads are better for gas mileage, so that even with towing your reasonable (around 12 mpg). We usually stop at a rest stop for bathroom breaks and to check the car. It is also a good place to just get out and stretch. When we are driving it is important to remember that you are now 50 feet long, so passing is a little bit trickier. Also, when turning or looking for parking spaces in a mall need more consideration. However, my ever fearless husband can handle this puppy like a race car going through the streets of Rome!

    The nice things about traveling this way are: you can cook your own meals, sleep in your own bed, drive at your own pace, stay in some really beautiful parks and do it all in comfort. I have indoor plumbing (no bathtub, Christine), frig, stove, TV and a king size bed. What more could a girl want? Driving is nice because you are higher up and can see for miles around. I can get up and grab a drink from the frig or make a sandwich for my driver!

    Today we arrive at our park during the daylight. So the boys get to go out and have a walk this evening. We have our dinner and have plenty of time to take a walk and relax. This is a nice KOA again. Each park has their own unique atmosphere. This one is done up in the 'Wild West' theme. Check out the pictures for some nice fence decorations. They also have two miniature ponies! Out comes the camera (you lucky readers!) and snap goes the pictures. The trees now have their leaves and it is much warmer here. The boys have settled down and we have a relaxing evening.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 3

    Nice and Quiet and Peaceful

    3 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

    Day 1

    We pack up and leave Indiana by 11:00 am and head off to Missouri. The drive is good with clear sunny skies. Traffic is moving well and all I have to do is look out at the scenery (and knit of course!). The land here is also agricultural and flat. They do have some trees to break up the fields, but mostly we are flat. Every now and then you see a tractor kicking up dirt in a field but that is about it.

    We stop for gas and then over to Walmart for some stuff. I found out where they get the Walmart customer pictures from: southern Illinois! There is a whole lot of culture going on here! I'm looking for some Scot’s Oats and ask one of the workers here. I think I have totally perplexed her by asking for the International food aisle. She said that they have some Mexican food and rice and the look on her face was priceless. Ah well, we have hit the south!

    We have decided to stay for two nights in a Corps of Engineer park. These parks are absolutely wonderful. They usually occur where they have built a dam or reservoir. These parks are very well laid out and have most of the creature comforts required. This park is called Redman Creek Campground and is located on Wappapello Lake. Our site has full hookups and is half the price of a KOA. We have a fire pit with built in BBQ. It is nice to hear nothing but the birds for a change. We set up; put on the coffee and relax.

    Day 2

    Today we start off with our coffee, sitting outside enjoying the sound of the wind in the trees. We take the boys for their morning walk and I get some pictures of the park and our site. Guenther is washing our motorhome. While driving we have all kinds of bugs hitting the windshield. The carnage is terrible.

    After breakfast we head out for a drive to see what the lake looks like. The area around here is sparsely populated with many trailer homes scattered here and there. It looks like there is not much to do around here and I would image that this is a poor district of Missouri. The lake however is huge and very pretty. There are several boat launches but not many beaches. We do find a shallow inlet where some pike are breeding. Not much else so see. This lake seems deserted, but very pretty and inviting. The water here is murky, probably from the clay bottom.

    It is nice to just get out and walk for a while. The weather is hot; around 27 Celsius with a few white fluffy clouds. Check out the pictures for the lake photos. We head back and have our first BBQ of the year! BBQs are not allowed at the condo where we live, so this is what we look forward to in the motorhome. Our first BBQ is homemade burger, potatoes roasted with onions on the BBQ and a mix of onions, peppers and mushrooms fried up in oil. Yum! Food just takes better out here!

    Tomorrow we are off to Oklahoma for another couple of nights. Talk to you later.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 6

    Beautiful campsite....

    6 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    We arrive at Rocky Point very late, around 9:00. Traffic was good but the signage for this park was not. We ended up going around in circles for about an hour. It is raining and not the most pleasant of evenings. We finally get to our site and hook up. There is time for coffee and a sandwich and then off to bed. We have thunderstorms and lightening all night. Our motor home is very weather tight, so we are safe and dry!
    After a restless night we get up and the rain has stopped. This is another Corp of Engineer parks on a beautiful lake. Fort Gibson Lake is in eastern Oklahoma about 180 miles from Oklahoma City. It is a large lake and there is hardly anyone here. Thank goodness the kids are still in school! This park has nice big sites and is divided up into two campgrounds. We are out on the peninsula in the smaller campground. We like seclusion. There are no sewers here but we have water and electric so we are good.

    I head out with my camera to take some shots. I'm really enjoying my new camera and am getting better pictures then before. There are so many birds, I have a hard time tracking them down. The foliage is thick in the trees and the birds are hiding from me. I go down to the boat launch and check out the lake. The fish are jumping! They are quite big and we find out later from the camp host that they are a kind called Spring Bill fish that can get up to 100 pounds! I do get some shots of the lake and the birds and go back for some breakfast.

    Guenther has the news on and we see the damage left by the tornadoes last night in Oklahoma City. The damage from the winds and rains is very extensive and we are grateful that we are so far away! We have never dealt with this kinds of weather phenomenon and really don’t want to.

    I head into town to find some Wi-Fi. Today is my Mother’s birthday so I want to give her a call on Skype and talk to her. I also have to book some more campsites or we will be staying in Walmart parking lots! I go to McDonalds for the free Wi-Fi. I set up, after purchasing a drink. There seems to be an issue with the connection. I ask one of the employees sitting at another table and they say that it has been down all morning. I ask if there is a public library and get directions to that. I head over and try to book our campgrounds. I can’t get any sites. This is upsetting since I don’t really like Walmart parking lots! I have wasted over two hours here and I didn’t bring my phone. I head back to the campsite and try to use the phone, however it won’t work. Guenther comes back into town with me and we head back to the library. I get a Verizon person on chat and they can’t help me. I finally get someone on their phone just to find out that there was an upgrade that didn’t get sent out and they can fix this right away. I asking if I can put more money on my phone and they proceed to put me on hold for the next ½ hour. Long story short, I can’t use a Canadian credit card because they want a zip code and we have postal codes. Off we go to Walmart and the gentlemen there tries but to no avail. We finally buy a prepaid card and will have to do it that way every month.

    Guenther does manage to get a campsite for tomorrow and the next day, so we are good there. This has been a wasted afternoon and I’m just frustrated! Back to the campsite for a glass or two of wine.
    Other Entries
    Finally we're on the road...
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    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7

    Pit Stop for Laundry...

    7 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    We pack up and leave Wagoner and head west. The landscape is mostly farm land with cattle grazing. I see my first long horn cattle and they look mean! It is mostly flat here and you can see how tornadoes get their ground. We are dodging storms all the through Oklahoma! The skies look threatening and we have rain and lightning all the way. Later we find out that they had 4300 lightning flashes in 15 minutes today. Yikes! We aren’t storm chasers (maybe storm run way-ers) and don’t want to be! The roads also leave something to be desired as well. We are jostled around and the going is a little slower.

    We stop at our first Cracker Barrel today for some lunch/dinner. Cracker Barrel is a country store and restaurant chain that is all over the U.S. They have good food at reasonable prices and usually have some neat things to pick up in their store. (Christmas is coming and I start now! Tee hee!)

    After a long drive we get to our KOA for the night. It is still raining! This is only a one night stand as a stop over to Texas. This is a smaller KOA, but it has all the conveniences required. I head over and do a load of laundry and come back to book some more campsites. We are now good through to the end of May. I have some breathing room now and much calmer. We have a relaxing evening and head off to bed.

    Tomorrow we are off to Texas and will be stopping for three whole days. There will be more pictures and stories to tell you then.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Sensory Overload

    8 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    We left Oklahoma with grey skies and rain. We were not far from the Texas border, so this drive will not take that long. We cross the state line into Texas and start to notice a change in the landscape. We start to see cactus and small canyons develop. The dirt here is red clay and makes for a striking landscape with the green of the trees and the yellow and orange of the cactus flowers. The rain has followed us and is off and on. The roads here are very good and traffic is light. The small country lanes are not paved and are red mud right now. The clay cannot absorb the water fast enough and it runs down the gullies in a thick ooze. We go through some of the small towns and realize that they don't really have sewer systems. The rain is six inches deep in the low spots of the town. Good thing we have a Cherokee, Guenther’s little VW Jetta would just float away.

    We make it to our campsite for the next three days. We are staying in Caprock Canyons State Park. The rain is pouring and there is thunder all around us. We check in and head to our spot. The first thing we see are bison walking along the road. Yeah, you read this right, I have bison to take pictures of tomorrow. First thing first, we find our site and Guenther plugs us in for hydro. I look out the window and see my first deer over on the campsite beside us. I immediately grab the camera and start shooting. I can always take out the tip outs later, there are deer next door. I look over across the road and there is another one. Well off I go to shoot my little friends. I look to our right and there is a wide canyon with red rocks and green trees. We are going through sensory over load right about now. Where to look, what to shoot, is my camera set up right, how is my exposure…Okay calm down and breathe. Plenty of time for pictures.

    I get the coffee on and we take a walk over to the canyon and snap some pictures. We have a quick bite to eat and then head off for a walk. The rain has cleared and the sun peaks through every now and then. Our breath is taken away by the silence the beauty and the lack of population. We come back up and find prairie dogs playing and eating in the field by our motorhome. More picture opportunities! I’m going to go crazy with photos here.

    Unfortunately our campsite is a little soggy so I don’t think we are going to be able to have a camp fire tonight. The skies are clearing off and on, so we may be able to see stars tonight.

    Day 2

    We had a powerful thunderstorm last night, lightning and thunder. This started around 2:00 AM and didn’t stop until about 6:00 AM. The cats of course decided it was safer with us and under the blankets. Oh well, who needs sleep? This morning is overcast and soggy again. However, it gives us time to have a leisurely breakfast and then head into Plansview, for some groceries. This is about an hour away and we get a chance to see some of the country side. This part of Texas can be very flat with red dirt or it opens into canyons that stretch for miles. We get our groceries and as we head back the sky clears and the big Texas sky appears.

    When we get back to our park, the buffalo are roaming again. So more photos must be taken. (Thank goodness I don’t use film. It would cost more to develop than the entire trip would cost!) We head back and go for a little walk down towards the canyon.

    Time for some dinner, tonight we BBQ. We really miss this at our condo, so every opportunity (no rain) we get we will BBQ in the motorhome. Tonight it is homemade burgers and some potato salad we bought today. It is so nice out we eat out on the picnic table overlooking the canyon. Yeah this is what retirement is all about.

    Well we relax for the rest of the evening head off for a good night’s rest. There are no storms in the forecast for tonight.

    Day 3

    We wake to a cat jumping the bedroom door (again!). Ying hears the coyotes outside and needs Mommy and Daddy to protect him. This would be at 6:00 AM. We settle him down and grab an extra hour of sleep.

    The morning is beautiful with sun shining and photo ops right outside the door. Off I go again. It is going to be hard to figure out which to keep and which to discard. Today we travel through the park and then stop at the different campsites and walking trails. This park is quite big and has 4 or 5 different camping areas and miles of trails. They even have an equestrian campsite for people who bring their horses for the trail rides. This keeps us busy most of the afternoon.

    The buffalo have moved down to the lake. This creates more photo ops. To see these huge beasts just lumbering across the road and down the hill to the water is amazing. This herd is about 50 head, I can’t imagine what 1000 of these beasts would look or sound like as they crossed the Great Plains centuries ago. This is only the first of many wonderful parks we plan to stay at over the next 5 months. I’m going to be a pile of photo mush by the time I’m done. Well at least it is well documented.

    Another BBQ tonight, our first steaks! I get these from Vik’s Meats in Grimsby, Ontario. I marinate them, then freeze them. When the steaks thaw in the marinade they are very tender and flavourful. We have potatoes done on the BBQ with onions and oil. We have a side of mushrooms, onions and peppers. Just to round out this wonderful meal, two Guinness grace our table. Hungry anyone??

    This is a park I would highly recommend to anyone who likes the peace and quiet with beautiful views and tons of trails for walking. We didn’t explore the towns around here, but we only had 3 nights. Definitely one to come back to.

    Tomorrow we leave here and head farther west to Brantley Lake in New Mexico. Well until you read again….
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 12

    Caverns and Road Runners

    12 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Today we leave for Brantley Lake which is on the outskirts of Carlsbad, New Mexico. The drive is uneventful; with good roads and little traffic. The terrain here is very flat. The vegetation is low to the ground. You can see for miles all around you. We are taking the back roads and every now and then you will come across a sleepy little town. The towns here have a basic population of 200 to 400 people. This is even smaller then Beamsville! In some areas you have vast farm fields in other areas it is either dirt or low scrub. We are driving along when a truck passes us and Crack! we are hit with a stone. Then we see the stone chip in the window. We are close to a Camping World so off we go. They can't help us but they find us an auto glass shop that can fix us up. So we head over to find the nicest and friendliest people around. While I make lunch, Guenther and the nice gentlemen fixes the windshield. The price is only $30 dollars. We got off easy with this one. After lunch we are back on the road. We start to see oil rigs drilling for oil. These aren’t the big huge ones you see on TV, these are small ones that pop up every now and then.

    We arrive at the park in good time. This is another state park. We like to stay at these because they are usually smaller, have fewer campers and are not cramped together like cars in a parking lot. This one has maybe 30 sites, all with hydro and water and a couple (not ours) with sewers. We are here for 4 nights. The views are not as spectacular as the last park. Once again we have low vegetation with some trees in the campground. There is a reservoir with a dam but no swimming. You can see for miles around and you can see some foothills in the distance. Our site is nice with a shaded picnic area. The last park had bison and deer; this park has bunnies and birds. More photo ops!

    Day 1

    Today it is raining. The rain started last night and has continued. This is why I bring little projects to do 'for a rainy day’. I have finished my sweater and have started another one. The weather breaks and we do head out for a walk around the park. They have a trail that leads down to the lake and has some interesting plaques explaining the formation of the area and the different plants . Once again the bunnies are cute. I have lots of birds to take pictures of. I have not seen a lot of these birds, so I’m having fun with my camera. One of the birds is the Greater Road Runner, this is the state bird. The other bird that is plentiful is the Bullock Oriole. The bunnies here are little cotton tails that look like the Lindt chocolate bunny. There are also bigger jack rabbits, but I haven’t got a picture of them yet.

    There are not many campers here and few tenters (getting wet, not for me!). The park is mostly filled with older people, so it is nice and quiet and friendly! It is kind of fun going around and seeing where people are from and saying hi. This park does not have Wi-Fi, so I will post the blog at the end of our stay.

    Day 2

    Today the sun is shining and the sky is blue. We are heading off to Carlsbad Caverns today. These are underground caverns that were created millions of years ago. They were once part of an underground sea that once covered this entire area. As the water drained the caverns were formed. These caverns go 750 feet underground and are massive. They have an elevator to take you down or you can walk down. The walkway going around the cavern is about 1 ½ miles, so we take the elevator down. They have managed to create a wonderful walkway throughout the entire area. It is cooler down here about 13 Celsius. The pictures don’t do it justice and were very hard to shoot. The main cavern is very large with a towering ceiling. These caverns were first discovered in 1800’s by settlers, but is was Jim White who explored the caverns more thoroughly and brought them to the attention of the general public. By 1930 Carlsbad Caverns National Park was created. The caverns are the summer home to the Mexican free-tailed bats and every evening they are a spectacle to see as they fly out of the cavern for feeding. The bats however, are late getting here this year because it is too cool. So no bat pictures for you (they are in a separate cavern anyway, so I couldn’t get pictures anyway).

    Back to the caverns, you are in a constant state of awe and wonder as you go through. The formations created over 1000’s of years are spectacular. The caverns are also very quiet and a little eerie. These caverns are usually pitch black, no light ever gets down here, but the park has installed very low lighting to illuminate the path and certain formations so that you can see them better.

    A note here about the beautiful drive up to the canyon park entrance. While the rest of New Mexico (that we have seen) is flat, the drive up is a wonderful zig-zag through what here could be called mountains. This is a part of the Guadalupe Mountain range. Once again the vegetation is low scrub with a few higher plant sticking out, but the landscape is beautiful none the less. Every region we go to has different scenery, but the thing to remember when traveling is to appreciate each region for what it is. This region is flat with different plants and animals then we see somewhere else. That is part of the joy of travel to discover what is out there. The other part of travel is to connect, no matter how small, with different cultures. This will help you grow as a person and become more tolerant of different cultures.

    After the caverns we head into Carlsbad to a place called Lucy’s for some Mexican food. The fajitas were absolutely wonderful. (Have to keep up with our cultural explorations!) The price was average ($40.00 for two) and the setting was very pleasant. The people were once again very friendly.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 15

    Windy and Sparce

    15 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Our drive here takes us through some very different landscapes. We start off with very flat, very dry land with low scrub vegetation. We head through the Lincoln National Forest and through the Sacramento Mountains where the Mescalero Indian Reserve is. These are the Apache Indians. This landscape is very pretty with tall pines, mountains and a huge rain storm. As we head toward Las Cruces we see vast orchards of pecan trees. This is at least a break in the landscape. Every now and then you see mountain ranges in the distance. This part of New Mexico has many high peaks of around 9000-12000 ft. apparently there are several ski slopes here. I never thought of New Mexico as a ski destination, but that is the thing with travel…you get an education. On route to Elephant Butte is the city called Truth or Consequences. Could this be where Bob Barker lives? Or are there other truths or consequences that we don't know about here in the New Mexico desert?

    We arrive at our campground with no issue. Elephant Butte State Park is very large with several campsite. Ours is the furthest point on the lake. After checking in we head down the road for about 10 miles to our campground. It is very windy here and you have to watch when you enter or exit the motorhome or the door will take off your legs. It is too windy for the boys to go out and they are not impressed with us. Our site is very large (over 20 meters) and there is no one behind us, just a beautiful vista of the mountains. We set up and have some dinner. We take a walk around the park and see that all the sites are pretty well spaced with lots of room in between. The bathrooms and showers are nice and clean, which is a good thing since we don’t have any sewers here.

    Day 1

    Today starts off as windy as yesterday. The campground host says that tomorrow should be better. We are up on top of a hill here overlooking the lake. I wonder if this is part of the reason for the wind. It may also be the time of year or the region. I’m not too sure. So the boys don’t get to go out again. We don’t have happy kitties again.

    After breakfast we head off to the Gila National Forest. This is a little ways on the map and a long ways in the car. As we drive through the backroads you see how the real people live. I’m not sure where or how they make a living. There is nothing here but flat land with the low scrub again. The houses here are basically mobile homes of the single and double wide variety. There are plenty of junk cars (and other stuff) in the yards and old tires holding the roof on. It looks like a very depressed area. It also seems deserted. You go through little villages and no one is around, not even a stray dog laying on a front lawn.

    We head through a mountain pass and stop for some pictures. There is a tiny stream running through and you wonder how life could be sustained here. You see homes every now and then, sometimes some cows or a horse, but this is a very sparse area. As you look around and hear the quiet you drift back a couple of hundred years and your imagination takes over. You picture a Wells Fargo stagecoach heading through the pass looking for an ambush. Are the Indians up the hill behind a tree? Is Jessie James or Billy the Kid waiting to rob the stagecoach? As I turn around I see a lone Cherokee on the road. Maybe my imagination is not that wild after all?

    We head into the forest area and are pleased to see that the area is turning to tall pines and mountains. The scenery is improving, but you don’t see any deer, birds, prairie dogs, or anything that is alive. The road here through the forest is very steep and winding around the mountains. The speed is slow, but the views are beautiful. There is evidence of a forest fire here. It looks like a large part of the forest was destroyed, but you see where the regrowth is starting to replenish the forest. There are plenty of hiking trails and a few rough camping places. You wouldn’t get a trailer or motorhome in these but a popup trailer or a truck camper would work. The drive takes us a couple of hours.

    We finally hit a small town called Silver City, we stop for a late lunch and by the time we finish it is 4:00 pm. It seems to take a lot longer to get somewhere here then I think. We were going to go for a hike, but by the time we get back it would be dark. I have to plan a little better next time.

    On the way back we hit a copper mine. They have stripped the mountain completely and it looks awful. At least we have found some form of commerce here for the people to earn a living. We head home and maybe we can take the boys out for a walk around. I think we are going to have a campfire tonight. We haven’t had one yet, so this will be nice. Our campground is very dark and the stars are very pretty at night.

    Day 2

    Today I am going to try and find some Wi-Fi to book some more parks. One problem we are having with the state parks is that they don’t have any internet connections. This park said it did. So off I go to the main campground to find it. I ask at the front check in booths where not one but two young students are working. Young people should know this stuff right?? I get this blank look and a vague over by the picnic tables. So I try but the signal keeps cutting out and there doesn’t seem to be anyone with an IQ to ask. So off I go to McDonalds. Trying to book parks on the fly is very difficult. I will have to get a hotspot and internet for my own.

    Guenther has had his own trials and tribulations as well. We seem to have a problem in this park with moths. They come out around dusk and somehow make their way into the trailer. I’m talking like 30 or 40 of them. This is quite annoying. So today Guenther is filling any cracks or crevices we have with expandable foam.

    This takes a while so no exploring today.

    Day 3

    Today is a down day to just relax and head down to the boat launch and see what kind of birds I can find. This park doesn’t have as many animals and birds as the other park. Tomorrow we are off to Kartchner Caverns State Park in Arizona. Different state maybe more animals? We’ll see.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 18

    Old West, Snakes, Hawks and Fly Catchers

    18 Mayıs 2015, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

    We have a good drive here. The weather is good, hot and sunny. Traffic is much lighter in the west compared to the east side of the USA. This makes for nice driving and better time on the road. We stop at a Walmart and get my hotspot for the internet. I really need this if we are going to stay in state parks where there is no Wi-Fi.

    We make it to our park in good time and get set up. We are here for 5 nights and are looking forward to checking out this area. This park is also a state park and there are very few people here. Our site is much smaller than the last one but it has some shade and is not as windy. Doesn't take us long to set up and have a coffee outside and relax.

    Day 1

    Today we take a walk over to the Discovery Center that they have here. There are cave tours and a nice shop not far from our campsite. We will do the caves another day and just take one of the short trails this morning. They have signs up everywhere about the 'wild life’ that is in the park. Two kinds of them have rattles and slithers on the ground. They also have Gila monsters and other neat lizards. I am pretty cautious on the trails and am determined not to scream when I see them. I don’t see any today. (Thank goodness)

    This afternoon we head over to Tombstone, Arizona. This is the dusty little down of Wyatt Earp fame. On our way there, we stop to check out one of the Good Sam’s RV parks. It is actually very nice, all the sites are 40’ x 80’ and have little bushes in between. They have an indoor pool, community room, etc. The scenery is nice. The surrounding area is quiet and has a nice vista of the mountains. The prices are reasonable. This may be a place to come back to for a month or so in the winter.

    On to Tombstone. This is a cute little town, that little kitschy and touristy. They have people dressed up in costumes of the past walking around. They also have a gun fight and tram tour that are worth taking for the entertainment value. They have tried to recreate the past glory days and don’t do too badly of it either. We walk around the town and look into the stores. We have dinner there in an old time saloon called the Longhorn Restaurant. I order a glass of wine and you get to keep a souvenir glass. Kitchy but cute. They had a piano rift playing in the background and it felt like an old saloon. Some of the villagers who were dressed up came in to have dinner so this just added to the atmosphere. The food was good and the service pleasant. However, it is time to head back for the evening.

    Time for a shower and some down time.

    Day 2

    Today we go check out the park. There are many trails here, so off we go with my camera in hand. We head down to the Discovery Center. There is a class trip with about 20 children but I think they are leaving. We go inside and find a nice little store where you can buy t-shirts, postcards, books and things. We pick up a hat for Guenther. We don’t normally wear hats but with this sun and heat he really does need one. (I brought the one I had gotten in Costa Rico a few years back.) So with hat installed off we go. They do have caves here to check out, but only on a guided tour. They also do not allow cameras, so maybe another day.

    Today we head off for a walk on one of the trail. The first sign you see is that of a poisonous snake. I hate snakes! However, I’m in Arizona and have to accept that this is their state not mine. As we go on you see the different kinds of vegetation that is here. There really is a lot of colour in the desert. I don’t think all the cactus are blooming yet, but the ones that are create a nice scene. The real center piece here are the mountains. They are all around us and every vista has mountains in it. I’m not seeing any snakes but I’m not seeing any bunnies or prairie dogs either.

    We head back to the trailer for some down time.

    Day 3

    Today we have an appointment to take the Jeep in. There has been a clunk in the front end for about a week now. I’m not having much fun with this new car! Off we go to the dealer in Tucson. They are really nice there but a little slow. Our appointment was for 9:30 AM but the car didn’t get looked at for over an hour. They said it could take a few hours, but without another vehicle (and nothing around this spot) we have no other choice but to stay. I, of course have brought my knitting, so I’m not too bored. After a few hours they finally discover the root of the problem. It is not the Jeep itself but the towing package we had installed by the RV dealer. Apparently there is a tie down with extra length and a C-clamp that has loosened off and is causing the noise. It won’t affect the towing or the Jeep, I just have to wait 6 months to have it fixed by the ones who installed it.

    With half the day shot, we go look for a place for Guenther to get his hair cut. The young lady there tells us about Sabino Canyon and how nice it is. This is on the list for tomorrow. After his hair cut we head back to the trailer. It is an hour’s drive so our day is done.

    Day 4

    Today we head off to Sabino Canyon and were we glad we did. This is a gorgeous canyon to explore. It is just on the north side of Tucson and well worth the price of admission ($5.00 per car). We take the tram up to the top of the canyon ($8.00 each) and walk back down. This is a 9 mile trip each way. You can get on or off at several stops along the way, so this is an easy way to walk as far as you want and still see the whole canyon. On the way up you get a narration about the canyon. Apparently many of the Ponderosa TV shows were shot here because Michael Landon loved this canyon. It is also interesting to find out that the Saguaro cactus only grow under an elevation of 4500 feet. So off we go. The scenery here is beautiful and the walk down is very peaceful. I’m in camera heaven here with peaks, cactus, a little river and sunny skies with a gentle breeze. Check out some of the pictures. I wanted to walk as far as the hawk nest that we saw on the way up. We get there and who do we find but a hawk guarding the nest. This is a Cooper ’s hawk and very pretty indeed. We walk about 2 miles down the canyon and then hitch a ride back down. Now I have been very lucky in not encountering our little slithering friends on this trip. Well on the way down who is blocking the road but a King snake. Just stretched right across getting a sun tan. Well out comes my camera and up go my feet (a natural reaction even though I’m inside the tram!). Apparently they actually stop for these things and wait for them to safely leave the road before proceeding, something about them being good for the environment. After he slithers into a plant and completely hides (makes you wonder how many you don’t see!) we proceed down the rest of the way. I have to admit that from the safety of my tram he is a beautiful (and long) snake, maybe I’m getting used to them, NOT!!!

    Well this has been a wonderful day! Time to go home and check out the pictures.

    Day 5

    Today we are having a slow day at the park. We walk around, read a book, and do some knitting. This is the long holiday (Memorial Day) weekend for the Americans. The park is filling up and according to our camp hosts the park is book full for the weekend. Good for them to see so many out and enjoying their parks.

    Tomorrow we leave for the north of Arizona. We are heading to Winslow, Arizona, so everyone get out your old Eagles albums.
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