India 2017

ноября - декабря 2017
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  • День 12

    In the end of India

    8 декабря 2017 г., Индия ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    After 4 hours the train finally arrived to Kanyakumari station. The southern end of India. After arriving, nice pink railways station welcomes you, sweet.
    But no time for relax, dark is coming and it's time to find accommodation. Well I can't remember how many times I said: I'll be back in 5, just check the next one. But in the end I had cheap accommodation with sea view!
    And hurry up to the city, sunset is waiting. I have to admit, they're really prepared for tourists (but I met only Indian ones! Only 4 other white people) signs are everywhere, so in a minute I was on huge tower observing beautiful sunset over sea.
    The city is famous by couple of statues.
    1) Gandhi memorial - "appropriately placed at the end of the nation". The central stone was used to store some Mahatma's ashes. When I visited this place it was early in the morning so guy in counter was sleeping. The place is really nice, without yelling people it has its own atmosphere.
    2) Kumari Amman temple. I don't have really good experience with this one. Inside it was just running, pushed by the others and just paying 10Rs here 10 here, Dharsana here, here and I was out so fast. Next time I have to try to stop a crowd but it was in the end of the day and I was without power to defend myself.
    3) Vivekananda memorial and Thiruvalluvar statue (Indian Statue of Liberty).. two islands connected to ground by ferry. In my case the second one was closed but at least memorial was open. According to information, this is a place where Swami Vivekananda meditated for couple of days. For me the journey by ferry was also really funny. The view over many indians wearing a life jacket inside a boat (check the redhead guy on the picture - perfect match!)
    The second day I walked to the village closed by. The whole area is famous by fishes and there should be a huge market. Sadly thanks to cyclone whole area is closed. I think one of the few occasions when is possible to see clean ocean. But that also means the fish market is closed. All the fisherman are sitting on the shore and just playing games, lying, bored by free time.
    Afternoon it was raining and I have to come clean I was in bed for two hours just doing nothing! Well, why not!
    I had only one more task to manage bus ticket from Kochi to Mysuru. Since it's not possible to pay online by credit card I had to go to travel agency. Well I spent there "only" one hour. But it was quite fun. They were smiling, still asking some questions and telling me 5minutes 5minutes. In the end the old guy (probably father) began with yelling to young one (son?). And I have to tell you, arguing in Malajlam it's just hilarious. But in the end I have a ticket so "Thumbs up".
    Well that's all from this small city. One day for it it's enough but worth it.
    And 26 hours journey to Mysuru can begin! Last funny thing were Christmas songs on the train station! The Christmas time!
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  • День 12

    Kochi - second time

    8 декабря 2017 г., Индия ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I'd presume this will be afternoon only about good food and masala tea, worthless to write about it again since I was here before.
    But!...wait for it... Yes day was normal, train had 2,5 hours delay, sun and high temperature. Nothing changed. So I took the ferry to Fort Kochi, took a nice place in Cafe and enjoyed couple of minutes online. Yes and the dinner was delicious, again. But! The surprises come afterwards. I was sitting in my favourite Teapot cafe having masala chai and suddenly. Never seen here before! Indian couple was sitting in the first floor alone, young boy and girl. And I also heard some kissing. Now you understand why I had to write this footprint!
    Well, I even can't read yoga sutras in peace...
    But the best comes next. I took a ferry back to Ernapulam to bus station and I asked one guy where is the bus station for local buses. And one of the craziest ride began! He said to me that he'll take me there. Why not. So normal conversation, where are you from etc etc... And in 5 minutes he told me that he's providing massages for tourists. Ok nothing special. Well next sentence was: "and now they're looking for sex massages". It was quite difficult to stay calm on the scooter. He had to be drunk. But in the end we figured out that only one nation is asking for this special service and they're missing love.
    Fortunately he stopped after a 5 min and gave me advice where should I take a bus. But the ride was excellent I'm still laughing!
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  • День 21

    Not only yoga in Mysuru

    17 декабря 2017 г., Индия ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Finally, more days on one place. So after arriving and small breakfast I went to visit Masterji's shala to arrange practicing. Well, nobody's home and the phone number doesn't work. Good start. Let's find accommodation. I wrote to my guy and he replied: yes, I have a room but I am available at 1pm (it was 9am). Nice, even better. After spending night in semisleeper bus without teacher and without accommodation. So I walked to Gokulam (part of the city famous because of yoga) and went to one super eco friendly green bio restaurant for a smoothie. Yes, this part is quite affected by yoga people...
    The accommodation part went really well. Around noon I was sitting in my room which is provided by really nice old couple. Eight days in Indian family! My room was next to their living room so daily contact was inevitable.
    And the yoga practice part. I went to yoga shala again but same results. So let's find something else! It's quite hard! Almost nobody is accepting drop in class, everyone requires min one month of stay. But it the end of the next day I finally found a place. One week, two lectures per day, in the morning ashtanga vinyasa and in the afternoon back bending and hip opening. Nice!
    But the rest of the Sunday belongs to sightseeing. At first Chamundi hills. Everybody's saying: go there! There's amazing view to city. Be careful. It's not directly there. On the top of the hill there are only temples, bunches of stalls and huge crowd waiting for Dharsana... not much to see. But! If you take pilgrim path you'll find amazing views... And you'll be alone because Indian people are lazy...
    Next stop in the evening is famous Palace which should be enlightened. Well, just check the picture. It's breathtaking.
    It's sad to say it but that's almost everything in Mysuru (if you are not fan of zoo). The city is also famous by sandalwood factory.
    The last point what nobody can miss is a street food here. You have to try Masala dosa and Gobi manchurian it's just amazing!
    Wow I almost forgot. In the city centre is market, they have everything! Personally, I like "banana street" the most...
    Well, if you're not into yoga, go there for one or two days and make sure that one of the days is Sunday (because of enlightenment of the Palace). Otherwise there's not to much to see, only stay calm a do yoga.
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  • День 21

    Madikeri - starting point

    17 декабря 2017 г., Индия ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    From Mysuru directly to Madikeri, Croog. According to guider, there's nothing. Hmm... But it's the best starting point for treks around!
    Actually I found out, for one afternoon it's really nice city. They're selling spices and coffee everywhere so roaming around market and little shops could fill up couple of minutes and also your backpack...
    In the city there are two interesting places, Raja's tomb and Raja's seats. I really don't know anything about the first one. There was quite nice park to take a rest, but otherwise..not much to see..
    In the other hand, Raja's seats is amazing place with views across whole valley. And I was there with sunset... Just look at the pictures, they say everything...
    Well that's all from the city. As I said in the beginning it's good place to plan your treks. Maybe Indian style of planning. I went to three places and only in last one I got some information. Transcript of our conversation:
    Me: I need to Kekabe tomorrow, is there a bus?
    Him: private bus stand.
    Me: great, some timing?
    Him: no
    Me: Ok and when do they start?
    Him: in the morning.
    Me: when?
    Him: between 6:30 - 8am
    So with this information, I had delicious home made breakfast in the morning, I went to the private bus stand at 8:30 and I'm 10 min my bus leaves to Kakabe village... awesome!
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  • День 22

    Step by step to Tadiyandamol peak

    18 декабря 2017 г., Индия ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    So, this is it. The last trek in India... filled with enthusiasm and with my backpack I started around 10 am with trek to Tadiyandamol peak. With 1754 meters it's the highest point of Coorg district and the second highest of Karnataka. For me it's 7 km climbing through plantations and forest.
    Right in the beginning, one jeep stopped and the driver immediately asked if I wanna lift. Maybe I looked desperately, hopefully not. But I continued by myself, it was my challenge for this day. And I'm really glad that I made it! After two and half hours I was standing on the top! Amazing feeling! For sure, in this moment was shooting time. So my mascot #kacenabro, pikao which my parents sent me and party can begin!
    Another thing was that on the top I met a guy from the jeep who offered me a lift before. After couple minutes it turned out that he has a house in the middle of coffee plantations totally aside from civilization! And he offered me a really cheap accommodation for a night. I couldn't refuse again. He also told me that he'll pick me up in one village on the way. Perfect.
    So I took some pictures, finished pikao party and with another guy went down. Well, it's amazing how things work. The other guy had a motorbike there so he took me to main road. I immediately stopped some other car and he didn't have a problem with giving me a lift! And... It was a death race. Car: Tata nano. The cheapest car in the world. During crash tests the car was totally destroyed! It's not allowed to sell these in Europe! And the driver was local guy... I was just sitting, holding seat and hoping that in the next curve we still be on the road on all four wheels. But I survived! And... yes, the village where I should call to my new friend to pick up me was without signal for me. So I went to restaurant, order a chai and ask for a hot spot and I got everything! I even had to refuse owner's mobile phone which he offered me. Again, I was amazed by Indian people...
    And in the end of the day, we were sitting in the camping chairs, looking into fire and just chilling in the middle of nowhere... what could make this evening better? Bananas made in the fire with nutella! Muhehehe
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  • День 23

    Namdroling - golden temple

    19 декабря 2017 г., Индия ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    It's time to go back. Today is the D day for me. The last one. I had only one thing in my plans and that was Tibetan colony in Karnataka and their Golden temple.
    So in the morning, after fresh coffee from local plantations my friend took me to bus station. Full service!
    The bus ride took 2 hours through beautiful Coorg district. When I took a riksha to the colony we met a lot of Tibetan flags, looks like some celebration. Well... only his holiness Dalaj Lama was here two and half hours ago. Really? He could at least wait for me...
    I checked the colony, Golden temple is closed because of reconstruction so it was quite short visit. But I'm glad that I was there. Again, totally different city inside India and the atmosphere and energy inside...
    As a donation a bought flags and let's go find a bus.
    This is what I love about India! I hit the main road, went to bakery, ate one veg puff waved to some bus, sure it's going to Mysuru and I was on the road! No system, but everything is working...
    And that's all... I had some time so I went for a street food and.. sitting in the train back to the campus.
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  • День 26

    Time to go

    22 декабря 2017 г., Индия ⋅ 🌫 25 °C

    Last two days in Chennai...
    Well the arriving to Chennai was really nice. After 11 hours in the night train without sleeping (thanks to snoring guys around) I was to put it politely... grumpy. So.. yes I would like to say sorry to taxi drivers in front of station for not so polite rejection.
    I was so tired that I didn't buy a ticket for local train. Just hop in. I've never see conductors in the trains... Well It took three stations and there were three guys in uniforms. But! They havenr checked me! Uff it was close...
    The best one in this morning was the guard in the main gate. "Your ID is expired! You're not allowed inside!". Great. As I wrote before I was quite tired, now really piss off! Let's say I said something to him and it was better to turn around and walk to another gate.
    So after some time I was back in campus...

    The next day we agreed that would be nice spend it only with eating and in the bar in the evening. We have to stick with the plan! So amazing breakfast, huge lunch, last watermelon and dinner in favourite Dhaba outside of Krishna gate. After that we went to Tasmac! Last shitty beer! Well we spent there more time than we expected so we decided to took a OLA bike back. We found one without lock so free to use! But only one. So Ondrej was sitting, I was holding the steering and in Dhoti I was riding. Amazing to look at! But we made it. So quick shower, dressed up properly we were ready to go.
    Suddenly we realized that we are almost one hour late according to our plan. Nice! But we got a cab really fast, everything is working. The best part was wrapping of our bags. We hit the place and we were out of the money! Two hundreds short! So I took out the euros. And I have only 4,7e in coins. We need 5! So Ondrej took out dollars. We paid in three different currencies but again we made it!
    And now we're sitting and waiting. We're on time and... We're coming!

    Oh I have to update it! I was looking for a chai on the airport. First offers are 135Rs, really? But! Low cost chai available! For 20Rs! Ladies and gentlemen I had only these 40Rs for me and Ondrej! It was my last ruppies! This leaving is amazing how's working...
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  • День 26

    Back home

    22 декабря 2017 г., Чехия ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    The journey went really fantastic! We were late in Frankfurt and also we parked our plane far far away from the terminal so. Really nice to walk just in flip flops to the bus when it's raining outside. Also we figured out that it's not so hard to run in Dhoties. We had 40 minutes to our second flight when we land, so approx 20min for all checks, security etc.
    We reached our gate at 9am! Sadly, our departure time was at 9am. But! The plane was still there, only they told us last bus is gone. Fortunately we were not alone there and with sad eyes they arranged one more bus for us! So we were sitting in our plane, the pilot told us "All baggage are in the plane" and with 40min delay it's time to leave.
    When we reached Prague we found out that we don't have our backpacks. but what the fuck... we are home! And with amazing welcome party from our parents it's time to start new part of our lives...
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