World tour

febrero 2022 - junio 2024
Always a good place to see in which country I got lost this time, on top of some random pictures of cool (or at least interesting) places and people that I bump into in my journey and some arbitrary facts and stories of my nomad life. Leer más
Actualmente viajando
  • 159huellas
  • 12países
  • 843días
  • 1,1kfotos
  • 92videos
  • 82,1kkilómetros
  • 51,2kkilómetros
  • Día 2

    Abu Simbel, Ramses' big conquer

    22 de febrero de 2022, Egipto ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    First stop in the magestic Abu Simbel, visited the two temples made by Ramses II, provably the greater (and more narcissistic) faraon in Egypt. It was nice to see how he destined another temple to his wife (obviously not as big or impacting as his, we want to keep our ego where it is) but seing the appresiation to this big and powerful woman gave me a good start of the trip. What's next?

    📍 Essentials: Abu Simbel
    💡 Travelling tips: visit it before the Sound&Light Show, its way emptier and not so hot
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  • Día 3

    Aswan, cruise begins

    23 de febrero de 2022, Egipto ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Started a cruise along the Nile, visited a very disorganised city in all ways, the traffic, the people, the streets... Feeling the intensity every second of it.

    💡Travelling tips: allow yourself to meditate and evict from all the people approaching you every quarter of a second if you don't want to spend all your energy in it.Leer más

  • Día 5

    Luxor, end of the Nile Cruise

    25 de febrero de 2022, Egipto ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Following the crowds for some days, and getting the full Tourist mode. Absolutely not for me. But the temples are truely impacting and sooooo full of history. Visited some very nice monuments such as Philae Temple, Kom Ombo, Edfu, Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple, King's Valley and Hatsetsup Temple. We're staying in Luxor for a bit longer in a "used to be fancy hotel". Already feeling aaaaaaabsolutely exhausted with the intensity and perseverance of the egyptians, and probably they are already sensing it as well... (ups)

    🔍 Some facts: Tutankhamon was actually not an important king. He ruled very young and for just a few years, because he died from malaria as a young adult. The reason he's so famous is because his tomb was the only one not looted, so it helped a lot to understand how they organised them.
    📍 Essentials: King's Valley
    💡Travelling tips: don't try to full yourself with all the temples, mostly on a short period, orelse you'll start seeing just rocks on top of rocks instead of all the historical beauty behind it.
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  • Día 10

    Cairo, crossing-streets adventure

    2 de marzo de 2022, Egipto ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Visited the big and busy Cairo. Admired mommies and statues from the big, old and forgotten egyptian era in the Egyptian Museum, visited the big pyramids and the (surprisingly) not so big Sfinx. Probably the best experience in Cairo was fearing for your life everytime you had to cross the street hiding behind locals or just hoping that cars will dodge you at some point.

    🔍 Some facts: did you know that, even though its quite hard to find beer nowadays, its origin comes from Egypt?
    📍Essentials: Egyptian Museum (enjoy the athmosfere and the mess were all this relixs reside)
    📍Essentials: Guiza Pyramids (entering pyramid of Khafre)
    🍴Best food: Koshari Abou Tarek
    🍴Best food: Zöoba
    💡 Travelling tips: whenever you want to cross the street don't hesitate on it, walk determined towards your destiny (you can also hide behind locals for some nice human barrier)
    💡 Travelling tips: always ask locals for the approximate price of a taxi/tuk-tuk to avoid being overcharged
    💡Travelling tips: across all Egypt, everyone wants to take you everywhere. Make sure to be clear with a NO, orelse you'll find yourself with a vulgar guide that you can't get rid of. This also happens with any other service, they'll always try to get as much from you as they can, its important to be aware of it in advance.
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  • Día 12

    Siwa Oasis

    4 de marzo de 2022, Egipto ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Escaped from the stress and disorder and reached the calm and peace in Siwa Oasis. After a longlong night bus we got to this "secret" spot almost in Libia and enjoyed going back 500 years ago. Slowing our pace and rythm and immersing ourselves in this smiley and beautiful place.

    🔍 Some facts: you might realise when you get here that there are no local woman around. This is because woman in this town can't leave their home unless accompanied by a man (even if the man is a 6 year old kid, who will always have more vote and power than the wife). And even if you do see a woman, you won't even be able to see their eyes. Nevertheless you can see tourists and people who moved from big cities dressed up westernly, and locals are okay with that. For this reason you see very young kids in charge of everything in the town, shopping, driving... We even got a 10 year old taxi driver once 🥲
    📍Essentials: Salt Lakes, Hot Spring at night, biking around the town and getting lost on the oasis
    🏠 Accomodation: Siwa Inn (a bit far from the center and breakfast is a but disappointing, besides this the place is great for relaxing and enjoying)
    💡Travelling tips: bring a nice warm sweater-blanket and earplugs for surviving the night bus trip, assuming that your chances of sleeping through it are quite low. Also be prepared for all the stops among security controls. You might even have to go down and open your bag. As a young woman I was considered harmless and skipped most of them (even saved my luggage in a different place than everyone else). Sexism has its pros sometimes I guess 🤷
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  • Día 15

    Alexandria, the old glories

    7 de marzo de 2022, Egipto ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Last stop in Egypt. Big contrast after the rustic Siwa, the city felt way more advanced and open, while the level of life seemed a bit higher as well. Visited the amazing library of Alexandria that replaced the big knowledge store from the Alexandrinian Era. Provably not our favorite stop in Egypt, but interesting to imagine how big and succesful the city must have been in the past.Leer más

  • Día 17

    🇪🇬Egypt overview 🪨⚰️🏛️

    9 de marzo de 2022, Egipto ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    🔖 Before you go:
    Do some study about the history and mythology of the country to understand where you're at and give it a proper meaning.

    🤤 Best food:
    1. Eggplant cooked their way
    2. Kushari
    3. Baba Ganoush / hummus

    📝 Must do:
    1. Visit the pyramids of Giza
    2. Wonder around the lost streets of a market
    3. Visit Siwa oasis

    👁️Top attractions:
    1. Abu Simbel
    2. Salt lakes
    3. Inside pyramids of Gyza

    ✨Favorite moments:
    1. Riding across Siwa with mom
    2. Reciting Nina de Miraguano in the cruise with Andrea
    3. Travel the elevator of the Hilton as kids (and being caught on our games)

    🔑Something this country tought me:
    We do not always go forward in civilization, sometimes we go backwards as well.

    ♻️Something I've had enough of:
    The tip culture

    ⏳Something I will miss:
    Crossing the streets in Cairo

    👣Leaving for next time:
    Sinaí peninsula

    🎁To be remembered:
    The little kids driving, going shopping... And the woman only being allowed out with a man (any age) with all body covered (even eyes) in Siwa
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  • Día 18

    Colombo, Sri Lanka

    10 de marzo de 2022, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Longlong trip, but finally reached Sri Lanka. Colombo gives a fist impression of a country more developed than expected, everyone is smiling at you and the feeling of guard starts fading away. Still some days are needed to change the mindset that maybe not everyone is expecting something from you. Went to the economical museum (probably the only one there) and understood why exchanging a cow for a fish is not the best idea😅. And just walked around big and modern buildings for the day until I met Souhaine (my new boss) and started a very long journey (took us two days) to Banyan Camp, starting to understand the SriLankan style and getting ready for the next adventure.

    🏠 Accomodation: Colombo Fort Hostel
    📍Travelling tips: you'll get stopped by a (at least) very nice local, who provably works in a very fancy hotel in the area (or has a very rewarding job) who'll tell you that there's a ceremony that only happens once a year and offer you to take you there. Not true. You'll get scammed and have to let go 50 euros minimum for a very stupid round trip. So careful with this 👁️ (met more than one person who fell on this one)
    📍Travelling tips: Another typical scam might be a kid asking you for some milk powder for a baby he's carrying, that might end up being overly expensive. The supermarket and the boy share the money of this magical powder milk.
    📍Travelling tips: tuktuks might be expensier for tourists in this city than they should, make sure you know how much you should be paying or use uber if you feel unsure about it.
    📍Travelling tips: try to always walk on your left, not only because you won't be scared by drivers comming from behind you, but because its harder for tuktuks to stop so you'll be left alone a little bit more.
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  • Día 24

    Banyan Camp

    16 de marzo de 2022, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Volunteered in one of the most beautiful and unique hotels I've been in my life, surrounded by nature and peace. Also got the chance to work teaching yoga and get some savings (small ones though). Worked a lotlot but got the chance to make some new beautiful relationships, practice yoga in a shalla that can't be better and learned lots about hospitality. Enjoyed the smiley and laughing staff (somehow they were always layghing at me) and learned some sinhalese (which still needs a looooot of improvement), paddleboard in a lake with cocodriles and through huge storms, learned how to eat with my hands (never going back to cutlery!!!!), had to handle really spicy food, had my first motorbike fall, felt like an alien when going through the town, tryed to find elephants unsuccessfully, met some really cool people, had a beautiful and full in nature room and felt as a great asset to the team.

    📍Essentials: just BE in Banyan Camp and let yourself be surprised by it, visit Big Banyan Tree by paddle board
    🏠 Banyan Camp
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  • Día 30

    Tangalle, Llavaneres SriLankan style?

    22 de marzo de 2022, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    After tons of work, decided to take some days off and headed to the beach. First experience with Sri Lankan buses, got there sharing sweat from more people than I know, but it was fun. The hostel was right in front of the beach (even though it looked a great deal like the one in front of my home🙃) but it was just perfect for doing nothing. Somehow ended up teaching a yoga class and made some very nice contacts, and mostly enjoyed being on the other side of hospitality for some days. Met a cute french guy, bled across all tangalle with my bigtoe, haunted AC stores and visited a temple on a rock. Not bad for an improductive productive weekend.Leer más