• 日14

    Time to go HOME.

    2023年4月30日, イングランド ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Pick up time for our flight is 6am. Didn't have to wait long for our Uber. Drop off at airport very easy and smooth. Airport very organized.
    We shopped a little and had a good breakfast at Spuntino's. I had a bagel breakfast with a cappuccino and John had fried eggs, bacon and a bloody mary.
    Plane left on time and we had the whole row to ourselves. Virgin Airlines has been a good airlines for us.
    Arrived at Bradley Intl in Los Angeles. Too long of a wait for the bus that takes you to the new pick up section for taxis and Uber. So we walked to pick up an uber to John's work. Picked up the car there and drove home. Weather is like the weather we left behind.

    Our favorite places:
    Mary ~ Budapest & Brasov
    John ~ Brasov, Budapest & London
    Things we learned:
    Mary ~ That Brasov is more beautiful than I ever thought.
    John ~ Learned people are fascinating in all countries and are very nice.
    New foods now favorites:
    Mary ~ Hungarian food the stew and donuts.
    John ~ ALL foods!!

    Overall, we were very happy with our flight. No cancellations and delays were very minimal. Hotels we chose were pretty good except for our London St. Giles. We loved our Brasov hotel the best.
    We flew out with carryons but decided to buy a suitcase in Budapest. We put one of our carryons in the suitcase and traveled with one carryon and checked in the suitcase. On our flight home we carried our carryons and checked in the suicase. As long as we have no stop overs we don't mind checking them in.
    We used Uber and Bolt for transportation most of the time. Not expensive in the areas we traveled in.
    Overall a wonderful vacation. No major issues which is always good. Met many people along the way which is always great exchanging stories and adventures.
    Happy to have shared this journey

  • 日13

    Last day in London

    2023年4月29日, イングランド ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Excited about this morning John has reserved "BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S".
    Tiffany's Cafe' at Harrods. Enjoyed the decor, food, service and champagne. I was pretty surprised to have received a birthday card from the staff.
    The elevator at Harrods was pretty impressive or let's say different. So many watch shops and jewelery stores. John surprised me with a stop at Tiffany's where he bought me the heart chain bracelet I've been wanting. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAY'S to ME!!!
    We took a walk back towards our hotel. Note we took a taxi to Harrods. A long walk but we took advantage of the sights.
    John stopped at BERETTA to check out the rifles of course. We then stopped at a cool cigar lounge James Fox Cigars. John enjoyed a good cigar and I had coffee and water which was a treat for being there. Took a puff of John's cigar not bad at all.
    We then took a taxi to an area that had so many little shops, hidden shops with lot's of people. We found the BowWow Pet store to get Baker some souveniers. Always a must do when traveling. Stopped at Starbucks for a few more souveniers then walked back to our hotel.
    Rested a bit then went to The Jack Horner restaurant for fish and chips. Had a delicious cider raspberry and pineapple drink. Hope we can find it at home.
    Walked back to our hotel and got ready to head towards the London Eye. Our reservation is for 8:30pm so we'll hang around in the area. Found a small shop with souveniers. Aisles were so narrow made it hard to look around.
    So many people around the area it was like Disneyland on a busy day. Line for the London Eye was very long. We tried getting tickets for a river cruise while we waited but they were all sold out.
    Found a bar/restaurant near by where we could hang out. Music was loud or was it just us being old farts. John got a beer and I just took sips of his. Glad he picked a delicious one.
    John got us Fast Track tickets so we were able to go thru security and right on to the pod. One must enter quickly as the pod is moving slowly. Views of London breathtaking as watching the sunset.
    We were lucky enough to quickly get a taxi and it was back to our hotel. Time to pack rearrange things in our bags to fly home tomorrow morning.

  • 日13

    A day in London

    2023年4月29日, イングランド ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    YaY we got to sleep in until 8am. We we're sure tired. This morning's itinerary is Buckingham Palace and whatever else we can squeeze in. Had breakfast around the corner for a crepe and latte'. Took a walk to catch a taxi to get us to the palace. Unfortunately, Uber's and taxis have many detours due to the city getting ready for the coronation. We took pics as we walked around the area then decided to take the On and Off Bus which took us around to see London's highlights. Took a taxi back to the area where we were originally picked up. I stopped and had my hair washed and styled. Needed it after sitting on the top.deck of the bus where we got some rain. Got great pics considering the weather. John also had his hair cut and beard trimmed at a cool small barber shop nearby.
    Enjoyed the Mad Hatter Afternoon Tea. We would of never guessed it was located in what looked like an old office building.
    Tea was good, sandwiches delicious and dessert to die for. Had the waiter sing happy birthday to me with a red velvet miniature cake surrounded by cotton candy. Delicious!
    We were able to meet up with Maddi Caldwell for a bit to say "hello" and catch up on her schooling and travel. So great seeing her.
    We then got ready for our musical Les Misérables at Sondheim Theater. Theater was small and beautiful.
    Stopped at our hotels restaurant for dinner. Not really what we wanted but it was the only place open with no line. All other restaurants were closing or very busy. Streets were filled with people & cars.
    Tomorrow is our last day of our vacation so we'll soak up as much as we can.

  • 日11

    Until next time BRASOV

    2023年4月27日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Packed up last night because this morning we woke up at 5am to have the square to ourselves. We wanted to get some photos without other people in it.
    We were out on the square by 6am. It was very, very cold 41 degrees felt like 4.
    Went back to our room changed clothes packed what we had on and got comfy.
    Walked over to Starbucks bought something hot to drink and hung out there for awhile. Walked around the square got some pics and bumped into our new friends we met on our tour to Bulgaria. We took photos together and of course got on each others FB. Lovely couple from New York both in the medical field.
    Went back to our room and decided to have breakfast there before our driver picked us up at 10:45am. A long morning already. Our driver Florin who lives in the mountains of Brasov was very nice and shared knowledge of the country with us. Scenery we saw on the way was beautiful green fields, cows, horses and sheep. Some of the towns we passed were nice other's were small with some work to be done on the homes.
    We arrived at Sibiu International Airport. It was a total of 3 hours. We arrived at the very small airport early. Thank goodness for Netflix.
    Loaded our plane on time and we are on a 3 hr flight to London. Arrived to foggy and rainy London. Picked up a taxi 2 hour drive to our hotel. John had to tell driver where to turn etc. Arrived at our hotel at 10pm. Not too happy with the hotel the room they gave us is nothing like the pictures on their website. John went downstairs spoke to manager and we got a bigger room but still looks nothing like we thought it would. It's now 11pm we are very tired. If it was earlier we would of looked for another hotel.
    Showered and got ready for bed boy were we tired. Tomorrow we go sightseeing.

  • 日10

    Tour today of Pele & Bran

    2023年4月26日, ルーマニア ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Excited about today as our tour starts at 8:30am. Woke up at 6:15am to get ready, have something for breakfast, get some cash and meet our tour guide.
    We decided to have breakfast at McDonald's. Not our first choice but it was open, warm and close to our pick up spot.
    Met our tour guide love when they're on time. Our first stop was Bran Castle. Absolutely beautiful on the outside and interesting on the inside. So many stairs and small stair walls. Some secret passages, some with nothing to hold on to but the walls, small steps, narrow and some absolutely not safe when wet. We made it thru and enjoyed it very much.
    Our next stop was Cetatea Rasnov a fortress which offered refuge to the towns people and villagers from the area in times of war. Pretty muddy walking up but the views were spectacular.
    Our next stop Pele's Castle. "WOW, just AMAZING. Beautiful on the outside, stunning on the inside. We were able to have lunch before starting our tour. John and I enjoyed mulled wine, hot cider, slices of pizza and a chocolate eclair.
    Loved that our guide got us ahead of the line. So many kids visiting and touring in Romania. We were only 6 including our guide which made it easy to maneuver around. The outdoors was just as beautiful as the inside. Luckily rain slowed down.
    Our tour ended at 4pm. We enjoyed the knowledge of our guide. Patient, nice, great driver and so knowledgeable.
    John and I relaxed for awhile and had an amazing dinner here at our hotel restaurant Wagner's Loft. Two drinks each, ceasar salad for John, french onion soup for me, a bone in ribeye 28 ounces, 2 potatoes and a lava cake to share all for $108. USD.
    Time to get our luggage ready as tomorrow we leave Brasov and go onto our last leg of the trip ~ London.

  • 日9

    Dracula Bound

    2023年4月25日, ルーマニア ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    Time to travel to our next city. We woke up early at 6am to have breakfast at the Sky Restaurant in our hotel. Waited for our private driver Theodore in the lobby. He arrived right on time ,of course it was raining. Traffic was really bad getting out of Bucharest. Once on the freeway we were good to go. Our driver stopped for a bathroom and snack stop.
    We bumped into our travel guide from our tour to Bulgaria. What are the chances. We talked to him for awhile and he gave us a must do while in Brasov. Such a nice man.
    The drive to Brasov was beautiful. So green. Reminded us of Mammoth. We arrived to our hotel at 1pm.
    Our room is big and full of antique furniture. Truly goes with the Brasov theme. Our view is spectecular and we're close to everything.
    Went out for a walk luckily the rain stopped. We truly get lucky with weather. Hoping and praying that's the case tomorrow for our tour.
    We enjoyed the beautiful Black Church. It's so close to our hotel. Did some shopping and walked through a beautiful park. Dinner was at DRACULAS RESTAURANT. Of course we went there because of the name. Great service John had ribs and I had some cabbage roll kinda meal. It was just OK. Loved the virgin Piña Colada.
    Walked around again after dinner and stopped at a few more shops. John bought a belt I bought some small souveniers.
    Had some gelato at a place just 3 doors down from our hotel. This could be dangerous.
    Back to the room, wash clothes and relax in the big tub.

  • 日8

    Last day in Bucharest.

    2023年4月24日, ルーマニア ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Slept in a little this morning. Woke.up to NO water in our room. The whole hotel has no water. Told us should be working in 15 minites then it was an hour. We didn't want to waste our day waiting so we used the water bottle in the fridge. Got ready and off we went. Walked to a monastery about a 20 minute walk. Beautiful morning it was 10am when we left our hotel.
    Stopped at Byro across the street from the park. Delicious italian cappuccinos, hummus, bread, eggs, bacon and beans. We shared it all and it was enough to keep walking.
    After the breakfast walked towards Carol I Park which had a beautiful fountain, statues and monuments. So beautiful and green.
    Kept walking and we reached the Parliament. Took a few pics then we looked for the area with the hanging umbrellas. Ended up at a little area with many restaurants and lounges. We ended up in Old Town so we sat and had a caprese salad and those delicious hungarian donuts. Sat there rested for awhile then off to fine the umbrellas.
    On the way we bumped into the Van Gogh Cafe had to go in and check it out. Found the hanging umbrellas took our pics then shopped at Old Town.
    Bumped into Starbucks, of course we had to stop. Cool drinks, water and rested our feet.
    We continued walking and ended up at a mall. Bought a few items at H&M for Paisley and John.
    Walked back to our hotel and guess what? STILL NO WATER. Hoping it's working by tonight. Tomorrow we have a private driver to take us to Brasov at 9am.
    Just resting and packing for the rest of the evening. Love having fresh fruit brought up to us for snacking on in our room.

  • 日7

    Day trip Bucharest to Ruse, Bulgaria

    2023年4月23日, ブルガリア ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    Woke up early enough to have breakfast at our hotel. Beautiful view from the Sky Restaurant. We walked what has become our usual walk downtown. Our van picked us up right on time which is always a great start. The drive from Bucharest to Ruse is 1 hour took maybe an additional 20 minutes to get thru border control. Line for truck drivers went back for miles.
    Ruse when we first drove across was not impressive. Looked very old and sad. We stopped for pictures by the danube river. We then walked through the neighborhood in which we came across a fortress that was closed so unable to see.
    We also were showed areas in which they dug into and found part of the fortress. That just stands as is nothing else being done. We then walked downtown to get to the underground church. History on the church was pretty interesting. We walked back down the main street and checked out a few stores. Many were closed due it it being sunday.
    We met for lunch which was delicious and a treat from our driver. Had great laughs with the couple from New York.
    Drive back to Bucharest took about 2 hours. One hour it took to get through border control. Saw puppies at the border to looked to be on their own. Saw their mom as we drove closer to border. Puppies were adorable.
    We had our driver drop us off at The Harp cute pub we enjoyed the night before. Had drinks food and took BOLT back to our hotel.

  • 日6

    From Budapest to BUCHAREST

    2023年4月22日, ルーマニア ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Woke up today with enough time to have breakfast at our hotel. Our shuttle arrived early so it was off to the airport.
    Checked in 1 bag (cuz yes we bought a suitcase) for souveniers.
    Our plane was to depart 11:50am of course it was delayed about 45 minutes. Luckly we weren't on any schedule. We were shuttled to our small plane which had only a few people on it cuz that's all there was room for. Small planes aren't my favorite but for an 1.5 hr flight I could hang. John kept telling me horror stories of propellers going out etc. I went to sleep until I had to get up to go to the bathroom. This bathroom was so small you couldn't turn in it. I was just grateful there was one on that small plane.
    We got a taxi at the airport our driver Michael was very nice and gave us info about what was going on in Bucharest.
    Arrived at our hotel had our delicious fruit delivered snacked on it then took a 20 minute walk to Old Town. Along the walk we had rain. We found a nice hungarian restaurant great food, service, dessert and music. So happy we stopped here.
    For 2 drinks, our main meals, bread pita like and hungarian donuts for $43.
    John was shocked!!
    We walked around Old Town lots of restaurants, bars and shops. People of all ages babies and older people like US.
    We stopped at a pub while we waited to get a taxi. John had a hungarian beer and I had a latte. Total for both $4.22.
    Our taxi arrived a nice young man whose dream is to go live in Los Angeles. He didn't understand why we chose Bucharest for vacation. We told him we didn't understand why he'd want to live in L.A. He reminded me alot of my godson Cameron. Arrived at our hotel got ready for bed as tomorrow we have a day trip to Ruse, Bulgaria.

  • 日5

    Last day in BudaPest

    2023年4月21日, ハンガリー ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    Today is our last day in Budapest. We started early to get a few stops before I finally get my haircut.
    We stopped opera house and took pics outside. It was closed so we didn't get to see the inside. A beautiful building. We then went and had breakfast at New York Cafe'. It was the most beautiful place I've ever had breakfast at. Service was amazing, professional and fast. Food and drinks were very good.
    It was off now to get my haircut. Stephen at Gabor Hair Salon & Cafe' Bar was so nice and professional. He has been cutting hair for 30+ years. We enjoyed talking with him and learning more about Budapest. He had a cafe' bar downstairs. It wasn't open so John had to stay for the cut and style.
    From there we went to the Jewish Synagogue. John was given a paper yarmulkes that wouldn't stay on his head. A bobbypin was given but.....John has no hair and it just wasn't staying on. Omgosh I was cracking up. Not a great place to be laughing. John was trying hard to keep it on his head but it just wouldn't stay. I told him I'd chew some gum real quick to keep it on his head. Luckily he only had to wear it in the synagogue. We left there after walking around. It was hard seeing pictures and realizing how many lives were lost in the same area where the Synagogue stands. We went to some other sights on our list and got them checked off. Lunch/dinner was at Hard Rock Cafe guess we'll try and hit them up in different countries. Did the ice bar here in Budapest. Yes it was cold but had good drinks and had fun.
    Did some shopping at the market place and shopping at the main center.
    Back to the hotel to rest and pack for our flight to Bucharest, Romania tomorrow.


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