WA Road Trip

April 2019 - June 2024
An open-ended adventure by Kaden Read more
Currently traveling
  • 78footprints
  • 1countries
  • 1,884days
  • 426photos
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  • 11.2kkilometers
  • Day 21

    Day 21 Western Australian Army Museum

    May 4, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Following the challenge of getting out of bed we drove down to a huge indoor market. After exploring the market we went to the Western Australian Army Museum. Out in front of the museum there was lots of tanks and armoured vehicles. Inside we learnt about WWI and WWII and all the wars ever since. What I found most interesting was the stories of men from war and all of the tanks/vehicles.
    Next we went shopping to get some supplies, and on the way back to the park we stopped at a 'Cat Cafe'... a cafe with live cats!
    As we didn't do much today I think we're done in Fremantle. Tomorrow we're leaving to go to the Pinnacles.
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  • Day 22

    Day 22 Fremantle to Cliff Head

    May 5, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Today we left Fremantle on our way to the Pinnacles, but we ended up passed the Pinnacles and are now at Cliff Head on the coast of the Indian Ocean.
    The first stop along the way was Lancelin where we hired some sand boards. We took our sand boards to Mount Extreme, which is an awesome place full of sand dunes. We hired two boards, one for standing up and one for sitting down. My favourite was the standing up board.
    Once we had conquered the sand dunes we went to the Pinnacles, which was pretty much just a bunch of cool shapes rocks in the middle of the desert.
    At the end of the day we arrived at an awesome free camp in Cliff Head. The waters edge was right at our front door. We went fishing and caught a salmon and the neighbours caught a big stingray. (My brother also claims that he 'caught' me in his sand trap!)
    Tomorrow we're going to have a look around Geraldton.
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  • Day 23

    Day 23 Cliff Head to Kalbarri

    May 6, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Today we woke up early to get to Kalbarri known for it's famous gorges and cliffs.
    Along the way we stopped at the interesting museum called the Museum of Western Australia in Geraldton. We learnt about two boats called the Batavia and the HMAS Sydney II. We also learnt about the local animals of Western Australia.
    After the museum we arrived in Kalbarri and booked a spot in the Anchorage caravan park.
    Tomorrow we're going to have a look around the town and go to a bird breeding centre called Rainbow Jungle.
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  • Day 24

    Day 24 Kalbarri

    May 7, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We explored Kalbarri today.
    To start off the day we all rode our bikes down to the jetty where there was a pelican feeding show. We each took turns of feeding the pelicans sardines.
    Next we went to the Kalbarri National Park where we walked to a big rock archway called 'Natures Window'. It was very impressive. Then we walked to 'Z bend lookout' which was a huge scenic gorge in the shape of 'Z'.
    Afterwards we went to a place called Rainbow Jungle. At the front there was a sun conure called 'Sunny'... just like my sun conure called 'Sunshine'! Inside there was lots of macaws, cockatoos, small and medium sized parrots, and lots of little finches. My favourite was the sun conures.
    After the Rainbow Jungle we went back to the caravan park to go for a swim and a walk down along the beach.
    Tomorrow we leave for Monkey Mia.
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  • Day 25

    Day 25 Monkey Mia

    May 8, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We left Kalbarri to get to our destination of Monkey Mia. We only stopped once along on the way at the Billabong Roadhouse.
    Once we arrived in Monkey Mia we booked in at the RAC Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort for the night. The first thing we did was go to the beach, but the water was very cold so I just sat in the sand.
    While Mum, Dad and Jessica were in the water a dolphin swam in between them, It was so close they could have even touched it!
    After they were done at the beach we relaxed by the pool with a mocktail. Then we washed up and got ready for dinner. Though it was expensive it was delicious.
    Tomorrow morning we will be going down to the beach to feed the dolphins. We will also drive down the road to Denham, the most western town on the mainland of Australia.
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  • Day 26

    Day 26 Shark Bay

    May 9, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    The first thing we did today was walk down to the beach to participate in a dolphin feeding activity. There was four dolphins altogether, two Mummy dolphins and two baby dolphins.
    In the first program we learnt from the Rangers about how the dolphins live and adapt to their surroundings. We also learnt that every single dolphin has a unique dorsal fin. At the end of the program volunteers came down with buckets of fish to feed the dolphins with. They selected only 8 people. Unfortunately none of us were chosen.
    After the first dolphin feeding program we went up to the gift shop to have a look inside, while we were in the gift shop we noticed that they were doing another dolphin feeding program so we went back down to participate again. When it was time to pick the 8 people, Jessica was lucky enough to get chosen and they invited Mum and I to help.
    The dolphin was so cute and amazing up close, her name was Piccolo.
    After feeding the dolphins we packed up and drove 30 minutes down the road to Denham. The first thing we did in Denham was drive down to Shark Bay to go to an aquarium. In the aquarium we learnt about lots of different marine animals including sharks, turtles, sea snakes, lionfish, squids, and stingrays. My favourite was a loggerhead turtle called Donatello.
    When we had finished in the aquarium we drove to the Peron heritage precinct. Inside was an old shearing homestead which featured a natural artesian hot spring which was 40 degrees... very hot!
    Once we had finished at the Peron heritage precinct we drove down to a beach nearby to cool off. Tomorrow we are leaving Denham to explore a place called Shell Beach.
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  • Day 27

    Day 27 Carnarvon

    May 10, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    This morning we left Denham to arrive at Carnarvon.
    Along the way we stopped twice. The first stop was at Shell Beach. This beautiful snow-white beach is made up of millions of tiny shells up to 10 metres deep and stretching for over 70 kilometres. There is no sand, only shells! The water was twice as salty as normal seawater. If you swam out you would be more buoyant.
    The second stop was Hamelin Pool where we saw stromatolites. The Hamelin Pool stromatolites are the oldest and largest living fossils on earth. Stromatolites are considered 'living fossils', part of the Earth's evolutionary history.
    Once we arrived in Carnarvon we explored the area and got some supplies.
    Before bed we played a card game called 'Cheat', where I learnt how to cheat.
    Tomorrow we're still in Carnarvon and we will be checking out the Space and Technology Museum.
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  • Day 28

    Day 28 Carnarvon

    May 11, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Today we were in Carnarvon.
    The first thing we did was go down to a local market looking for fly nets because there are so many annoying flies in the area. We sadly didn't find any fly nets!
    The next thing we did was check out the Science and Technology Space Museum. Inside we learnt about the Apollo 11 ,what it's like on the moon, and some plans for a lunar base on the moon in future. There were lots of interactive and informative displays and activities. My favourite was a simulator showing a spaceship lifting off.
    After the Science & Technology Space Museum we returned back to the caravan park to relax for the rest of the afternoon.
    Tomorrow we are planning to arrive in Quobba.
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  • Day 29

    Day 29 Quobba

    May 12, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    We left Carnarvon to drive to Quobba.
    The first stop was a place called 'the Blowholes'. The waves were humongous and there was a lot of daring seagulls everywhere.
    When we arrived the first thing we did was visit the Quobba beach where we went snorkelling and swimming with all the fish. Jessica and I also swam out to an island covered with seagulls, (and bird poo!)
    After we finished at the beach we set up at a free camp and tried to avoid the assault of flies.
    Tomorrow we're planning to arrive in Coral Bay
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  • Day 30

    Day 30 Coral Bay

    May 13, 2019 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Today we left Quobba to avoid the flies and to reach our destination of Coral Bay.
    Our first and only stop along the way was at a roadhouse where we finally found some fly nets for $7 each. We were so desperate that we had to get them. We would have paid more!
    Once we arrived in Coral Bay we booked into the Peoples Park caravan park which was very expensive but was located right on the beach. We went snorkelling and saw lots of different fish species and stingrays.
    When we got back we had haircuts, then we went out for dinner at the local Fin Cafe.
    Tomorrow we will still be in Coral Bay and I'm planning on doing more snorkelling.
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