Camino de Santiago

September 2022 - June 2024
A dream to be realized Read more
Currently traveling
  • 48footprints
  • 3countries
  • 649days
  • 285photos
  • 11videos
  • 3.8kkilometers
  • 1.4kkilometers
  • Day 1

    Camino de Santiago

    September 7, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Day 0 - Quick stopover in Konstanz, Germany first to visit some great friends. Off to France today ✈️

  • Day 3

    Day 1 - To Orisson

    September 9, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Day 1 - I started in St Jean Pied de Port, France and ended my day in Orisson. 8 km hike up the beautiful Pyrenees mountains. Today was not for the faint of heart; a challenge for even seasoned hikers, so I’m told. Breathtaking views. Arrived by noon so able to rest for the day. Every day from now on will be far longer. The photo of the mountains in the far distance is what faced me this morning. Raining and fog enhanced the challenge. But I did it!!!Read more

  • Day 4

    Day 2 - To Burgete

    September 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Day 2 - To Burgete. A beautiful sunrise greeted me this morning in Orisson. I left the Albergue at 7:45 am for day two of climbing the Pyrenees. I hiked about 19 km; 70-75% was uphill… again!! I finally reached the summit of 1429m elevation. St Jean, where I started on day one, is 166m. That shows how much I had to climb in two days!! Although it’s awfully difficult going up for such long distances, and carrying a pack weighing 12-15 pounds, I was blessed with amazingly gorgeous landscapes again today. I was able to visit the statue of the Virgin Mary. What a magnificent view she has! Temperature reached about 30°C. Another blessed day!Read more

  • Day 5

    Day 3 - To Zubiri

    September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Day 3 -To Zubiri
    Today was a bit more pleasant. I managed
    17 km again and it was more level with some ascent and descent.
    1/2 or 2/3 of the way was paths within the forest so much better than the direct sun. And it was beautiful. My body is holding up really well. Just my toes get sore. When we arrived in Zubiri we walked over a bridge entering the town, so once we were checked into our Albergue we went to soak our burning, aching feet in the creek. It was wonderful!! Hot shower at the end of the day feels real good for muscle overuse, but can’t even describe how good the cold water felt on the feet! Our path is marked to show the way. We follow either a clam-shell type picture or a yellow or blue arrow. And sometimes they are not very distinguishable. I have taken a wrong turn a few times and luckily backtracked before I was too far. Included is a picture that shows how subtle signs can be; two of them in the photo. Sometimes they are more obvious than others, so we sure have to keep alert.Read more

  • Day 6

    Day 4 - To Pamplona

    September 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    Day 4 - To Pamplona
    Just as I arrived in Zubiri via a bridge yesterday, I left town on the same bridge. This bridge is called “Rabies Bridge”. An old tradition has it that if a dog was walked 3 times over the bridge it was believed to be protected from rabies. Legend from the 15th century says that builders dug into the rock to place a pillar and found a woman’s embalmed body. Santa Quiteria, patron saint against rabies. “When she was being transported to Pamplona to be buried, her body miraculously refused to budge from this spot, so her processional assumed it was a sign that she wished to be buried along the pilgrim road” (Camino De Santiago village to village guide, 2022).
    Today was a very difficult day! I hiked 20.6 km in 36°C searing heat. There was pockets of shade here and there, but not a lot. My water warmed up quickly in my pack. I had to rest far more often today, especially while walking in the direct sun. I became fatigued very easily. I was nauseous and constantly felt over-exerted, at one point thinking I wasn’t going to be able to make it to my destination of Pamplona. We have had a few people drop already, this early, from heat overexertion. So I was actually a little concerned. But I went very slow and tried my best to keep water in me, although it made me even more nauseous. I also tried to take a few bites of food now and then. And I took advantage of resting in the shade whenever I could find some. I went past a creek and the temptation to jump in was almost overwhelming! Not a lot of pictures today; I had to focus on myself. And by God’s grace, I did it!! Presently I’m in Pamplona. I have decided to take a rest day, tour the city, and regroup for tomorrow’s hike. So I’m here for 2 nights.
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  • Day 7

    Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona

    September 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona
    Today I had a rest day. Or so I thought. But I ended up walking 10 to 12 km throughout the day. I visited a beautiful church! A famous Catholic in Pamplona called “Catedral de Santa María la Real de Pamplona”. So beautiful, as Catholic churches are! I also shopped for a bag to send some of my overpacking to Santiago to wait for me. It was a nice break.Read more

  • Day 8

    Day 6 - To Puente la Reina

    September 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Day 6 -To Puente la Reina - 24.1 km 28°C
    Today was a lot of uphill again, and sunny. But it was really quite windy so kept the day tolerable. Pleasant….other than bucking the wind. Hard enough without that.
    People on the trail are absolutely amazing!Everyone cares about everyone else and always ready to help. Like one gigantic family from all over the world. I’ve heard this before, and have discovered it to be true.
    I fell yesterday. Nothing serious. A knee abrasion. I guess I lost my focus on the path which was very rocky, and down I went. About 5 people pounced on me to help. One from Scotland, at least 2 from Switzerland, and possibly the other 2 as well. They helped me up (a feat in and of itself with the heavy pack), handed me wipes to clean my knee, and kept offering any help at all. When I convinced them I was fine, as they were leaving one man said “we are all here to help each other!” Later in the day I saw them further along the path and, after asking how I was, one of the guys said “we’re keeping an eye on you”. Lol. So special!
    Beautiful views as always. A lot of farmland. A bunch of metal statues in honor of pilgrims. On yeah, and an interesting vending machine; only on the Camino!!
    Another blessed day!
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  • Day 9

    Day 7 - To Estella

    September 15, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Day 7 - To Estella
    22 km; 25°C
    My guidebook offers a difficulty rating for each stretch of the path. Today was rated at 2/3.
    Puente La Reina was a beautiful quaint little town, a typical European village. I love the old buildings!
    Along the way to Estella I came upon this restful place of tranquility, in the middle of nowhere. Free snacks and refreshments (hopefully a donation offered). A place to exchange things no longer needed…, books, etc. A sign with a sobering thought as I left. Still 676 km to go!
    I happened upon a
    “Trail Angel” providing water, wine and snacks at no change. Bless the angels! Then finally arrived in Estella!
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  • Day 10

    Day 8 - To Los Arcos

    September 16, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Day 8 - To Los Arcos
    21.6 km; Temp 21-22°C;
    Difficulty rating 2/3.
    A sidenote, if you click on the map at the top of my trip and then zoom in you will see each stop I make.

    This morning only 3 km out of Estella was an amazing wine fountain!
    “Bodegas Irache”. I am well into the wine vineyards now, and I went through more beautiful forest paths today. Notice the yellow arrow on the tree, guiding our way. A church atop a mountain has me wondering why it was built there and how many people actually attend. I was lucky enough to hear the bell ringing from such a vast distance.
    The intense walking every day makes me thankful for my water being so accessible; that I don’t have to search/reach for it. Alas I arrived in Los Arcos. It was so quiet!! I guess it was still siesta time. But the guard dog was on duty. There was a really amazing church in Los Arcos where I hoped to attend. But there was no mass yesterday. So I lit candles.
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