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  • Dag 20

    Over and out

    19. marts 2023, Schweiz ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    We are back in Switzerland where our journey and this blog comes to an end. If you want to hear some more stories - hit us up! We're more than happy to tell you more about our adventures in person! Thank you for keeping up with us and we hope you enjoyed our little journal.
    - Ray & Sina

    Mir sind zrugg ide Schwiiz und somit endet üsi Reis und au de Blog. Wies sich für Reisendi ghört, werdemer ide folgende Zit nume vo Sumatra verzelle. Also wenner Froge hend oder no meh Gschichte wönd ghöre - nume no so gern! Danke vill mool dasser üsi Textli so flissig glese, gliked und kommentiert hend, I hoff sie hend eu gfalle.
    Bis uf es anders Mool!
    - Ray & Sina
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  • Dag 19

    Time to say goodray...

    18. marts 2023, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Goodbye Singapore, goodbye Southeast Asia. Thank you for all the memories. We've had a blast. See ya next time!🥰

    Tschüss Singapur, tschüss Südostasie. Danke vill mool für all die schöne Begegnige und die viele Erinnerige. Mir werded uf jede Fall retour cho!🥰Læs mere

  • Dag 18

    Singapore Day 2

    17. marts 2023, Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    The first thing on our list today was going back to the Gardens by the Bay and visiting the cloud dome (the one with the waterfall) and the flower dome (the one with the flowers?). In the afternoon we both enjoyed some me time. Ray at the gym and I went on a little shopping trip. As this was the last evening (outside of the airplane) of our whole journey we've decided to have dinner on the 40th floor Skybar at Artemis Grill. In the middle of the Financial District, with a great view on Marina Bay an German music (Cro) we've enjoyed an enormously tasty meal. What an perfect ending of this amazing trip🥰

    Als Ersts hemmer hüt wieder de Weg zude Gardens by the Bay uf us gnoh, zum die zwei Attraktione "Cloud Dome" (de mit em Wasserfall) und "Flower Dome" (de mit Pflanze, aber ohni Wasserfall) go bestuune. Am Nomitag simmer noch meh als zwei Wuche s erste mool trennti Weg gange. De Ray is Fitness und ich go Lädele. Will hüt scho üse letscht Obig (usserhalb vomene Flugzüg) ahgstande isch, hemmer üs entschiede ide Skybar ufem 40ste Stock im Artemis Grill go Znacht esse. Zmizt im Bankeviertel, mitene prächtige Usblick über d Marina Bay und dütscher Musig (Cro) hemmer e sehr feins Menü dörfe gnüsse. Was für en perfekte Abschluss für üsi wunderbar Reis🥰
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  • Dag 18

    Hello Singapore!

    17. marts 2023, Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Our last stop before we go back home is the city of Singapore. Our flight from Medan was 70 minutes short and we've managed to get to our hostel only by public just as we're used to at home. With its many gardens, cleanliness and how we are treated by the locals, we clearly got a little reverse culture shock by this beautiful city. We spent the rest of the day with a little shopping tour followed by a first trip to the marina bay area which we will discover even more tomorrow.

    Üse letscht Halt vors für üs wieder uf de Heiweg goht isch de Stadtstaat Singapur. De Flug vo Medan isch mit sinne 70 Minute sehr churzwiilig gsi und üses lässige Hostel in little India hemmer fast wie dehei, nur mitem ÖV, denn erfolgrich erreicht. Im Verglich zu de Hauptstadt vo Sumatra hemmer do in Singapur gad scho en erste umkehrte Kulturschock erlebt. No akribischer wie bi üs (und mit hohe Buesse wemmer di teils spezielle Gsetz nöd ihaltet) wird i dere Stadt uf Suberkeit und vorbildlichs beneh gachtet. De restlich Tag hemmer mitere chlinne Shoppingtour und ahschlüssend miteme erste bestune vode Marina Bay Gegend und de Gardens by the Bay (wommer morn no chli gnäuer gönd go ahluege) usklingeloh.
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  • Dag 16

    Medan zum Zweite

    15. marts 2023, Indonesien

    We luckily have had our very last car transfer from Parapat (Lake Toba) to Medan today. Only a few blocks apart but way more comfortable is our second hotel in Medan which we've not only chosen by its name (Swiss Bel Inn) rather than by its reviews on Walking through the streets of the capital of Sumatra we found us being a lot more confident and less annoyed by the stares of the locals as we did exactly 2 weeks ago. I guess we're used to feel like zoo animals by now😅 After two weeks of noodles and rice Ray was more than happy to be able to order a pizza for dinner before we spend our very last night in Sumatra.

    Glücklicherwiis isch de hütig Autotransport vo Parapat (Lake Toba) zrugg uf Medan de letscht gsi uf üsere Reis. Über d Rezensione uf hemmer passenderwiis s Hotel Swiss Bel Inn gfunde wo nur es paar strössli witer isch, aber viiiiiiel en höchere Komfort bütet, wie üses erste Hotel do in Medan. Fertig ihgrichtet und de Ray frisch massiert, simmer denn nomol echli dur d Stadt gloffe und hend üs scho vill sicherer und weniger fest ahgstarrt gfühlt wie vor genau 2 Wuche, aber vilicht hemmer üs au eifach a üses Zootierdasein gwöhnt😅. Noch 2 Wuche Nudle und Ris het sich de Ray e feini Pizza zum z Nacht gönnt, vor üsi letscht Nacht do in Sumatra ahbricht.
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  • Dag 15

    Lake Toba mitem Roller

    14. marts 2023, Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    The latest news report that Tom Lüthi has been seen at lake Toba. Witnesses do also report about the girl sitting on the back of Lüthis scooter. Sina, that's her name, started the journey that day with plain white skin and finished in style... red like a tomato. Sina and Lüthi aka Ray have been seen driving around lake toba with horrendous speed. They started their trip with the hunt for an ATM, which they luckely found quiet fast. Now equiped with loads of cash and huge driving-skills (talking about Ray) they went on to visit two museums for local architecture and culture. Altough the museums haven't been that informative the looks have been impressive. At the end of the trip the driving star and his girlfriend visited a stunning waterfall as you can see above. FOR FURTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT TOBA CATASTOPHE THEORY ASK GEOGRAPHY TEACHER RAY #toofastforpolice#Baliflashback#BOTTLENECK

    Die neuste Nochrichte meldet bereits d'Sichtig vom Tom Lüthi uf sim Roller am Tobasee. Er düst det anschiinend mit sinere Fründin de Sina dur gegend. Die starchi Sunneistrahlig am Äquator het für de Lüthi aka de Ray so einigi Vorteil. Bispilswiis dient ihm dSina noch em hütige Usflug ufgrund vo ihrer scho fast lüchtend roter Hutfarb für de rest vo de Ferie als Laternli.
    De hütig Usflug het gstartet mit de jagt nochemne Bankautomat wo au funktioniert. Kum isch de gfunde gsi hend sich dSina und de Ray mit unglaublichem Fahrkönnen (also nur de Ray) und Millionebeträg ah Geld uf de Weg i richtig Museum gmacht. Noch zwei Bsüech i Musee über Architektur und Kultur isch de abschlüssendi Trip zum Wasserfall agstande, wie obe ersichtlich isch.
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  • Dag 14

    En wiitere Reisetag

    13. marts 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    6 hours. In the car. Again. We are both happy to spend a whole day exploring Samosir Island tomorrow. We feel lile the cat on the table above and say Selamat Tilur (Good night)! 🤗

    Auf ein Neues... 6 Stund im Auto. Mir sind beidi glücklich morn en ganze Tag chöne d Umgebig vo Samosir chöne ahzluege. Mir fühled üs wie de Büsi ufem Föteli obedra und veraschieded üs für hüt. Selamat Tilur! (Guet Nacht)! 🤗Læs mere

  • Dag 13

    Byebye Tailana

    12. marts 2023, Indonesien ⋅ 🌩️ 26 °C

    Today we said goodbye to our little Island Tailana and Clara the cat. Another 6 hours by boat we now stay one more night in Singkil before we leave for Lake Toba tomorrow.

    Hüt hemmer üsere chlinne Insle und de Clara (em herzige Büsi) wieder müesse Tschüss sege. Nochere witere 6-stündige Bootsreis blibemer jetzt nomol ei Nacht in Singkil, vors denn morn an Tobasee goht.Læs mere

  • Dag 12

    Insel Hopping

    11. marts 2023, Indian Ocean ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Todays adventure was an island hopping tour with one of our host. Tailana is one of the Pulau Banyak wich translated are 'The hundred Islands". If you have a quick look at google maps you will see many tiny "Robinson Crusoe" Islands. Three of them have been visited by us today. Next to all of them were beautiful reefs and multicolored fish including some Nemos. Eventhough the weather wasn't as beautiful and with less sunburn potential than yesterday, we've soaked up all the beauty this place has to show.

    A special highlight waited for me after our last dinner (fish of course) when I was finally allowed to pet the cat that followed us everywhere. Thanks Ray🥰

    Am hüttige Tag het e Island-Hopping-Tour mit eim vo üse Gastgeber uf üs gwartet. Tailana isch ei Insle vode Pulau Banyak, wa übersetzt so vill wie "Hundert Insle" bedütet. Wennd schnell uf Google Maps güggslisch, gsehsch ganz vill chlinni "Robinson Crusoe"-Inseli. 3 vo dene hemmer hüt dörfe betrachte und eini vo dene het tatsächlich nume ei Kokospalme druf gha. Nebet allne Insle hets wunderschöni Riff inklusive es paar Nemos womer via Schorchel sind go bestune. Trotz em weniger (für Sunnebrand) guetem Wetter hemmer a üsem letschte volle Tag a dem unglaublich schöne Fleckli Erde alli Idrück regelrecht ufgsugt.

    E speziells Highlight vo dem Tag het noch em Znacht (wie all di letschte Moolzite hets natürli wieder Fisch geh) uf mi gwartet. I han endli dörfe de Büsi strichle wo üs scho sit Tag eis wie en Schatte verfolgt het. Danke Ray🥰
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  • Dag 11

    Tailana Island

    10. marts 2023, Indian Ocean ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    As we don't have a lot to tell you about today, here are some facts about Tailana Island:
    • 7 acres big
    • 20 minutes to walk around it
    • 6 huts to rent
    • 5 workers and 2 cats live here
    • 1 outdoor gym
    • 8 AM - 1 PM & 5 PM - 10 PM electricity
    and we are the only two visitors at the moment and enjoying it to the fullest 😊

    Für üs isch hüt gmüetlichs Schnorchle, Sünnele, Lese und eifach echli si ufem Prgramm gstande. Wellmer eu drum nüt würkli spannends chönd verzelle do es paar Zahle zude Insle Tailana:
    • 7 Hektar gross
    • 20 Minute zum sie umrunde
    • 6 Hüsli fürd Gäst
    • 5 Gastgeber/Arbeiter und 2 Chatze lebed do
    • 1 Outdoor-Fitness hets
    • 8.00 - 13.00 Uhr & 17.00 - 22.00 Uhr Elektrizität
    und mir sind di einzige zwei Gäst momentan und gnüsseds i volle Züg😊
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