
Mei - Disember 2019
May 2019 Baca lagi
  • 71footprint
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  • Hari 55

    A sunny day for a long long drive..

    24 Jun 2019, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Another early start this morning and I headed straight for Ovens Natural Park to do the sea cave trail. It was a relatively quick stop with it being a short trail but it was cool getting to go further down into the sea caves. I jumped in the car and drove to the UNESCO World Heritage town of Lunenburg. It is very pretty, you can see why it has the reputation it does. I spent a few hours wandering and enjoyed some fish and chips for lunch overlooking the harbour before jumping back in the car and driving to Peggy’s Cove lighthouse. At first when I was arriving, I thought to myself - this is a long drive just to see a lighthouse... but when I arrived I could see just why it had become so famous. The boulders around the lighthouse separating the land from the sea were just so fascinating! There was even a bagpiper playing there!! Then I faced a 6 hour(ish) drive up to Pleasant Bay on the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton. It was a long drive but I made it before dark and got my bed in ‘the bunkhouse’.Baca lagi

  • Hari 56

    Cabot Trail Day 1

    25 Jun 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    I took on 3 hikes today - 8.4km, 7.5km and a short 0.5km one to finish a day of hiking! For a novice hiker, the first one was a challenge but enjoyable and well worth it for the views at the top! There was another warning for black bears in the area but I didn’t come across any while I was there. Arriving at the second trail, there was a gathering of people...not far from the trail was a moose just minding it’s own business eating the trees! Unfortunately it didn’t want it’s face in the picture!! I treated myself to a lobster roll for dinner and watched the sunset from Pleasant Bay beach! What a day! Everyone I told I was coming here told me how beautiful the island is, but nothing really prepares you for it’s beauty, especially when the sun is shining! Tomorrow I will drive the rest of the Cabot Trail and maybe take on another couple of hikes along the way.Baca lagi

  • Hari 57

    Cabot Trail Day 2

    26 Jun 2019, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    I set off to finish the Cabot Trail and made a few stops along the way - first was a beautiful place called White Point which had been recommended to me by a few people. There was a trail to hike from the small fishing village and it was well worth it for the views, and I more or less had the place to myself! Then I stopped at Neil’s Harbour, Ingonish Beach where I took a trail around the lake which was nice and easy! My whole body hurt from all the driving and hiking the days before!! My last 2 stops were Sydney where the largest fiddle in the world is, and then the Fortress of Louisbourg which was very interesting. I finally made my way to my hostel for my final night on Cape Breton. The last picture was the view from the hostel, it has to be the nicest one I’ve stayed in so far!Baca lagi

  • Hari 60

    Happy Birthday to me!

    29 Jun 2019, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    I arrived in Halifax on Thursday afternoon and it was grey and wet, and just not very nice after the lovely days I’d had on my road trip, but I got checked into my hostel and went to visit the Citadel. I found out that one of my friends from Newfoundland was making her way to Halifax so she arrived at my hostel a little later that evening, it was nice to catch up with her. I was all prepared for spending my birthday alone but she changed her plans so we spent the day together exploring Halifax. I think we walked around the whole city!! We had cake for breakfast and ice cream for dinner - we did have some actual food for lunch when the sun came out! It turned into a really fun day! Today, I decided to extend birthday celebrations and had cake for breakfast again 🙈 I then went on a tour of the Alexander Keith brewery which was a lot of fun! It was really interesting - he learned how to brew beer in Scotland and England, and today they still import some of the ingredients from Scotland to make their beer! Finally, on my last night in Halifax I had a lovely dinner in a restaurant called Lot Six. I started with a gin cocktail (what else?!) and then had cod followed by date was so yummy! I’ve definitely been spoiled with the amazing food this province has to offer!Baca lagi

  • Hari 70

    A short stay in Burlington

    9 Julai 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    After my time out East I headed back to Burlington for 10 days which went so fast!! I had lots of cuddles with Ruben and lots of play time with Arlo, and also helped with lots of packing for Sarah and Stevie moving back to Scotland. I even had time to meet some of the great friends I’d made while I’d been living there which was lovely! Next adventure...a 3 day train journey to Jasper.Baca lagi

  • Hari 71

    Train Day 1

    10 Julai 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Well my day didn’t have the best of starts...the train was delayed for 6 hours! Apparently one of the the train cars had fallen off the tracks so they had to replace the wheels. I guess it’s better that it happened before we were on it!! So we finally set off from Toronto making our way west. I settled into my cabin briefly and then headed to the Skyline car where they were serving champagne and canapés...very fancy! And already I’ve met people and had lots of interesting conversations! Dinner time!! - the service was impeccable! You get a 3 course meal included in all sleeper fares so I’ll be eating like a queen for the next few days! Tonight I had clam chowder, beef and chocolate caramel torte. I finished my day sitting in the dome car where the whole ceiling is glass, and the activity coordinator gave us a talk about the wildlife we might see along the way!Baca lagi

  • Hari 72

    Train Day 2

    11 Julai 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We woke up to a different time zone, although actually still in Ontario. Apparently it throws the dining car and their service off if we change our clocks when we actually move into the next province during the day. Ontario looks big on a map, but when you travel through the whole province, you really get a sense of how big it actually is and there really are hundreds of thousands of lakes!! I skipped breakfast because I was still so full from dinner last night. I spent some time in the dome car again, and then went for an earlyish brunch - lobster ravioli! Then I tried to have a nap as I didn’t sleep well last night and I was up in time to join in the beer tasting! Later I enjoyed a chat about Winnipeg’s history and a few places we could have visited on our layover there if we weren’t going to be arriving in the middle of the night! Dinner soon followed...I was hungry so only 1 photo tonight 🙈 (Garden vegetable soup, trout and creme brûlée) I was sat at a table with a fun bunch of people so it was a very entertaining dinner. Fingers crossed for a better sleep tonight 🤞🏻!Baca lagi

  • Hari 73

    Train Day 3

    12 Julai 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    As I went to bed last night there was a huge lightening was kinda of scary! Nonetheless I managed to get to sleep! I woke up in Winnipeg, Manitoba in the middle of the night (a lot later than scheduled) so decided not to get off the train and just go back to sleep! I woke up and was actually hungry for breakfast so headed to the dining car for the continental breakfast. We were all pleased to hear the announcement that they’d made up some time and now only 2 hours behind schedule, which for this train is quite normal. Basically the freight companies own the tracks so they get priority over any passenger trains which is the reason for the delays along the way. I missed the whole of Manitoba as we passed through it during the night but I woke to the completely different landscape of Saskatchewan! We had a stop in Saskatoon and then carried on for Alberta. This afternoon after brunch was wine tasting! Another fun activity 😊 and today was a good day for wildlife - I saw a pelican, coyote, moose, a few deer and some bison! Another evening and another tasty dinner (butternut squash soup, cod and cheesecake).Baca lagi

  • Hari 74

    Finally made it to Calgary

    13 Julai 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    When I went to bed I was expecting to arrive into Jasper maybe 2-3 hours late which would work out perfectly for picking up the hire car. When I woke up, I found out we were running 7 hours late 😳 Oh well...there could definitely be worse places to be stuck than in the middle of the Rockies! So I made the most of it and filled my belly with more delicious food before we finally arrived into Jasper 7.5 hours late! I picked up the hire car - this time I got a cheeky upgrade and bagged myself a Rav-4! I set off on my 4.5 hour drive to Calgary and what a drive it was! The only way to go is through the Icefields Parkway and you can’t help but be blown away by the scenery. I took a quick stop when I saw some big horned sheep and then again at a a beautiful lake and finally made it to the hostel by 9pm. Stampede time tomorrow!!Baca lagi

  • Hari 75

    Rodeo ready!

    14 Julai 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    I was looking forward to the Calgary Stampede for a while, and it did not disappoint! I had my plaid shirt and bought myself a cowboy hat so I was ready for the rodeo! The day started with a stampede breakfast - they are held all over the city and are free! There is so much to see and do in the show grounds. I took a wander round, grabbed some food and then took my seat for the rodeo. As it was the last day of the stampede, this was the big day for finals and big prize money! There were a number of events and the top prize was $100,000 for each event! After the rodeo I went to look at the livestock and they even had an alpaca!! I had some more food 🙈 then took my seat for the chuckwagon finals and the final evening show. It really was a fabulous show and has made me more excited for volunteering on the Ranch next month! 🐴Baca lagi