
марта - апреля 2023
Malaysia go unsicher mache mitme Abstecher uf Thailand zum Fischli bestune.
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  • День 10

    City in green hills

    2 апреля 2023 г., Малайзия ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Our next stop is Ipoh, a little town in a hilly area with lots of greens and hardly any skyscrapers.
    After dropping our baggage at the hotel we strolled through our quater which once again had really impressive streetart. After a while we passed by a cozy restaurant called Flufff were we had some noodles with a tasty mushroom sauce.
    Then we were ready to see Kek look Tong. It is a buddist temple built into a cave ending in a park in between the limestone hills. So nice to see this spiritual place being embedded into such a natural spot of calm.
    Tired and hungry we then returned to our hotel to enjoy a Japanese style dinner. We then called it a day and fell asleep while watching the soccer game in our hometown from afar on our cell phones.
    Üse nöchsti churzi Zwischestop hemmer in Ipoh verbrocht. E chlinere Stadt, mit viel weniger Hochhüser und ganz viel grüene Hügel. Nochdem mer üses Gepäck bim Hotel abgeh hend, hemmer üs uf de weg gmacht, s quartier azluege. Au do hets wieder verschiedeni Streetart gha, wo sehr beidruckend gsi sind. Nocheme Zittli simmer denn bim Restaurant Flufff verbi cho, womers üs nöd hend chöne neh loh, ine z go. Richtig chic und gmüetlich hets usgseh.
    Nochdem mer üs gstärkt hend simer de Kek Look Tong Tempel go aluege. Er isch ine Felsehöli ine Baue worde wod, wennd dure laufsch, hine bime Pärkli usechunsch. Es isch e sehr idrücklichs Erlebnis gsi.
    Müed und Hunrig simmer denn retour is Hotel, hend bim interne Restaurant sehr feini japanischi Chuchi gnosse und denn de Obig mit Fuessball luege angrundet.
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  • День 11

    From 35°C to 24°C

    3 апреля 2023 г., Малайзия ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    We started the morning with a rich breakfast at a restaurant called Plan B. They offer the best chai latte there. At about 1 pm we took a mini van from Ipoh up into the Cameron highlands which was about a 3 hour drive gaining about 1400 meters in height. We switched to long sleve clothing since the temperatures felt much colder (24°C) compared to what we experienced the days before.
    The Cameron Highlands are the largest tea producing region of malaysia. At the advice of our taxi driver we visited Cameron valley tea house 1 and its plantation.
    After a walk through the plants we had a cup of tea and a piece of cake. With the relatively mild weather conditions here it is strawberry season all year around. We would have liked to pick some strawberries ourselfes but due to ramadan the platations were already closed an hour earlier. On the Way back our taxi driver has found us a spot at the side of the road where we were able to buy some strawberries.
    Back in Taman Ratha we walked trough the ramadan bazar to buy some local food which we enjoyed on our hotel balcony. After a short break we headed back to town for dinner. We took a very delicios tandori chicken and naan bread and enjoyed the evening.
    De Morge hemmer gnutzt zum wiedermoll riiichtig zmörgele. Im Plan B in Ipoh hemmer denn chli Ziit verbricht, fein zmörgelet und de besti Chai Latte trunke. Nochem Mittag is für üs denn au scho witer gange. Mitm Mini Van simmer vo Ipoh id Cameran Highlands gfahre. Knapp 3h hemmer für das brucht, hend über 1440 Höhemeter gmacht und hend üsi lange Pullis müesse azieh, wells do eifach moll uf 24°C abe isch 😅 nochdem mer üses chline Appartement bezoge hend, hemmer vome Taxi Fahrer de Vorschlag becho, dass mer zum Cameron Vally House 1 söllet go. Döt hemmer denn d Teeplantage agluegt und no en ihrimische Tee trunke und es Chuechestückli gesse. Do die Iheimische fastet, hed leider d Erdbeerplantage scho gschlosse gha, womer ane gfahre sind. Üse Taxifahrer het aber denn ufem heiweg sehr spontan ni ame Stand ghalte, damit mir die feine Erdbeeri hend chöne poste. Zrugg in Tanah Rata simmer denn no gmüetlich über de Ramadan Bazar gschlenderet und hend üs no paar Köstlichkeite mitgno, womer denn samt de Erdbeeris uf üsem Balkon hend chöne gnüsse.
    Nocheme Päuseli simmer denn au no is Resti und hend ganz feins Tandori Chicken und Naan Brot gesse. Definitiv e gueti Entscheidig gsi.
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  • День 12

    And into the forest we go...

    4 апреля 2023 г., Малайзия

    Today we started our day at 7 am to get ready for our trip into Taman negara rain forest. Starting at Cameron highlands we had a 3.5 hour drive with the mini Van to get to Kuala Tembling where we had lunch and switched to the riverboat. The boat trip on Sunglai Tembling took us 2 hours to get to Kuala Tahan. At our resort we took some rest and then did a walk through the nearby rainforest.
    A staff member told us that just in december an elefant strolled trough the resort and even broke some water pipes during his visit. So it was quite an uncomfortable feeling to find such sized poop on our afternoon walk through the wild.
    After a cozy dinner we had a guided night jungle walk. The guide pointed out many diffrent types of insects, some flourescent scorpions🦂, spiders🕷, millipeds🐛, gigantig ants🐜 and even a baby snake 🐍. It was great that within only about 750 meters from the resort there was so much wildlife to see.
    Bereits vor em 7ni het üse Wecker glütet. Hüt morge is für üs entli in richtige Urwald gange. Damit mer aber det hi cho sind, hemmer zerst mitm Mini Van 3.5h müesse noch Kuala Tembling fahre. Det hemmer denn en Zmittag gnosse, bevor mer mitm Boot 2h lang ufem Sunglai Tembling noch Kuala Tahan gfahre sind. I üsem wunderschöne Resort hemmer denn zerst moll chli entspannt und d Umgebig erkundet. En Mitarbeiter vo do het üs verzellt, dass im Dezember letscht Johr en Elefant durs Resort spaziert isch hend und sogar Wasserleitige kaputt tramplet het. Es bitz es mulmigs Gfühl hemmer denn scho becho, womer gwüssi Hinterlasseschafte vo Elefante ufem Weg entdeckt hend.
    Nocheme feine Znacht simmer denn au scho uf üsi erst richtig Aktivität gange. Mer hend mitm Guide en Night Jungle Walk gmacht. Mer hend unteranderem Skorpione🦂, Spinne🕷, Tusigfüessler🐛, riese Ameise🐜 und sogar e Baby Schlange gseh. 🐍 es isch sehr idrücklich gsi, was alles so nöch a üs isch, obwohl mers gar nöd gseh hend.
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  • День 13

    A sweaty hike through the jungle

    5 апреля 2023 г., Малайзия

    Once again we had a really busy day today. At 9:30 am we started our rainforest trekking tour together with our group and three guides. After a quick briefing we began on a nicely paved way but soon got deeper and deeper into the jungle. Following our fist hour of hiking we arrived at the canopy walk, which are multiple connected suspension bridges at some spots more than 10 meters up in the trees.
    We continued our hilly hike through the humid and hot woods of Taman Negara forest. Sometimes we were climbing over fallen trees and sometimes grabing on to roots to go up or down. We were constantly sweating but that didn't bother us or our new friends who added the right ammount of humor to this experience. We then had a short lunch break before our journey continued. Finally after more than 4 hours of hiking we arrived at the beautiful Waterfall with crystal clear water. A quick refreshing dip later we started our way back when slight rain set in. In difference to the rain at home it was a lot warmer and way more comfortable. Since we were already soaking in sweat this was a nice refreshment. Our hike ended at a nice sandy river bench where we got picked up by a boat.
    Our Boat driver purposely steered the boat into some rapids which was fun and got us even more wet. But whatever we have already been wet for most of our day 😅
    Our last quick stop was at an aborigine Village where they showed us some of their hunting and fire making traditions.
    We then returned tired but with lots of great memories to our resort and enjoyed dinner and a drink with our newly met friends.

    Au hüt hemmer wieder en ereignisriche Tag gha. Am halb 10i hemmer es Treffe gha mit üsre Gruppe und üsne drü Tour Guides, wo mit üs es Trekking hend wölle mache. Nochem Briefing simmer denn au scho los glaufe. Zerst hets no Wägli gha, womer schö gmüetlich hend chöne laufe. Doch bald simmer denn würkli in Urwald ine. Noch eppe enere Stund simmer denn bi üsem erste Halt acho, em Canopy Walkway. Das isch e Art Baumwipfelpfad gsi, wo teils bis zu 10 Meter überm Bode isch. Denoh hemmer üs witer uf de Weg in Urwald ine gmacht. Moll is steil ufe gange, moll steil abe und debi is immer e saumässigi Hitz gsi. Doch da het üs und üsi neue Bekanntschafte nöd gstört sondern het s ganze sehr humorvoll gmacht. Noch de 12i hemmer denn üsen Proviant verspiese und sind denn au witer gange. Um di halbi 3, jo mer sind würkli uuuh lang glaufe, simmer denn bim zweite Ziel acho. En mega schöne und erfrischende Wasserfall. Nocheme Zittli simmer denn aber witer, well ganz am End vo üsere Trekking Tour simmer denn au noni gsi. Womer witerglaufe sind, hets denn au no agfange regne. Es het üs aber nöd gstört, well d Abchüelig richtig guet tue het. Am Ufer acho, hend d Böötli bereits uf üs gwartet. Üse Bootfahrer het sich en Gspass drus gmacht, dass er üses Boot id Stromschnelle ine brocht het und üs durch s Gwaggle voll nass gsprützt het. Was sölls, well dur s schwitze, bade und em Rege simer eh scho nass gsi. Üse letschti Halt hemmer denn no bi Uriwohner gmacht, de Orang Asli. Sie hend üs zeigt, wie ihne eri traditionell Art vom Jage gsi isch, wie sie es Füür gmacht hend und denn hemmer s Dörfli no dörfe go aluege. Müed aber glücklich über de Tag, hemmer denn de Obig no zemme usklinge loh.
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  • День 14

    Final Destination

    6 апреля 2023 г., Малайзия ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    Today we continued our journey to our last destination Kula Lumpur.
    While waiting for our boat we saw Rebecca agian, she's one of the new friends we met on our hike yesterday. The boat took us to Kuala Tembling which is the spot to change to the buses. On our way we were joking about seeing our german friend Walera again in Kuala Temblin. He was also doing the Trekking with us yesterday but planned to travel on right after the tour having a really short connecton to get out of the jungle. And see there shortly after getting on to the land we have seen him waving his hand to us. He had missed his bus and needed to have an extra stay at a nearby hostel. Same as yesterday we had again a great time while waiting for our connection. Sadly it didnt take too long until their bus arrived and Rebecca and Walera had to travel on.
    An hour later our bus headed towards Kuala Lumpur. After 3.5 hours of bumpy and curvy roads we arrived at our hotel.
    Following a quick swim in the rooftop pool went into town. A thunderstorm added to the atmosphere when we were taking pictures in front of the petronas twin towers.
    So hüt isch üse Weg zu üsem letschte Ziil witer gange. Ufem Warteplatz für üses Boot hemmer denn wieder d Rebecca troffe, womer am Vortag bim Trekking kenneglernt hend. Mit ihre simmer denn zrugg noch Kuala Tembeling. Döt hemmer no gwitzlet, ob mer de Walera (womer au ufem Trekking kenneglernt hend) wieder gseh werdet. Und siehe da. Do stoht er churz drüber abe vor üs. Glich wie gester hemmer grad e gueti Stimmig gha und Witzli grisse. Leider is nöd lang gange und die beide sind witer zoge. Mer hend üs denn au mitm Mini Van uf de Weg noch Kuala Lumpur gmacht. Noch 3.5h simmer denn entli i üsem Hotel acho. Und was für es Hotel 😍 inkl. Dachterasse und Rooftop Pool. Am Obig hets üs denn no zude Petronas Twin Towers zoche. E sehr idrückliche Ablick, die zwei Türm, wo no verstärkt worde isch, wos agfange Regne und Gwittere het.
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  • День 15

    From Monkey to Monkey

    7 апреля 2023 г., Малайзия ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    It has been our second last last day here in Malaysia.
    Once again we enjoyed a rich breakfast in a cute little cafe within the city. Our first activity was visiting the batu caves, a hindu temple which many locals and taxi drives recommended us to see. Similar to the temple in Ipoh it was built into a natural cave but this one was a bit bigger, more colorful, had way more monkeys and sadly was far more touristic.
    Greeted by a large golden statue at the entrance we walked the steep stairs up to the caves where they had a few hindu religious sites but selling merchandise seemed to be of greater importance.
    Our following stop were the botanical gardens of Kuala Lumpur a place to enjoy the shade, the slightly cooler temperatures and the peace and calm contrary to the busy city.
    We then returned to the hotel to charge our batteries enabling ourselfs to later enjoy our last dinner in Malaysia at hard rock cafe.
    Üse zweit letschti Tag do in Malaysia isch abroche. Wiedermoll hemmer ime sehr herzige und feine Kafi dörfe zmörgele. Denn hets üs au scho zude Batu Caves zoge. En Hindu Tempel, wo au wieder id Felse inebaue worde isch. Sehr idrücklich isch die gross, goldig Statue vorne usse gsi. Gfolgt vo de viele, farbige Stegetritt ufe in Tempel. Es spannends Erlebnis, wo aber au seeehr touristisch isch. Witer simmer denn in Botanische Garte. Er isch bedüzend grösser gsi wie de in Penang, aber glich au mega schön. Mer hend d Rueh und d Chüeli im Schatte sehr gnosse. Was en sehr en grosse Kontrast zude Stadt Kuala Lumpur isch. Müed simmer denn retour is Hotel und hend üs usruebet, damit mer am Obig no hend chöne is Hard Rock Cafe go Znacht esse go und so üse letschti Obig do hend chöne usklinge loh.
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  • День 17

    Back at Home

    9 апреля 2023 г., Швейцария ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    After a bit more than two weeks we have landed again at Zurich airport. We are grateful for all the memories we were able to make and all the kind and friendly people we have met.
    Even though we have to get used to the cooler weather were also happy to be back home and were already dreaming of our next trip 😊
    Noch chli meh wie zwei Wuche simmer jetzt wieder ide Schwiiz glandet. Es riise Dankeschön, a alli, womer uf üsere Reis hend dörfe kennelerne.
    Au wenns do chli chalt wieder isch, freue mer üs au wieder heizcho und die nöchst Reis denn z plane.
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