Mossman River

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    • Day 9

      Der Norden wird erkundet

      April 8 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Wir fuhren vom Trinity Beach in Richtung Norden auf dem Captain Cook Highway und passierten einen Strand nach dem anderen. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite grünten zuerst zahlreiche Zuckerrohrfelder und dann der nicht mehr enden wollende Regenwald. Er war in seiner Artenvielfalt nicht zu übertreffen.

      Nach ca. einer Stunde bogen wir in den Daintree Nationalpark ein, um zur Mossman Schlucht zu gehen. Vom Visitor Center aus wurden wir mit einem Bus zum Wanderweg gebracht. Bei mindestens 30 Grad und einer wirklich hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit kamen wir sofort ins Schwitzen. Im Endeffekt bewegten wir uns immer neben den Flussarmen des Mossman Rivers durch den Regenwald fort.

      Das Beste des Tages war die wohlverdiente Abkühlung im super frischen Fluss.
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    • Day 37

      Mossman Gorge

      October 12, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      Port Douglas is a coastal city right at the foothills of the Daintree Rainforest. It’s a beautiful area. Today we took a drive out to Mossman Gorge - only 25 min or so from Port Douglas.

      You drive to the Mossman cultural center and then board shuttle buses that take you into the national park. It minimizes the traffic, which is nice. Once there, they have boardwalks and trails all through the gorge. We ended up doing a 2.5km loop trail through the rainforest along the river. It was really peaceful and beautiful.

      Once we got back to the end of the loop there was a swimming hole - it’s too cold in this river for crocodiles, sharks or jellyfish - so we were completely safe to swim. We did have to watch for flash floods but that was about the only risk. It was a beautiful crisp clear river and we really enjoyed cooling off.

      Then we headed back to town and did a second hike - the Flagstaff hill track. It was a nice path that ran along a cliff side overlooking the ocean. Lots of ups and downs and stairs, but the view and gorgeous ocean breeze made it worth it! Overall a beautiful day. I think Port Douglas may be one of my favorite areas in Australia.

      6.0 miles
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    • Day 76

      Daintree Nationalpark III

      November 18, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Auf dem Rückweg nach Cairns hielten wir im Nationalpark an einem weiteren Boardwalk durch den Regenwald. Ein Highlight war die Sichtung eines Cassowaries, ein Laufvogel mit einem hervorstechend bunten Kopf. Dem Kasuar begegneten wir aber mit Vorsicht, da er durchaus gefährlich sein kann mit seinen 1,7m und ca. 70kg. Also fast meine Maße, nur gefährlicher. 😂
      Traurig ist leider, dass diese schönen Vögel ebenso wie die Koalas vom Aussterben bedroht sind.

      Einen weiteren Stopp legten wir an der Mossman Gorge ein. Eine Schlucht, welche zum Baden genutzt wird. Wir selbst waren aber mehr an der Wanderung durch den Regenwald interessiert. Die Kulisse war super.

      Unser heutiges Ziel war Port Douglas. Eine kleine Küstenstadt, welche bei Touristen sehr beliebt ist. Wir verbrachten den Rest des Tages am Strand. Morgen gehts zurück zur letzten Station Cairns und dem Abgeben von unserem Camper „Torsten“. 🥺
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    • Day 19

      Daintree Rainforest & Cape Tribulation

      September 16, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I joined a group today for coach journey to the North of Cairns to the oldest rainforest in the world - The Daintree. Our first stop was at Mossman Gorge, where we were involed in a smoke ceremony from an indigenous bloke who lit a fire using a specific tree bark to bless our spirits with the help of his ancestors He also showed us how different clays and plants are used to decorate the skin to denote different Aboriginal tribes.. Some of the more brave of our group then went for a swim in the water rushing through the gorge . Unfortunately, I had forgotten my budgie smugglers, so I had to sit that out 🙄. Next, we went up further north to the Daintree river, where we got on a boat to spot some wildlife. We were lucky enough to see 3 saltwater crocodiles on the river bank - 2 adults and a little 'un. Back on the coach again and even further north to Cape Tribulation, so named after Captain Cook ran aground here and was the beginning of a load of hassle for him, hence 'trials and tribulations'. This is also the spot where two World Heritage sites meet - the Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef.
      It's been a bloody long day (11 hours in all), but I've seen things and sights I would never have if I had just hired a car and attempted it on my own.
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    • Day 8

      Mossman Gorge

      March 1 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Das erste Gefühl für Tropenklima bekam ich als Kind im Alfred Brehm Haus des Tierparks Berlin mit vielleicht 10 Jahren.
      Wir waren oft im Tierpark. Jetzt sitze ich wieder mal im Auto und fahre durch den Regenwald. Den Regenwald in South Australia an der Great Ocean Road hatte ich gar nicht so spektakulär in Erinnerung. Great Ocean Road....Regenwald... Cape Tribulation... Reizüberflutung.
      Ich bin jedesmal am Abend platt.
      Dennoch. Alle Unternehmungen zaubern mit ein völlig entspanntes Grinsen ins Gesicht.
      Das mich Queensland bisher so in den Bann zieht, hätte ich überhaupt nicht gedacht. Zumal dieser Bundesstaat immer wieder von Naturgewalten heimgesucht wird. Es bedarf sicher sehr viel Kraft und Willen, einer stabilen Community Zerstörtes immer aufs Neue aufzubauen.
      Hier in der Felsschlucht Mossmann wird im Mossmann Gorge Culturale Center darum gebeten, den Bus vom Parkplatz zum Eingang der Schlucht zu nutzen und nicht durch die Gemeinde zu laufen.
      Plötzlich einsetzenden Regen haben sie als zusätzliches Argument für den Erwerb eines Tickets für Hin- und Rückfahrt.

      Später, im Creek Natur- Swimmingpool mache ich die Bekanntschaft mit einem Australier, der aus Perth kommt. Natürlich schwärmt er von West-Australia.
      Alle guten Dinge sind Drei.
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    • Day 8

      Daintree NP - Jungle and River

      May 21, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Lana and I woke up early today, going to breakfast to strengthen ourselves for the day.
      Today our group would drive to the Daintree National Park. We drove past huge fields of sugar canes that has just the right weather conditions in that part of Queensland to grow. Unfortunately, we don't get Australian sugar in Germany as it is mostly exported to Japan and South Korea.
      First we went to see the Mossman Gorge and learn a bit about the different plants and creatures living there. I still have the feeling, that I'm in a big, special zoo where everything is planned - it feels so surreal. The huge boulders in the Gorge are moved aside by the water. Millimeter for millimeter, but still. We also saw lots of huge spiders and learned how scientists melked some of them to create an armor and a cloak from spider silk. I really love science.
      We had some morning tea and drove further to the River Cruise along the Daintree River. We saw some tiny baby crocs, hiding behind the mangroves, and huge crocs swimming casually next to us.
      Our bus had to cross the river by ferry, as that was the only most direct way to the northern part of the Daintree NP. After we weren't eaten by the crocs, we jumped back on the coach which drove us up a very bumpy serpentine road to the Wula Wugirriga lookout where we had a stunning view over Port Douglas.
      Driving a bit further, we stopped at the Heritage Lodge to eat our very delicious lunch and dip our fingers into the cool creek afterwards. Luckily, you can swim in the creek without worrying about the crocs, but only 3 miles down the river, everywhere are signs to beware about the crocs. I actually think, they are becoming my favourite animals!
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    • Day 24

      Cairns Tag 2: Cape Tribulation

      February 25 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Heute hatten wir unseren Cape Tribulation Ausflug. Teilgenommen haben Ronja, Dominik, Lea, Stella, Hannah, Elena, Sophia, Joshua, Michelle & ich.
      Wir wurden frühmorgens mit einem kleinen Bus beim Hostel abgeholt.
      Unser erster Stopp war der Mossmann River.
      Da haben wir einen kleinen Walk im Regenwald gemacht. Natürlich hat uns der Regen wieder mal begleitet.
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    • Day 6

      Mossman Gorge

      November 6, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Här är en flodbädd där granitbumlingar spolats fram. Det går att bada, vilket ett par tjejer visade, men det rekommenderades inte på grund av strömmen och stenarna. Vi fick också en kort promenad på en mycket väl anlagd gångbro genom regnskogen.Read more

    • Day 16

      Mossman Gorge rainforest walk

      September 12, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Our first stop for this guided tour was the Mossman gorge station where we did a short walk around the rainforest on a boardwalk. It was a perfect way to familiarise with the rainforest and all the various species of trees living there and how they have adapted to this peculiar environment. The view on river is also stunning. At the end of the tour the station bar served us delicious scones with cream and a cup of tea made from local plantations. A tasty experience!Read more

    • Day 12

      En route to Millaa Millaa (inland)

      September 29, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We had to vacate our pitch by 10am, so needed to engage our brains a bit. Not a slick departure, but going in the right direction, and as we pulled away we were gratified to note all leads had been detached and no camp infrastructure was following behind us.

      First stop Mossman Gorge (which I envisaged to be a quiet view) but turned out (mainly) to be a swimming hole, packed with folk. Col become one of those folk and took a dip ‘the water’s cooooool’.

      Saw the bluest of butterflies (too quick to snap) and a bush turkey, rifling through people’s bags for pickings 😁

      We walked through the rainforest on walkways, giving us a great view of the lower canopy and the plants weaving their way up trunks, and attached, parasite like, to their hosts.

      We crossed a wobbly bridge and watched the river from above, listening to the native creatures and family arguments as parents tried their hardest to keep their kids in check.

      After a couple of hours we arrive at our next stop over. How different each site is, Millaa Millaa is rural, more spacious and each pitch is more private, compared to Wonga beach camp. The facilities are fresher and it’s generally less ‘bush camp’!
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