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    • Dag 218


      22. april, Australien ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Did a great walking tour in Brisbane and visited the Australia zoo which is owned by the Irwin family, Steve Irwin was the 🐊 hunter on tv, they had a great show in the park and I got to meet a koala.
      We had a great time. ☺️
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    • Dag 650


      4. marts 2020, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      A long drive back to Brizzie to introduce ourselves to Summer Charlie Maclean, who was born this morning at 12:04 am.
      Congratulations to Renee and Jamie, Sophie and Samantha.
      After dropping our gear off at Eatons Hill we made our way to the Royal Brisbane Hospital to meet our new family member.
      A very healthy weight at 9lbs, we got to meet her at 15 hours old. Summer was very contented with a thick mat of black hair. Blood tests showed a slight infection within Summer, so mum and daughter were kept on ward for 48 hours whilst things settled.
      We looked after Sophie for the evening then revisited hospital the following day for a further cuddle of our new granddaughter. We picked up both girls in the afternoon after school whilst Jamie was at the hospital with Renee and Summer. The good news was that Summer would be coming home on Friday morning, so we made plans to give the family space at home by booking into sites in nearby Redcliffe and Scarborough for 10 days. We want to be close enough that we can pop along to see them all, but then be able to come away back to our own base.
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    • Dag 20

      Behind the clock

      28. juli 2022, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Heute Morgen sind wir in das Rathaus von Brisbane gegangen, welches auch ein Museum beherbergt. Die Attraktion des 1930 fertiggestellten Rathauses ist der Clock Tower, der noch denselben alten Fahrstuhl nach oben hat. Bis 1973 war es damit das höchste Gebäude Brisbanes.Læs mere

    • Dag 35


      2. februar 2023, Australien ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Coup de ❤️ pour Brisbane parcourue majoritairement en trottinette électrique! Mega sympa! Du vert, de l’eau, une super énergie! Une belle ville chic et sportive avec plein de spots pour boire l’apéro!
      Combo parfait!😉👌🏻
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    • Dag 40


      12. marts 2023, Australien ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Mit 5 Stunden Schlaf startet heute der Tag in Brisbane los. Es geht zum Lone Pine. Nachdem legendären Abend gestern bin ich noch etwas müde. Heute habe ich Begleitung von Raphi aus Switzerland. Eine sehr tolle Persönlichkeit. Es ist richtig schön heute in Begleitung zu sein und trotzdem etwas komisch. Habe mich so an das alleine sein gewöhnt, das ich mich erstmal umgewöhnen muss. Zumal wir uns die ganze Zeit deutsch sprechen. Ich finde die Situation lustig, denn ich kann mich noch sehr gut daran erinnern, wie es mir anfangs ging mit dem Englisch. Wir schauen uns Shows mit unterschiedlichen Tieren an, machen Bilder mit einem Koala 🐨, mit Kangaroos und tanzen im Regen. Anschließend Fahren wir zurück zur Unterkunft. Ich packe kurz mein Rucksack und dann geht es weiter. Wir schauen uns das Beleuchtet Brisbane an und gehen noch was trinken. Anschließend gehen wir noch etwas trinken n. Wir hatten Abends 30.000 Schritte auf der Uhr. Ein unvergesslich schöner TagLæs mere

    • Dag 16

      Brisbane tagsüber

      4. april 2023, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Am morgen lief ich zur Southbank und gönte mir ein richtig leckeres Frühstück. Aber Achtung vor den Weissibis die wollten mein Frühstück auch 😅 nach dem Frühstück gings weiter mit Bram zu den botanischen Gärten. Wo wir einen neuen Freund den Gheko trafen, der all unsere Trauben ass 🤣Dann kam Anneke noch dazu und zusammen liefen wir am Fluss entlang zum Kanguruu lookout. Abendessen gabs dann beim Chinesen.
      Als Abschluss gingen wir noch aufs Riesenrad. Brauchte schon etwas Mut aber der Ausblick war super und wir hatten es seeeehr lustig 😅🤪
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    • Dag 195

      blöder Tag :(

      11. april 2023, Australien ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Heute konnte ich ausschlafen und sollte ja erst auf 13 Uhr zur Arbeit. Habe noch mit Lou gefrühstückt und bin dann zur Rezeption. Anscheinend haben sie doch keine Arbeit mehr für mich und ich sollte für die restlichen Nächte zahlen. Den Job am Morgen in Laundry, macht jetzt eine ganz neue, keine Ahnung.
      Ich bin dann ins Zimmer und habe mich mit Adele unterhalten. Danach bin ich die Stadt, wenn ich bin mit Husten, Schnupfen und rotem Hals aufgewacht. Es gab erstmal eine heiße Zitrone und dann ging es zur Apotheke. Jetzt nehme ich so Halsbonbons und hoffe das es besser wird..
      als ich wieder gekommen bin hat einer von der Rezeption Laundry gemacht - habe mich verascht gefühlt, war ja anscheinend doch was zu tun. Keine Ahnung.
      Dann habe ich Essen gemacht, ich hatte nämlich voll Hunger.
      Zum Abendessen gab es dann Nudeln mit Tomaten und Thunfisch, richtig lecker!!
      Dann saß ich noch mit Adele auf dem Rooftop und eine andere Französin und eine aus Kanada war noch dabei.
      Es war dann aber mega kalt und dann saßen wir noch im Zimmer und haben gequatscht.
      Ich hoffe morgen geht es mir besser, denn irgendwie hört es nie so richtig auf - total nervig :/
      Gute Nacht!
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    • Dag 98

      OTR: Day 5 … Brisbane

      18. marts, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      When we booked the villa at Cavvanbah, there was an offer for massages on the lanai. Why not, we thought to ourselves and booked a couple of treatments for yesterday afternoon.

      Turns out that a therapist was not available on Sunday afternoon. Instead, we were given two options. Cancel the massages and receive a refund. Or, accept a late check-out today and have the massages this morning. Since we had just 100 miles to drive to Brisbane — and we were looking for a way to kill time before we could check-in at the Meriton Suites — we accepted option 2.

      By noon, muscles appropriately worked and relaxed, we were ready to check-out and begin our drive north.

      With an estimated 2-hour drive ahead of us, we’d still be arriving in Brisbane before the 3:00p check-in, but we could drop off our bags at the Meriton and go to Avis to drop off the car while we waited. Good plan. Except that we gained an hour when we crossed from New South Wales into Queensland! The good news? Even though it was only 1:00p when we showed up at the Meriton, they checked us into our suite … no questions asked. Excellent.

      After taking our bags up to suite 1904, we drove the car to Avis. Not an easy feat with all the one way roads further complicated by all the construction and road closures around Brisbane. Happy to be sans-wheels in the city, we walked back to the Meriton … stopping along the way for lunch at Vapiano, a casual Italian restaurant.

      By the time we got back to our suite, we were ready to do nothing but chill.

      Chores and errands can wait until tomorrow.
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    • Dag 100

      Brisbane: Along the South Bank

      20. marts, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      The weather forecasters promised a day of sunshine and blue skies. And they delivered. Heat and humidity accompanied this beautiful day from the get go … even though we got an early start.

      Brisbane is settled along the banks of the river by the same name. On our previous visits, we spent our time on the north bank and in the CBD. This time, we decided to head across the river to the suburb of South Bank.

      In addition to frequent ferry service that carries visitors back and forth on the river, a number of bridges span the meandering waterway. The one closest to us was the Kurilpa, so we made use of it to cross over.

      From signage on the bridge, we learned the story told Aboriginal children by their Elders about the origins of the river. Tradition has it that a serpent created the river, causing conflicts between the saltwater creatures and the animals on the land. As the serpent meandered through the countryside, it also battled the green frog and the sand goanna … animals that now form the mountains that can be seen from the Kurilpa Bridge.

      Once on the south bank of the river, we turned onto the Clem Jones Promenade, following the river downstream to enjoy the skyline views. That we stopped frequently to take photos goes without saying.

      Along the way, we passed the Queensland Culture Center — home to museums and the playhouse; swimming pools and manmade beaches. The Arbour — consisting of 443 curls of galvanized steel wrapped in climbing flowers — afforded us a shady, green respite … even if the colorful blooms were out of season.

      Eventually, we found our way to Mado, billed as the best Turkish restaurant in Australia. Familiar with Mado — a chain in Türkiye — we decided to have lunch there today. Good food … but is it the best in Australia? I guess we’ll find out after we dine at Anason in Sydney before we conclude our adventures Down Under.
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    • Dag 101

      Brisbane: QAG of QAGOMA

      21. marts, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      With rain in the forecast, we set today as a museum day. one of them worked out … the other one didn’t.

      After breakfast, we used the Kurilpa Bridge to once again cross the Brisbane River to South Bank. Our walk was a short one as the museums are close to the South Bank end of the bridge.

      Our first stop was the Queensland Art Gallery … aka QAG. It is the other part of QAGOMA, which stands for “Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art.” Owned by the state, the museum was founded in 1895 as the Queensland National Art Gallery.

      I know I’ve said this before. But it bears repeating. Australia knows how to do museums. We loved the collection at QAG … from fabric art, to statuary, to paintings. I had read that two of the most significant works at the museum belonged to Pablo Picasso and Richard Godfrey Rivers … we saw both of them. As well as works by Degas, Tintoretto, Pisarro, and many more whose names we did not recognize. Aboriginal art was also prominently displayed … once again catching our eye.

      After lunch at the cafe at QAG — the only time when we experienced a bit of rain — we headed to the nearby Queensland Museum, which is billed as the “… state’s foremost collecting institution.” Exhibits range from prehistoric giants to modern achievements and scientific discovery. We walked in. We walked out. I’m sure the museum is interesting. But today it was overrun by kids of all ages … in town for the World Science Festival. The event continues through the end of the week, so it looks like we’re going to have to take a pass on this one.
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