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    • Dag 80


      26. juni 2017, Østerrike ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We discovered in Vienna that a lot of Austrians have not heard of, or do not particularly care for, the Sound of Music. I on the other hand, do.

      The coach tour was our main reason for visiting Salzburg. Stuart was delighted that for about 3 weeks preceding this visit I had insisted on listening to the CD in the car on loop so I could be fully prepared for the singalong!

      We found out on the tour that the film was actually a flop in Austria and Germany. The Sound of Music is based loosely on the life of the real Von Trapp family who fled Austria in not so dramatic a fashion before the Second World War. There had been a previous German language film made based on the story and therefore people there were not flocking to see the Hollywood remake. So much so that it was pulled from cinemas due to lack of sales.

      This was our first coach tour and the lack of the enthusiasm from the other tour passengers (except the Canadian mother daughter duo next to us) meant it was a little underwhelming. You do however learn a lot about the film on the tour and visit the church in a lakeside town called Mondsee where Maria and the Captain were married in the Hollywood film - which was beautiful - so it was worth doing.

      Apart from the tour, and in between my recreating scenes Julie Andrews style, we did have time to visit some other things in Salzburg. We walked half way up to the fortress overlooking the city. Only half way as that was as far as my knees and the humidity would allow. We also visited the Cathedral and heard a choir sing in one of the churches.

      We also met a chap called Mick from Milton Keynes in a bar who is a trucker travelling on his own and showed us his tattoos of the flags of the countries he has visited. He also used to frequent the pubs where Stuart grew up in Buckinghamshire, so we had a lot to talk about.

      Most importantly we ate a doughnut pretzel about the size of my head... sweet sugary goodness it was great.
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    • Dag 41

      Wet, actually soaked

      7. oktober 2017, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Today when we woke up, we were ready to go and catch the bus to the snowy mountain. From the bottom of the mountains we could not see much and where the sky rail even stopped.

      As we went up the cart slowly moved into the cold, dark, hazy fog... we saw nothing. Then, as we came out of the fog there were small white icicles dropping all over my window. Then the mountain became clear, there was cold, white snow drops on the little hills. There was tall trees covered in the snow that we saw in front of us. We came to a stop. Time to get off at the top. You will see the cold snow outside the frozen doors. A place to eat and settle down. As we walked outside we got hit by the snow falling from the sky and the hard wind that never stoped. We discovered that it was too cold to stay outside so we came inside, had something warm like a hot chcolate and tea. Findlay and I wanted to go outside to look around and feel the ❄️. When we were coming back I picked up some snow and I wanted to throw it at Finn so I did. Then I started laughing and dad was too.

      Soon after we came down we visited a palace. We saw a fountain with big fish and everywhere you went there was a water trap, this place was called the trick fountains. One of them was at a dinner table and whoever sat at the head would not get water shot up their bum. At the next trick we went into a grotto where there was the rolling stone and a fountain that made sound made by splashing water in different ways. As you walked out you got squirted. There will be two moose statues that you walked under and got soaked at. There was wet sprays coming out of the stairs the people stood on B.T.W. YOUR LEGS GOT WET A LOT.

      The last trick fountain was a little hill smaller than me on top of the hill was a party hat sort of thing, cone shaped and it will be shot up into the air by water. Water was coming out from underneath you too. When we where walking out of the last grotto there was some water spouts that shot from above you I was happy that being short was an advantage for once. After that the guide warned us to watch out at the end it seemed that he was right I turned around as I did that there was some people that were shot everywhere by water. I was shot in my eye. This day was fun even though it was cold snowing and raining. The funny thing was even though you where inside you where always wet and cold.
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    • Dag 5

      Day 5:Salzburg

      13. juli 2019, Østerrike ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      We spend the night at Innsbruck train station's waiting room along with many homeless. A security guard doesn't hesitate to interrupt our rest to ask us if a random bike is ours, and she also strictly reminds us that sleeping is totally prohibited in this place (so be careful if you ever want to take a nap here). 😒

      We take the first train to Salzburg which allows us to be there at 7 AM. This fact isn't a banality: indeed, we now belong to an upper social class, the early-waking-up-poor-homeless tourists, which is of course better than the poor-homeless-stinking tourist category we were in before going to Salzburg.

      After checking out the empty streets of the beautiful city (that has nothing but Mozart stuff), we decide to climb the hill to the spectacular castle. We are invited to enter by a really nice worker, a gesture that saves us from paying the €12 entrance fee (as I said, we have some privileges considering our new social class). We enjoy a very scenic walk around a promenade located on top of the city's hills. After that, we go back to the Old Town where we find out quite outraged that foreign visitors have taken over, and that we can't barely walk on the streets- we belong to an upper category now. We can only say here: TOURISTS GO HOME.

      Other stuff from Salzburg I will quickly synthesize: Amé becoming crazy about Mozart's marzipans and buying a lot of them, a shitty hotel, a random woman who talks to us about big doors, Amé loving some bizar puppets and a very happy Indian guy taking kitschy pics of himself in the Puppet Museum.
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    • Dag 41

      Day 41: Salzburg, Austria

      31. juli 2017, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Today consisted of food shopping, visiting the Mirabell Gardens and the House of Nature/Science Museum, seeing the house where Mozart was born, walking around the city and then taking a "short cut" which turned into a pretty steep hike with really nice views.

      As we were walking through town, I saw cute postcards with Dutch writing so I asked this guy to translate a few (turned into all of them) and he spent a good thirty minutes explaining them all. Turns out a lot of them are funny in Dutch, but it doesn't translate well in English.

      Our "short cut" through the park ended up being a really steep 3-4 km hike, but we ended up having really nice views. I thought I stepped in poison ivy by accident so I showered right away when we got back while having a slight heart attack, but then I googled it and it turned out it wasn't poison ivy... so all is good. :)

      We also met all 8 of our new roommates tonight. They are all super nice. Two are from Brazil, three from Minnesota, one from Sweden and Zoe met the last girl, but I didn't so I'll have to get back to that one.

      For supper, I ended up making chilli for the first time and it didn't turn out so bad! I consider it a success and we will for sure make more before our trip is over. #proud
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    • Dag 12

      Puschis Geburtstag in Salzburg

      14. august 2020, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Puschis 31. Geburtstag ist angebrochen 🥰🥰🥰
      Der Tag begann ganz entspannt mit einem Käffchen am Van und am späten Vormittag starteten wir wieder in die Altstadt von Salzburg. Zum Mittag waren wir auf einem Hügel um Salzburg herum und haben 1-2 Bierchen getrunken und die Aussicht genossen. Zurück nach unten in die Stadt ging es durch kleine enge Gassen, die es uns sehr angetan haben. 😊
      Abends haben wir uns dann ein bisschen schick gemacht und uns das Essen schmecken lassen bei einem tollen Blick auf das Gebirge um Salzburg. Nach dem Essen lauschten wir noch den Klängen Mozarts im Goldenen Saal der Festungsburg und ließen den tollen Geburtstag enden. ❤
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    • Dag 11


      13. august 2020, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Unser vorletzter richtiger Tag startete in Salzburg mit einem typischen Stadtrundgang. Die Festung Hohensalzburg (nur von außen), die Altstadt, Spaziergang entlang der Salzach und typische Mozarthäuser gehören zu unserem Tag. Wir organisierten zusätzlich ein 3-Gänge Menü mit anschließendem Konzert auf der Burg für Puschis Geburtstag am nächsten Tag.Les mer

    • Dag 1

      Lạc giữa Salzburg ngày bão tuyết

      4. januar 2019, Østerrike ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Salzburg ngày 5/1/2019. Bão tuyết. Giữa đêm đi chơi về xuống lỡ mất một bến tàu.
      1 tiếng chờ đợi mong cho có con tàu nào đó dừng lại. Nhưng tuyết dày khiến chuyến tàu nào cũng hối hả về bến, không còn hoạt động. Nhà BnB cách đấy xa lắm mà đây còn là thị trấn trên núi. Điện thoại 2% hiển thị không thể đi bộ từ đó về nhà. Rồi sập. Không biết đường đi, không thể gọi cho ai. Ngoài trời vẫn đang mưa tuyết dữ dội, nhiệt độ xuống -8. Lạnh buốt và gió rít đập thẳng vào bất cứ thứ gì.
      Hai đứa nhìn nhau tưởng như tuyệt vọng. Lần mò thử một con đường mòn nhỏ trong rừng thông, rồi ngay lập tức phải quay lại vì trước mặt tưởng chừng như địa ngục. Không có một ngôi nhà nào, không có một ánh lửa, xung quanh chỉ là một biển tuyết mà nếu chẳng may ngã xuống chấc sẽ ngộp thở. Trước mặt chỉ có một đường viền duy nhất, nhưng đằng sau nó lại chẳng có một cái gì. Vực núi.
      Quay trở lại bến tàu mà gần như phát điên. Rừng gào rít xung quanh. Tuyết đổ xuống mỗi lúc một dày. Không có con tàu nào dừng lại, không có bất cứ ai hay một ngôi nhà nào xung quanh. Chủ nhà không có nhà không thể giúp đỡ. Hai đứa đánh liều quay trở lại con đường mòn một lần nữa. Không đi đường này thì cũng chẳng còn đường nào khác. Cứ đi thôi nếu không muốn chết cóng cho tới sáng.
      Khi đã có đủ bình tĩnh, chợt nhận ra vẫn còn vết bánh xe mờ của một chiếc xe dọn tuyết còn đó. Hai đứa lần theo vết bánh xe, vẫn không thấy ống khói của một ngôi nhà nào. Vực núi lúc nãy trước mặt kia rồi, nhưng vết bánh xe vẫn còn tức là vẫn có thể đi tiếp được. Sợ sệt lê bước chân theo dấu xe lăn.
      À, thì ra không phải vực núi, chỉ là đoạn gấp khúc lớn khi con núi bỗng đột nhiên đổ xuống một chút. Vẫn không thấy gì ngoài biển tuyết xung quanh nhưng ít ra vẫn còn có đường. Men theo tiếp thôi... Nhưng rốt cục con đường ấy lại dẫn ra cao tốc. Trên đó những chiếc xe ô tô về đêm trong cơn bão tuyết lao ầm ầm mong sớm được trở về nhà. Đường cao tốc không có vỉa hè cho người đi bộ, nhưng vẫn phải đi thôi. Không còn lựa chọn nào khác.
      Gần 1 tiếng lê lết trên 4 cây đường cao tốc, hai đứa cứ kéo tay áo nhau, nhắc liên tục đi gọn hết mức có thể. Xe ô tô con và xe tải vẫn lao hối hả. Không một ai dừng lại hỏi thăm. Bên đường, những thân cây khô bị gió quật gãy ngụp lặn trong biển tuyết trắng xóa, chới với vươn những cành con ra khỏi mặt tuyết.
      Sắp về đến nhà rồi, nhưng lại gặp ngã 3 trước mặt. Đi đường nào bây giờ? Nhấc chân thêm vài bước nữa chợt lại thấy một bến tàu. Tự dưng tất cả hi vọng được trở về nhà vụn vỡ vì chính bến con tàu này đã bỏ mình lại. Có khi nào đường sai. Hoang mang cố bật chiếc điện thoại sập nguồn lên để tìm đường thì cuối cùng ít nhất cũng tìm thấy sự chỉ dẫn trong vài giây ít ỏi. Thế là đủ, để trở về nhà an toàn khi giày đã ngập sũng tuyết và bùn nước.
      Về nhà chỉ biết cười. Còn biết làm gì ngoài cười như hai đứa dở. Ít ra, trên đoạn đường ngắn cuối cùng, cũng có một bác lái xe tốt bụng dừng lại yêu cầu giúp đỡ. Nhưng nhà đã ở trước mặt kia rồi.
      Hai hôm sau, Salzburg thu nhỏ lại vừa bằng một căn nhà gỗ. Vì bão tuyết chẳng còn đi đâu được nữa. =)))
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    • Dag 1


      5. august 1998, Østerrike ⋅ 17 °C

      Questo viaggio è stato quasi perfetto e ne abbiamo un ricordo positivo.

      Salisburgo non me la ricordavo, ci ero stata solo due anni e mezzo prima ma faceva talmente freddo che non avevo nessun ricordo.
      Eravamo in un bellissimo, oggi si chiamerebbe Bed & Breakfast o Airbnb ma allora nemmeno esistevano... La città è allegra, colorata, ricca di cose da vedere.
      La fortezza, il Castello di Hellbrunn in cui abbiamo passato tantissimo tempo.
      Ora sono un po' cambiata ma allora adoravo i castelli e penso di aver visitato l'Austria nel periodo giusto, soprattutto per la mia fissazione per la principessa Sissi, nata dal film con Romy Schneider che penso abbia conquistato molte persone.
      Vorrei mettere più foto ma sto scannerizzando una vita intera e sono stremata....
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    • Dag 2

      Hangar 7 Salzburg

      27. mars 2016, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Am Abend ging es zum Hangar 7 von Didi Mateschitz. Im Restaurant Ikarus konnten wir ein 11 gängiges Menü bei tollem Ambiente genießen. Leider war das Essen teilweise nicht wirklich nach unseren Geschmack aber es war eine nette Erfahrung ;)Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Salzkammergut und Salzburg

      8. august 2019, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach leckerem und gemütlichen Frühstück packten wir unsere Sachen und machten und auf den Weg. Der Plan war über das Salzkammergut nach Salzburg zu fahren. Ich freute mich schon lange auf den Tag, weil ich mich nach dem Trip mit Ürli im Mai total in Salzburg verliebt hatte. Nachdem wir ein paar Seen abgefahren hatten und nach langer suche einen schönen Platz zum Verweilen gefunden haben, parken wir an der Messe in Salzburg. Von dort aus fuhr ein Shuttlebus für 3€p.P. in die Stadtmitte. Dort angekommen könnten wir uns eine bowl zu Mittag von My Indigo am Ufer der Salzach. Danach schlenderten wir ein bisschen durch die Einkaufsstraße und machten uns Richtung Schloss auf. Wir wir gingen nicht ins Schloss hinein sondern begannen unseren Höhenweg über Salzburg. Wir wählten die linke Seite und trafen alsbald auf einen kleinen Vorplatz mit wundervollen Blick auf das Schloss um einige Fotos zu machen. Zu unserer rechten eröffnete sich eine weite Ebene welche den Blick Richtung Watzmann und Berchtesgaden eröffnete. Dort verweilten wir einige Minuten. Danach führte uns zum Ziel das Café Kai(Frühstückslokal von Ürli und mir) uns wieder hinunter in die Stadt. Dort könnten wir uns großer brauner mit Apfelstrudel und Zitronenwasser. Während wir den Blick auf die Salzach genossen überlegten was wir zu Abend essen und wie wir den letzten Shuttlebus um 18:30 Uhr Richtung Messe bekamen ging kam mir die Idee dass wir nach Essen auch zur Messe laufen können, da diese ganz in der Nähe war. Nach einem kleinen Spaziergang und Abstecher am Schloss Mirabel trieb es uns zu dem Italiener, bei dem Ürli und ich am ersten Abend in Salzburg gegessen hatten. Dort genossen wir ein leckeres Abendessen und machen uns danach auf Richtung Auto und wieder nach Hause zu fahren. Tag 3 ging zu Ende und wir freuten uns auf den nächsten Tag.Les mer

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