Love to Travel so I get to meet people, eat different food, see the beauty of God's creation. I work to see the world. Baca lagi New Zealand
  • Hari 30

    Jerusalem with the Franciscan Friars

    30 Jun 2023, Palestin ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Due to all my sleeping yesterday during the day my body was rebelling about sleeping more. Finally fell asleep around 2.00am.

    At breakfast the Mexican lady who had said she might join me to go see the light show on Saturday night said do you know the Franciscan friars have the "Way of the Cross" on the Via Dolarosa. That was good to know I think I will join that.

    Then went and looked round the ruins of Herods craftsmanship from 30AD. What a guy, even as you marvel at his desires and ambitions it is no different to this day. Some of the most intelligent people don't know how to use their ability for the good of man kind. This very much comes to mind when your seated at the " Lithostrotos". " The Pavement".( please read the article pause for thought and the photos)

    After that went back to the Austrian Hospice and communed with God. I started my pilgrimage by praying at this perticular church. So now cone to say Thank You for a lovely Journey and also take away from this journey some things. So that it is not just a pilgrimage but also a pilgrim who has changed.

    Later came back to the cafe at the Austrian hospice. Had a chicken schnitzell and lemon juice. I need Troy as then my plate would not be left with leftovers.😀

    Just got back from the "Way of the Cross" good to have done it at least once on the Via Dolarosa in Jesus's footsteps.

    It would have been several feet below where we are walking just now, but to think he walked this way thousands of years ago very sobering.

    Another very fortunate point I realised was that the grave of Jesus was closed off for R& M. Very fortunate that I went and did my night of staying while it was open. I would have been so very dissapointed if I could not have visited it. God's providence is with me for sure.

    After the stations if the cross finished I went for an amble round the old city, went and visited the Jaffa Gate, then from there walked to the Zion gate, then came back towards the Damascus Gate and now at the convent which is by the Lions gate. That is my knowledge of all the gates. I have been to the New Gate once.

    The first photo is from Yesterday at the Basilica of the Annunciation dome in Nazareth. It is shaped like a Lily in honour of the Vergin Mary and the flower associated with her is the Lily.

    Pause for Thought

    Today I am in the floors beneth the convent where i have been staying while in Jerusalem.

    The ruins that lie below are mentioned to be one of the best preserved ruins in the world.

    Herod who was a great builder built this as a fortress area for himself. There were water reservoirs, water cannels, moats market place etc.

    Inside in one area where I am now seated is where Pilot is said to have been on the judgement seat at a place called the Lithostrotos in hebrew Gabbatha. This was on the pavemment whichvis sited in the gospal.

    Looking at the pavement stones there very large stone pieces, I can imagine Pilot seated on his throne, Jesus standing in front meekly with his arms tied, waiting for the verdict. I guess he just wanted it finished. The waiting would have been an agony of its own. He might have even thought will this path i have to travel change by the grace of God and his intervention at the 11th hour. Just as much as we wait for a miracle, did he wait for the heavenly father to do one for him now. Where was Mother Mary. Did she pass out through this agonising time. Did Herod ever regret his decision?.

    I regret some of my decisions that I make when I am angry and stressed. How can I learn from Herod to try my best and not leave room for regret?. Walk away and pray for guidence, comes to mind so let me remember that thought.
    Jesus your meekness, your trust in doing the fathers will, please help me Jesus to remember these values in my hour of restlesness and trial. Amen
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  • Hari 29


    29 Jun 2023, Palestin ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Today I was supposed to go to the Hermitage, but woke upp feeling not too great. After breakfast made the decision to give upp on the idea of going to the Hermitage. My spirit was willing but my flesh was weak. The main reason was I had to walk about 1.5kms to get to a super market and then walk back. I needed to get provisions for 2 days while at the hermitage. Then I had to walk to the hermitage with all of these plus my cloths.

    The body just refused to be put through this.🙃. I think I must be getting old or missing my sherpa Tenzing!!!!.

    So slept most of this morning now.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 28

    Back to Jerusalem

    28 Jun 2023, Palestin ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today got up early to iron all the cloths that dried over night, and then to get to mass by 8.00am at the Basilica.

    I had got all my bags packed before I went to mass as I wanted to not miss my bus back to Jerusalem. If I missed this bus I would have too take 3 connections to get to Jerusalem.

    Got back to the apartment and then even though I was 45 minutes early at the bus halt was just a 3 minute walk, I decided to go. When I got to the halt there was about 5 mmuslim families with about 10 children already there. There were two little boys who must have been around 6 or 7. Honestly one oof them the behavior, the mannerisms was so much like Roshnal my nephew when he was that age. This little guy found a whole cigarette on the ground, picked it up and was walking around pretending to smoke it. He was a little devil. His parents had to smack him a few times, but back he was to being naughty. He went to a shop close to the halt that had a chest freezer with ice cream cones and opened it and started to goo through them.🙂

    Anyhow the bus came on time and we all got in and what a relief. Back in Jerusallem met a young man in the tram line who was helpful and started chatting with him.

    Learnt from him that essential service as he called it has to be done by everyone of the age 18 to 21. Before they go to uni. The army decides what and who you are going to be doing while in service. Only the elite are taken into being pilots and intelligent service staff. If you get chosen for computers your future is set for the rest of your life. You can after your 3 years decide to stay on or leave.
    When he heard I was from NZ he says how fortunate we are. His words were " we are surrounded by enemy's who are all trying to kill us". Taking that point of view you can understand why they gave all this security and essentially service etc.

    In the evening went to meet with Manilka and Aruna. That was very nice as I had not met Manilka for at least 52 years. There was no moments of awkwardness or hesitations. We just started talking about life families, sites visited etc. Was so nice to touch base with both of them.
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  • Hari 27


    27 Jun 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Last 3 places to visit on my pilgrimage. Months of planning, reading, and researching all now come to a finale. A trip that will last as a memory to be cherished and nourished each time I read the scriptures. I now know the terrain, I now know the temperature, the attitude of the people. I am rich from experiencing this first hand.

    My first place to visit was just an oppersite to where my apartment was just a hop step and a jump. Just followed the people coming and going, and I was at the Basilica of the Annunciation. It was a very different church where the grotto area was. No mosaic works very simple and dark. It is very much conducive to prayer and reflection. Commune with God was easy. Imagining Angel Gabrielle visiting The Vergin Mary was very easy. From there, I went to the top church. That was very different, more like the churches I have visited so far.

    Then, to visit St Josephs church. This is believed to be where he had his work shop. Where Jesus might have worked following his foster fathers instructions. In a chapel at the bottom, there was a depiction of the marriage of Mary and Joseph, and also Joseph in his old age. They lived as normal human beings for that time of Jesus's life.

    Then I went to see Mary's well, that was disappointing as there was no water in the spring. So I took a photo, but it was really not worth mentioning.

    Took a while after that to find the place to catch the bus back to Jerusalem tomorrow. What a circus that was from here to that place then from that place to there, then back to here then the entire circuit again. Finally got it sorted. Call Centre staff all over the world must be school drop outs. As I was first told by the bus company call centee girl there is no direct bus to Jerusalem I would have to take a few buses then I had to inform her what about bus 955. Then she says oh!! yes there is a direct bus. And then she tells me the time. I say to her where does the bus start at, and I am told from the central bus station, I ask her where is tge central bus station and I am told I have not been to Nazareth, so I can't tell you where it is. Ok can you give me an address no I don't have that is tge reply. But I can give you the bus station number. I had gone into a shop to get a drink of lemon juice in a bottle. So after hanging up I asked the shop staff. They were very helpful. It was very close to where the shop was so he came out and showed me and even told me the colour of the bus.

    Been watching a really nice Hebrew movie with sub titles in English while in the room. Done my last load of washing for this holiday I hope today.

    Tomorrow there is mass at the Basilica so will go at 8.00am for that, then get the bus to Jerusalem.

    Thank you Holy Trinity for a safe and memorable trip to Holy Land.

    Today is Tuesday and from now on, whatever I do is a bonus. Tomorrow back to Jerusalem, hoping to meet Manilka and Aruna in the evening, then on Thursday and Friday at the Franciscans Hermitage, on Saturday hoping to meet Archim and in the evening bought a ticket to go for the light show at David's tower. Then on Sunday evening flying back to NZ.

    Pause for Thought

    I started my pilgrimage on the 13th of June in Jerusalem. One of the first places I visited was the church of the Holy Family. Today I finish my pilgrimage in Nazareth where the Holy Family lived as any family of that time. My imagination of the life then and now might be totally incorrect, but it would have been hard work, above poverty line living. Very poor health standards etc. I don't think I can imagine to be honest. So when I see some of stained glass pictures or paintings I feel that is so not true, there lives would have been so harsh and we are putting a rosy filter on that life time. Jesus, came into that life to give me an opportunity to have inheritance to a life in heaven.

    As I finish my pilgrimage may I not forgot the thoughts and facts of this journey. May I make a lasting change in my life life with the help of the Holy Trinity. Amen
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  • Hari 26

    Nazareth & Cana

    26 Jun 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    This morning I was checking out of Tiberias and moving to Nazareth. A little unknown village in Jesus's day. This was where Jesus, grew up, his hidden years form this time.

    I have been fighting a flu the last few days, and as the pilgrimage is coming to an end, I can afford to take it easy. Looking back on the last few weeks the first 12 days were more or less touristic and holiday. It was when I shifted to Jerusalem on the 13th June my pilgrimage started for real.

    Yesterday I had a few people say to me what a brave person I am to come to Israel on my own. Looking back I can honestly say there has been no issues, no different to planning a holiday to any part of the world. You need to be organised and do your research.

    I met an Australian couple on the boat in the sea of Galilee, the gent wanted to talk so much, where as I just wanted to enjoy the moment. But....... I had to listen. His wife was very keen on Dancing. They were on an individual guided tour and again thought I was brave.

    At the monetstry ladt night met 2 young girls in their teenage years. ( indean). They were from Londan and such a credit to there parents. The tour group they were with was made of 4 parishes . We got talking and everyone was amazed that I had never been to Israel and doing this on my own. The sisters borrowed my book to have a flick through and were hoping to order the book online. They felt their guide was not giving them much information about each site, abd they were rushing through places.

    The sisters bought their mother to be introduced to me when at breakfast. 🙂

    After I got my self sorted I ordered a taxi to come to Nazareth via Cana.

    Cana is where Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding feast. This was his first miracle and his disciples came to believe in him. Had a quick stop at the church, mmmmm.... not much to say other than the fact it was built over what might have been an old Synagogue. The photo of the huge vessel is the kind that might have had water stored and where the water was turned into wine.

    Today there is nearly 85% Muslims and 15% Christians. Not many Jeswish in this area, as opposed to Tiberias having a majority of a Jewish population.

    I was at the new accomodation by 10.30 am or so, but even though check in was at 3.00pm was allowed to check in early. Went for a walk, but wasn't feeling great so came back and had a nap.

    KFC is in the same building not sure if to have KFC for dinner or go Looking for something else. My appetite has taken a hit. One of the few countries I must say that I haven't really fallen in love with the food. Not sure why?

    Pause for Thought

    Today i visied the place that Jesus not only did his first miracle, but also showed his love for his mother.

    The love we all rely on in our hour of need is the Vergin Mary. Even just uttering her name makes you feel different, it is as if she is there as soon as you say her name. She gives you her strength. Other mothers too have suffered, when they see their child who is loved so much suffer. But we do not get strength through them. Where as with the love of Mother Mary you feel that you are able to face what ever the out come will be. I don't believe that we pray to just keep asking God for this and that, neither should we always be asking MM for requests and intercession all the time. We should be giving thanks and praying for all we have in our life, starting from having her son in our life.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 25

    Mt of Beatitudes and Jesus (Yigal )boat

    25 Jun 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Today's itinerary is visit Mt of Beatitudes meditate on the Beatitudes. The 8 B's are what I would like make the principals I live by, but "I am only human, so for my sake help me...." as the song goes.

    Got to the Mt of B by 9.00am, and stayed till Siesta time.

    Mt of B church which is octangle is set in a beautiful environment. The view was magnificent and oohs the arrr... and WOWs were flowing from all the loads of tour buses. But sadly sitting outside on the varrendah, I never heard any of them say Jesus taught the New Commandments here, imagine being a part of those who got to listen to Jesus and his preaching. Or what a beautiful setting for him to have taught us, what a blessing to be here and see it with our own eyes. Instead selfies, posing, getting that perfect memory on a chip was far more important.

    I said to myself, at least people are coming and these places are being maintained, but if it is just a bucket list item crossed off with no thought for the spiritual message how long before they fall prey to loosing its intrinsic value. I then said to myself it's God's problem Thank you though for allowing me to do this in my time, my way with the Holy Trinity accompanying me. Lucky me.🙂

    Then hurried to get the bus to Yigal museum which houses a boat dating back 2000 years.

    Getting here per Google was going to be easy prissy, but then I made the mistake of following name boards instead of Google. So ended up walking round a entire circuit when it should have been just a hop step and a jump. The boards were for motorists vehicles obviously not foot traffic. Duh........ " for those of you who are cynics please note it has been carbon 14 dated. Sound impressive when I say that, what it means scientifically, mmmm.... Pass.

    Interesting what measures they took to preserve the boat from damage wheen it was dug out by hand. Some day long time ago they must have had Derick working on it. As it had 12 different materials haha Dereck was a very old Shearer we had who never threw anything, he had his car door tied by hay bale strings and he jumped in and out through his frobt window. His car was a mini minor. You get the picture.

    Now waiting to go for a ride on the sea of Galilee on a Jesus Boat. After that Galilee is all done per my list. Tomorrow hoping to head to Nazareth.

    Pause for Thought
    1.Blessed are the poor in spirit
    We have one God, and he is the only one who can give us true happiness.we rely on him for all things spiritual.

    2. Blessed are they who mourn
    We know we are unable to do anything anything, we are humans so should really feel sad for ourselves. Only God can give us true peace.

    3.Blessed are the meek (the humble)
    Being humble is to understand that i am a slave. My life does not belong to me, but to God. I am not the author of my life, but I trust God to be the author of my life.

    4.Blessed are the merciful
    Being kind to one another, as God is kind to you. Being forgiving of one another as God Forgives you.Being thoughtful of your neighbour.

    5.Blessed are those who hunger & Thirst for Righteousness
    Not just looking after your self, but doing right for those around you who are weaker than you. Use the strength that God has Blessed you with for the right purposes.

    6.Blessed are the pure of
    Jesus had a pure heart. He treated everyone equelly, we should not be thinking just of ourselves but how are actions can impact others, and do what is right for them and us both.

    7. Blessed are the Peace Makers.
    To bring peace in the midst of Chios is to do Gods will. Not taking pleasure in situations where people fall out with each other, but to bring peace and harmony is what Jesus taught.

    8.Blessed are those who are persicuted for the sake of Righteousness.
    Doing the will of God might not make you popular, but if your doing his will in the right manner, with the righ heart then God will see your actions even if the world does not see it that way.
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  • Hari 24

    Shabbat in Tiberias

    24 Jun 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Today everything is shut. Unless you are an Arab shop. There is not a lot of these in Tiberias.

    I could not complain, as that meant I could rest and just let my body have a moment of doing nothing. When I spoke with Barbs I said I was hoping to sort my photos, oh well man, and mice and plans. Nothing of this happend.

    There was service at the Monestry this evening in Hebrew, when I said I was not going the young Indian seminarian said to me you should come because it's the closet language to Aramaic which was what Jesus spoke. He also said the sermon would be in English. So I went and enjoyed it very much. The written booklet gave the English and Hebrew words were also written in English.

    I have recorded the our Father Prayer being recited in Hebrew.

    When I went out for dinner they had a birthday party and tge music came on for the birthday girl . She I think was 100.

    Some photos of the monastery church and the sea of Galilee at dusk. Pretty pinky and blue shades.

    See the temperature 36 degrees yesterday and today. No wonder you feel so drained.
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  • Hari 23


    23 Jun 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    As today is Friday have to keep in mind that public transport becomes non existant around noon. So even though I could have dome more than just Magdala decided too err on the side of caution and just take my time and do only Magdala.

    Last night someone was ringing the bell to enter the front reception around 1.15am in tge morning. Talk about me being petrified, honestly I need to stop being such a chicken licken. I was so scared, my room is the one from outside you pass to go up to the front door, there I was in bed scared s.......

    The building walls are very thick the windows have got bars, but my windows were open, so I thought they might throw something into my room, hoping I will wake up, what if these were people staying over night and did not have the access code, where will they sleep. Etc etc. I so wanted to go to the toilet, but was scared they might hear me. After about 25 minutes the ringing stopped so it took a while longer for me to get back to sleep.🙂

    Magdala was lovely. The ruins that have been excavated do show how this was indeed a fishing village. It is believed Mary Magdalene came from hear. Even though the church that is there in the premises is dedicated to St Peter. Might be because it is a fishing village. But it was to Mary that Jesus first appeared after he was risen, it was not to Peter. And when she recognised her She believed that it was her much loved Rabbuni.

    The church has a lovely Jesus replica boat as the alter with a pool of shallow water to signify the port that this village had been in a bygone era. It was decorated for wedding so it was very nice.

    Was good to sit and contemplate on the relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. His special relationship with women, his call to each one of us, who are his children, loved very much but at times we are like doughting Thomas not trusting or believing in that Love.

    This must be not on most coach tour stops, to be honest there is so much to cover in Galilee. I guess they have to prioritize, but I was not complaining. Had lots of contemplative time, then to have a good look around the ruins. You could very clearly see the thriving village it once had been. Talk about living in in each other's pocket, mmmm....... I could not have had shouting match with Colin for sure with not just the neighbour's but the entire village would have heard me.🙂

    Got the bus back, getting into the hang of things now. Also changed my plans of moving tomorrow to Mt Beatitude and also in 4 days going to Nazareth too. Decided that staying in the present place was the best thing as it is so central and now I know where I am going etc.

    Also going back earlier than I had planned to Jerusalem so I can meet up with the Palestine family before I go to the hermitage.

    After eating left overs from day before yesterday, had a good sleep. Then went for English mass at the monestry. It is the Colony of St John the Baptist, and they are a group of very young people from a whole lot of different nations. It is very much a charismatic group though following the Roman catholic order of mass.

    Dinner was Raman noodles that I purchased yesterday at the super market, as not many places are now open till tomorrow 8.00pm or so.

    Tomorrow I think it's going to be a mandatory rest day for me as I cannot see many Arabic people and don't think there will be much open. But will go for a walk, and might be presently surprised.

    The camping grounds are pretty packed today. It's all 1 or 2 person tents. It's so close to each other honestly we don't know how lucky we are in NZ

    The last lot of photos show some mosaic work. Please note how even though there has been a bogvearth quake most of the Mosaic work has stayed intact even though the ground has undulated in the Synagogue. The mosaic work under the shelter is a part of the village area. The first photo is of a hedge in the church yard, but made up of different colored leave plants looks very nice.
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  • Hari 22

    Mt Tabor and Shopping

    22 Jun 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Today, after breakfast, I invited the couple who were celebrating their 31st WA to go with me to Mt Tabor. She got chatting with me yesterday and was very friendly. Had to smile was typical Colin and Sonali relationship. He would ask her in arabic and then shecwould ask me. ( I know what your thinking Colin Sonali doesn't speak Arabic, and yes, you're correct, but you don't hear, so I have to repeat to you) Even to get the coffee machine going, she had to show him. If something was not there, she had to find it.
    Colin, does this all sound familiar to you. Maybe telepathically, she recognized a kinred spirit in me. Huh.... The wife liked the idea as she had not been there. Their original plan had been to go to Nazareth today, but she wanted to go to Mt Tabor as well. So they joined me.

    We had to negotiate a taxi, and then we were off. Mt Tabor was where the transfiguration of Jesus took place. My admiration for Jesus and his band of disciples are going up by day. Mainly because if the heat was not bad enough, imagine walking uphill and then not having fancy footwear, etc. Hmmmm, food for thought, how did they survive? They must have been very hardy and strong,

    I am humbled once again to be in a place or some where close to where Jesus would have been. Rather than the exact place the fact that he walked here and saw this earth very much different from what I am looking at today but I can imagine and that will stay with me for sure when I now read the Gospel passages.

    The driver said he could only stay there for 20 minutes if we stayed longer he was going to charge etc. So into the Church, which was lovely, then a quick prayer today, no time for meditation. Then photos. Zein loved the fact that she got to visit the church. She said she believed that God grants your wishes when you enter his house for the first time. I, too, had heard that, but had stopped asking Hod for anything as he was granting me everything I desired by allowing me to set foot in his home.😊

    Then, back to Tiberias, the couple was very keen. I come to visit them in Bethleham before I go back to NZ. First, it was just an invite for a meal, then it became a sleep and stay a night. So now I am running out of time. As I am hoping to Manilka, then Achim and now these guys. Hmmmm.... not sure what I will do.

    They got off at the bus station to go to Nazareth, as they have Palestine licenses they can not bring their car, nor can they rent a car in Israel. It is so hard for Palestine people. I was dropped off at a mall. Well retail therapy had not happened to date. As I was going to be busy once back in Jerusalem thought it was best to purchase gifts I needed to take back. I think I did all of my shopping and ofcourse I did buy some stuff me moi.😊😊😊

    Had Japenese for lunch, if I dont see any pita bread and hummus for the rest of this year, it won't bother me at all. Can't believe I am saying this but it's true. Trust me I will regret once back in NZ I ever said this.

    Now back at the monestry need to try and pack all my purchases.

    The first two photos is of a bird that was very different. Had a long feather like thing on his head. Had a stripped part on his body too. Missed a close up of the bird. Looked it up its the Israeli nationsl bird called Hoopoes. Added a proper photo from google. 🙂.
    The last photo is like a big blown up airplane from a far, but that is where the Israel government is monitoring all your mobile calls.

    The two chapels in the transfiguration church is of Moses and Elijah.
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  • Hari 21

    Capernaum, and Tabgha

    21 Jun 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    My plan today was to go see Tabgha and Capernaum. Tabgha is where Jesus multiplied the two fishes and the five loaves. Further down from there is the church of Primacy of Peter, and further down the road is Peter's house, and the white Synagogue. Walking from one to the other I also passed the Hemmorage Stone and one of the seven springs.

    As an young adult not much is known of the man called Jesus, but in the 3 years that he worked as a rabbi he lived and worked mostly in Capernum. It is thought he might have lived at Peter's home. We also know through the Gospel, Peter's MIL lived with Peter as well. Today over where Peter's house was 2000 years ago there is a church over the excavation.

    Close to that is the white Synagogue. This is in ruins as well. But it is believed that this white stone Synagogue has been built over where the original Synagogue that Jesus would have taught and read the scriptures.

    Moving back towards Tabgha there is the church where Jesus said to Peter when he appointed him as the shepherd in charge

    In response to Peter's three affirmations of love for him, Jesus gives Peter three commands: "Feed my lambs" / "Take care of my sheep" / "Feed my sheep". Jesus is re-commissioning Peter as an apostle and leader in the church.

    Between here and Capernaum was one part of the 7 springs.

    Moving further back towards Tiberias we come to the church where it is believed that the multiplication of loaves miracle happened. Under the alter is a piece of exposed rock, which is belived to be part of the place where this mieracle took place. The mosaic work dates back and is beautiful. Some parts of it were being repaired. The gospel was very much coming alive. As I walked I also passed the hemorrhage stone. This is where the woman who had been bleeding thought if she could just touch the tassel of his garment, that she would get better.

    It was a very long day. I should have followed Google, but followed the advice of a English man at the bus stand. This ended up by Mr walking forward visiting each place, but then to come back ( I was more than 5 kms down the road by then) I had to walk all the way back. I was melting in the heat, I would not have been able to walk back in that heat. So I had to stay for over 2 hours for the bus. Had I followed Google I would have walked back towards the junction I got off at, and there was about 3 more bus choices. Oh well, you live and learn Google knows best.

    While I was waiting this random guy came over from no where. I had read that these places are in the middle of no where and it was true. Not sure why but I honestly thought Capernaum was yet a village. But sadly that was not the case. It was an ancient village. There were no houses, no restaurants, no busses etc. Any how going back to the guy he started to talk and asked if I was working in a tourist. I said pilgrim. Then he asks from where so I said Sri Lanka. Thought if he wanted to kidnap me, it was not going to be worth while. Thought I was quite clever!!!..
    Apparently he doesn't work as he has got PTSD. Anyhow he was flagging down cars as well while waiting for the bus. A van stopped and he got on and off he went. I must say I was happy to see the back of him.

    I have learned my lesson, the next few days I am taking a taxi from A to B and B to C.

    The photos tell the story of my visit today.
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