Humedal de Córdoba

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    • Dag 194

      Bogotá: Rund ums Auto mit Marc &Patrycja

      7 oktober 2022, Colombia ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Wir erreichten Bogotá am frühen Abend und bezogen unser riesiges Air BnB. Die Wohnung war ein Traum mit 7 Schlafzimmern, von denen jedes ein eigenes Bad hatte - perfekt also für unsere Konstellation, denn Marc und Patrycja sollten am selben Abend noch dazustoßen.

      Wir hatten schon im Tukawa-Hostel mit den beiden telefoniert und abgesprochen, dass wir uns um eine Unterkunft kümmern und die beiden vom Flughafen abholen würden. Sie hatten uns schon im Vorhinein mitgeteilt, dass es für sie in Ordnung wäre, wenn wir das Auto noch länger nutzen würden. Die beiden hatten eine 7-tägige Wanderung zum Machu Picchu gebucht und planten nach Lima zu fliegen, in Peru noch ein paar Wochen zu backpacken und danach wieder in Bogotá das Auto entgegen zu nehmen. Da wir für weitere zwei Wochen zu sechst reisen würden, hatten die beiden vorgeschlagen, dass wir ihr Gepäck, womit der gesamte Kofferraum gefüllt war, in einem Schließfach in Bogotá einlagern könnten. Auf der Fahrt vom Tukawa-Hostel nach Bogotá mussten wir schon zweistöckig auf dem Dach packen. Wir kamen dabei in ein großes Unwetter, dem anscheinend die Plane, die wir über alle Sachen gespannt hatten, nicht standhielt. Marc und Patrycja's Sachen waren demnach auch ziemlich nass geworden, was wir erst am dem Abend als sie ankamen bemerkten - wie unangenehm! Wir fühlten uns total schlecht. 😥

      Dazu kam noch, dass Marc sich nicht gut fühlte und am Morgen der Abreise sogar ins Krankenhaus ging, um sich untersuchen zu lassen - Verdacht auf Nierensteine. Zum Glück waren die Tests negativ, wie sie uns nach ein paar Tagen berichteten.

      Für Dominik und mich bestand die Zeit in Bogotá rein aus Organisatorischem. Da wir nur zwei Nächte gebucht hatten, blieb uns nur ein voller Tag, um Marc und Patrycja's Sachen zu trocknen und danach alles in dem Schließfach im Norden der Stadt einzulagern.

      Die anderen vier machten sich auf, um die Stadt kennenzulernen - sie waren begeistert. Somit freuen wir uns schon, wenn wir ein paar Tage in Bogotá haben, bevor Marc und Patrycja aus Peru zurück sind und wir ihnen das Auto wiedergeben.

      Mit den beiden haben wir schon beschlossen, dass wir dann etwas mehr Zeit zusammen verbringen möchten. Auf unserer Wunschliste steht der Lost City Trek - eine mehrtägige Wanderung im höchsten Küstengebierge der Welt, bei Santa Marta.

      Diese Richtung steuerten wir sechs dann am nächsten Tag an - auf zur Karibikküste!
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    • Dag 1

      Travel & Arriving in Bogota

      20 juni 2023, Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      First main leg was Sydney to Santiago (12 hours). We all enjoyed the Qantas lounge and the flight was very comfortable. One person maybe had a bit too much vino but we survived. We had about 5 hours in transit in Santiago, Chile 🇨🇱. The final leg was to Bogota, Colombia 🇨🇴 (6 hours). We cleared Customs about 10:30pm. Family met us at the airport and we had a wonderful welcome. Dean's Aussie care package arrived intact. Have had a decent sleep overnight and can't wait to get out and explore... once the teenagers wake up!Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Dean's Workshop and A BBQ

      22 juni 2023, Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Thursday morning and we all were up feeling pretty normal. Some went to the gym with Miguel and I started on Duo Lingo - better late than never!

      Dean and Claudia arrived and we all went to his workshop to help move out a Toyota Landcruiser and see his project Beemer (a 3 series with a 6.2 litre V8). After that we had a magnificent chicken lunch and walked to Dean and Claudia's apartment.

      Another walk to get beef, sausages (Argentinean - yum) plus salad for a BBQ at Andy and Natalia's place. We had a great time chatting with everyone and discovered Georgia has a talent for pouring tap beers (rules go out the window here). The boys started to get a bit tired so we headed home.

      Tomorrow (Friday) we are driving to Villa de Leyva for a weekend at the family home there.
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    • Dag 6

      Return to Bogota

      25 juni 2023, Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      A travel day today, not much happened apart from experiencing our first Colombian traffic jam - surprised it took this long to be honest. We are back in Bogota and here until Tuesday morning, when we fly to Cartagena.Läs mer

    • Dag 15

      Return to Bogota

      4 juli 2023, Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Today (Tuesday) we travelled back to Bogota from Finca Camperdown, stopping briefly in the nearby town of San Juan de Rioseco where the long weekend festival had finally ended - although a few locals were still going (day 4)!

      It was nice to wind down back at Miguel and Christina's place and get ready for our flight to Medellin tomorrow.
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    • Dag 436

      Schweizer in Bogota

      17 april 2019, Colombia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Bogota beheimatet um die 8 Millionen Menschen, liegt auf 2600 M.ü.M. und ist das wirtschaftliche und politische Zentrum Kolumbiens. Wir haben für einige Nächte in einer Unterkunft im historischen Viertel Candelaria eingecheckt.
      Zusammen mit Sabrina (eine Freundin von Manu) stiefeln wir in der Stadt herum. Wir besuchen die historische Walkingtour, welche uns sehr viel, fast zu viel, geschichtliches näher bringt. Dafür war die Graffiti Tour am kommenden Tag umso besser und interessanter. Die verschiedenen Techniken, welche die jeweiligen Künstler anwenden, sind eindrücklich und die Resultate richtige Kunstwerke.

      Zufälligerweise war Leandra‘s Verwandte (welche wir in Leticia knapp verpassten) zur gleichen Zeit auch in der Stadt. Dieses Mal klappte es mit dem Treffen und wir freuten uns auf vertraute Gesichter. 🤗
      Ansonsten hat uns Kolumbiens Hauptstadt nicht vom Hocker gehauen, vielleicht schafft sie das ein ander Mal, denn wir verlassen Kolumbien schon wieder in Richtung Karibik.🌴 Wir sind uns jedoch einig, dass wir das Land auf einer anderen Reise genauer erkunden werden.
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    • Dag 144


      25 december 2018, Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      So unglaublich ufgregt bin ich am 24.12 in Bogota ahcho und so fröhlich han ichs 4 Täg spöter weder verloh. Mit ehm Luca sim Flug esch zum Glück alles guet gange und mer händ üs nach über 5 lange Mönet ändlich weder gseh!

      Mer händ es härzigs chlises Airbnb gmieted und händ vo det us chli d Stadt erkunded und üsi wiiteri Reis planed. D Stadt hed üs viel besser gfalle als erwarted. Mer händ ah ehnere free Walking Tour teilgnoh, sind ihs Goldmuseeum und zu ehnere Chile uf ehmene Bärg go d Wiehnachtsbelüchtig ahluege 😊.
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    • Dag 119


      28 januari 2018, Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Puooo isch die Stadt gross... das hend mir ersch recht gmerkt wo mir mitem Seilbähnli ufde Huusberg ufegfahre sind... hend alli gmeint me sölli nöd abelaufe das segi viel z'gföhrlich usgraubt z'werde... es isch aber e reinsti Völkerwanderig durab xi... E interessanti Stadtführig über d'Gschicht vom Pablo Escobar und en bsuech im berühmtischte Goldmuesum vode Welt hend mir in Bogota auno unternoh... würkli feins z'Esse finde isch i dere Statd isch trotz grössi eher schwierig... defür hemo ime chline Workshop einiges über de Smaragd (Emerald) erfahre und sogar so en Stei übercho :)Läs mer

    • Dag 122


      10 juni 2018, Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Hauptstadt. Die Stadt ist riesig was einem aber eigentlich erst vom Aussichtspunkt aus auffällt und ziemlich abgefuckt. Selten so viele Junkies gesehen in nem Touristenviertel.

      Wir haben eine Graffiti Tour gemacht welche ganz nett war und uns eine Fette Mona Lisa angeschaut. Botera, der Maler hat hier ein großes Museum und man stellt fest er hat schon einen eigenen Stil. Darüberhinaus gibt es noch eine riesige Gold Sammlung zu besichtigen.Läs mer

    • Dag 6

      Week 1 part 1

      4 mars 2016, Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      What a week. My flight to Bogotá got in a half an hour late which was stressful because I had someone waiting there at 6:50 to pick me up. I get off the plane and follow the crowds to the initial customs line where I gave the nice man my passport and he stamped it that I'm a tourist here for less than 90 days. After that I go to baggage claim, where I find my dad's suitcase he let me bring got badly ripped in transit. An employee filled out a sheet where I can drop off the suitcase and get it fixed for free. But of course that took another half hour and I still had to go through customs. That wasn't terrible though, I gave the nice lady the sheet I filled out on the plane and she asked what food I brought. Then I put my bags on a belt to have them go through security one last time before I could go find my ride. He was waiting there holding the right sign so I walked up and of course his English is bad. Now I was somewhat frazzled, with it being 8pm and my first time in a different country, been up since 4 walking through airports, etc. So my Spanish wasn't great that night. Anyway he gets his car and we drive to the apartment I'm staying in. One thing about Bogotá, the traffic really is awful! It took almost an hour to get there. By this time I just want to sleep, but I need to meet the family and unpack. My host "mom" Angela made me a plate of fruit and some juice and we sat and talked for almost an hour before her husband, Oscar reminded us we needed to wake up for school the next day. I get to my room and start unpacking my clothes so I can wear them the next day, and of course text everyone that I'm home (sorry I forgot you Jenifer!).
      Day 1: because Bogotá is so big and has such bad traffic, they have something called Pico Y placo, which means people with cars can drive every other day, depending on where they live. Luckily, Angela was able to drive Tuesday so she drove me to school. We left at 7:30 (which is actually when school starts but she wanted to give me a chance to rest and she had class at 8, BTW she's the art teacher at ECA). We got there and she dropped me off at the teacher care office for them to take care of me. Rosa Maria was so welcoming and introduced me to a bunch of people, who's names I still don't remember. But she told me the basics of what I'll need and what my time there will be like. Then we went to see Jenn, who has been the one emailing me this whole time. In her office she set up my ECA email address, added me to the teacher list and schedule, and their whole system. From there we go see Pati (part of the reason I'm using all the names is to help me remember lol), who will get me a temporary ECA badge and figure out eating in the cafeteria and what not. While I waited there Rachel, my mentor teacher found me! She had a free period so she wanted to show me around. We walked passed her classroom (the kids were in there doing Spanish class), she showed me the different rooms on the first floor and then took me to the second floor. There is a teacher office there where they had a desk ready for me with my name and everything! It's where all the 5th and up teachers work because they either don't have home rooms or don't have a desk there, like Rachel. I immediately loved it there. I really saw the community of teachers by the way they interacted with each other and were so welcoming to me. I'm still learning all the names but I've made progress! She finished showing me around campus - beautiful!! OH! And when we were in the office at one point someone who was using the computer behind me turned around to ask who I was so I told her and she got so excited and went, "I'm Renee!" Which was super exciting because her and her husband lead the church in Bogotá and I had completely forgotten to tell them when I was coming! We talked a lot and she got my number and gave my information to girls my age who would help me get to events and church. Also, there's always coffee in the teacher office AND the teacher kitchen!! Life is good and caffeinated! I got to sit in on her class and meet the students and observe what will be my life for the next 8 weeks. When the bell rang I went home with Angela and she had two high school boys who live in our complex walk me because she had an appointment. I realized though, I had no idea how I was getting to school Wednesday because I left right away I didn't get to talk to Jenn more about it. Luckily she's on top of things and called the house to talk to me about the teacher van. She gave me all the info I would need to take that to school.
      Day 2 - Wednesday: the teacher van gets to my complex at 6:22 am so I had to be out the door by 6:20. I was kind of scared to wait by myself but I felt better being so close to the apartment. The van came and it was a full one! I got to meet more teachers on the van. Got to school and put my stuff at my desk then went to the class. Every other Wednesday morning the middle school team gets together to pray so I went to that with Rachel. I love that I'm at a school where the staff gets together to pray for the students! We went to class, I saw what people were saying about a super energetic class! I'm also working on remembering all their names, there's on a few who I'm unsure of at this point. All day though I was worried about getting home, because the bus drops off on the other side of the main road (called the autovista) that's basically their highway. I had no idea how to get to the apartment from that side. Also, there was a teacher movie night at 5 to watch War Room that night, and a teacher van leaving at 7:30. But if walking home at 5 scared me, walking home at 8 was terrifying. However, it was able to be arranged that I got a ride home and stayed for the movie. That happened at about 3, so that relieved a lot of stress. Another cool thing, the teachers get Spanish classes every Monday and Wednesday. Rachel asked her teacher about me and he pulled up an online test for me to take to see which class I should be in. I got level two so he took me to their class and I joined in. It was such a fun class, 3 of us teachers and 2 Spanish teachers. I'm really excited to be able to take this class! The thing about Wednesday, was all day I felt this huge tug of homesickness all day. It almost hurt and I was honestly on the verge of tears all day but I made it through. I thought about the movie Brooklyn that I just watched with Lynds and Kassie before I left. In it the main character moves from Ireland to the states and she feels the homesickness a lot. But they tell her it's like a bad sickness that will go away with time. So I told that to myself and it helped. I also texted my parents a little but we didn't get to talk much.
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