Costa Rica
Boca Vieja Creek

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    • Dag 88


      6. juni 2019, Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      In Quepos habe ich den Manuel Antonio Park erkundet. Er besteht aus einigen Stränden und Dschungel, in dem man Affen, Faultiere und viele weitere Tiere beobachten kann.

      Der Ort an sich hat eher weniger zu bieten, weshalb ich die restliche Zeit hauptsächlich am Pool gechillt habe. 😎Læs mere

    • Dag 32

      Manuel Antonio

      1. oktober 2016, Costa Rica ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Bin jetzt bis mindestens Mittwoch in Manuel Antonio. Ist echt schön hier. Super Strand, riesiger Nationalpark und viele Touristen. Hab heute ne 5er Gruppe aus Deutschland kennengelernt. Waren auch zwei Surfer dabei. Sind aber leider schon weiter gezogen. Denke ich werde morgen meine ersten Surfstunden nehmen. War heute bei Pedro, der will für 3h Privatunterricht 40$. Das ist ein super Preis für das teure Costa Rica. Außerdem bin ich ja auch deswegen hier. Werde dann am Montag mir nur ein Board leihen und trainieren. Die Wellen sind echt gut hier. Am Dienstag besuch ich dann den Nationalpark. Dann sehen wir wenn es mir gefällt, ob ich noch ein paar Tage bleibe oder weiterziehe.Læs mere

    • Dag 113

      Meerchen wechsel Dich

      29. juni 2017, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Von der karibischen an die pazifische Küste: Der Lonely Planet schreibt, dass man theoretisch an einem einzigen Tag in Costa Rica in beiden Meeren baden kann.

      Seeeehr theoretisch: Wir haben gestern insgesamt 12 Stunden gebraucht, um mit Bussen von Puerto Viejo nach Quepos zu kommen, wo heute schon der nächste Nationalpark wartet ☺Læs mere

    • Dag 286

      ¿Qué es Quepos?

      11. maj 2018, Costa Rica

      Leaving David in Panama late in the afternoon, after waiting for the TicaBus for over two hours, we headed towards the border of Panama and Costa Rica. Up until this point, border crossings had been relatively straightforward, although often time-consuming. We should have realised that this next crossing may be a bit more involved when we were stopped twice on our way to the border by military police and immigration officers, who checked everyone's ID. Usually most countries aren't concerned about people exiting the country but not in Panama. Everyone was taken into a small room and told to line up behind a row of stainless steel benches that could have been the playground of a serial killer – think Dexter. The customs officer ranted something at us in Spanish but his accent was so strong and he spoke so quickly that we barely understood what he said. We understood that our bags would be inspected before we could continue to immigration to get our passports stamped. Our names were called as if we were at school and then the customs canine entered the room to inspect our bags. As there were no x-ray machines, the next inspection was a manual process with the officer rummaging through everyone's bag. After the whole ordeal, we boarded the bus again and went three hundred metres so we could go through the same process with Costa Rican officials. This time, the customs officer seemed really pissed off and wanted most of us on the bus to pay. Quite a few people, including Jason, had their bags upturned and all the contents thrown onto the inspection table. Now, if anyone has seen our bags, they are jam-packed and the task of reorganising the contents is no mean feat.

      After seven hours on a bus, we were dropped off in the middle of nowhere on the side of the highway. The bus driver pointed to a car parked behind the bus and said that the guy would take us to the centre of Quepos for US$5. We took one look at the beaten up car that looked like it had been stolen, taken for a joyride and now was going to take us back to Dexter's workshop so that we could be cut-up into small pieces and thrown into the Pacific Ocean. The driver got out of the car so that we could place our bags in the boot but to do so he needed to open it with a screwdriver. The back door was almost falling off and, not unsurprisingly, there were no seatbelts. The price of the journey also seemed to have increased in the meantime to US$6.

      When we arrived to our apartment, we realised that none of the properties had numbers and our so-called taxi driver had to ask several people if they knew where the terracotta-coloured apartments were located. We eventually found what we thought was the correct location but not only did the property not have any numbers there was no bell or way to get the owner's attention and we didn't have any phone reception. It was late in the evening, but fortunately there were a few people in the streets. Ricky went in search of someone who could contact our host, while Jason stood at the front of the property yelling out “hola”. After about five minutes, we were let into our accommodation and we could finally rest.

      The following day, we explored the small town that is home to a population of around 22,000. We had expected the images seen in tourist brochures about Costa Rica that show beautiful beaches and rainforests. In the main centre of town, there weren't any beaches as such, just the shoreline and marina. We did stumble across some interesting wildlife hanging out alongside the roads, including colourful iguanas.

      One of the main attractions in the area is the Parque National Manuel Antonio, a 1,983 hectare nature reserve with supposedly 109 species of mammals and 184 species of birds. It is named by Forbes as one of the 12 most beautiful national parks. Our main reason for visiting was to go in search of brown-throated three-toed sloths and Hoffmann's two-toed sloths. We've been searching for these allusive creatives for a good part of our journey throughout South America and Central America. We were positive that this was going to be the moment that we would get a chance to get-up and close, two or three toes crossed. But alas, we wandered the national park for hours and found not one. All that we got was a sore neck from looking up at the high trees. We knew that they were mainly nocturnal animals but that they have to come down from the trees every eight days to defecate … and we didn't even see a shitting sloth! But we did see lots of cute monkeys jumping from tree to tree, playing with each other or searching for lice on each other. One specie of monkey, the Howler Monkey, could be heard in the distance as they howled amongst the trees, producing a sound that was more like a pack of dogs fighting.

      After a brief swim at Manuel Antonio beach, we went in search of sloths one last time before heading home. Although nicer than the shorelines in Quepos, for two Aussie boys, it's hard to beat Australian beaches. We'd conjured up imagines similar to the Maldives but it wasn't quite the same. It was at this time point that the skies opened up and torrential rain fell. We also thought that we may have also spotted a sloth in a tree. Well, it was a greyish blob sitting in the tree. After eavesdropping in on a conversation of one of the tour groups we ascertained that it was a rare stick bird and not a sloth. During the conversation, we also overheard one of the American tourists say that aliens had built the pyramids in Egypt and in the Americas so that that they knew where to return in the future. And she was deadly serious. With that, we exited the park, completely drenched from head to toe like a drowned sloth. Disappointed. Oh well, we'll have to continue our search at our next destination.

      Next stop: Playas del Coco via Puntarenas and Liberia.
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    • Dag 28

      Ab nach Uvita

      2. maj 2018, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nachdem der erste Schock überwunden war und das wichtigste geregelt, konnten wir von Quepos aus nach Uvita fahren und ins Cascada Verde einchecken. Und wen treffen wir da? Niko, Janet und Chris sind auch hier gelandet! 😂Læs mere

    • Dag 16


      20. marts 2019, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir sind gut angekommen! Es hat dann doch inklusive des kleinen Stopps bei den Krokodilen gute 5 Stunden gedauert. Jetzt drehen wir eine Runde im Pool, duschen und suchen uns was kleines zum Abendessen. Gute Nacht 😴Læs mere

    • Dag 17

      Wide Mouth Frog Hotel

      21. marts 2019, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Wir starten den Tag mit einem super entspannten Frühstück 🍳 ☕️ und faulem Rumliegen am Pool ☀️
      Heute hatten wir die Wahl ob wir uns um 6 Uhr auf den Weg zum Manuel Antonio Nationalpark machen und uns in die Schlange stellen, um 7 Uhr eine der begehrten limitierten Eintrittkarten zu bekommen. (Da der Nationalpark so überlaufen ist, werden pro Tag nur noch 1200 Besucher reingelassen. )

      - Nein, das tun wir uns nicht an 😊✌🏼☀️ Vielleicht fahren wir später noch an den Strand oder laufen durch den Ort Quepos.

      (Auf uns wartet am Samstag noch der riesige und keineswegs überlaufene Corcovado Nationalpark, der ebenfalls limitiert ist und nur mit Guide betreten werden darf. )
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    • Dag 18

      Auf zur Osa-Halbinsel

      22. marts 2019, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Unsere vorletzte Station liegt im westlichen Teil der Osa-Halbinsel - der Nationalpark Corcovado. Er wurde im Jahr 1975 zum Nationalpark erklärt und umfaßt eine Landfläche von ca. 55.000 qkm.
      Die Artenvielfalt dieses hauptsächlich von dichtem Tieflandregenwald bewachsenen Gebietes ist überwältigend und an kaum einem anderen Ort der Welt in dieser Intensität anzutreffen. Mit sehr viel Glück kann man u.a. Tapire entdecken.

      Zunächst fahren wir nach Sierpe, dort stellen wir das Auto auf einem bewachten Parkplatz ab. Danach kommt man nur noch mit dem Boot weiter. Nach einer Stunde Fahrt entlang des Sierpe Flusses gelangen wir zur Drake Bay. Dort ist unser Hotel und wir sollten um die Mittagszeit ankommen. Morgen machen wir eine geführte Tour (ohne Führer und Anmeldung wird man nicht in den Park gelassen) zur Rangerstation Sirena im Corcovado.
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    • Dag 13


      3. maj 2019, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Heute morgen wurden wir abgeholt für eine Catamaran Tour. Wir starteten in Quepos und fuhren bis zum Nationalpark, dann ein Stück aufs offene Meer und zurück zu einer Bucht zum Schnorcheln und Mittag essen. An Board waren alle Getränke inklusive (auch Alkohol), es gab einen Obstsnack und das Mittag essen. Die Crew war super nett und hat auch gute Musik gemacht. Das Boot selbst hatte eine Rutsche die man unbedingt ausprobiert haben muss. Auch wenn die Tour nur 3 Stunden ging und dafür ganz schön teuer war, war es ein wunderschöner Ausflug mit Sunset Sail. Wir hatten auch das Glück dass nur wenig Menschen dabei waren und es so etwas „privater“ war.Læs mere

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