Costa Rica
Provincia de San José

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Top 10 reisbestemmingen Provincia de San José
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    • Dag 5

      Am Río Corinto

      19 februari 2020, Costa Rica ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Zur Belohnung für die Anstrengung wartet im Tal der Rio Corinto auf uns. Während Denniz unseren Picknicktisch deckt (Picknick, Wasser, Saft und Tischdecke hat er im Rucksack mitgeschleppt 😳) stürzen wir uns in den kalten Fluss. Eine tolle Erfrischung, denn so eine Dschungelwanderung ist ganz schön schweißtreibend 🥵 - und da kennen wir den Rückweg noch nicht 😳🤪!
      Hier fliegen auch ständig die großen blauen Morphofalter herum. Die setzen sich aber nirgendwo nieder und so gelingt kein einziges Foto.
      Nun ist baden, picknicken und relaxen angesagt, eine Stunde haben wir Zeit dafür, bevor wir uns an den Aufstieg wagen.
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    • Dag 216

      Buenaaaas San Jose

      12 maart 2020, Costa Rica ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      ...und so kam der Morgen, an dem wir all unser Sack und Pack zum Flughafen tragen mussten.
      Weil Taxis teuer sind, keine DoubleBoardBag transportieren und wir ja arme BackpackerSchlucker sind, war es wieder der Bus - in Summe drei über 1,5 Stunden lang!
      Weil unsere Flughafen-Erfahrungen bisher immer recht dramatisch verliefen, waren wir entsprechend seeehr früh am Auckland International Airport und was soll ich sagen...dieses Mal verlief es ohne jedes Drama! Sorry dafür.
      Unsere Boards und Taschen wurden anstandslos angenommen, der Security-Check harmlos, der Check-In pünktlich....wir warteten inständig auf den Moment, in dem irgendwas schief gehen würde....ich würde den Spannungsbogen gerne beliebig weit aufspannen, aber es ging einfach nix schief! Ob ein Tag kostenfreies Arbeiten unser Karma-Konto soweit auffüllen konnte?
      Aber auch wenn der sonst quälend lange Immigration Prozess beim Eintritt in die USA wirklich flott ging und wir unsere Anschlüssflüge locker bekommen haben - ein Reisetag der in Auckland beginnt und über LA und Miami nach San Jose geht ist wirklich lang!
      12h nach LA, 5h nach Miami, 6h nach San Jose, dazwischen Wartezeit...geschlafen haben wir wenig und als wir am San Jose Airport in ein günstiges Uber mit massig Stauraum bestiegen, haben wir unser Glück einfach akzeptiert und uns ein GuteNacht-Bier gegönnt.
      Selbst als uns der Verkehr um 6.30 aufgeweckt hat, haben wir uns einfach umgedreht und bis Mittag geschlafen! Wer kennt Maren gut? STELLT EUCH DAS VOR!

      Sodann begaben wir uns auf eine kurze Stadtrunde durch San Jose um festzustellen, dass Costa Rica wirklich kein günstiges Reiseland ist! Ob Dollar oder Corones, das Geld geht weg wie warme Bohnen! Die Innenstadt San Josés zeigt sich von der entwickelte zentralamerika Seite. Eine richtige Einkaufsstraße lockt mit internatinen Länden. Dennoch schnappten wir die ersten Lateinamerikanischen Rhymen auf und aßen im trubelligen lokalen Merkado einen lustigen Maisfladenen ala Tortilla.
      Kurz war der Besuch hier. Aber auch das ist nicht so schlimm, schließlich haben wir unsere Taschen gar nicht ausgepackt, sondern sitzen quasi auf Ihnen!
      Morgen in aller Hergottsfrühe geht es nämlich mit dem berühmten Tica-Bus nach Nicaragua! In Managua wird uns Janio abholen und nach El Transito bringen!
      Warme Tage in einer Strandhütte liegen vor uns! Nur surfen und....Reis und Bohnen!
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    • Dag 208

      San Jose

      12 juli 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      We arrived in San Jose and was met with the classic Central American organisation, a 2 hour queue to get through immigration, nearly as long as the flight itself 😔 definitely the worst we have had so far.

      The town of San Jose is small and functional, at only 320,000 population it feels very different coming from the 5th largest. Although it lacks the colour and charm of Mexico City it makes up for it with some amazing museums. Unrelated to the town, things went slightly down here for us, Armelles phone mysteriously stopped working, definitely nothing to do with the charger that James dropped on it 🫣 and a dubious charge appeared on her card so that had to be blocked and cancelled.

      After a half day of admin and finding out Costa Ricans don't use Google Phones we managed to get Armelle a new device so she can WhatsApp you all again, and we finally made it to some amazing Museums. First up was the Jade Museum where we learnt how jade was shaped and used as a way to tell the person's rank in the society pre-Columbian.

      It's the raining season here so the next day we hit the other two big museums the Museum of Gold and coins. Again this museum focuses on the pre-Columbian time, and even if no big civilisation like the Maya existed in the zone of Costa Rica, the population was definitely influenced by maya and had trades with them. We could see similarity in the way they were living and the importance they gave to animals and what they symbolised.

      Finally we made it to the National Museum, in a nice yellow building. Again it started with the pre-Columbian history but this time went all the way to today, even the pandemic was included! It was interesting to learn about how Costa Rica was constructed after their independence in 1825 from the Spanish and how they managed to create a country that seems very good to live in! Can you guess what's the top product that Costa Rica exports?

      After a less than auspicious start to Costa Rica, San José definitely left a positive impression.
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    • Dag 221

      Uvita and Nauyaca Falls

      25 juli 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      After our adventures with our four legged friend we found some company that could hold a better conversation. After a good Costa Rican dinner it turned out we all wanted to do the Nauyaca Waterfalls the following day so made plans to car share and save our carbon footprint a little.

      The falls are not the tallest in Costa Rica, or the largest by volume but a lot of people agree they are the best. We think it may be due to the numerous swimming pools that can easily be accessed from the path. The water is just the perfect temperature to refresh you after 30min walk and the colour is an amazing blue green.

      We found a cute little spot along the coast called Playa Linda, which means beautiful beach and we couldn't agree more! It had a nice atmosphere, being a Saturday, there were quite a few locals having a picnic and enjoying the day. After getting a little sunburn on the beach we stopped at an animal shelter on a steep hill (good thing we have a 4x4). We had a tour that explained the work they're doing to try to rehabilitate the animals they received, most of which come in injured or found as pets and how they take care of some that can't go back to the wild because they are too dependent on humans. It was interesting and a bit sad, for some animals that, because of humans, will need to spend their whole life in cages. Oddly enough though, because they are right in the heart of the rainforest some of the local wild animals come to visit and their band of Capucin monkeys have found a wild friend that stops by everyday for some grooming.

      Within all this nature and animals we also found time to spend on a nice minigolf course!
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    • Dag 223

      San Gerardo de Dota

      27 juli 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      It's almost the end of our trip in Costa Rica and to close the loop back to San José we went through the valley de Dota. Our first stop was at a coffee plantation and we learnt everything from the crop to the cup! Coop E Dota is a fully carbon neutral operation which uses beans grown in the valley and exports mainly unroasted dried beans to Europe and America. They also do their own roasts for the local market, including being the supplier to all Costa Ricans and Panamanian McDonald's. It was an interesting visit, very detailed , we learnt a lot but we didn't take many pictures as, being up in the mountains and in a coffee plantation it is inclined to rain, a lot.

      Now pumped full of caffeine we headed down into the neighbouring valley of San Gerardo where we would be spending the night. As we are back at altitude again it can get a little bit cold, down to 10°C at night, luckily we had lots of blankets in our luxury chalet 😊. The main draw of the valley is its bird watching, people come here specifically to hunt the Resplendent Quetzal, a very colourful red and green little bird who's tail feathers can grow up to a meter in length during mating season then fall out when it's ready to migrate. With the help of some locals we managed to spot one of these incredible birds as well as a few Toucanettes, Parakeets, Trogans and Humming birds all before the rain set in for the day.

      Satisfied with our birdwatching we went to indulge in the other activity worth doing in the valley, and trip to the spa with massages 😁 very relaxing. Next day and we're heading back to San Jose to catch our flight out of Costa Rica. This wasn't a country on our original plan but was highly recommended by lots of people we have met along the way, and we are very glad we made the stop, such diverse eco systems and a plethora of amazing a animals, great scenary and wonderful people. A little more expensive than we have got used to but we have been won over by this little Central American paradise. There is a lot we left unexplored but I suspect we will be back here one day.
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    • Dag 639

      die letzte Täg

      11 november 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Die letzt Wuche simmer in San Jose steckeblibe. Mer hend s Auto putzt und alles usegruumt, was no ufwändig gsi isch!
      D Übergab vom Auto zum neue Käufer isch eis uf und ab gsi! Mer hend vill Nerve brucht und freued eus ez umso me zrugg id Schwiiz z cho! 🇨🇭
      Somit isch eusi Reis verbii und ich hoffe ihr hend eusi Biiträg gnosse und sind so ebiz bi eus debii gsi 😊 Bis bald ide schöne Schwiiz😻
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    • Dag 27

      Ei tag in san jose

      18 december 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Da mer am nächste morge üses auto z san jose müen abhole, hämmer dänkt mer schlofed doch grad ei nacht da, de hämmer kei stress...
      Mer sind am morge acho, hend im hostel igcheckt ond sind denn chli dur d stadt gschländeret. Nüd werkli schöns aber immer wieder interessant so neui ort. De erich hed de e mc donalds entdeckt, ond da er scho e monet uf entzug devo esch, ond sini auge sooo glüchted hend, simmer gange 🤭 er hed sich sehr gfreut, hed aber uf de föteli ned chönne lache vor luuter ässe 😜. Wells in costa rica no kei veggie burger gid im mc hed mis zmittag usere portion pommes und me mc flurry bestande 😅
      Nachär hed am erich sini verchältig ehn definitiv igholt. So simmer zrug is hostel, er hed chli gschlafe ond ich ha gläse, tagebuech gschriebe ond met de irina telefoniert 😊 zum znacht hemmer üs ganz fuul e pizza is hostel bstellt...seehr gsunde tag gsi 😂
      Am nächste morge simmer go zmörgele ond denn go s auto hole.
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    • Dag 23

      Nauyaca Waterfall

      20 december 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      20-12 de reis naar Uvita. Onderweg eerst langs de Nauyaca Waterval geweest, waar we eerst een uur voor moesten hiken. Ernstig bezweet met beide een conditie van niks kwamen we eindelijk aan, en hebben daar lekker gelegen en in het water gezeten. De terugweg was gelukkig minder erg aangezien dat meer bult af was. Toen op weg naar het nieuwe verblijf, wederom een erg mooi hotel. In de avond maar even bij het hotel gegeten, wat we achteraf niet hadden gedaan als we de prijs wisten.. Maar toch lekker gegeten gelukkig. In de avond kwamen we er achter dat we onze wereldstekker vergeten zijn in Manuel Antonio, dat gaat helaas een ritje terug worden om deze op te halen. Desalniettemin een geslaagde dag, morgen een rustdag. 👋🏻Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Mask workshop

      29 december 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Here we are at the workshop of Heraldo Montoya, a famous mask maker. He learned from his father and grandfather. These masks are used in celebrations in Costa Rica. The idea is to dance in an enthusiastic manner…students got to try them out. Great fun.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Mask competition

      29 december 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Mr. Montoya challenged the group to a competition. I see a lot of talent in this group. And the winner gets a prize. Initially, the prize was to stay and work on masks for a year. But we settled for a mask! Yay Emily Cate.Meer informatie

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    Provincia de San José, Provincia de San Jose, San José

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