podróżował/a po 7 krajach. Czytaj więcej
  • Dzień 85

    Seoul City Wall

    22 marca, Korea Południowa ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    It was a great day, sunny and warmer, we were going to do some hiking in Bukhansan National Park Mountains, which is located right in Seoul, but the weather was forecasting rain by early afternoon, so we took the train to Hyehwamun Gate and checked out the Seoul City Wall instead. The wall dates back to 1396 and has 4 main gates. It was a nice peaceful walk. Saw some nice buildings and a shoe market with more shoes than you could imagine. We have seen a large police presence than any other country so far on this trip, lots of police buses (there were 4 buses in the picture below). Last night in Korea. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 84

    DMZ Zone

    21 marca, Korea Południowa ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    We took a tour to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone - a 2km band on the north side and a 2km band on the south side of the border that can not have any military action as per the armistice agreement signed in 1953), on the way there, we stopped by the Mt. Gamaksan suspension bridge and hiked to a small waterfall. Before entering the DMZ area, armed soldiers come onto the bus, and you have to show them your passports, and it must match the information on the tour providers list. When leaving, the bus count must match what it was on the way in, and soldiers once again come onto the bus, and you must show your passport next to your face for verification. After leaving the secure gate area and you pass a blue line on the pavement, you are in the DMZ zone. In the DMZ area, we saw the freedom bridge, Mangbaedan Alter, the third infiltration tunnel dug by the North for a surprise invasion. We were able to walk a portion of the tunnel (450m), but we had to put our cell phones in lockers first - no pictures. The invasion was foiled in 1978 by a north defector who knew about the tunnels (4 were eventually found). We went across the unification bridge, this is the only bridge and highway connecting the north and south, after you cross, you can see the highway is blocked, we took a side road to the Dorasan Observatory where you can see North Korea. They have a 165m high flag pole on their side of the border, and the south has a similar sized one displaying their flag on their side. Each side has propaganda villages that once were used to try and show the other side how great it was on each prospective side. We could see a North Korean lookout tower through the observatory binoculars, and it was surreal seeing the North Korean guards moving around. In the north, all men must serve 10 years in the armed forces, and women must serve 8 years. Since the 1953 signed armistice was only a truce, the two countries are still technically at war. In South Korea, all males must serve 2 years in the armed forces before they turn 30. It was an interesting day, learning more about Korea history from Japanese rule up to the end of WWII, to the north conspiring with Russia and China to invade the south and the eventual war that halted with the armistice in 1953 after three years of fighting, and nearly 5,000,000 casualties. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 83

    More of Seoul

    20 marca, Korea Południowa ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    We purchased some transit cards yesterday at a convenience store, loaded them with some cash and using them is super easy, just tap in and tap out of the bus or subway and it figures out the cost of your journey based on distance and transfers. We went to the Stanfield Coex mall in Gang Nam yesterday as it was a little damp in the morning, cool Library in the mall called Baekmadang Library, book shelves were so high. Had lunch at a great German restaurant. Today, we checked out Gyeongbokgung Palace and the area around Bukchon Hanok Village. Had lunch at a great Mexican place. We have been mixing it up with various culinary ethnicities, lol. Rice and noodles are losing their flair with us. We had a few nice Koreans help us with some translations in the subway today, which was appreciated and helpful. It was sunny today, but the wind was cold. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 81

    Checking out Seoul

    18 marca, Korea Południowa ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    We woke up today feeling better, but still not 100%. We went for some groceries in the morning for snacks and breakfasts. Then I went for a haircut, and Chris did the laundry for us. The english speaking guy at the barber was busy, so a Korean lady cut my hair. I showed her some pics of may last haircut, the english speaking guy came over to help translate, haircut was okay, she asked the translator to ask me if i wanted my eyebrows trimmed, I said yes, but she used a straight blade around my eyebrows then shaved my forehead, my nose, cheeks, ears, never had that before. Later, we chilled for a bit at the condo and then decided to try a Korean bbq place for dinner. Some things that make finding places in Seoul more challenging is that Google Maps does not work for walking or driving directions in Korea. It only works for transit directions. So we are using a new app called Navar Map, similar but some quirky differences, no Grab here which we are missing and it is flippin cold, the humidy cuts right through you. So we found a bbq restaurant that had great reviews, so we plugged the name Wangbijib Myeongdong Center store and followed the walking directions. After we arrived at where it said the restaurant was, all signs were in Korean, so we had no idea which place was the one. Chris asked some people on the street who pointed to a second floor restaurant with a Korean sign that looked like this - 왕비집, no idea, lol. Early night tonight to get some more rest. We will explore more tomorrow. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 80

    In Korea - finally!

    17 marca, Korea Południowa ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

    The trip from hell to get here. Started yesterday when we were dropped back off at old quarters in Hanoi, then we were supposed to get a ride to a hotel we had booked for the night next to the airport, spend a few hours resting then catch our red-eye flight to Seoul which was scheduled to leave at 1:50am. But the plan was sidelined. When we were dropped off in Hanoi after the cruise, we decided to have some lunch before heading to our airport hotel, half way through, Chris started sweating and was getting dizzy. We called for a Grab and started heading to the hotel. It wasn't a good ride. When we got to the hotel, Chris was very sick. I knew this wasn't going to pass before our flight so I was searching for other options, thing was our Vietnam Visa expired on the 17th and we had to be out of the county by end of day. We landed up booking a 10:30 am flight at bend over prices and crossed our fingers, Chris had a terrible night and when I woke up I started having stomach issues too, lots of imodium and gravel throughout the day helped, but it was a long day not very far from a bathroom. neither of us ate for over 30 hours, hoping a good night sleep will help. We think the culprit was our breakfast on the boat before we left. Once we arrived and went through the arduous customs line, we took a bus from the airport to our condo. Some first impressions of Korea - it's cold and brown! no scooters, everyone drives in a lane, no horn honking, and they seem to have given a lot of thought to processes. Everything is so organized from what we can tell so far. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 78

    Day 2 - Halong Bay

    15 marca, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Dinner last night was fabulous. The service and staff are so attentive and make you feel so special. Today is our second day on our Halong Bay cruise. When we booked, we had a choice between a one night or two night cruise. At 6:30 a.m., was a Tai Chi session on the top deck. Yes, I did Tai Chi, lol. It was actually a decent workout. We went for breakfast at 8:00 then we were scheduled to be shuttled to another boat called the Paradise Explorer for the days expeditions, which is a smaller boat with a main level dining room and a top viewing deck. This was only for poeple who were staying the two nights, Another 2 couples from another boat were supposed to join us but they canceled, so it was just Chris and I for the day on this boat, the guide was a nice 23 year old named Alex and he spent the whole day with us, they also cooked lunch just for us too, it was great! The first stop was the Hang Tien Ong cave, then we stopped at a fishing village, and we were allowed to kayak around for 45 minutes, a nice, relaxing day. We are back at our main boat now. The ship is loaded with new passengers, and there are 31 suites on the ship. We just finished some wine getting ready for dinner Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 77

    Day 1 - Halong Bay

    14 marca, Wietnam ⋅ 🌫 20 °C

    We took a van from Hanoi to Halong Bay this morning and boarded the Paradise Elegance ship for a two night cruise. Love our captains view cabin. It's too bad the weather wasn't a little nicer. It's about 20 degrees and cloudy with some misty drizzle on and off. Had a great lunch on board, then tendered to Titop Island and hiked to the top for some views. The beach was nice there but too cool for swimming. Back on the ship, relaxing before happy hour. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 76

    Tour to Tam Coc in Ninh Binh Region

    13 marca, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    We took a full day tour to Tam Coc in the Ninh Binh Region. It was a two hour bus ride south of Hanoi. We saw the ancient capital of Hoa Lu, traveled in a Sampan Boat along the Ngo Dong River, seeing the paddlers effortlessly using their feet paddle smoothly was amazing, it was an hour and a half non stop! Along the river, we went through some caves. We stopped at a back country restaurant for lunch and went for a bike ride in the country, which was peaceful. Then, at the end, we climbed to the top of Mua Caves mountain for some stunning views. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 75

    More of Hanoi...

    12 marca, Wietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Walked around a few more areas and tried to capture more of what the city is like. It is hard to do in a picture. The noises, the smells, the movement of everything is so surreal. All the people outside and their lives center around their stores or homes along the streets and sidewalks. Rarely do you see the locals walking too far, but their scooters are a big part of how they get around. Czytaj więcej

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