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    • Dag 46

      Suva, Fiji

      9. marts 2020, Fiji ⋅ 🌧 81 °F

      After crossing the International Date Line, we lost Saturday, so that means we had an alcohol-free, fasting day!! Woohoo!!

      Today we are in Suva, Fiji, an unscheduled stop for us since we are dodging the Coronavirus and this was an island that would let us visit. It is certainly becoming more challenging each day.
      I’m sure we will need to make some sort of a decision soon about whether or not to continue our cruise.

      We did have a nice, but rainy day here in Fiji as this is the start of their rainy season. We visited a spice farm which was quite interesting. I know I take for granted the packaged spices I buy, never thinking back to the actual plant that they came from. The Fijians did a Kava welcoming ceremony, served lunch that was cooked in an underground oven, toured us through the spice trees and bushes, and shared their traditional dance and stories. They are a warrior culture, often fighting other tribes on their own island. They were also a cannibalistic culture, sometimes killing and then eating their enemies.

      Suva is a large, bustling city with modern stores and people and vehicles everywhere! The fruit and vegetable market was one of the prettiest and cleanest we’ve ever seen. Hundreds of watermelons, peppers, taro, eggplant, tomatoes, coconuts and long beans were all on beautiful display. The vendors were full of smiles and saying “bula” as a greeting.

      Many of the men here where a type of wrap-around skirt with a formal shirt and sandals.
      It was an interesting stop and a nice contrast to a very small town we’ll visit tomorrow on a neighboring island.
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    • Dag 59

      Suva Fidschi / Fiji

      23. december 2022, Fiji ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Hauptstadt der Republik Fidschi. Mit rund 95.000 Einwohnern ist Suva nicht nur die größte Stadt des Landes, sondern des ganzen südpazifischen Raums . Die Bewohner haben vorwiegend melanesische,
      polynesische und indische Wurzeln.
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    • Dag 43

      Thurstaston Gardens

      13. december 2023, Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      It seems to be some sort of graduation day today so the gardens were flooding with graduates having their pictures taking. The trees to the gardens were also flooded with hundreds of huge bats hanging from the top branches!Læs mere

    • Dag 20

      Suva, Fiji

      22. januar, Fiji ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      We have been in Suva in 2017, so we decided to take a short, 4 hours tour today. The weather forecast was rain and more rain, but when we docked it was sunny and really warm.
      The big tour bus was very comfortable and practically empty. Upon entering bus, we were presented with Fiji water.
      First stop was just an overlook with our ship .
      Our second stop was produce market. Huge area with all kind of fruit and veggies. The prices are very low.
      We then passed a government building. In 2017 we stopped and walked around. Now it’s not permitted. We took a photo of the guard from the bus.
      The next stop was Fiji museum. Located in the heart of Suva’s Thurston Gardens, the Fiji Museum holds a remarkable collection, which includes archaeological material dating back 3,700 years and cultural objects representing both Fiji’s indigenous inhabitants and the other communities that have settled in the island group over the past 200 years.
      We stopped at the restaurant for light lunch and then the last stop was shopping mall (unnecessary stop).
      Back on the ship, we rested, took shower and tried our skills in origami.
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    • Dag 13


      22. oktober 2023, Fiji ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Fiji was beautiful but not quite what we expected! The island was gorgeous but it was a significant drive from port to any of the activities. We chose to do a day at a resort to be able to experience the Fiji waters. The resort was like out of a postcard and it would be beautiful to stay on a property like that, but to get around the island and do anything else was hard.

      At the resort we swam and had a traditional Fijian lunch. Then after words it was time to head back to port. One of the interesting things about Fiji is we saw all 3 prisons and they have a program where when you get out of jail they give you a plot of land to help start your life afterwards.

      Overall while we enjoyed Fiji it isn’t necessarily somewhere that is on a must hit again list for me. It was beautiful and amazing, but the travel time from the US is so long and i think there are many other areas to go and see in this region of the world.
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    • Dag 44

      Cinema & McDonalds

      14. december 2023, Fiji ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      To finish off the afternoon I treated myself to a sit down in an air conditioned room at the cinema! I watched Godzilla Minus One which was highly enjoyable and cost just $7.50FJD (£2.82). The entire film was in Japanese but thankfully had English subtitles otherwise I'd have been in trouble. I then headed just down the road to McDonalds for 10 chicken nuggets and a large chips as a rare taste of home!Læs mere

    • Dag 58

      Sehr freundliche Insel🥰

      23. december 2023, Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Die Menschen hier sind ausgesprochen freundlich, nahezu jeder hat uns mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht gegrüßt. Sogar die vorbei fahrenden Autofahrer haben uns zugewuncken, echt krass. Als guter alter Deutscher fühlte man sich schon fast etwas verarscht 😅🫢😂

      Heute Abend feiern wir schon Bergfest🥺, die Crew spendiert Drinks.🥳🍹🍺🍾 Bei gefühlten 80 Grad im Schatten bekommt mir das bestimmt gut😂😂😂
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    • Dag 23

      Suva, Fidschi

      24. december 2023, Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Ein wunderschöner Sonnenaufgang begrüsst uns und es soll heute superschön und aufregend weitergehen.
      Wir steigen bereits um 8.30 Uhr in den Bus, der uns ins Landesinnere und in den Regenwald bringt. In Koromakawa, einem traditionellen kleinen Dorf steigen wir je zu sechst in die sog. Longboats, die mit starkem Motor ausgerüstet sind. 20 Minuten Flußfahrt vorbei an Felsen und Wasserfällen und über Stromschnellen folgen. Ein Stückchen müssen wir zwischendurch am Fluß entlang gehen wegen zu starker Stromschnellen, und nach weiteren 20 Minuten steigen wir aus und gehen einen sehr holprigen Pfad hinein in den Urwald bis wir zu einem Wasserfall mit Badepool kommen. Ein Einheimischer springt aus halber Höhe von einem Vorsprung in den Pool.
      Nach der wellig spritzigen Rückfahrt sind wir bis auf die Knochen nass. Im Dorf wieder angekommen nehmen wir ein kleines Mittagessen zu uns und beobachten danach die Krieger bei einem Stammestanz.
      Der Häuptling beginnt die Kava Zeremonie (ein heiliges Ritual, bei dem nach festgelegten Abläufen ein Getränk aus einer kleinen Kokosschale serviert wird)
      Bula : Hallo und guten Tag
      Vinaka: Danke schön.
      Ein bißchen Fidschianisch muss man zur Teilnahme an der Zeremonie lernen.
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    • Dag 59

      Suva, Fiji

      23. december 2022, Fiji

      Eine neue Insel die einen großen Namen trägt, jeder kennt, aber nur wenige wahrscheinlich die Möglichkeit haben hier sein zu können. Ich habe nicht viel von der Stadt gesehen, weil ich wieder in die Natur wollte - wandern. Also direkt rein in den Regenwald und ab bis auf die Spitze. Was für ein wahnsinns Ausblick. Kaum zu beschreiben.Læs mere

    • Dag 48

      Suva, Figi

      20. februar 2023, Fiji

      Ormai in tema di spiagge siamo diventati come la signora snob della pubblicità dei Ferrero Rocher. “Ambrogio, avrei bisogno di qualcosa di bello, qualcosa di ancora più bello…”. Alle Figi solita vegetazione prorompente, ma un po' meno, solite spiagge con sabbia finissima, ma un po' meno, solito mare azzurro con acqua limpida, ma un po' meno. Che noia, “Ambrogio, già visto, ho bisogno di qualcosa di più….”
      Siamo sbarcati, anche stavolta, di buon mattino, ma la temperatura era già da …. rosticceria. Il numero di condizionatori che di cui sono dotati gli edifici è impressionante, come si vede dalla foto. Fortunatamente qui in fatto di turisti la sanno lunga e, benché fosse presto, l’organizzazione era già in fermento. Così al nostro arrivo abbiamo trovato l’autobus già pronto per il tour delle spiagge.
      Le previsioni non davano nulla di rassicurante e, del resto, a giudicare dall’acqua del fiume, qui deve piovere molto e spesso. Ma Sant’Ambrogio ha pensato alla nostra permanenza e, d’incanto, è sbucato il sole a migliorare il paesaggio, rinforzando i colori della solita vegetazione prorompente, ma un po' meno, delle solite spiagge con sabbia finissima, ma un po' meno, del solito mare azzurro con acqua limpida, ma un po' meno. Insomma, vogliamo di più, stupiteci con effetti speciali!
      Qui regna la pace. Si può stare in pace a lungo…. Qualcuno si ferma per sempre, in un bel cimitero attrezzato vista mare (vedi foto).
      Domani festeggiamo Carnevale. In questa crociera io e Fabio non abbiamo portato il costume da Arlecchino, che avrebbe sicuramente scatenato l'ilarità dei presenti, stante la nostra mole. Faremo ricorso alle mascherine costruite nelle ore destinate alle attività creative.
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    Suva, ሱቫ, Sufa, سوفا, Горад Сува, Сува, সুভা, སུ་ཝ།, Σούβα, Suvo, سووا, סובה, सुवा, Souva, Սուվա, SUV, スバ, სუვა, 수바, Сувæ, ਸੂਵਾ, Suwa, சுவா, ซูวา, Suv, 蘇瓦

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