Département des Hautes-Pyrénées

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    • Dzień 9

      The Greatest Day of Alfred's Life

      6 lipca 2023, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We camped out on the mountain for about 7 hours or so and it was just one massive party really! The time went really quick and ngl I had way more fun sitting on the mountain than I thought I would! Alfred's hammock building skills have demonstrated why he needs to do 1 more subject before he's a real engineer 👀 I also GOT MY BUCKET HAT !! Pizza in town for dinner and preparing for our massive travel day tomorrow... Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 6

      Dag 5, 1e deel.... naar Lourdes

      31 maja, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Jan, Harry en ik gaan naar Lourdes, uiteraard gaan we even kijken bij de kerk en de grot en een kaarsje aansteken. Erg bijzonder dit. Het was even zoeken naar de grot..bij navraag bleek dat deze zich rechts van de kerk bevindt. De kerk is gebouwd op de grot. Vervolgens was het ook nog even zoeken naar een plek waar Jan G. en ik onze kaars aan konden steken🕯. Het is uiteindelijk gelukt!!
      Het is wel erg toeristisch, echter op het plein heerst een bepaalde sereniteit. Overal winkeltjes met mariabeelden, kaarsen en flesjes in allerlei formaten om te vullen met Lourdes water.
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    • Dzień 3

      Lourdes - Spiritual preparation

      15 kwietnia 2023, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      After months of physical and mental preparation, today was a day of Spiritual Preparation while discovering Lourdes.
      At first, the scale of touristy memorabilia shops made me think it was going to be a tick box process.
      But once in the Sanctuary it was Peaceful, prayerful, incredibly welcoming and a Blessing to witness. The Lourdes sanctuary precinct exists because of the 18 Apparitions of our Lady to St Bernadette. The message of Lourdes is “through Mary to Jesus”.
      Our highlight was the water gesture ceremony, a private process led by a Sister determined to ensure our experience was beautiful, moving and meaningful. The water gesture is a spiritual cleansing / healing of water, from the same Spring St Bernadette was told to wash in. We attended a Gregorian Chant Mass, spent some time at the grotto, lit a candle for all those we are holding in our prayers, a wonderful walking tour, walking in the steps of St Bernadette, by one of the Sisters, who challenged us to question ourselves and reflect. We attended the Procession of the Holy Eucharist in the underground Basilica that can accommodate 20,000 people! We ended our day with the most beautiful candlelight procession, attended by 1000s, all reciting, in unity, the rosary in their own language. I had my Mum’s rosary with me and I held her in my prayers.
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    • Dzień 3–5


      13 kwietnia, Francja ⋅ 🌙 68 °F

      Saturday and Sunday in Lourdes Monday we prepare to start the Camino. We went to Mass at the Grotto. The Candlelight vigil at the Cathedral was pretty impressive. There seemed to be at least a thousand people in the procession of light, all carrying candles. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 24

      Day 41 Lourdes 765 km

      1 listopada 2023, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      It felt like I was walking in Nanaimo today as the temperature was 8 C and it was raining. I wore every piece of my merino wool clothing and down vest to keep warm.

      I found a great grocery store and bought some salads and fruit for lunch.

      I visited a church however I cannot recall its name. It had a lot of stained glass windows. The front windows facing the altar were very unique. There were also paintings of each station of the cross. I have never seen anything like it.

      I lit a candle for Les♥️ The candle table was under the picture of Bernadette.

      I then made my way to the Grotto to collect my Holy water and touch the stone in the cave.
      It wasn't too crowded meaning there was not a long line to stand waiting. Afterwards I attended what I thought was an outdoor Mass but was a lineup to do the three things that Bernadette was led to de by Mary:
      Wash your hands with the Holy water
      Wash your face
      And finally drink the water.
      I was allowed to stay for awhile afterwards. Each person was done individually and blessed🙏

      I then went to where there are hundreds of lit candles for those to be remembered. I will post the picture of the prayer that went with it. I lit a candle for Les ♥️

      The cutest thing I heard was a child trying to blow out a candle as if it were on a cake 😃

      I walked up to the crypt at the top of the cathedral. The chapel was beautiful.

      Afterwards I walked up the side of the hill to see the stations of the Cross.

      The nicest part of Lourdes Cathedral grounds is that it is a very large property. The added size gives rise to a park like feel to it. It also helps with the throngs of people they can be spread out quite easily.

      I gave up trying to get a coffee from a bar here ( many are closed for the end of the season) so walked to the train station. It was packed with people!!!

      I was so looking forward to a hot bath/shower tonight except all the tub has is a hand held shower head you have to hold and fill the tub with. There is not a wall attachment to have a shower😓 But the biggest issue is no plug for the tub....and warm water.....not hot😭
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    • Dzień 21

      In den Untergrund und an die Küste

      18 października 2023, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Früh am Morgen, der Wecker ging um 7:00 ging es zur „Grottes de Bétherram“. Einer Tropfsteinhöhle in der Nähe von Lourdes; was sollen wir sagen - Grandios!!
      Per geführte Tour (knapp 1.5h - incl. Böttchen und Bahnfahrt) geht es durch die Unterwelt und man kommt aus dem Staunen nicht heraus.
      Allerdings sollte man möglichst früh vor Ort sein, andernfalls könnte es eng werden ( angesichts der Warteschleifenabtrennung im Eingangsbereich).
      Wie von Wetter.Com vorhergesagt Regnete es als wir wieder über Tage waren und so zahlte sich die Tourplanung aus nicht ins Landesinnere, sondern wieder an die Küste zu fahren - rauf ins Medoc, oberhalb von Bordeaux.
      In Montavilet-les-Bsins fanden wir ein Windgeschützes Plätzchen (fast) am Strand und ließen uns den Wind um die Ohren wehen bevor, gestärkt mit Moules & Frittes, der Tag zu Ende ging.
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    • Dzień 8


      23 sierpnia 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Mit bester Sicht auf die atemberaubenden 3000er der Pyrenäen sind wir mit dem Skodi losgestartet in Richtung Spanien.

      Aufgrund der spannenden Umgebung sind wir aber kaum voran gekommen 🏔 sooooviel gab es zu sehen 😳.

      Heute mussten wir nicht nach einem Stellplatz suchen. Gleich beim ersten Campingplatz sind wir fündig geworden. Einfach Top! 🏕

      Man hört vom Zelt aus das Rauschen des Río Ara, den wir dann auch noch auf einer kleinen Wanderung erkundet haben.

      Wahrscheinlich sind wir heute auch ein paar Meter des „Camino de Santiago“ gelaufen… 🥾
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    • Dzień 53

      Our most epic day (Part Two)

      16 czerwca, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Chapter Two: Unspeakable beauty.
      Finally we reached the hotel and the point where we could go no further, but the view opened up in all its glory. Still 2km away from the waterfall base but because of its size it seemed so close. The snow capped mountains rose high above feeding the waterfall higher than we could actually see. The upper ridge forms the Spanish-French border.
      Darren took lots of pictures but honestly they just don’t capture the reality of this place. You have to be there to get a real perspective of the size, and even then it’s hard to take it all in. We stayed there for a couple of hours just looking at the natural wonders all around us.
      Darren decided to phone home to show them how awesome it all is but nobody was answering. Then I reminded him that it was still early on a Sunday morning and nobody was going to be impressed with him calling them at this time!! He wasn’t going to give up though because he really wanted to share this moment with everyone. He was manically high on the whole experience. But he waited a little while before trying again. After speaking to a few bleary eyed people and sharing this magical place with them it started to get busier with tourists arriving and it was starting to get quite hot too which was strange because we were so close to the snow up here. We reluctantly agreed that it was time to leave, get down to somewhere Bliss could cool off in the water. We walked a short way down to a little side path that led to a fast running stream and a grassy rock covered bank where we had the picnic I had prepared the night before. Surrounded by the most beautiful scenery imaginable. With a bit of energy giving food in our bellies and Bliss cooled off in the stream we continued our way back down the mountain. There were lots of people on their way up so we were pleased that we had made the decision to go early in the morning before everyone else. I felt sorry for them as it was hot going down so going up in the heat would have been an unpleasant experience. We found a path on the other side of the river via a wooden bridge that took us away from the crowds of people on their way up and took it. It was a bit more difficult going but less busy. We were almost back to the area where the shops were when we saw two people walking along with backpacks and as we drew closer we realised that they each had a cat inside them! The cat’s didn’t look like they were having much fun to be honest. I’m sure they were lovely people who loved their cats but...really!!
      We reached Ivy, tired, sore feet, hot and sweaty but so happy to have had the opportunity to see such a wonderful place together. We decided we would stay here the night and leave in the morning. Bliss had her dinner and took her place underneath Ivy in the shade. We didn’t hear a thing from her until we brought her in at bedtime. One tired happy husky. 😴
      If ever you get the chance to come here, don’t hesitate for a moment!
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    • Dzień 11

      Hola Espana 🇪🇸

      20 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Angekommen in Panticosa, übernachten wir heute auf einem öffentlichen Parkplatz mit Servicestelle.

      Die Dorf gleicht einer Geisterstadt… Einheimische erzählen uns, dass das Dorf eine Hochburg des Apres Ski ist und momentan einfach nicht Saison hat - schön für uns ☺️👍🏻 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 16

      Sektion 2: check!

      11 lipca 2022, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Kaum zu glauben. Aber wir haben heute die Sektion 2 von 5 beendet und sind in Gavarnie angekommen.
      Die Nacht auf 2.650m war erstaunlich mild und ruhig, bis auf ein paar heftige Windböen für eine kurze Zeit. Der Morgen begann kurz nach 6 Uhr mit einem super muntermacher Kaffee ☕️ Gegen 8 Uhr war dann alles wieder gepackt und startklar. Der Weg führte die ersten 800 HM bergab direkt ins Gletschertal. Der zweite Teil des Tages verlief eine gefühlte Ewigkeit entlang der Bergflanke über wilde Wiesen. Die Sonne wurde merklich heißer und eine Pause ist aufgrund von fehlendem Schatten ausgefallen. 🥵
      Die letzten Kilometer nach Gavarnie haben wir im Powermodus abgerissen. Der Drang nach lecker Essen, Bier und unserem Pausentag war zu groß.
      Wir sind also bereits 14:15 Uhr am Ziel angekommen und haben nach unserem Vesper mit lokalen Leckereien heute schon mal die Zeit genutzt um all unsere Klamotten in der Badewanne zu waschen 🧺💦 und uns selbst. 🛀🤗
      Und morgen werden wir entspannen, die nächsten Tage planen und unsere Essensvorräte auffüllen.
      Auch Jane und Dave aus England aus unserer trailfamily haben wir später am Abend in Gavarnie getroffen.

      18 km ➡️, 210 HM ⬆️, 1.500 HM ⬇️
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