Département du Bas-Rhin

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Département du Bas-Rhin
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    • Día 1

      Abfahrt in Wyhl

      16 de junio de 2022, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Monate an Vorfreude, teils schon seit Wochen gepackt es Motorrad, kritische Verletzungen im Vorfeld, Räderwächsel am Vortag und doch... endlich geht es los.

      Punkt 8:00 Uhr war Abfahrt

      Das Ziel: NordkappLeer más

    • Día 5

      Weiter nach Arzviller

      9 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Die Nacht war ziemlich kalt und sternenklar. Gut, dass wir eine gute Standheizung haben. Frühstücken mit Hafenkino, von der WIETSKE verabschieden, Wasser tanken und los...
      Schon an der 2. Schleuse werden wir von drei großen Kanus ausgebremst. Die brauchen die Schleuse für sich alleine. Diese drei lahmen Enten bremsen uns aus bis an unser Tagesziel. Dann noch ein Hotelschiff...
      Kurz nach 14 Uhr kommen wir endlich an im Wartebecken des Plan Incline.
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    • Día 34

      B A D E N . B A D E N

      13 de junio de 2022, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Après mes déboires d'hier soir, je me réveille de troooop bonne humeur car aujourd'hui je retrouve mon petit chat Morad !
      Les rayons du soleil au petit matin mettent une belle ambiance dans la chambre, je me motive à prendre le petit dej sur la terrasse avec une jolie vue sur un petit bout de forêt noire ~
      Mon hôte me dépose gentiment à la gare de Sankt Goergen d'où je prend le train pour Baden Baden
      Je chope un caddie abandonné car mes épaules et mon dos de sont pas encore remis des 8-9km dans la forêt noire en fin de journée KO complet !
      J'avoue ça m'a mis bien, j'en ai profité pour faire des petites courses ~
      Arrivé à l'appart une belle surprise m'attend ; la douche de l'appartement qu'on avait résa est cassée donc la propriétaire nous filé un autre appartement au moins 3x plus grand ! Y avait même un couloir ! UN COULOIR WEY ! On a appelé cet endroit le Palace ~
      Sincèrement même l'appart était plus enjaillant que la ville, donc je me suis fait une petite journée chillax/apéro avant de partir retrouver Morad a la gare vers 21h30

      Le lendemain matin on part avec regret de notre magnifique et somptueux Palace, et on se met en route pour Berliiiiin ~
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    • Día 382

      Cuisine d'Alsace France

      25 de mayo de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Sauerkraut, Sauerkraut, & more Sauerkraut. Es tres bonn!

      Alsacien cuisine is very different from other French cuisine we've had. While Paris and southern France had the stereotypical small portions and lots of duck. Alsace has heaping portions, sausage, pork shank and yes sauerkraut. Sauerkraut was a compliment to almost every dish.

      In addition, Alsace has their own take on pizza called Tarte Flambée. We never actually tried it, but they are rectangular and super thin crust. They look good, but we were never really feeling the pizza.

      Surprisingly we also came to Alsace expecting wine, but were instead presented with beer. There were a lot of local brewers. The most notable was Fischer. Their "Tradition" was among our favorite European beers we've had.
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    • Día 377

      Kaysersberg, France

      20 de mayo de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Kayersberg is nestled to the east of the Vosges mountains which is the mountain range responsible for some of the delicious wines of the Alsace. It is German for emperors mountain. Voted best villa in France in 2017 it is easy to see why. The town is quaint and lined with beautiful colored half timber houses and traditional restaurants serving up Alsacian cuisine. It makes a perfect base for exploring the area and Rue d'vin (wine road).Leer más

    • Día 2

      Von Weihnachtsmarkt zu Weihnachtsmarkt

      25 de noviembre de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Claudi Bussli war nachts heißer🥵 als ihr Schlafzimmer daheim- dank Standheizung. 😜aufgrund des langen Weges zum beheizten Scheißhäusle entsorgte sie erstmal mehrere Tüten aus der Trockentoilette….
      Kochte ☕️, führte samsi🦮 aus und deckte schonmal für Langschläfer Gerald das Frühstückstischle….Routenplanung bei Komoot- denn heute müssen wir uns etwas bewegen. Es ist kalt, es regnet , es ist einfach unfreundlich und windig. Wintercamping mit nem Basisfahrzeug ist nix für Weicheier……nix Wellness, Luxus….

      Nach erfolgreichem 🥞 mit dem Sandwichmaker gings los Richtung City und mittlerweile fast schon Mittag. Die 🏘️ hier haben richtig Gas gegeben, alles blinkt und ist zauberhaft dekoriert, ein Haus ist schöner als das andere….das sehen aber auch noch andere….Busse karren die Touris direkt vors Stadttor, die Menge schiebt sich durch die Stände…Zeit für den ersten Glühwein des Tages- wir sind auch in der Vorweihnachtszeit angekommen…..

      Nächster Halt das hübsche Örtchen Kayserberg. Hier ist es etwas beschaulicher, nächster Glühwein, eine weitere Interpretation von Bratworscht- jetzt mit speziellem Senf, und irgendeinem Kraut - dazu gibts Kürbismilch mit Schlagsahne und Zimt- mit einer kleinen Nuance Estragon und Pernot. Also kochen können die im Elsass, denken wir und ziehen im Regen von dannen.

      Nach erfolgreichen 16 km sind wir wieder auf dem Campingplätzli, werfen den Kocher an und wärmen uns bei französischen Chansons, Kartoffelsuppe mit Worscht und Majoran inklusive Tanzeinlage wieder auf.

      Da uns die restliche Albaniengang doch sehr fehlt, starten wir zum Videocall mit Daniel- es ruft nach einem baldigen Wiedersehen. Das bekommen wohin hin- trinken noch den lokalen Wein und fallen ins Bettchen- also jeder in seins.

      Morgen….schauen wir mal
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    • Día 65

      Crepes and Grapes (s/o Holly)

      24 de julio de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Today we woke up and got ready to head off on a full day wine tour. As soon as we left it started to rain so we all huddled under the cathedral and waited for the tour to start. We met our driver and the others on our tour. The other 3 were Americans and I sat in the back with 2 of them, learning all about them. They were both very lovely. We drove about an hour and stopped at and lookout where you could see down to the villages as the guide talked about how the Alsace region was kept flipping to be Germany then back to France so the identity was a little mixed. Then we had a short drive before reaching the first winery.
      It was a great tour with us going into where the barrels are stored and the host explaining lots about where the wine is grown, the regulations in the Alsace region and what predominant wines are grown in the area. It was probably the most factual and interesting wine chat I've been on, topped off by the fact the wine was so nice. Then came the masterpiece though. To show the history they had a movie that played on the barrels which was funny, interactive and informative. 10/10 to that place. We bought some wine and I bought a small mystery gingerbread man filled with liquor. Everyone on the bus took a shot and it was so delicious. The gingerbread man is now the trip mascot.
      We then drove for a bit longer and arrived at the next winery which was on the other end of the spectrum. We met Andre and it seemed we were just at his house... We followed him to what looked like a garage and sat at a table for wine tasting. He was a character and tried his best to talk about his wine in English. Highlights the stop at Andres were his in depth cork chat, him also participating in the tasting and his ability to know where all wine in his garage despite it looking very disorganised.
      We said farewell to Andre and we have named the glass gingerbread man after him. We jumped in the van to head to Riquewihr, the alleged town that Beauty and the Beast was based on, for lunch. It was such a beautiful town once again. We found a creperie and had lunch then had a wander around. I accidentally had a green like beer which didn't taste like beer. Holly and I went into a Christmas shop that had so much stuff, literally it had a one way walking path and the sides were lined. Then we headed back in the van for the last winery.
      This winery was a 'blind' tasting meaning the wines were served in black glasses and we had to rely on all the skills we learnt on the day. We were even given a pen and paper to write our tasting notes down. These wines were not my favourite but we love a game. The host bought the wines out and they had their own 'mystery sock' covering the label. Our guesses were decent and definitely improved by the last few. Then it was time to head back to Strasbourg where the weather was absolutely coming down, we got soaked on our 5 minute walk back to the apartment.
      We headed back out for dinner but first we were stopped by the lady next door. The only accurate way to describe her was literally an old ghost. A frail French old lady came out and was loudly exclaiming in french. We attempted to explain we didn't know french and she got more dramatic with her actions but we still were unsure what she was saying. She then reached out to grab Kate on the shoulder, then magically started speaking English asking if we were staying tonight and basically could we be more quiet. We escaped down the stairs but not before Kate had to blow her a kiss... One of the strangest interactions we've had for sure. We had a nice dinner then went to a pub which is the local brewery. We ordered some dessert and one of them was a sweet flammekueche which we paid extra to have them light on fire (less spectacular than it seems). We then walked home and creeped up the stairs so we didn't wake up the ghost demon of next door which was hilarious to watch. The stairs are so old and creaky that it was impossible. Luckily we didn't spot her. Then it was off to bed after a big, fun and interesting day!
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    • Día 131

      134ème étape ~ Riquewir

      11 de diciembre de 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Gros coup de cœur pour ce village incroyable. 🥰
      Nous découvrons ce marché de noël dans ces rues traditionnelles au milieu des maisons.
      Nous réussissons aussi à trouver le grand but de notre venue : la queue du dahu. Un saucisson tressé absolument divin.
      Nous avons aussi profité pour acheter un peu de fromage.
      Nous nous sommes baladés simplement entre amis. 🥳
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    • Día 378

      Riquerwhir, France

      21 de mayo de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Today we decided to hike in the French countryside. We visited 3 "très mignon" (very cute) villages. First was Riquerwhir.

      Known as the gem of the Alsace this tiny medieval town boasts a population of 1100 residents. It has managed to preserve its medical character to this day, showing off its 15-18th century timber houses and the 13th century defensive city gate. Although a bit over touristed today it is certainly a nice stop on the wine route and having a tarte or slice of pie as we know it at the local crepere before trekking to the next town must not be missed.Leer más

    • Día 8


      1 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Heute haben wir die wahnsinnige Strecke von 14 km mit dem Wohnmobil zurück gelegt und haben von Colmar nach Riquewihr umgesetzt. Wir konnten schon um 11 Uhr unseren Platz beziehen und konnte so in aller Ruhe am Nachmittag eine schöne Fahrradtour über Ribeauville, Bergheim und Riquewihr machen. In Riquewihr war sogar noch Gelegenheit für eine kleine Weinprobe.…
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Département du Bas-Rhin, Departement du Bas-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, Bajo Rin, Nieder-Elsass, Basso Reno, Baixo Reno

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