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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Brandenburg
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    • Gün 7


      29 Nisan 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We were all up sharp as we were getting the train to Potsdam via Alexander Platz where Mirjam would join us. The train journey was uneventful, though the train was busy, but it didn't seem long before we arrived. It was very overcast, slightly drizzly rain and quite cold, Anne was cold so I gave her my Rohan body warmer, which I had fortunately put in my daypack.

      Potsdam is a very beautiful place, apparently apartments here are much sought after although very expensive. Apparently a billionaire who grew up here has been rebuilding the town in all its 18th Century European glory, and to me it looks like money well spent. We wandered around the main square and went into the Church of St Nicolas, it was very beautiful but the interior was more reminiscent of a Greek temple than a church.

      Wandering onward we found ourselves in the area known as Holländerhäuser (“Dutch houses”). Designed by architect Jan Bouman between 1734 and 1743, they were built for Dutch immigrants an comprise the largest exclusively Dutch housing development outside the Netherlands. It was like looking at Amsterdam, the buildings were all very well preserved considering their age, and as we walked around I noticed there were quite a few arts and crafts shops, galleries, antique dealers and cafés, a pub called the Flying Dutchman of course, and hilariously a House for fallen women.

      From there we went to Sanssouci park, it was enormous and contained no less than 5 palaces all built by the Prussian King Frederick II as a summer palace. It was very beautiful and a powerful reminder of the inequalities that have always plagued humanity. The wealth and power necessary to construct a place like this is difficult to contemplate, but in its own way no different from the extravagant lifestyles of billionaires today.

      We walked for quite a while around the park, but eventually we were getting hungry so headed back into town, on the way we passed a fantastic residents street market than went on block after block. It was a good example of the second-hand, use and re-use culture in Berlin. We settled on a Georgian restaurant (a first for me), the food was very good and not expensive.

      We caught the train back to Berlin and returned to the apartment, tired but happy. Since the leftovers were no longer left over, we decided to go out for dinner, and there was a small Italian restaurant just 5 mins walk away. Despite a mix up with Anita's order, the food and service were excellent, and again, not expensive. The rest of the evening was spent in pleasant conversion in the apartment. Anne was able to confirm that the owner was happy for me to stay in the apartment until mid-afternoon.

      It had been a fantastic week, but it had passed all too quickly and tomorrow we would all be saying our goodbyes once again, I didn't want to think too much about that, and so I was off to bed.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Potsdam 2 - Schloss Sanssouci

      17 Ağustos 2023, Almanya ⋅ 🌩️ 26 °C

      "Sans souci" means "Without worries", meaning that we all had Hakuna Matata in our heads this afternoon! We really applauded Frederick the Great's idea to build a palace outside the city to live in peacefully.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 79

      Lübbenau/Spreewald, BB, Germany

      17 Eylül 2023, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      # Deutsch
      Lübbenau und der Spreewald sind so unzertrennbar wie Gewürzgurken (oder Essiggurken, wie wir sagen würden) und...Essiggurkenglace? Der Gewürzgurken-Hype des kleinen Städtchens treibt seltsame Blüten - die saure, lokale Spezialität gibt es in verschiedensten Varianten, von denen manche schlicht kurios sind. Darunter die oben genannte Glace, aber auch Gewürzgurken-Marmelade und Gewürzgurkenbier. Den sauren Schock überwunden, gehts auf einer Bootstour ins Dorf Lehde. Dieses ist in Teilen tatsächlich nur auf Booten erreichbar.

      # English
      Lübbenau and the Spreewald are as inseparable as pickles and...pickle ice cream? The little town's pickles hype has strange blossoms - the sour local speciality comes in a wide variety of variants, some of which are simply curious. These include the aforementioned ice cream, but also pickles jam and pickles beer. After getting over the sour shock, I take a boat trip to the village of Lehde. Parts of the village can only be reached by boat.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 187


      20 Eylül 2023, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We got up a bit earlier today for a very confronting but important tour to the former Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Although this was a hard day, we think it's really important to learn about these parts of history and remember the victims of the horrors of the past.

      We met our tour guide (who happened to be an Aussie studying history in Berlin) at a nearby train station and made our way out to Sachsenhausen on two trains and a bus. The trip took about an hour and he explained a few things about concentration camps including the history of the Nazi party's rise to power following WWI. Germany was born out of militaristic origins and so when they experienced huge losses in WWI, the party blamed Germany's loss and economic position on the Jews (using them as a scape goat). Once the Great Depression happened there were 6 million unemployed Germans and so these people sought support in the Nazi party which grew to the largest party in Germany.

      Our guide went into detail of Hilter's rise to power and the background in Germany. Specifically in relation to concentration camps, they were first constructed as a means to imprison political prisoners or opposers to the Nazi regime, and as history has shown were used for other means. There were over 44,000 concentration camps during the Holocaust. Sachsenhausen concentration camp started as a working/forced labour camp and the majority of the prisoners were imprisoned due to their political beliefs (though there was a large population which were imprisoned due to their status as Jews). It was the first concentration camp and was seen as a "model" for other camps. The violence at the camp increased over time as it became overpopulated and mass murders occurred in the 1940s at the camp through the use of the "neck shot unit" and later the gas chambers.

      We don’t need to go into the detail of what we saw in the camp but it is certainly very moving. There are replicas of some of the barracks as well as the original foundations/remains of other buildings and the gas chambers at station Z. The old camp kitchen has been converted into the main exhibit where different artefacts and stories of the camp are displayed and the way that the Nazi's horrific methods of mass murder evolved over time.

      Some may question why the camp has been restored, and this is summed up in an important quote by one of the survivors of the camp which says:
      "And I know one thing more - that the Europe of the future cannot exist without commemorating all those, regardless of their nationality, who were killed at that time with complete contempt and hate, and who were tortured to death, starved, gassed, incinerated and hanged..."

      After our tour, we boarded the bus and train together as a group back to Berlin and arrived back at the hostel around 4pm. We then decided to stay at the hostel for the rest of the afternoon.

      Later, we headed out for pizza and beer for dinner - the waiter only spoke Italian so Daniel was forced to draw on his Italian to order dinner. Thankfully two pizzas and two beers is pretty easy to work out!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 21


      28 Eylül 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Kurz nach 14 Uhr treffen wir bei einem der größten Industriedenkmäler Brandenburgs, der Ziegelfabrik von Mildenberg, ein. Von 1887 bis 1991 war die Ziegelfabrik in Betrieb. Jetzt ist ein Erlebnispark daraus geworden und wir sind gespannt was uns hier erwartet.
      Es stehen nicht viele Autos am Parkplatz ... aber es ist alles in Betrieb.
      Beim Eingang zur Kassa sehen wir eine Anzeige der "Täglichen Aktionen", die heute noch möglich sind.
      15:00 Uhr / Handstrich in Aktion
      15:45 Uhr / Ringofen kurz erklärt
      16:15 Uhr / Ziegeleibahnrundfahrt
      Da sind wir dabei .... staunen über die riesigen Ringöfen, hören den interessanten Erklärungen zu und sind beeindruckt von der Fülle der Möglichkeiten die hier angeboten werden.…
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 25

      Filmpark Babelsberg

      2 Ekim 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Der Filmpark Babelsberg ist gut besucht. Das haben wir eigentlich nicht erwartet. Er ist sehr auf Kinder-Besuch ausgerichtet und die Kinderbuch- bzw. Kinderfilmfiguren sagen uns nicht so viel.
      Für die erste "Attraktion" ... ein 4D- Film müssen wir 15 Min. warten und dann .... sehen wir einen unvergleichlichen grandiosen Lucky Luke-4D-Film im Actionkino mit 3D-Brille, Fahrtwind und Gerumpel bei einer atemberaubenden Fahrt mit einem vermeindlichen Schienengefährt ....
      ... wenn wir nicht schon im Disneyland bzw. bei den Universal Studios gewesen wären ..... dann wären wir jetzt vielleicht beeindruckt 😉.
      Wir machen eine Indoor geführte Filmset- & Requisitentour und erfahren einiges über die "Geschichte der Traumfabrik".
      110 Jahre Filmhistorie von UFA zu DEFA und den heutigen Produktionen. Eine interessante Zeitreise.
      Wir spazieren noch ein wenig durch den Park, können aber nichts mehr finden, dass unsere Neugier weckt.

      Filmstudio Babelsberg
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 26

      Braunkohle-Tagbau in Welzow

      3 Ekim 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Kurz nach 8 Uhr fahren wir los und sind kurz nach 9 Uhr im Familienpark Großkoschen. In der Rezeption fühlt man sich nicht zuständig ... aber wahrscheinlich kommt ein gelber Bus ...
      Es kommt tatsächlich ein gelbes Gefährt ... aber "Bus"??. Es ist ein MTW (Mannschaftstransportwagen) der Firma Excursio und es hat alles geklappt mit unserer Anmeldung ... wir können mitfahren 😊🙃.
      An der "Expedition" in den aktiven Tagebau Welzow-Süd beteiligen sich 27 Besucher, ein Fahrer und ein Gästeführer (ein sehr begeisterter und ambitionierter ehemaliger Mitarbeiter in Pension).
      Während der lauten und zeitweise rumpeligen Fahrt erzählt er launig und unter großer Kraftanstrengung von der Geschichte der Braunkohlenförderung in der Lausitz (diese Region geht von NRW über Sachsen bis Polen) und den technischen Errungenschaften des Tagbaus.
      Nach ungefähr 30 Min. sind wir auf dem Betriebsgelände uns sehen die ersten riiiiesigen Maschinen. Auf der obersten Stufe des Werkes sehen wir ein endloses Förderband, das durch das Gelände meandert. Für den ersten Stopp werden wir mit Helmen ausgestattet und sehen die irrwitzig-riesigen Bagger. Auf der mittleren Ebene wird das Gelände vorbereitet und die diversen Sande und Erden (sortenrein) abtransportiert. Auf der untersten Ebene, schlussendlich, wird die Braunkohle mit einer 600 Meter langen Förderbrücke F60 (der einzigen Anlage in dieser Dimension) abgebaut.
      Es ist überwältigend, einzigartig und doch dem Untergang geweiht. Wir stehen hier im schwarzen Staub und bekommen den Mund nicht zu vor lauter Staunen ... eine unglaubliche Manifestation deutscher Ingenieursleistung!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 106

      Cottbus, BB, Germany

      14 Ekim 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      # Deutsch
      Ich bin mal wieder etwas im Bundesland Brandenburg unterwegs, heute ist Cottburg dran. Mir fällt hier vor allem auf, wie ruhig es ist. Eine grössere Stadt, mit rund 100'000 Einwohnern, und die Altstadt ist an einem Samstag praktisch leer? Naja - umso gemütlicher ist das Herumschlendern, (trotz Regen) und umso mehr Platz gibt es im örtlichen Café.
      Mit dem Niedergang der Kohleindustrie ist man hier dabei, neue Wirtschaftszweige zu erschliessen. Speziell der Tourismus wird gefördert. Östlich der Stadt entsteht zum Beispiel der grösste, künstliche See Deutschlands, der Cottbuser Ostsee, in einer ehemaligen Kohlegrube.

      # English
      I'm "on the road" again in the state of Brandenburg, and today it's Cottburg's turn. What strikes me most here is how quiet it is. A larger city with around 100,000 inhabitants and the old town is practically empty on a Saturday? Well - the more comfortable it is to stroll around (despite the rain) and the more space there is in the local coffee shop.
      With the decline of the coal industry, new economic sectors are being developed here. Tourism in particular is being promoted. To the east of the city, for example, Germany's largest artificial lake, the Cottbus Eastern Lake, is being built in a former coal mine.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 106

      Frankfurt (Oder), BB, Germany

      14 Ekim 2023, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      # Deutsch
      Die Geburtststadt von Heinrich von Kleist, dem Autoren von Klassikern wie "der zerbrochne Krug" und "Käthchen von Heilbronn". "Tor zum Osten" und Handelsstadt zwischen Berlin und Posen. All das sind Beschreibungen, mit denen Frankfurt (Oder) angepriesen wird.
      Und? Auch darauf reingefallen? Ich jedenfalls schon! Zugegebenermassen, ein vorgängiger Blick in den Reiseführer hätte wohl nicht geschadet. Dann hätte ich gewusst, dass die Stadt im Krieg zu über 90% verwüstet wurde, und das SED-Regime eine Plattenbausiedlung an der Stelle errichtete. Man beachte, wie eine Bilderauswahl entsprechend trügerisch sein kann - das letzte Bild der Reihe gibt einen guten Eindruck der Stadt.

      # English
      The birthplace of Heinrich von Kleist, author of classics such as "Der zerbrochne Krug" and "Käthchen von Heilbronn". "Gateway to the East" and trading city between Berlin and Posen. These are all descriptions with which Frankfurt (Oder) is advertised.
      So, did you fall for it? I certainly did! Admittedly, it wouldn't have hurt to take a look at the travel guide beforehand. Then, I would have known that more than 90% of the city was devastated during the war, and that the SED regime built a prefabricated housing estate on the site. Note how a selection of pictures can be appropriately deceptive - the last picture in the series gives a good impression of the city.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 148

      Oranienburg, BB, Germany

      25 Kasım 2023, Almanya ⋅ ☀️ 0 °C

      # Deutsch
      Oranienburg ist alles in allem durchschnittlich...nett aber nichts aussergewöhnliches. Ich habe mir vorallem die Namensgeberin der Stadt, die Oranienburg, angeschaut. Bewusst aussen vor gelassen habe ich die Gedenkstätte des KZ Sachsenhausen, das erste KZ der Nationalsozialisten, und der einzige Grund, weshalb die meisten Touristen überhaupt aus Berlin in dieses Städtchen kommen. Ich habe genug vom beinahe schon an "Dark Tourism" erinnernden Abklappern der Gedenkstätten, welche es in Deutschland wie Sand am Meer gibt.

      # English
      Oranienburg is all in all average...nice but nothing extraordinary. I mainly visited the town's namesake, the Oranienburg. I deliberately left out the Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial, the first Nazi concentration camp and the only reason why most tourists come to this little town from Berlin. I've had enough of the almost "dark tourism" style of visiting memorials, which are a dime a dozen in Germany.
      Okumaya devam et

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