Landkreis Neu-Ulm

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Landkreis Neu-Ulm
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    • Día 185

      Spazieren an der Iller.

      18 de abril de 2020, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Das wichtigste in diesen Tagen: Uns geht es gut. 😎
      Wir verbringen ein paar Tage in der Nähe von Briel Kreis Ehingen und cachen fleißig. Dann ist uns mal nach einen Ortswechsel und nun stehen wir an der Iller. Hier kann man super gut spazieren gehen oder Rad fahren. Ach ja, unsere Räder sind zur Zeit in der Werkstatt. Die Bremsen waren runter und mussten dringend erneuert werden. Wir hoffen sie bald wieder zu bekommen.
      Die große Ausnahme: Es regnet gerade. Trotzdem sehr gemütlich im WoMo.
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    • Día 192


      25 de abril de 2020, Alemania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Nach einer Woche könnten wir unsere Fahrräder wieder abholen und starten heute zu einer Cacher/Radrunde in Aalen. Hier haben wir einige Rätsel des Spieles gelöst und wollten uns jetzt in die Logbücher eintragen. Wir sind kaum 30 m gefahren, schrabbt etwas an meinem Hinterrad und es schaut ein Metallstück aus meiner Bremsanlage. Schitt! 😟 Also Fahrräder wieder aufs Auto und zurück nach Senden in die Werkstatt. Heute kann das natürlich nicht mehr repariert werden, wir erhalten einen Anruf wenn die Räder fertig sind. Jetzt stehen wir in der Nähe auf dem Parkplatz eines Badesees. 😳 Ihrgendwann fährt ein Polizeiwagen vorbei und prompt sind wir im Fokus. 👮‍♂️Auf die Frage was wir hier machen, erzählen wir unsere Geschichte: Überwintert auf Szilien, Zuhause WG mit 2 Pflegekräften und jetzt Fahrrad in Senden in der Werkstatt auf dessen Reparatur wir hier warten möchten. Der Polizist nickt, wünscht uns einen schönen Tag und verschwindet wieder. Puhh! 😁 Also alles ok.Leer más

    • Día 43

      Tag 42: Augsburg - Ulm

      27 de junio de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      An der Fahrt heute war eigentlich nichts speziell. Ok….es war meime 36. und die Letzte alleine. Ab morgen wird mich Janine bis nach Hause begleiten. Auch wenn mein Abenteuer nun langsam zu Ende geht, freue ich mich riesig auf morgen und auf zuhause.

      Und dann war da auch noch der Franz. 20 Kilometer vor Ulm haben wir uns getroffen. Er war mit seinem Gravelbike seit Samstag unterwegs und fuhr für mich eigentlich viel zu schnell. Dennoch sind wir zusammen bis in die Innenstadt gefahren. Er ist Rentner und/aber fährt 20‘000 Kilometer pro Jahr 😳!! Wir hatten tolle Gespräche, auch wenn mir das Sprechen etwas Mühe bereitete. Schon unterwegs fragte er mich, ob ich Wein mag. In Ulm angekommen fuhren wir zu seiner Stammkneipe, wo bereits Freunde auf Ihn warteten. Mit noch immer erhöhtem Puls trank ich das erste Glas Weisswein 😁.

      Anschliessend habe ich mir schon mal die Stadt etwas angeschaut. Den Dom mit seinen über 700 Stufen spare ich mir aber noch für morgen Vormittag auf.

      Auf dem Rad: 77 km / 510 Höhenmeter / 4h 0min.
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    • Día 22

      Italien wir kommen

      7 de noviembre de 2019, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Die letzten Tage verbrachten wir in Ulm. Auf dem Stellplatz hatten wir immer wieder Besuch von einem Eichhörnchen, das sich über ein paar Nüsse freute.
      Heute dann das Highlight: Lina hat Geburtstag! 🎂🎁🥰
      Nun werden wir Familie und Freunde eine ganze Weile nicht mehr knuddeln können. Das Abenteuer Überwintern auf Sizilien beginnt.
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    • Día 18

      Oberhausen Germany

      27 de septiembre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Germany is not as forward in accepting card payments as I thought. Last night the restaurant insisted on cash and today as we tried to check out of the hotel the payment didn't go through so I offered 2 cards. The machine wouldn't accept either so I had to go into town and draw can then come back and pay.
      Today's drive was nearly all motorway. The sat nav said 3.5 hours. It took nearly 6 with stops and traffick issues.
      I needed petrol and bought some at the wrong place. I've never paid so much 2.37 euro per litre. Then 4.50 for a coffee
      We are in a lovely place tonight which is half the price of last night's hotel. We met some nice German people and had evening meal with them. The hotel has a vineyard so we will buy some wine in the morning before we leave.
      Not many good photos today as the motorway was boring.
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    • Día 30

      Cinderella’s Castle

      25 de octubre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

      Drove to Neuschwanstein Castle today the ride was beautiful. We parked and took the shuttle to the top. We hiked in and it was so beautiful. Couldn’t go inside it’s under renovation and the tickets they do sell are booked out till November. Hiked out caught the shuttle and headed towards Munich. Stopped and had the most wonder lunch and a fabulous view. Headed out and we are staying in Senden Germany.
      Thank you God for views that were breathtaking 🙏 and no rain just a sunny day.
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    • Día 16

      Wohnmobilstellplatz Ulm / Neu-Ulm

      15 de octubre de 2022, Alemania ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Großer Wohnmobilstellplatz gut geeignet für die Durchreise...
      Allerdings recht voll... Es gibt aber genug Ausweichstellplätze nebenan an der Eissporthalle... Dort hin hat es uns heute Nacht auch verschlagen... Haben aber gut geschlafen....Leer más

    • Día 38

      Free Day in Ulm

      24 de septiembre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Ulm is a most attractive city, with its twin centres of the Old City and New Ulm divided by the Danube River. The old city, and indeed most of the new city is dominated by the huge Ulm Minster. Although it is not officially classed as a cathedral, it is a mammoth structure, that took over 600 years to be finally completed. Its spire is an eye watering 161 metres tall, making it the highest church steeple in the world. In fact, for a time the Ulm Minster was actually the highest man made structure in the world (higher even that the Great Pyramid).

      If you have the stamina and enthusiasm to climb the 700 steps of the staircase, you can get the best panoramic view of the city and the surrounding countryside. Since I have climbed this staircase twice before, and since I am now 7 years older, I decided to give it a miss this time.

      Maggie is still struggling with her back, so we had a rather leisurely day wandering the historic Fishermen's Quarters and walking alongside the Danube, interspersed with several coffees along the way. The low light of the day was the time spent in the Laundromat, catching up on the ever increasing mountain of dirty laundry.

      On the other side of the ledger, the highlight was watching a traditional German band playing to an enthusiastic crowd near the hotel. It was the perfect way to sample the rich culture of this place.

      Tomorrow we leave the Danube and head to Lake Constance.
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    • Día 40

      Ulm is where the (oldest) Art is

      30 de septiembre de 2022 ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      From Lindau, Ulm isn't too far of a side trip if you're going to Augsburg. So we checked in our bags at the station there after a short train ride and checked out the Fisherman's Quarters., which is a lot easier than saying Fischerviertel-Blau. The rest of the city is modern and not too much to look at, but this area is chock-full of half-timbered houses along a canal near the Danube. It's what I would call a muddy river and definitely not blue.

      We're in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg now, so we grabbed lunch at a tradional restaurant. Deanne ordered a strange, yet delicious meal with turkey, Brie cheese, fresh horseradish and berries on a large pretzel sliced in half like a bagel. My Nuremberger sausages with potatoes and kraut filled the bill. I'd had the Regensburg version years ago, and they were similar. Are those fighting words around here? They are small and look like American breakfast sausages, but they're a lot better.

      And are we on the Einstein trail? If there is such a thing. Einstein was born here in Ulm, Germany and he worked in Bern, Switzerland where he developed and published his theory of relativity while working at the patent office. Check and check.

      We ended our brief stay by visiting the Museum Ulm. It was an interesting hodgepodge of art and history. A modern art wing displayed some pop art from Liechtenstein and Warhol. But the piece de resistance of the museum was a carved ivory tusk of a half man, half lion that was found in a nearby cave. It was found in pieces in 1939 and was reconstructed just about 10 years ago after they found missing pieces in the same cave. It's estimated to be between 35,000 and 40,000 years old. Wow. To put that in perspective, it's the OLDEST statue EVER found. And one of the top 10 oldest pieces of art EVER found. Ulm is where the art is. After a quick stop for coffee, we got on a high speed train to Aubsberg where our hotel was waiting.

      Hey Matt Gallo: I never could find any Grain Belt here.

      More photos and videos are here.
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    • Día 37

      Hello Einstein

      23 de septiembre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Ulm might be best known for being the birthplace of Albert Einstein, but for our group of eight, it was significant for another reason. This is the place where we finish our ride along the Danube, and then begin the next stage of our adventure.

      After the drizzling wet weather of the previous day, it was relief to awake to the sounds of silence. Although it was still very cool, at least the rain had stopped, and the forecast was that it would remain fine for the remainder of the day.

      Unfortunately, we had experienced a sort of a medical emergency the previous day, in the form of a relapse in Maggie's bad back. This had prevented her riding yesterday, but she was determined not to miss out on the final day of riding on the Danube.

      Although she was still in a great deal of discomfort, she loaded her pannier onto my bike (along with every other heavy item she could find). She figured that, with her bike thus unencumbered, she would at least be able to ride slowly. As I loaded the bulging panniers onto my bike, I started to wonder if I would be able to ride at all.

      We were offered two alternatives for the route. One of these was about 10 km longer than the other, so it was immediately rejected as a serious option for Maggie. We this divided into two groups, with six riders taking the longer route, and Maggie and I (with my seriously overloaded bike) taking the shorter route.

      After a short but steep climb out of Ehingen, the path soon settled into a glorious and smooth trail through farmlands and small villages. The weather remained fine and cold, and there was absolutely no wind. Although Maggie was finding the going very hard, we did manage to maintain a reasonable speed.

      Just as we were about half way to Ulm, we encountered a "speed bump". The bike path was blocked by a fire truck. The attendant explained that we would have to make a detour. "It will only add a few extra kilometres", he added. This was not what Maggie needed, but we had no choice but to comply.

      As soon as we started the detour, we realised just where we were. This was the site where Maggie had an unfortunate accident on our 2016 ride. As she was recovering from the fall, we went in search of a coffee shop for her to recover, but we could not find anything. At the time I classified the place as a "rubbish town".

      Seven years later, my opinion was the same. The traffic was continuous, making it downright dangerous to ride or cross the main road, and there was still no coffee shop. We rode on, following the detour signs, until we were back on the trail again.

      On the outskirts of Ulm we made a most unexpected discovery, Riding through a deserted technology precinct, we stumbled upon a large modern complex with a huge restaurant attached to it. We parked the bikes and entered.

      It really was a strange place. Virtually all the diners were enjoying some sort of high tea, complete with multi tiered plates, sandwiches, scones and cakes. It enticed us to do the same. We took a seat and then explained to the well dressed waitress what we wanted. It took some doing, but the message must have gotten through, because a few minutes later we were both having the time of our lives, dining like kings and queens.

      After lunch we availed ourselves of the toilet facilities and found them to be the cleanest and most sophisticated toilets we have ever experienced. We still have no idea what the place was, but it certainly came at the right time.

      We then only had about 7 km to ride until we reached our destination hotel in Ulm. As soon as I turned the final corner to the hotel, I realised it looked familiar. And it should have. I had stayed in that same hotel back in 2013 on our ride from Ulm to Vienna. Although the hotel had been modernised a lot since then, it was still a great place to stay. The location in the centre of the city was absolutely perfect, and the friendly lady at the desk made us feel very welcome.

      Not only we arrived we were met by the other 6 riders who had done the longer ride. It was time to strip the bikes and empty the panniers. We had all found these bikes to be fantastic, and we were sorry to see them go.

      Tomorrow we have a free day in Ulm, and the following day we make our way to Constance, to begin stage 4 of our trip.
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    Landkreis Neu-Ulm

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