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    • Day 10

      Cologne to Basel, Switzerland

      September 10, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Today is another travel day. The plan was to break the trip into two legs with the first being a scenic route along the Rhine River from Koblenz to Mainz. Unfortunately, the German rail system seems to be experiencing problems and many trains are being delayed or cancelled. Such was the case this morning. So, we decided to forgo the scenic leg of the trip and go for the direct option: a high speed train direct from Cologne to Basel.

      On arrival in Basel, we lugged our luggage about 2 km from the train station to our fabulous Hotel Spalentor. We were given a free upgrade for reasons unknown and have a spacious, luxurious room for the next two nights. It is a few steps away from one of the three remaining, original city gates that used to protect the city of Basel over 400 years ago (see photos).

      Following a shower and brief rest, we headed out on foot to find a restaurant for dinner. Wow, talk about pricey! We settled on a small cafe with falafels in a pita wrap for Laura and I had a chicken donair. It was delicious. Along with a soda each, it cost us $50! And that was a deal compared to some other restaurants we checked out. Tomorrow we’ll be looking for a grocer.

      We ended the day with a circular tour down to the Rhine, over the bridge, along the river and back via a different bridge and walk along the other side. Lots of beautiful old buildings and narrow, cobble stone streets to explore still tomorrow. Also, we were able to watch countless people bobbing along in the water holding on to their Wicklelfisch bags. These brightly colored swimming bags hold your clothes and valuables dry, and were invented right here in Basel.
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    • Day 1

      Prêts pour le décollage !

      June 15 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      La route pour atteindre l'aéroport de Francfort s'est bien passée.

      En tant que parents indignes nous avons même fait le cadeau de faire goûter à Emma son premier Mc Do !

      Maintenant l'objectif est de fatiguer le plus possible Emma en la faisant courir pour que nous puissions ensuite tous nous reposer dans l'avion... 😁💤.Read more

    • Day 274

      Ende einer Reise

      September 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Hallo meine Lieben
      Ich meld mich diesmal nicht aus der schönen Südsee und auch nicht aus dem gefährlichen Australien. Wie die meisten mitbekommen haben, befinde ich mich wieder im guten alten Deutschland. Wenn ihr mich fragt, was ich alles erlebt und gelernt habe, habe ich darauf keine Antwort. Ich bin dankbar für jeden einzelnen Tag der mich wachsen lassen hat. Es ist leider nicht in Worte zu fassen, wie lebendig man sich nach solch einem Abenteuer fühlt. Besonders dankbar bin ich, dass ich alle Momente mit Larissa teilen konnte und in ihr meine bessere Hälfte gefunden habe. Danke für alles. Es war echt nicht einfach die Rückreise geheim zu halten und doch haben wir es geschafft. Die vielen Gesichter, als wir euch überrascht haben waren unbezahlbar.
      Wie geht es weiter?
      Darauf gibt es jetzt noch keine Antwort. Klar ist wohl, dass wir in einigen Monaten ein neues Abenteuer beginnen, was aber noch nicht verraten wird. Jetzt heißt es erstmal wieder Geld und Energie sammeln. Vor allem die Erlebnisse der letzten zehn Monate verarbeiten.
      Liebe euch doch alle meine treuen Fans ♥️ hoffe euch hat der reiseblog genauso gefallen wie mir
      Denkt immer daran: erlebt was ihr erleben wollt, bevor ihr von Krankheit und alter eingeholt werdet. Am Ende des Lebens blickt man nicht auf gespartes Geld und auch nicht auf den teuren saugroboter zurück, den man sich gekauft hat. Macht was draus.
      Ps: ein paar Bilder von der geheimen Rückreise
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    • Day 63

      D E H E I M ❤️ 🇨🇭

      November 1, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Voll bepackt mit vielen schönen erinnerungen und eindrücken, sind wir gestern nacht gut in der heimat 🇨🇭 angekommen.
      Alles gepäck hingestellt und ab ins "chörbli" 😉. von lieben freunden mit einem frischen zopf und selber emachten konfitüre überrascht 😍❤️🙏... danke giovanna + giuseppe 😘🫂Read more

    • Day 17

      16 May: Alarums and Excursions

      May 16 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Shakespeare’s famous stage direction is an apt introduction to today’s adventures.

      This was our trickiest day. To reach Cologne we must board the TGV ( high speed train) at Strasbourg (France), travel to Mannheim (Germany), unload our bulky luggage, find the correct platform for the second train, board it and get off in time in Cologne before the ICE (German high speed train) shot off to its ultimate destination in Kiel.

      After our scare in Munich, where we found the correct carriage and seats with only minutes to spare, we decided to take no chances. We arrived at Le Gare Strasbourg at 0800. Heaps of time (we thought ) for us to find our first train, due to leave at 0905.

      The minutes ticked by as we paced the gloomy corridors, avoiding hoards of worried looking people on their way to work. Deutche Bahn, the German rail service prides itself on clear explanation, helpful staff and informative signboards so you can find your way around,

      Not the French so-called “Information” office, staffed by a woman whose ancestors surely knitted at the guillotine.

      Neil asked which was the platform for our train.
      Until it arrives I will not know.
      Who can I ask?
      The train manager.
      Where can I find him?
      With the train. You must watch the notices.
      What is the final destination of the Mannheim train?
      (Triumphantly) I don’t know.

      We were getting nervous by this stage as I had worked out that there was less than 20 minutes between when the incoming showed up on the signboard and when it left. But Google saved the day; once we learned the first train was going to Frankfurt we at least knew which name to look for!

      We were later told by a friendly US couple, married 52 years to our 54, and similarly touring the great gothic cathedrals, that French railway personnel hate Eurail passes (like ours).

      We had now learned to park our heavy suitcases downstairs on two-level trains. We then made our way upstairs to enjoy the endless variety of life on the TGV - a charming young man from Tunisia (North Africa), who works between Paris snd Strasbourg (his super-cute little boy gave us big smiles). Four young musicians totally focussed on a table covered in musical scores (Ionesco’s Octet).

      The second leg of our journey went more smoothly. But we were relieved to exit correctly, on the right side of the train, onto the modern and well-lit Hauptbahnhof at Cologne.

      And there, straight ahead, were the towering twin spires of Cologne Cathedra: at 157m, the tallest twin-spired chuch in the world, Germany’s most-visited landmark (6 million visitors a year.)

      After dumping our bags with great relief at the hotel, we walked to the Rhine river and rhe famous Hohenzollern railway bridge (417m). The original three-span bridge was built by Kaiser William II in 1911. Its piers were blown up by the Nazis in 1945 in a vain attempt to halt the Allied advance into Germany.

      It has now been reconstructed as a railway bridge with a separate pedestrian/ cyclist path. The wire fences are covered in padlocks.

      We walked across, looking down at the huge barges passing underneath, feeling the path vibrate with each passing train.

      Then back to the hotel, just missing a mid-afternoon thunderstorm and heavy downpour.
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    • Day 1

      Transit in Frankfurt

      September 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      By the time we arrived in Frankfurt, Ruby and I were exhausted. Whatever our earlier expectations of Frankfurt airport were, it wasn't as easy to navigate. Due to the language barrier, we didn't realise to go to the shops and restaurants in the airport while on transit, we needed to get our passports stamped and go through immigration, as this was the first entry into the EU. We managed to find some shops and a rest area. As the choices were limited, we found a rather nice carbonara but the restaurant had Stuart Littles running around. I ushered Ruby out of the restaurant pronto. The 4 hours passed slowly but our flight from Frankfurt was piloted by Speedy Gonzales. We made it to Prague in 45 mins.
      Ruby's lungs were good throughout all the flights so let the holidays begin.
      Distance walked 8km
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    • Day 14

      Frankfurt, Germany Part 2

      June 26 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Arriving in Frankfurt, I realized I had to sprint from Gate B22 to Z69 to make my connecting flight. It was nerve-wracking and scary, especially as the clock ticked down. Just when I thought I might miss it, the flight was delayed. The relief of finally boarding the plane bound for Chicago was immense, especially after learning the seat next to me was empty!Read more

    • Day 2

      Leg 1 - done

      October 22, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      So we're back at Frankfurt Airport after a short but pleasant night in a hotel in the equivalent of Reading! About 20 minutes by motorway away... More stressful conversations with LH service agents, but I think we have been booked on the Montevideo flight tomorrow morning...🤞All will be revealed in Sao Paolo. Watch this space...Read more

    • Day 1

      1. Etappe Graz-Frankfurt

      September 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Wir warten nun in Frankfurt auf den Weiterflug. Dank Papataxi (noch einmal Happy Birthday von uns!) waren wir schnell am Grazer Flughafen und dort ist man ja immer ruckzuck durch. Unser Air Dolomiti Flug war nur ein wenig verspätet. In FRA angekommen wurden wir wie immer eine halbe Ewigkeit mit dem Bus durch die Gegend gekarrt. Bis zum Gate B22 hatten wir es diesmal nicht weit, doch ergriffen wir dort schnell wieder die Flucht. Ein ganzes Rudel lärmender Kinder hielt sich in unserer Nähe auf. Also nichts wie weg! Einige Meter weiter fanden wir zum Glück ein ruhigeres Plätzchen.Read more

    • Day 15

      Day 14

      July 10 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      We arrived in Venice. Highlights of the day were a water taxi ride to the Hotel and an amazing dinner. The hotel we stayed in was in the heart of Venice and had such amazing charm. It is situated in a building that dates back to the 14th Century.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Main-Taunus-Kreis, Subdistrikto Main-Taunus, Main-Taunus, Powiat Main-Taunus

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