München, Landeshauptstadt

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    • Dag 18

      Day 18: Peißenberg (Siglhof), Germany

      21. juli 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Morning was spent getting our bags organized in case the rain came as predicted. We had a delicious breakfast at the AirBnB, and went out into the cloudy 68° weather about 9:15 AM. We took another little spin around Munich, and decided since it was 15 minutes before 10:00 we would watch the Glockenspiel in the Marienplatz. Nearly a 1000+ people gathered to watch, and were disappointed when 10:00 came, as the first show of the day is at 11:00. We headed on to exit Munich, and in search for the best weißwurst in Munich 🌭🤤. We found Gaststätte Großmarkthalle, and enjoyed two of the famous whites sausages with sauerkraut, pretzels, mustard, and some cheese bread ( Lisa tried to order cheese spread for the pretzels, but some times things are lost in the translation and accent 😂.) The riding was cooler with a bit of mist falling from the cloud covered sky. We rode along the Stranberger Lake and stopped to wade in the cool water. We ate lunch at a beer garden along the lake. Near the end of our day of riding the clouds broke and after some large climbs we were graced with our first view of the Alps. Our Warmshower hosts Martin, Velena, and Florentine (almost 2) live in the countryside outside Peissenberg. It is a beautiful old German farm workers residence that has been converted into a more modern multi-resident home. We had a great dinner of pasta salad, bread, other vegetables, and ice cream for dessert.Les mer

    • Dag 28

      Olympia Park

      9. januar 2020, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      The BMW Museum and Welt is in the huge Olympia Park built for, you guessed it, the Munich Olympics. We had a wander after we'd finished at the Welt, and were pretty impressed at how used it all was - you hear about all this infrastructure going to seed often but there were lots of people around and the venues were in good nick - nice to see.Les mer

    • Dag 30

      Final Weigh In

      5. januar, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Today we took our last weight restricted flight (to Munich) before heading home. Now the only thing left to weigh is ourselves when we get back : (
      A look around the Deutsche Museum preceded the obligatory Beer Hall Dinner. Not looking forward to the scales of justice.Les mer

    • Dag 59


      2. oktober 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Woohoo! So this is the last weekend of Oktoberfest, snuck in just in time :) We popped in to check it out and it was wild! There were 21 tents and EACH tent held thousands!!! 😱😱 So cool!!! And SO. MUCH. BEER. I also didn't realize it would also be like a carnival with games and rides which Famke loved!

      All the girls wear a very typical dress that has an apron on the skirt and a blouse on the top (most were quite...focused towards the chest if you know what I mean). The guys wore leather shorts with socks and a collared shirt typically.
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    • Dag 193

      Munich - Daniel's birthday

      26. september 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Our last full day in Europe and it was Daniel’s birthday so what better way to spend it than at Oktoberfest!!

      We had a couple of mimosas at the campsite to get us going and got to the festival before it had even opened. We went straight to the Augustiner tent to taste our first beer of the day by 10.30am. Augustiner is the locals' favourite beer and is served out of an oak barrel. After we finished our beers, we went for a walk to the more well known Hofbrau tent where we enjoyed our second round for the day as well as a delicious Schweinehaxen - the famous Bavarian pork knuckle! We were sitting next to some Americans who had just done the Berlin marathon and had some good chats.

      We then had a pretzel on the way to the Paulaner tent, where we shared a beer - the tents were definitely starting to get busier now! We then went to our fourth and final tent where we spent the next four hours - Lowenbrau. It was so busy but we managed to get a seat next to some older German couples and had some great fun attempting to communicate! The band started playing and we got up on the tables and danced the night away. After Daniel had finished his 5th stein of the day we decided to bid farewell to Oktoberfest, but not before grabbing an oxe burger and bratswurst on the way out!

      We made our way back to the campsite to spend the last night in the tent!
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    • Dag 190


      23. september 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We awoke after our first night in the tent. It was quite cramped and difficult to get comfortable but we managed to find some positions that worked to get some sleep!

      We went into Munich city centre to meet our friend Amy, who we had met on our Turkey tour a few weeks ago. She had quit her job back in Australia, was travelling for a bit and is now au pairing in Bologna, Italy. She was already planning on going to Oktoberfest this weekend and so it worked out really well!

      We then walked into the festival and it was incredible! Lots of music, people, food carts and surprisingly a lot of rides. The middle Saturday of the festival (which was today) is known as the busiest day of the entire two week festival and this was definitely evident even when we walked in at 11am! It is also Italian weekend!

      We walked for a bit through the streets, taking in the sights before attempting to get a table at the Paulaner tent. This was unsuccessful but even just walking through the beer tent was amazing, so many people and lots of music!

      We then went next door to the Spaten tent where we did manage to get a seat and had our first steins of the day! 🍻 We danced on the benches to all the music (which included songs in English such as "Take Me Home, Vountry Road" and ABBA classics!) We had a fantastic time!

      After Spaten, we got a pretzel (as you do!) and walked to the Hacker-Pschorr tent. This is one of the lesser known ‘big beer tents’ in Australia but it took us a bit longer to get in as it was getting very busy throughout the festival. We managed to get a seat in the outdoor beer garden and enjoyed our second steins of the day.

      After this we went for a snack of kaiserchmarren which is a delicious smashed pancake and apple sauce dish! We then struggled to get into a tent as it was after 5pm and most were closed/already too full. After a few attempts and huge queues we decided to leave the Oktoberfest festival and headed into Munich old town.

      It was really pretty walking around the old town and we managed to get a seat in the oldest original beer house in Munich, Hofbrauhaus. We then got our third steins of the day (with Daniel trying a dark one!) and some delicious pork, sausage and macaroni which we shared for dinner. There was a great vibe and atmosphere in Hofbrauhaus with a band playing and everyone singing and celebrating!

      We then said goodbye to Amy (not knowing if we would see her again) and went back to the campsite to sleep after a very busy day!
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    • Dag 2

      Munchen - Salzburg Osterreich 3/8

      3. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Petite balade d'1h30 ce matin jusqu'à la Sendlinger Tor, l'une des portes de la vieille ville médiévale puis Sankt Jakobs Platz où se tiennent le Musée National de Munich, la synagogue Ohel Jakob et le musée juif.

      Nous quittons Munchen par train à 11h55 pour arrivée Salzburg (en Autriche) à 13h42, mais y repasserons 1 jour 1/2 en fin de séjour !
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    • Dag 7

      Train to Munich

      18. mai, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We woke up in the morning, grabbed coffees and ate left over cheese, meats, and olives for breakfast before packing up and taking the tram to the train station. From Frankfurt to Munich was an easy train, we took the metro and then walked to our hotel. Hotel Mio was very nice and in a perfect location. We showered, changed, and then headed out on the town to wander. We ended up at the the Viktualienmarkt which was a massive area filled with all different types of stands, food, gifts, etc. we found the beer market and shared a litre beer and had a bratwurst and kasekrainer. So good. We then found a stand with massive pickles and they were so good. We walked around some more and saw some beautiful buildings, marienplatz, and St. Peter’s church. After walking around for awhile, we got dinner at Zum Steraubinger which was a recommendation for a good local place from Marlo’s friend Lisa! We shared a platter for two that hate potato dumplings, pork knuckle, bratwurst, duck, cabbage. The meal was incredible! We were so full after that we went back to the hotel to hang out.Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Train to Salzburg

      21. mai, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We woke up in the morning, had breakfast and coffee and then headed back to the Viktualienmarkt for one last Bavarian experience. We got our last German beer and pretzel and picked up pickles to take with us to Salzburg. After a couple stops around the area, we headed back to our hotel to grab our bags and then to the metro headed to the train station. The train to Salzburg wasn’t that long and got in at the perfect time to check in. After showering and getting ready, we hit the town by foot and first made a stop for kebab which was so good! We saw the small streets of Salzburg, residenzplatz, the beautiful views of both sides of Salzburg, especially with the fortress in the back! We went to mirabell gardens (where part of sound of music was filmed). We went to a wine store and then headed back to our apartment which was nice because it started pouring. We also got some much needed laundry done!Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Munchen English Garden and river

      29. mars 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      Beautiful day including coffee from a single origin roastery, watching the Glockenspiel go off with few others, 8 mile walk along the river and through parts of the English Gardens. Watched the surfers in the river and ended the night with puzzles and delicious dinner with Amanda, Dan, and Summit ❤️Les mer

    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    München, Landeshauptstadt, Muenchen, Munich, 80638, 81245, 81673, 81737

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