Städteregion Aachen

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Städteregion Aachen
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    • Day 17

      A Murderous Climb to Rohren

      September 3, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was the time for us to experience the Vennbahn, the long distance bike path that follows the route of the trainline of the same name. This world famous bike path will be the theme of our ride for the next three days. I had also announced to the group that, after our wicked climb out of Bouillon, all the hard work is now behind us. "It will be all downhill from now", I added. How wrong I was.

      It was only when I was looking at the ride details that I discovered that the elevation profile had a little anomaly that I hadn't noticed before. While it was true that most of the second part of the elevation graph was a steady downhill, there was a wicked kick at the end. It looked like the graph turned vertical. Surely it was probably just a glitch in the software. No road could be that steep. To our horror, we later discovered that it not a mistake. It really was a shocker.

      At least the first part of the ride was delightful. We discovered that the Vennbahn blessed us with tremendous riding. The combination of gentle gradients and smooth sealed surface was delightful. No wonder this part of the ride is so popular.

      It was about this time that I was reminded of a discovery that we had made on our last ride in Belgium, back in 2016. It seems that every Belgian rider thinks they are a reincarnation of Eddy Merckx. Eddy was the legendary Belgian rider that won the Tour de France five times, along with just about every other classic bike race. One year on the Tour he even won the yellow, green and polka dot jerseys. How greedy is that ?

      The smooth surface of the Vennbahn now encourages every Belgian rider to climb on their plastic fantastic racing bikes, and then try to break the sound barrier on two wheels. It matters not a jot to them that the path is shared by a wide range of other riders, roller bladers, walkers and joggers. It is a single minded obsession that dictates that everyone else has to just clear out of their way. Obviously nothing has changed in the last 7 years. These racing maniacs are still a hazard that has to be endured.

      While enjoying the long downhill to Monschau, we were so mesmerized by the glorious riding, that we missed the recommended turnoff. When we realised our mistake, we had to ride back a short distance to find the track.

      A glance down the track was enough to deter some of our riders. It looked like a rough, rock strewn cow track (probably because that is what it was). Fortunately it only went for a few metres before leading us to a much quieter trail, meandering alongside the Rur River. It certainly was great to have some peace and quiet, and be away from the racing cyclists.

      This alternate path took us all the way to the town of Monschau, but none of us were prepared for the spectacle that greeted us on our arrival. The entire town was overun by literally thousands of tourists. They crammed every street, every little eatery, every corner of the place. It looked like the scene outside the MCG on Grand Final Day.

      The streets were so packed that we had to dismount and try to walk our way through the hordes of people. We had all looked forward to seeing this pretty town, but the dense throng had really taken away all the pleasure. No one wanted to stay there any longer than was necessary.

      Somehow we did manage to find a few empty seats at a cafe opposite the church, where we feasted on coffee and waffles. We waited for the second group to arrive, but discovered that they had been hugely delayed by a puncture. (It is worth noting that this was the only puncture that was suffered by anyone in the entire ride).

      We still had 8 km to complete before we could really relax at our hotel. The first few km were ominously downhill, before we finally crossed the river and began the brutal climb. The road immediately tilted up (and up and up). Riders clicked down to their lowest gears, and then went searching for even lower ones. The power switches were clicking to find the highest power settings. Even with TURBO, SPEED BOOST, WARP FACTOR 10 or whatever, the motor was painfully inadequate to compensate for the awful gradient. My lungs started burning, my chest started heaving, I even felt like my entrails were about to tie themselves in knots. There is no way of gilding the lilly, it was just hard work. And it went on and on.

      The climb turned out to be just as hard as the wall we had faced on the exit from Bouillon. Just when I thought that my eyes were about to go dim, the road finally relented and started to level out. The final few hundred metres to the hotel enabled me to regain a little composure. I was just glad that it was over.

      Later that afternoon I discovered that, for two of our riders, the climb had really proven too much. No, they hadn't actually died in the attempt, but they had found a place to secure their bikes and then catch a taxi to the top. Necessity is the mother of invention.
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    • Day 6

      Monschau to St Vith

      July 19, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We finished yesterday in Monschau, a rather quaint, old cobblestone town in Western Germany. Lots of half timbered houses and the red old merchant house from 1752.

      The streets were very steep and komoot send us down some of these with our laden tandem, Sally was petrified! Camped by a stream but also a busy road. Next day took us back to the Venn Bahn on a gravelled track through the woods. On the Venn bahn we soon got to a railway carriage were they served coffee and freshly made waffles, we had to stop! Some of the stretched were downhill at 2% and got us a good speed on the tandem!
      Lots of groups passing by on e- bikes doing tours and staying in local hotels but also lots of tourers with lots of panniers. The facilities along the path are truly good, with no barriers to content with and no rubbish to speak of. Frequent picnic benches and even reclining seats.
      We are travelling through 4 countries this holiday but also different regions, so you're never sure what language or dialect they are speaking, have a look at the photo! 65km Campsite most expensive of the trip €53
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    • Day 2

      Hohen Ven Moor 🌿

      August 30, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Heute sind wir in einem Moor gewandert. Es war sehr gutes Wetter und es hat echt Spaß gemacht in der Natur zu laufen! ☺️
      Zuerst ist man durch einen Märchenwald gelaufen, danach konnte man über Holzstege durch das Moor laufen. Leider sind wir einen falschen Weg gelaufen und sind ziemlich lange in der prallen Sonne gelaufen. Es war unfassbar heiß.
      Die Landschaft hat mir sehr gut gefallen und ich war begeistert von der herrlich frischen Luft! ☺️ zum Mittagessen gab es Stullen und wir sind weiter zu unserem Stellplatz gefahren. ☺️
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    • Day 10

      Gileppe Talsperre

      August 4, 2020 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute wollten die Räder mal wieder bewegt werden. Unser Ziel war die Gileppe Talsperre, die gleich hier um die Ecke ist. Hier gibt es ein weit verzweigtes Fahrradstreckennetz und eine zugehörige App, mit der man sich seine eigene Route zusammenstellen kann. Dazu sind auf der Strecke die markanten Wegpunkte gut beschildert, sodass man sich ganz gut orientieren kann. Gut 2,5 Stunden waren wir unterwegs. Das hat aber auch gereicht, denn die langgezogenen Steigungen waren doch ganz schön anstrengend, trotz Turbo.
      Abends wurden wir von unseren neuen Köchen, Remy und Martin, bekocht. Es gab Gegrilltes. Lecker, kann ich da nur sagen!
      Später saßen wir noch in vergrößerter Runde zusammen, denn zu unseren Nachbarinnen aus Erlangen kamen noch zwei aus Düsseldorf, die hinter uns mit einem Miniwohnwagen stehen, dazu. Es hätte ein langer Abend werden können, wenn nicht die Platzwartin die Versammlung um 23 Uhr aufgelöst hätte. Recht hat se ja....
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    • Day 1

      Still don't know where I am

      August 9, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Well that's one way to escape from the city. After Amsterdam and Cologne I had just about all the urine smell I can handle so here I am at a lake or dam or something on a nice little hike enjoying the fresh air and views, and of course hiding from the sun. The only problem with doing things so spontaneously is that I don't know where I am exactly and where I got off the bus, but it shouldn't be a problem with a cellphone and a full battery for once.Read more

    • Day 8

      Ins Ausland

      August 2, 2020 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Es geht weiter. Heute machte sich das Gespann auf Richtung Belgien. die Belgier haben mit steigenden Coronazahlen zu kämpfen und fordern deshalb seit 1.8. ein ausgefülltes Formular bei der Einreise. Habe ich natürlich befolgt! Nur dass an der Grenze überhaupt keine Kontrolle erfolgte.
      Einmal quer durch's Hohe Venn, gleich hinter Eupen liegt der kleine, sehr idyllische Campingplatz Wesertal. Diesmal die andere Weser, Sie wissen schon, der belgische Weserbach. Hier konnte ich unter den neugierigen Augen schaulustiger Nachbarn perfekt rückwärts rangieren. Voll aufgebrezelt mit Vordach steht er nun, der Matti, ganz in der Nähe einer kleinen Puck Familie.
      Später gab es noch Überraschungsbesuch aus Seffern, der aber leider wegen der hiesigen Coronabestimmungen nicht auf den Platz durfte. So saßen wir dann halt eben eine ganze Weile vor der Schranke, wo es aber auch ganz gemütlich war.

      Tageskilometer: 75 km
      Gesamtkilometer: 792 km
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    • Day 2

      Stausee Eupen 🌊

      August 30, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Unser heutiger Stellplatz war ein Stausee. Wir haben dort die Nacht verbracht. Mit dem Rad haben wir eine kleine Tour gedreht und haben abends vor dem Womo gegessen. Es gab Schinkennudeln mit Salat. 🤤
      Im See konnte man leider nicht baden. Trotzdem war es sehr beeindruckend. Wir haben den Abend mit einem Spiel und guten Gesprächen ausklingen lassen. 🥰

      Einige Radfahrer waren dort unterwegs und man hatte einen echt schönen Ausblick.
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    • Day 3

      Radtour um die Wesertalsperre

      April 19, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Die Grenze nach Deutschland ist nun das Flüsschen Our. Am Dreiländereck (Lux, Belgien, Deutschland) und an Vianden mit schöner Burg führen wir bis zur Wesertalsperre bei Eupen (Belgien). Eine schöne Radtour führte uns um den See der Talsperre herum, und auf dem Parkplatz bleiben wir für die Nacht.Read more

    • Day 1

      Beginn Eifelsteig

      March 17 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Am Wegesrand wächst allerelei Kraut. Aaronstab, Huflattich, jede Menge Buschwindröschen. Ich starte in Kornelimünster auf den Eifelsteig. Die Wege sind nass und teilweise sehr schlammig. Ich komme durch ein Naturschutzgebiet mit schönen strukturreichen Heideflächen. Meine Hängematte spanne ich nicht weit vom Weg in einem Birkenwald auf und koche mir Reis mit Kidneybohnen und Mais.

      Strecke: 16,5 km

      Bilder folgen wegen schlechtem Empfang morgen
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    • Day 5

      St Geertruid to Monschau

      July 18, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Lovely day riding via Vaals (highest point in Holland) and Aachen. Then onto the Venn Bahn to Monchau, 83km. 500m elevation with a 2% incline, rather easy to cope with. The Venn Bahn runs from Aachen to Trousvierges in Luxembourg , 125km of fascinating landscapes, border country atmosphere, history and never knowing which language they speak! Turns out that the Venn Bahn itself is actually Belgium property and it runs through Germany! This has created 4 enclaves (see picture) with the cycle path on Belgium property and on either side of you Germany! That is just weird!

      Campsite was on a very pretty location but they charged a lot for everything in the shop so the pizza in the end was better value then cooking something ourselves. €41 for the campsite.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Städteregion Aachen, Staedteregion Aachen

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