Zell (Mosel)

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    • Day 18

      Sweaters and Jackets on

      October 10, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Hello from Treis Karden, Germany. Today Mike and I finished our planned 18 days of biking over about 900 kms. Since Saturday we have been enjoying the beautiful Mosel River valley between Koblenz and Trier. We know lots of people who have visited this region - including 2 Victoria friends who cycled here only a few weeks ago - but this area is a first for both of us. The Mosel is a favorite spot for Germans and other travellers because of the quaint old towns that are strung along the river like beads on a chain. The climate is milder than other areas of Germany and the main industry is wine-making, so what’s not to like! The Mosel river is a major transportation link to the Rhine but unlike the Rhine, this river is full of cruise boats and day-trip boats. Biking is a major activity and we have been cycling on busy trails alongside mostly ebikes. Every few kms there is another huge camp ground with white camper vans lined up facing the river with people sitting in lawn chairs gazing out to Mosel, usually sipping wine.
      As you do when you’re biking, we’ve noticed a lot of things along the way. In one town there was a large group of people wandering around a field looking like they’d all lost their car keys. We finally figured out - after wandering a bit with them - that they were collecting walnuts in green husks that had been falling from the surrounding trees. It wasn’t immediately obvious what the green husks were so we cracked one open - aha!

      The Mosel is fairly narrow and it flows in a series of tight turns. The river banks are steep and every inch is covered in vines. Viticulture was brought to this area by the Romans for a source of wine for their troops. [Wow, I don’t remember anybody worrying about my source of wine when I was in uniform.] We’ve seen some interesting adaptations for harvesting the grapes including a cog railway system going up to the vines carrying bins up and grapes back down. The grapes around here are almost all harvested already but we saw workers high up the slopes by 9 every morning working away on the remaining crop.

      The signs in town all advertise “federweisser” which is the new wine that hasn’t fully fermented. Although we have a no drinking and biking policy, generally, we did stop once at a wine stand along the bike route to taste the federweisser which is very cloudy, sweet and tastes more like grape juice than wine really. It has a low alcohol content because it hasn’t aged.

      Our normal routine has been to, first, power through a German breakfasts - not for small appetites - hitting the trails by 9 and enjoying the mist coming off of the river. The weather has cooled considerably since the start of our journey and we are now full-on sweaters and jackets each morning. The rides have not been backbreaking given our ebikes and the flat terrain. There are lots of places for morning coffee and bakeries to pick up lunch. We’ve stayed in a number of lovely small villages with friendly and efficient proprietors. My only regret as we finish this part of the trip is not having given the city of Trier more time. It is considered the oldest city in Germany and it was one of the 4 capitals of the Roman empire. There are many great things to see and we only scratched the surface. Although the city was heavily bombed during the war, it has been carefully rebuilt. My favorite site was the Basilica of Constantine which was built around 300 AD and contains the largest hall from ancient times.
      Mike’s favourite thing about Trier was Restaurant Kartoffel - meaning potato restaurant. Given that Mike thinks beer and potatoes are two of the main food groups, he was in his glory at this spot and it made up for me dragging him around to all of the historical sites earlier in the day.

      Tomorrow we return our rental bikes which have mostly remained intact with the exception of a light I managed to break off in a spill. We’ll take a few “ admin days” in Koblenz before heading to Italy to RV with Tara. It’s been a great adventure so far and Mike is so pleased wth my navigation skills that he says I am still his favorite “schnuckiputzi”. ( I think I’ve just been called a potato dumpling). Time to hang up the bike shorts. My bike gloves are ready for the burn pile.
      I’ll sign off now from Germany and perhaps pick up again next week when we get to Sicily.
      Love Mom/ Heather
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    • Day 11

      … zwischen Bullay und Neef …

      July 30, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      … zwischen Bullay und Neef geht es unter der Bahn durch mit anschliessendem knackigen Aufstieg (ungefähr 300m mit +9%) - ich höre nur noch von Antje: „… der Schweizer schaffts!“ und dies gibt Tom den Antrieb es auch durchzuziehen … 😎👏👍
      … das Video entstand kurz nach der knackigen Stelle … 😀
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    • Day 25

      Cochem to Zell

      September 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      We all knew we would be in for a hot day of riding. In fact it would be the hottest day so far. One of the advantages of these bike and boat trips is that there is no pressure or expectation on anyone to ride if they don't want to. There is always the option of spending a relaxing day on board the boat instead. And that is exactly what Maggie and I did.

      After yesterday's hot ride and after being one of the few to make the hard climb to Eltz Castle, we just were not enthused enough to climb back on the bikes in the hot sun.

      This left us with the morning free to explore Cochem, before the boat was due to depart. As it turned out, we got back about an hour early, which was just as well because the boat was already getting ready to leave. I don't know what would have happened if we had been back any later.

      The city of Cochem is dominated by the towering Cochem Castle. This can either be reached via a tough walk, or an easy bus ride. Maggie and I had decided that we would take the bus, however we discovered that the first bus was not until 10.30 am, which would leave us very little time to explore the castle anyway. Oh well, you can't see everything.

      At 11.30 am we were off and sailing. It was a real tonic to be able to sit and watch the scenery pass by. In fact it was just like being a passenger on one of those infamous "pyjama boats". On such boats you really don't have to do anything apart from slip into your pyjamas on the first day, and then just look out the window of your cabin.

      To make us a little more comfortable the steward had folded up our beds and converted them into two seats. This also made the cabin considerably more spacious.

      The recurring feature of this part of the Moselle is the steep hills on both sides of the river. Most of these steep slopes have been covered with vineyards for hundreds of years. We wondered how tough it would be tending the vines on such unforgiving ground. It was little wonder than many of these vineyards had developed little motorised carts to cope with the gradient. I wondered what would happen if they ever suffered a brake failure.

      We enjoyed a light lunch on board with a small number of fellow passengers who had also made the wise decision to avoid the heat.

      Each day at around 4 pm the riders are welcomed back on board the boat with a hot tea or coffee and a slice of cake. Of course, this time we were the first in the queue.

      Tomorrow is also predicted to be another hot day, although the predicted top temperature of 29C is a little milder than today's scorching 33C.
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    • Day 355

      Entlang der Mosel

      October 5, 2020 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Weit und breit kein Meer, aber Wasser. Wir stehen in Minheim mit Blick auf die Mosel. Mit dem Fahrrad besuchen wir Bernkastel Kues. Puh, ganz schön voll hier.
      Nichts für uns, obwohl die Altstadt sehr schön ist, machen wir uns nach einen kleinen Rundgang wieder ab. Wir radeln lieber wieder an der Mosel entlang. Weiter geht es nach Enkirch. Mit dem Fahrrad erreichen wir von diesem Stellplatz bequem Traben-Trabach. Dort gibt es in der Altstadt viele coole Sprüche an den Häusern zu lesen. Das Beste ist das Gebet eines Pfarrers aus dem Jahre 1883. Ich kann nur sagen: " Wie wahr." Am Abend gönnen wir uns eine Weinprobe in einer Straußenwirtschaft. Mmmh lecker!
      Weiter geht es nach Zell. Bei einem Spaziergang erfuhren wir spontan etwas über die Weinlese. Diese Maschine kostet ca. 300000 € und ist nur wenige Wochen im Jahr im Einsatz. Sie kostet ca 300 € pro Stunde Miete Der Winzer erzählte früher habe er 300 Flaschen Wein gebraucht um seine Lesehelfer bei Laune zu halten. 😂
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    • Day 23

      To Koblenz via Home and Luxembourg

      April 28, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Leave Leeds. After 3 night's in my own wonderful bed it's off again. Self and clothes all washed and even mowed the lawn. Weather was great. The train from Ottignies to Luxembourg is packed. Glad I got a seat.
      Train down the Mossel to Koblenz was quieter.
      Confusion at koblenz HBF on how to get to the hostel. Google maps tells me to take 2 further trains then walk 35 minutes! Take the first train then consult DB app which tells me to go back to Hbf. Once there I look at instructions supplied by hostel which saw at Hbf take bus 9. That's easier. Get off bus and there's a funicular to take me to the hostel.
      View from the hostel is great. High up, over the Rhine straight up the Mossel.
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    • Day 11

      … Richtung Mesenich …

      July 30, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Diese Brücke ist Teil der Kanonenbahn.
      Als Kanonenbahn wird die in den 1870er Jahren erbaute militärstrategische Eisenbahnverbindung von der deutschen Hauptstadt Berlin über Güsten, Wetzlar, Koblenz und Trier nach Metz in Elsass-Lothringen bezeichnet. Metz gehörte damals zum Deutschen Kaiserreich, da nach dem Deutsch-Französischen Krieg 1870/1871 Frankreich das Reichsland Elsass-Lothringen an Deutschland hatte abtreten müssen. Die Bahnstrecke entstand in der Folge, um das neue Territorium effizient an die Reichs- und preussische Hauptstadt Berlin anzubinden. Bestehende Bahnstrecken in staatlicher Hand wurden dabei mitgenutzt.

      Streckenlänge 805km - Normalspur (1435m)

      Auch andere Eisenbahnstrecken, die vorwiegend aus militärstrategischen Gesichtspunkten gebaut wurden, wie z. B. die Glantalbahn, werden umgangssprachlich als „Kanonenbahn“ bezeichnet. Die Verbindung Berlin–Metz ist aber die bekannteste von ihnen.
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    • Day 6

      Von Zell zum Prinzenkopf

      May 15, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Von Zell gehts hinauf zur Marienburg diese lasse ich aber links liegen, das dort von Sonntagsausflügler wimmelt, gleiches gilt für den Aussichtsturm. Der direkt daneben liegende Ehrenfriedhof scheint jedoch kaum die Leute zu interessieren und ist wunderbar schattig, weshalb ich dort längere Zeit verweile.Read more

    • Day 5

      Königshütte Merl Collisturm Zell

      May 14, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Über die Königshütte Merl gehts durch die Weinberge durch die pralle Sonne. Ich passiere ein Kappellchen, dass ich vergesse zu fotografieren, wo aber eine Schattenbank steht. 80% der Zeit musste ich durch die pralle Sonne laufen und Wasser ist kurz vor Zell alle. Es folgt der finale Anstieg zum Collisturm wo ein Getränkestand grade Feierabend macht. Ich erhalte aber noch 2 Traubensprudel die ich auf Ex runterkippe. Anschliessend steige ich über den Collissteig hinab nach Zell, wobei ich die Leiterpassagen auslasse, da ich komplett durch bin. Übrigens ist dieser Klettersteig deutlich schwieriger im Vergleich zum Calmont. Meinen Beinen sieht man an, dass es ein staubiger Tag war 🤣Read more

    • Day 3

      Wandeling naar Onkel Tom's Hutte

      July 21, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      De hemel is zwaar bewolkt als we opstaan en daar zijn we niet kwaad om na de warmte van gisteren.
      Vandaag gaan we wandelen. Rundwandelwege nach Bullayer kreuz en Onkel Tom’s hutte.
      De zon komt er al meer door gelukkig zijn er bossen op deze wandeling.
      De wijngaarden zijn steil en er ligt meer land braak dan vroeger, een vrouw vertelde dat de nieuwe generatie niet zoveel werk wil verrichten omdat het niet meer zo winstgevend is als vroeger. Gisteren in Alf viel het ons op dat er veel leegstand is. Als ze het moeten hebben van de toeristen alleen ??
      Rond de middag komen we aan de hut ttz een mooi terras en weinprobe geshaft.
      We nemen water en wijn en stillaan loopt het terras vol. We nemen een Wingert Vesper, een goed gevulde schotel als middagmaal en wandelen terug naar Bullay langs een kortere weg. Het is licht bewolkt en 25 graden.
      Op zoek naar een rustig plekje in de schaduw belanden we aan de oever van de Moezel tot er een onweer losbarst, eerst wat droog gerommel dat in de heuvels weerkaatst wordt maar dan de regen. Er zit niets anders op dan te gaan schuilen en nog een ander wijntje te proeven, Rivaner en Weisburgunder. Door de regen lopen we twee uur later toch maar naar het hotel om te gaan eten. De wijnboeren zullen blij zijn met deze regen.
      We gaan niet meer weg want de druppels blijven tikken op het dak van het terras.
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    • Day 4


      April 29 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Zo ziet mittelschwer eruit...

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    Zell (Mosel), ZEL

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