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    • Gün 4

      Day 2 _ Les Raies Nettes en touristes

      22 Ekim 2023, Yunanistan ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Retour à l'appartement pour manger et se préparer rapidement, puis direction l'Acropole.

      Tout le monde achète son billet et go visiter, au bout de 15 minutes, nous avons entendu toutes les 10 secondes "Exit please"... Super de se faire rabattre comme des moutons 🙄.

      Petit couché de soleil sur un caillou plus haut que les autres, et ensuite ballade dans le quartier Plaka.

      Nous mangeons des planches à partager au même restaurant que Vendredi "Muses" --> trop boooon 🥰

      Très bon moment avec beaucoup trop de manger et beaucoup de bières aussi. 🤣

      Retour à l'appartement en métro, où on nous a dit "ne bougez pas trop, il y a souvent des morts parce que les métros déraillent ".

      Fin de soirée à l'appartement et un dodo bien mérité.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      its all about learning

      9 Mayıs 2023, Yunanistan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Q1: what’re you hoping to learn about yourself as a leader on the trip?

      On this trip, I hope to learn how flexible I can be as a leader and a person in general. I usually like being in control and when you travel far from home, you travel far from comfort and control. Furthermore, when you’re with a group of 19 people, you’re only 1/19 or roughly 5% and your way definitely doesn’t always go. I traveled in a similar way as this last year, and I had a lot of issues letting go and adapting to changes or uncomfortable situations. I don’t want to say it brought out my worst side, but I definitely wasn’t my best self. On this trip, I really want to work on always displaying my best self even when I have a lack of control or am out of my comfort zone because a majority of the time in life, you won’t be in your comfort zone. Simply the fact that I didn’t plan this trip and don’t know exactly what’s going on is freaking me out going into it, so I am already having to conquer that barrier and we aren’t even on the trip yet. I know there are going to be many times where I don’t feel like I can speak up and help with situations and I am just going to have to learn to take the backseat for a little bit. I mean, after all, all the seats are pretty important when it comes to leadership, and all the ships are qualified to take any of them.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      1.Me as a Leader

      12 Mayıs 2023, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      During this trip I was hoping to learn a balance of seriousness and fun while still being a leader. I have always been my hardest critic and I have always tried to be serious in the parts of our team that require work. I don’t quite know if it’s a struggle of control which my brain thinks both fun and serious can’t interact in the same circle. However watching older members of the team before me balance such a great level of being serious and fun was something I envied. From my time on the team people have tried to convince me to be a little less worried about being in control and allow myself to enjoy what we are doing in the moment. Greece finally gave me the chance to feel like I could balance seriousness and fun as a servant leader. I was surrounded by not only the amazing people on our team but locals who were willing to help or just to talk. The trip was structured in a way that Mads had most things planned leaving very little room to worry about anything else. By finding this balance I was able to enjoy our service work and the trip and I couldn’t be more grateful. I feel like if you find that balance as a servant leader it helps you learn more about your followers because everyone won’t flourish in the same environment. If you have that balance it gives you more flexibility when interacting with your peers and followers.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      New Experiences! (Q2)

      11 Mayıs 2023, Yunanistan ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Question 2: What about being in Greece area is a new experience for you?
      This entire trip was FULL of new experiences! The first and most obvious is being in another country, but also being in such an urban area. Yes, I am from Wichita, but Athens is a very different type of city. Everything is much closer together and it is more densely populated. Something new for me was walking everywhere and taking the bus. Before this trip I had never been on this type of public transportation. I've obviously been on school buses and charter buses but those are very different from the experience of hopping on and off different buses and being shoulder to shoulder with strangers. There is a bus system in Wichita, but I have always been driven everywhere. Another new experience for me was the metro. That isn't something we have in Wichita and I haven't traveled anywhere that does. Before this trip I had also never been to a beach or the ocean. This trip was also the first time I was ever on a boat. I also road on a four wheeler for the first time which was so much fun! This trip also gave me a lot of new food experiences! I tried lamb, cod, squid, and other things I never would've eaten otherwise. The lamb and cod were good, but I am not a fan of squid. Before going to Greece, I had also never been on a plane, but we weren't technically in Greece yet so I'm not sure if that one counts for this question.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 73


      11 Eylül 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      While I enjoyed the 34°C on the second day my chaperone was melting away. Luckily there was an ice cream store in every second corner.

      Since I was a proud possessor of a 30€ ticket for Athener most visited archeological sites, Aminah and I continued ticking off the remaining sites one by one. In the early afternoon we were done with Athens top seven.

      🔸 The Acropolis
      🔸 Ancient Agora
      🔸 Archaeological Site of Lykeion
      🔸 Kerameikos Archaeological Site
      🔸 Roman Agora
      🔸 Hadrian's Library
      🔸 Olympieion – Temple of Olympian Zeus

      We went back home for a siesta before we prepared ourselves for a rooftop restaurant with view to the Acropolis experience.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1


      8 Ağustos 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Dopo un viaggio abbastanza lungo e una colazione veloce a Budapest🇭🇺 siamo arrivati ad Atene. Ci sono voluti due aerei, un autobus e 20minuti a piedi per arrivare al nostro hotel.
      Hotel peggiore penso di non averlo mai visto e il quartiere dove eravamo era a dir poco distrutto e sporco, ma essendoci fermati solo un giorno e mezzo abbiamo preferito non farci molto caso.
      Essendo arrivati nel pomeriggio e dopo il viaggio abbiamo deciso di riposarci un po' per poi uscire a vedere Atene.
      Si è dimostrata fin da subito molto bella e curata nelle vie centrali, piene di bar (alcuni anche molto particolari) e chioschetti/negozietti per turisti.
      Abbiamo mangiato cinese perché beh, avevamo fame e non abbiamo trovato altro nelle prime vie che abbiamo girato, però abbiamo assaggiato i Baklava tipici dolci grechi molto mielosi🍯

      L'esperienza più bella però è stata salire sul rooftop di una palazzina per ammirare l'Acropoli illuminata proprio davanti a noi e con tanto di luna quasi piena🌖.

      Il secondo giorno l'abbiamo interamente dedicato alla visita della città e dopo una sostanziosa colazione abbiamo acquistato un biglietto che ci ha permesso di vedere tutti i siti archeologici di Atene. Abbiamo visto l'Antica Agorà di Atene, l'Agorà Romana, la Biblioteca di Adriano, il Tempio di Zeus, il Foro Romano e ovviamente l'Acropoli (dove l'acqua costa €4.50🙃).

      La seconda sera ci eravamo ripromessi di mangiare qualcosa di tipico e così abbiamo fatto: Moussaká e Gemista capendo che la cucina greca non è affatto leggera...😮‍💨

      La mattina dopo ci siamo svegliati di buon ora e preparati velocemente perché volevamo scappare da quella camera e ci siamo diretti in metro sapendo che ci aspettavamo quattro ore di traghetto (e un po' di mal di mare🤢🛳️) in direzione Paros!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 107

      Athen 2: Bergungsaktion Koffer

      30 Temmuz 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Nach einer erholsamen zweiten Nacht mache ich mich am Morgen auf den Weg zum Hadriantor. Gleich daneben befindet sich auch der Tempel von Kronos und Rhea und der Olympieion. Leider fanden sich hier keinerlei Informationstafeln, man hätte die Säulen auch von der Strasse ablichten können. Leider habe ich bis dahin immer noch nichts von meinem vermissten Gepäck gehört. Ich beschliesse also kurzerhand, auf eigene Faust nach meinem Gepäck zu suchen.
      Am Flughafen begebe ich mich zum lost and found Schalter, wo ich 20 Minuten warte, ohne einen Schritt weiter zu kommen. Also steige ich über die Absperrung und suche selber im Gepäckfriedhof nach meinem Koffer. Tatsächlich finde ich diesen unversehrt und so kehre ich erfolgreich und glücklich ins Hostel zurück.
      Zum Znacht gehen wir asiatisch essen und lassen den Tag bei Bier und Wein im Zimmer ausklingen.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 105

      Reise nach Athen

      28 Temmuz 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Nach meiner kurzen Reisepause geht es heute bereits wieder weiter nach Athen. Da ich die letzten 10 Jahre einige Meilen gesammelt habe, buche ich den Flug direkt mit Meilen in der Business Klasse. So muss ich nur noch 30 Franken Flugsteuern zahlen.
      Der Checkin am Flughafen funktioniert problemlos und, bis auf die kleinen Trinkgläser, sagt mir auch die Business Lounge zu. Der Abflug verspätet sich leider um eine Stunde, den Anschlussflug in München erwische ich aber trotzdem. Als ich um 23:30 Uhr bei der Gepäck Ausgabe stehe erhalte ich von der Lufthansa eine SMS. Darin steht, dass mein Gepäck wohl in München geblieben ist. Glücklicherweise habe ich alles wichtige in meinem Turnbag und so mache ich mich via Taxi (den letzten Zug habe ich verpasst) auf zum Hostel. Da klappt der Check-in immerhin auf anhieb. Im Zimmer hat es noch 7 andere Reisende, alle bereits im Bett. Ich besuche noch kurz die Rooftop Bar für einen Schlummi und lege mich dann aber bald schon in mein Kajütenbett, welches unter meinem Gewicht beunruhigend knarrt und jauchzt.
      Zu mehr oder weniger angenehmen Geschnarche zweier Mitbewohner schlafe ich schliesslich ein.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2


      7 Kasım 2023, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      I Cavalieri dello zodiaco è una saga di anime e manga creata nel 1986 da Masami Kurumada,

      Un gruppo di giovani guerrieri, chiamati Cavalieri, combatte per proteggere la dea greca Atena e l'umanità dalle forze del male, usando la propria energia interiore, la forza fisica e potenti armature ispirate alle costellazioniOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      service work!!

      11 Mayıs 2023, Yunanistan ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Q3: what about the service experience is different than the service we do on the team at home?

      The service work we did in Greece was not completely different than everything we do at home, but it was different for a couple of big reasons. First I felt like it was more spaced out which gave us time to fully take everything in. Our typical service work at home is usually, “get a task done as quickly and efficiently as you can for your convenience and the convenience of whoever you are volunteering for.” In this situation, we had plenty of time to learn and observe the causes, talk amongst each other about the cause, and then we actually got to do some work directly for the cause. I understand the importance of the way we typically do things at home, but this was my favorite volunteer work I have ever done because I felt like I truly had some time to reflect on it and give it some good thought. This ended up leading me to a few deep-thought bus rides and typing in my notes some ideas I have to help Kayra more and even ideas to help spread the word about service work in general. I have done my fair share of service work throughout middle and high school and now to college, and I have never been more inspired and felt the true meaning before. I also think it was very different because it was outside of our bubble. At home, we know that there is work to do always with cleaning, yard work, bettering our school, and working with churches. In Kansas, we would not have such an opportunity as to work with refugees from all over and make a difference in their lives. We aren’t really around refugees like that daily, let alone work with them. I think the fact that it was outside of our bubble made it that much better for us.Okumaya devam et

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