September 2019
Pengembaraan 24hari oleh Angharad Baca lagi
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  • Hari 1


    4 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Our Uber driver, Mr Trevor Dowse picked us up at 7am.
    House is spotless in case there is an inspection when we are away. We even did a shitty wipe up job on the mould.

    Toot toot and off we went. Traffic wasn’t fab but it wasn’t bad either. Dad is such a stress driver when he is unsure of a route/ needs to change lanes. Driving a manual car does not help. He is literally unable to talk and concentrate on the road.

    He dropped us off, bless him ❤️
    We got there super early cause we planned to ask for seats with leg room if available. Checked in but FORGOT. 🤦🏼‍♀️
    Will does at least have an isle seat.

    Some background info:
    Will has a ruptured and bulging disk in his back.
    He had great nerve pain and has troubles sitting.
    So naturally we have decided to climb a mountain 🙄🙄 ...
    he has a lot of drugs so we will see how he fairs but it’s why we extra wanted him to have a good seat. We looked at getting him a business class seat but it was too late and prices were outrageous
    Anywho, too late now.

    We went and had a healthy Hungry Jack’s breakfast and then went through customs.
    I was hear 2 weeks ago and the amount of change/renovation is impressive. Well done Sydney.

    Just had a look around the shops but it’s all fashion shops like Burberry, Chanel etc.
    sorry, don’t have a spare $7,500.

    Went to our gate on the other side of the airport and waited.
    Some chick was hardcore crying.
    Was speaking an Asian language so I couldn’t listen in. Super bummed.

    We started taking our diamox tablets for altitude sickness this morning and it is making us need to pee!

    Onto the plane.
    Nice plane. Very new and fancy.
    Biggg plane though. I don’t like big planes, harder to get off the ground 😅

    So far we have been flying 2 hours and I have watched some Big Bang theory :)

    2 hours to go.
    I watched Graham Norton and am about to start family guy.
    So with graham norton their was only one episode available but it was an episode where graham was away....?
    Guest host did a great job but what an odd choice for the only episode?

    Wills back is holding out. I have Endone for him to take but he has been fine so far which is a great sign 🎉

    Got given a almond magnum for dessert after our lunch. Big fan.
    Except i spills some on my new tights, it melted between my legs and it looks like I have shit on me.

    Need to peeeeeee. Just went though 😂
    Glad I bought my shewee.

    People around me must think I have a problem.
    I reckon I’m at 6 or 7 times.

    Landed smoothly.

    Change airport is HUGE - we had to get a tram though to our terminal - we got to go past the rainforest and hectic waterfall - grossly unnecessary and yet brilliant and all airports should do. Very calming in all the hussle bussel.

    According to their map. There are 4 terminals but just looking at terminal 1 it takes 29minutes to walk from one end to the other.

    Biggggg airport.
    The carpet is an odd choice. It’s like pub carpet almost but less colorful.
    Keen to explore Singapore on the way back.

    To get into our gate longe we went through a quick security thing (only security check - they didn’t scan us to have us enter the airport off the plane)
    Most intrusive pat down I can recall. Got right in between my boobs.

    So the People flying to Nepal were either Nepalese, elderly couples ticking off their buckets list items or genie pant wearing, yoga doing hipsters with nose piercings.

    A pilot, very possible ours rushed through the gate lounge at 6:55 - the time we were meant to depart..

    Boarded about 35 mins late.

    We are flying with silk air - a partner of Singapore airlines it would seem.
    Seats are tiny and no in flight entertainment - boo.
    But! I asked if it was a full flight and the flight attendant said no and put us in exit row seats - after a lovely lady swapped with me we were next to each other.
    At least Will fits.

    As we are flying over Singapore there is far less light that I expected. Not bright at all.
    4.5 hours to go.

    Having another wee emergency. Sigh. Lol

    Ok so I’ve made a booboo.
    Was just deleting photos in my phone and up comes a print screen of our trek itinerary which says we actually start trekking on the 7th, not 6th.
    Now the “tour” actually starts from the 6th which is why I got confused - but instead of that meaning we hike thy day it means we have a team meeting in the evening that day. Sooo looks like we will be in Kathmandu an extra day.
    Hardly a major issue. Privately delighted hahah.
    Hopefully my accommodation reservation covers this day 😅😅😅

    We are currently hovering above the airport.
    Congestion issue so we have to wait 15 mins. Will is done 😂
    He has done so well though!

    My eyes hurts, slightly dizzy, not hungry yet also hungry and small headache.

    Hopefully just a result of long day flying.

    Finally landed and got off the plane onto a bus that took us 40m.

    The most ridiculous immigration I’ve yet encountered.

    So apart from everyone knowing where to go and is changing lines 5 times we finally got the order right.

    First you go to kiosk.
    Technology from the 80’s. Takes 10 minutes per person to type their name in.
    Total waste of my life.

    We were told to bring passport photos - spent $58 cause we didn’t know what size.. didn’t even use them 🙄🙄🙄🙄
    Anywho, the next line was to pay for the visa. $50 USD each for 30 day entry.

    Next line was to get through.
    I like the sticker visa they gave us.

    Dude was like “is this you?”
    If it was a fake passport, is anyone really gonna say yes?

    Getting our bags was a maze and then to our relief (stressed he would leave cause we were 2 hours late) our pick up person was waiting for us.
    He gave us neck wrap things.
    And got us our ride.

    Hotel is lovely. Too tired to function at this point.

    Nepal reminds me
    Of Cambodia cross South Africa.

    BEDTIME 😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍😍
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 2


    5 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Slept wonderfully and deeply.
    Will didn’t poor bugger so he was still shattered.
    Went down to the cafe downstairs to meet some people only it would seem Nepali time is similar to African time. After waiting a bit in walked the dude from last night who’s name I can’t say for the life of me and his wife, Kay - Scottish lady who is our medical liaison person. So she isn’t coming trekking with us but will man the phone and organise the rescue helicopters etc.
    We then met George - American who seems nice and later his I think Wife, Lucy arrived.
    Originally I thought she might be his daughter but then apparently it’s her birthday today and she is 49. Unsure if true or not. Will investigate.
    Lucy is a crack pot. Big fan. LOUUUUUD. She will Make the trek fun. We chatted for about 1.5 hours discussing nothing of real importance then we said bye and for on our way. We are all gonna do a day trip tomorrow so have to be ready by 9am again 🙄

    We headed towards the monkey temple known as Swayambhuna. The roads are mental. But it’s organized chaos? They have a system.
    If half a road is clear then you cross and wait for the next half to clear then cross that.
    You don’t wait for clear passage from both way - you will wait forever.
    The streets are super fun lol.
    People darting everywhere, carrying ridiculous loads of stuff.
    Dogs are everywhere but they are either asleep (great so I don’t have to ignore them) or happy with their friends.
    Lots of shops which I shall visit later 😬😬🤗🤗

    Took the most random path but eventually found it.
    Or rather the staircase with 70000 stairs leading up to the temple.

    Killed me 😂
    I wasn’t tired but my heart was racing. Altitude is fun lol.
    Cool Buddha statues along the way.

    Monkeys Were darting about - the babies are very cute.

    It was 200 rupees each - got a ticket for my book - thrilled lol.

    The views were lovely.
    2 people wanted pictures with us?

    I like the eyes on the white dome thing. Got told names of things but honestly, they talk like you have prior knowledge so it’s not helpful.

    The Nepalese people are pests. Will got himself into a tour guide situation. Idiot. I walked away from the chat a lot but Will didn’t get the message so on tour we went 🙄

    The guy did not get the hint to GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY PHOTOGRAPHS.
    Trying to take photos and he does move?

    He took us into some hidey hole with stone Buddha shit and went through the 5 somethings
    He was very animated and imitated them all.
    When he got the meditation he closed his eyes and sat there for a whole minute.
    Me and Will were doing shifty eyes at each other - hilarious.
    He showed us the different element shrines. Is water, fire, wind, earth etc

    I got to ring a bell and we both spun the twisty bell things.

    He gave us Buddha’s history. What a load of crap.
    Apparently didn’t eat for 6 years.
    Lies lol.
    Be different if he was claiming to be a God but he wasn’t.. just a dude you know?
    Some other lady in some story had 500 babies.
    Me don’t thinks so.

    He took us to a lovely painting shop where we got given a look and info on all the painting types. Didn tip ha ha. Fuckerssss.
    I would go back and buy from there if it wasn’t for the stairs though hahah

    I gave our guy a Outfuckingragous tip. $40 or something. Bad conversation maths by me and pressure ha.


    We walked back down the monster staircase and Will used what he claims is the most disgusting toilet of his life. Big call. 200 years worth of unwiped urine.

    We walked to Dunbar square. Dunbar means royal.
    Has a big ass palace. Not overly fancy looking, I think the temples are nicer - just a big white building really. We saw a rooftop cafe and walked up to have a drink and get a view of the area.
    There is a crap tone of construction going on because of the 2015 earthquake which destroyed so so much. So there was lots of scaffold everywhere.
    Safety standards are non existent 😂 they just be balancing on a pole 😂

    We had some fried rice which we learned they eat with tomato sauce here.

    There were school children playing in the square which was nice to watch. The kids all wear school uniforms which doesn’t match the derelict city.

    There were 2 random cows literally lying down like dogs in the square. Just chilling. Living their best life.

    Lots of temples. They all look the same but are all beautiful. A lot of intricate detailing.

    Some shrine monster dude super cute. Loved him.

    People pretending to be tour guides are such PESTS.

    We walked home and had an amazing nap.

    So tired.

    We went out to dinner and I didn’t really like the food but I haven’t been that hungry so didn’t bother me lol. Nice just watching the city.
    Had a sign coming up though “probably the best steak in Kathmandu” 😂😂

    And back to bed ❤️
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 3


    6 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Today we went on a day trip to Bhaktapur which is one of the royal areas I believe.
    Struggling HARD with the Nepalese accent 😓
    So to cut the story short totally not worth the money. 1500 rupees each to enter and $25USD for the tour guide and bus.
    The guide was not good and was on a fucking mission. No real time to stop and actually look.

    It was just a city.

    The highlights of the tour (we went with Lucy and George) were seeing the tallest temple of Nepal, all the small children coming up and saying Namaste, seeing where the royal family took baths, and seeing how local craft is made. We went to a wood making shop (like fancy chests and stuff) , paint shop and watched ladies making pottery.
    We also saw the inside of some Hindu temple. Some fancy shit, you couldn’t take photos, and it had armed guards. You couldn’t enter if not Hindu. We could look through the door though.
    A lot of this city (was a city more than anything) was dilapidated. It had spots of complete beauty though.
    Saw a cool well full of green plants.

    I find it bemusing that the children all dress so smartly in school uniforms yet live in a shit hole.
    It doesn’t match.

    After the tour we had lunch at a rooftop bar. Had a great time and lots of laughs!

    George bought a ridiculous Nepalese hat and wore it all day lol he also INSISTS on speaking Nepalese but I’m 99% he says it wrong cause they dont seem to understand or they laugh.

    We went home and had a nap.

    Had our team meeting. Really like everyone.
    We have Tom, Helen, Anita, George and Lucy.

    We got given all the gear we hired - 1 sleeping bag, walking poles, down jackets and sleep mattress things.

    We also got an Ian Taylor trekking hat.

    I hate my fucking duffel bag. It’s a total cunt 😂
    Can’t fit shit cause I got stuff in packing cubes which I swear by but in this situation it’s not workin so good. 😅 Need help closing my bag every-time. 😪
    Got to bed late - like 10:30. Supper stressed cause it’s a 4:15 start.
    Big day tomorrow!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 4


    7 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    It was an early start. 4:45 we left the hotel for the airport - we were given cute little breakfast boxes (stale pasteries, hard boiled egg, an apple and juice)

    So glad we have a guide cause the airport is so stupid. Just unnecessary confusion.
    When we arrived lots of people were already there - a lot of people in cotton shirts and backpacks without hip supports - they are gonna regret that!

    We had to walk through security scanners - Lucy took her breakfast in a bag with her instead of putting it on the conveyer belt for X-ray and so they asked her what was in it and she said food.
    They didn’t check...

    I used my shewee for the first time before we went out to our plane. No spillage 💪🏻

    The plane was tiny. Fits about 20 people.
    Had cute little propellers. I find it cute now because we didn’t die. 😅
    Minor anxiety but it took off really easy so that was aces. Kathmandu is actually quite lovely from above. Colorful.
    The left hand side had the best view of the mountains - it was about a 30 minutes flight but As we got to Lukla we got told we had to divert because of the cloud coverage and we landed about 10 minutes on in the most fucking random
    Spot 😂😂

    Very rural.
    Used their toilet and nearly vomited. Horrendous smell.

    We were there for about 30 minutes before we gave Lukla another crack.

    Landed fine.
    Anxiety was high but we didn’t die so all is well.
    If you don’t stop in time you hit a wall..

    I was that person who clapped upon landing. I do not apologize.

    Only very few pilots are allowed to fly into Lukla.

    We were led into a room for tea before we got on our way.
    Took so long for us all to pack our bags 😅
    We are all just making shit up as we go along. Haha
    We met some of our yaks outside who graciously agreed to carry our duffel bags up for us.

    And off we went 🎉🎉

    We had to walk around Lukla - lots of people just watching he airport actions
    Lots of shops I’d like to explore on the way down too.
    So we found out very early on Lucy sucks at climbing down stairs. She has to hold a porters hand every time. I love it cause it gives me time to take a break while waiting for her. Haha

    Lots of cute kids on the way. Anita and George brought gifts for them which they gave out occasionally. Bloody Anita is a ridiculous human; A) she is just not too bright to be perfectly honest but
    B) has packed her bags with a years worth of stuff. She was offloading shit to people all day - including the kids to get rid of some of the weight. 😅
    I’m split down the middle with SHUT THE FUCK UP and having a giggle cause she can be funny.

    We crossed lots of bridges on the way over wonderful rapid water.

    We had many toilet stops. So far mainly proper toilets. It’s still BYO toilet paper though.

    Will likes ringing the bells along the way. We alway seem to walk on the left side of a monument. Not sure why.

    George has a bad stomach all day and was in real trouble. He really struggled.

    We stopped for lunch and I had the most delicious chips of my life. Literally just plucked from the ground. Incredible.

    There are so many stunning creeks and hundreds of waterfalls nearby and in the distance.

    There hasn’t been much rubbish along the way. Good job everyone. I expect it’s going to get a lot worse the higher we go.

    They carry these ridiculous 100kg loads all day.
    Not human.
    Often carrying only essentials: beer. 😂

    We walked past kids smashing rocks with hammers. I thought that was a great game lol.
    It started raining along the way so we all bothered to put out water gear on so naturally it stopped within 20 seconds.
    I overheated very quickly and had to take the heat back off.

    Today was such a long walk holy cow. It all sort of starts blending into one and the order of things gets blurred.

    We stopped for tea somewhere near to a waterfall and had a snack break cause we all had low sugar levels.
    This is when our yaks past us. Bless them. Apparently they work 3 days then they get 3 days wild in the jungle. Love it.

    We had dinner together - all food and hot beverages are paid for. Cold drinks no.
    We then went and got ready for the next day - supposedly the hardest day.
    Took me like 1.5 hours to organise my bag and I made a mess of the room cause my water bladder leaked everywhere.

    All in all a great first day.
    Bloody knackered.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 5

    Namche Baazar

    8 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    At breakfast hall by 7.
    Out by 8.
    Had rice pudding - very satisfied cause at least today I’ll have something in my tummy. Yesterdays breakfast was grossly dissatisfying.

    Off we went.
    To summarize:
    Today was all uphill and killed my soul😂

    My phone was o my on 9% to begin with and as I usually use my photos as a memory prompt I hope i don’t forget things.

    Stairs, stairs, several bridge and a relentless fucking hill.

    Got a few sensational photos. The one of me standing by a sign has Everest’s tip in the background even though my phone is a piece of shit and blended it into cloud it was our first glimps and I promise it’s there lol.

    Walking in the shade is my jam. Sun destroys me and my steps become half size.

    We watched mules cross over the bridge which was pretty cool.
    It really does all blend in.

    You also spend 85% of the time looking at the ground, not up because you don’t want to trip.
    Considering it is a challenging walk I actually am bloody proud of my leg strength and perseverance. I struggled at the end, I couldn’t keep up with the others - I’m fine at my own pace so that’s exactly what I did. Took my time and kept my heart rate low. And I made it.
    Thankyou diamox. 😘😘😘

    Drank all my 3L on the walk.

    Beyond fucking thrilled to reach Namche Baazar. (11,155ft)
    City/town is awesome!! It’s on the side of a monuntain.

    We saw some wild mountain goats as we came in and girls going the washing in a fountain thing.

    We had lunch and I’ve just woken from a 2hr nap.

    Went for a 10 minute walk and a) found a cat and b) a memorial for the first female Sherpa to climb Everest. She died in 2007 - she fell 8000m which is truly horrifying. She was only 37. I love that there is a monument to her. Being a female Sherpa is presumable a big ass deal. We haven’t seen one yet.

    Had dinner then bed.
    I have some heartburn but I think that’s cause there was garlic in my tomato soup.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 6

    Namche Baazar

    9 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Breakfast was at 8 - I had porridge with honey. Need energy meals when trekking. Lotssss of honey to make it edible lol.
    Off we went.
    Anita was having tummy problems and shortly into the trip started vomiting. She went back down to rest.
    We walked past some bells to spin. I have real trouble spinning them if they are already spinning. I just hit the air lol.
    It was not a big walk today, walked up hill for a while but then in flattened out - we walked to the Tenzing Norgay memorial.
    There was also a little factual museum type thing there we had a peek at and also views of the tipity top of Everest.
    Inside the museum thing it had info about Sherpas which is a type of nationality. You are born into it.
    Not all porters are sherpas. But here most are.

    We found a dog lounging in the sun who then followed us all day.
    I also spotted a cool butterfly I watched for a while.
    Anita rejoined us. She was feeling better. Even though I find her to be so stupid and loud I’m glad. I’d hate for anyone to be sent home.

    I love the colour combos on a lot of their stuff. It’s like strong rainbow colours.
    We walked back down and went to the Sherpa museum.
    We went into and old, traditional Sherpa house - the same dog made himself at home on the seats hahah
    It was quite cozy inside and randomly large. It had all the pots and utensils and quick explanation of purpose on display but it also even had separate rooms/sections and a downstairs.
    Every morning they collect water say from
    The river - they have to fill 7 small bowls with the water as offerings to the Gods before they are allowed to drink.

    We then went into 2 separate rooms filled with photos or news articles.
    We then went to different room and watched a 110 slide slideshow about the area.

    Went to a drop toilet someone is sick and has white poo and it’s fresh cause it was on top 🤢🤢🤢

    The view of Namche from above is so cool.

    Got back and had lunch
    Had garlic so I still have heartburn

    Went to the oldest bar thing in Namche and watched a video about the first dudes who jumped/parachuted off Everest. Originally only went for WiFi but it didn’t work which was lame.

    Bought WiFi at the tea house we staying at and it worked woo!
    We had a nap.

    Will was tired/headache so I went alone with everyone to visit Kancha Sherpa. The last surviving member of the 1953 successful summit of Everest. He so cute.

    I was annoyed at our Sherpa who was translating because everyone was asking such wonderful questions but 90% remain unanswered.
    We’d ask Kancha Sherpa things like how did you feel - which is a question only he could answer but our Sherpa translator would answer without even asking him?
    Helen was also like can you please tell him why an honor to meet him.
    Then says nothing. 🤦🏼‍♀️
    Just shit like that I was getting pissed off.
    Regardless I am so pleased to have met him. He contributed to history.
    I held his hand for a photo hehe.
    Loved it

    Will didn’t come, he was in bed still. Snooze you loose.

    We had dinner then bed.

    Lucy has this incredible super power to turn any conversation into abuse against woman. Just fucking shut up. I don’t necessarily disagree with her but fuck me IT IS EVERY CONVERSATION.
    Constantly rolling my eyes.
    You are in a group. Keep the peace. Bloody hell.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 7

    Namche Bazaar

    10 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Breakfast at 7:30. Had pancakes today. We were told to pack long sleeves for the trek.

    Ok so fuck me it was so hot. Even the energizer bunnies that are Tom and Helen were going slow cause they were overheating.

    Constant hill for 2 hours.
    Unfortunately it was total cloud coverage so couldn’t see shit but the trees started thinning the higher we climbed and the alpine flowers were everywhere and very beautiful! Helen and George are flower experts.
    Me? That is a white flower and that is a purple flower.. 😂
    Vocab for daysssss

    Basically all we did was climb.
    And climb
    And climb.

    We eventually reached the top. And we hung out there for a while to get use to it then headed back down. I am much better at down.

    Needed to pee so badly so I practically ran down the mountain.

    Lunch I had pasta again cause it’s a good portion as actually delicious. I tried to scoop out as much garlic as possible.

    Back in the room now. Having our nap then hopefully will go walk around.

    Went for a walk and found some art galleries we will have a look at on the way down.

    Such a jaggered city. Constantly going up or down to get somewhere.

    Love the random cows.

    Leaving Namche tomorrow.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 8


    11 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    So today can go fuck itself. 😂😂

    Had porridge for breakfast and I reaaaaaally had to push to eat it. Lots of climbing today.
    I’m at Tengboche at the minute and turns out in my rush this morning I think I have left my good merino at Namche. Gutted. Gonna freeze 😂

    Anyways off we went.
    Up up up for the first bit. The same Heinous route we have done 3 times now 🙄
    But then we had a beautiful 1.5 hours of mainly flat and smashed out a few K’s. Fav part of today hahah.
    Along the way there was a dude taking donations. He uses the money to make sure the path stays in good condition. He only wants small change so we gave him 20 rupees which is literally nothing but I only had 1 thousands.
    The views are spectacular but unfortunately the snow capped parts are currently covered by cloud.
    Will is feeling like total crap today. He didn’t sleep and has the on set of a cold.
    Willpower is the only he has for pushing him today.
    We went DOWN 200meters to have lunch meaning we had to refucking climb it. But before lunch we had a tea break at some place - sun was so bad I actually put sunnies on. I took them back off to walk agin. Can’t stand them.
    We crossed a suspension bridge and finally reached lunch. The toilet was gross but not the worst. It at least had the compost to help with the smell.
    Of course I had to have a poo on the way 🙄
    But my aim was true. 😂💪🏻

    We sat for about 40 minutes having lunch. Every meal now we get table chips. Great idea. 10/10.
    Really enjoyed their version of hot mango too.

    And so became the cunt part.
    2 hours to climb.
    Up and more up and up

    And Up

    More up.

    Still going up.
    Will was dying.
    I’m actually really proud of him.
    He wasn’t talkative and kept to himself but pushed on.
    George insists on talking or singing stupid ass songs.
    The amount of dad jokes is just unbelievable.

    We finally made it 😭😭😭

    Sitting in a cloud. Lots of cows just grazing and a random horse.
    Our tea house will do.
    It’s shared toilets but they are the cleanest I’ve seen.
    We are on the second floor though and the altitude is really starting to effect our breathing.
    1 flight of stairs and we have run a marathon.
    It was about an 8 hour hike today.
    We are now sitting at 3875m.

    We had about 20 minutes to gather ourselves and change clothes etc before we headed over to the monastery.

    Never updated this from earlier - Lucy and George are strangers, not married.

    Anyway the monastery had wonderful colours.

    We took our shoes off, walked in to the main hall had a look at the beautiful bigass statue of Buddha mixed with other stuff. Also the beautiful roof paintings before we all sat against the wall on foam mats.

    We sat informal silence and meditation until the monks came in.
    They stood in their spot, (rows of wooden benches with robes waiting) put on their big fluffy robe then sat. We sat there for an hour watching them chant. There was a lighting of candles thing going on to. But only one monk did that.

    LOVED the first 20 minutes.
    From then on I really needed to pee, I had such BAD pins and needles, I was cold and a little over it tbh. They don’t move. They just sit.
    One dude was full of yawns though. Lol

    So pleased when they were done lol.
    Wish I could have filmed. I got a sneaky super shitty blurred photo once they left.

    Ran to pee at the tea house.

    Dinner and an early night.
    Will is already asleep. Took him 3 mins max.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 9


    12 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Today was the first day I successfully closed my duffel bag without assistance.
    My morning fun also included a nose bleed.
    Off we went.
    It was an easy start today going downhill until we reached a bridge. The old one lay nearby destroyed us the 2015 earthquake.
    Then we went up up up. There is a lot of big boulders covered in white script.
    We eventually arrived at the Pangboche monastery, a stop a lot of people miss because you have to climb higher to reach it.
    Me and Will were super keen because it’s home to the famous Yeti skull.
    Pangboche is the oldest Sherpa village.
    The monastery was built in the 16th century.

    It cost 250 rupees to enter.
    Hated taking off my shoes my feet reeked!
    Inside wasn’t as nice as yesterday’s but it was still cute. Much smaller and less WOW factor but still had lovely artistry and paintings etc.
    the yeti skull and hand were in a locked box. Very cool. I don’t know if they have ever been examined (can’t check no wifi 😅) but I’d love to know more about them. The hand is huge and the head has fur rather than hair. They look like real bone to me 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Very cool. Wish we could take photos but at least my entry ticket which is in my written journal has a pic.

    We then had tea in a tea house just above. I gave a dog a few biscuits and it followed us for the next hour and a half to the next village. Haha
    There was also a ratty kitten, I would love to squeeze but it had yucky ears :(

    1.5hour walk to our lunch spot. For my hot drink today I had hot grape and really liked it.
    Our dog friend seemed to know some of the dogs and abandoned us to go play. 😍
    Today’s hike was my favourite, after lunch we then kept climbing but it was a gradual and not a suicide mountain.
    I did roll my ankle but my boots saved me.

    There were 2 sections of the trek that killed me. Due to falling rocks you had to be super quick to cross.
    We saw some wild yaks. The wild ones are fluffier.
    The river we have been following for day one finally and to a fork. The left side was being fed from island peak and the right was from the Everest glacier.
    I drank little water today cause I’m pretty sure my hand sanitizer got into my water supply when I clears the nozzle.

    We arrived!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
    We are always, ALWAYS in the tea house furthest from the entrance gate.
    We had tea. (Love this system gets your fluids up)
    Got my sleeping bag out for the first time. Dinner then bed.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 10


    13 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    It’s Anita’s birthday today so we all signed a post card and gave it to her.
    I had the best jam for breakfast. It’s was red so presumably it was a berry but it was straight up bubblegum flavored. Delish!
    Today was another acclimatization day so we didn’t have to pack up our big duffels huzzah! Our shit is everywhere 😅😅

    Getting water organized is way harder the higher you go.

    Off we went for another fun climb. 😂
    We went from 14,400ft to 16,100ft in 2 hours.

    Today was hard. Had real issues breathing but not only that it was really cold but we were simultaneously also overheating. And then came the rain which made the whole experience quite miserable you normally do it for the views but there were none 😂
    Still in the damn cloud. Bit annoying, hopefully it does clear up.

    Me, Will and Anita went extra slow today.

    We were all fucking dying and our bloody Sherpa guide was so UNCHALLENGED he was clipping his fucking nails as he walked.
    I was busy hyperventilating. Maybe I’ll clip them next time 🙄

    Soooooo happy when we reached the top. We stayed there for about 20 mins and got some
    And back down we went.
    Ahhh,much better haha.

    We saw a vulture on the way which was cool.

    We have had our lunch and our daily nap. Have to pack our duffels tonight 😩

    Went down for dinner. Because it’s Anita’s birthday the sherpas organized a cake and present for her (beanie) they also each presented her with a traditional silk scarf thingo.

    The sherpas put tiger balm on our temples and noses to help with our colds and Anita goes:

    “They have banned that is some places actually because it’s made from real tiger”

    I can’t.

    How is she a person.
    Like, I like her but man is she painful!

    I’m not very hungry atm but trying to make myself eat.
    Decided to pack tomorrow morning which I will absolutely regret but can’t really do now cause my sleeping bag is out.
    Baca lagi