
Ogos 2019
Pengembaraan 9hari oleh Angharad Baca lagi
  • 8footprint
  • 1negara
  • 9hari
  • 48gambar
  • 0video
  • 159kilometer
  • Hari 1

    Day 1

    18 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Was first to the airport. Standard.

    Jo did all the bookings and as I was handed my boarding pass I noted MY NAME WAS SPELT WRONG.
    genuine panic. Don’t fuck with US customs.
    It was Hflaedyge instead of Hlaefdyge. Now granted they are both ridiculous and no one will noice unless they LOOK but I’m scared a electronic device is gonna pick up on it when I scan them both.

    Got through Aus customs and had dinner. McDonalds. Delicious.
    Just general waiting until it was time to board.

    I was sitting separate from everyone (traveling with Jo, Pierce and Kate) cause jo and pierce upgraded themselves and Kate booked separately.

    Worst sleep. Was on the left side of the plane which I’ve learnt doesn’t work out as well for me.
    I watched a few episodes of friends but hat was it. Not a large variety of inflight entertainment.

    Breakfast was edible but was having a trouble with the mental barrier after suspecting it was powder eggs.
    I ate it all tho. 👍🏼

    Honolulu is very neat from the aerial view. Organised and crisp.

    Once we landed we had to taxi for a wee bit.

    And so began customs 😂
    My photo is fucking ridiculous.
    Took me so much longer than everyone to get through. Kate thought I’d been taken away to be interviewed 😂
    No one picked up on the spelling mistake though 😬😬
    So many comments and questions about my hair. 🙄🙄

    Bag system not organized - at bag was off the carousel on the floor - then had to hand it over for transfers - put on the floor in a group. Not enough space between groups for my liking.

    We tried 3 lines before we found the right line for TSA - shocking signage. Everyone was raging ha.

    Had to walk 2 by 2 past a sniffer dog. Randomly fluffy breed for a sniffer dog.

    Then through normal customs and onto our next plane.
    We were delayed 20 mins on the runway but the flight was only 20 mins so that was fab.

    We got on a shuttle bus to get to our hotel.
    Fucking humid as crap.

    The island wasn’t as pretty as I expected - very brown when we were flying in and the sea part was just a very flat horizon.
    I do like the mountains though.

    Got to the hotel, checked in got dressed quick and order and Uber to take us to the bachelorette party.
    When we got there the flower crown making was pretty much done but the lady leading it made us little basic ones so we were included 🤗
    Next was a hula lesson.
    Had some really trouble coordinating myself.
    Pretty sure it all got filmed which is major upsetting cause i looked and felt ridiculous.

    Afterwards we all caught a bus to the the Old Lahaina luau for dinner and a show.
    We got a complimentary fresh flower Lay* and sat
    At our table.
    Me and Jo went for a walk around the area looking at local crafts and stuff and then found the pig pit where they had buried a pig under layers.
    Thy did a quick educational piece and revealed it.
    I didn’t like the buffet to my great sadness. Very fish orientated but it had a few good stuff.
    I was starting to crash majorly. We were sitting opposite the America friends - I like them. They are funny.
    The show was good - insane hip isolations by the ladies.
    It was a show of history and legend but unfortunately I just couldn’t concentrate. CRASHING.

    We went home via Uber - great driver - she insisted we have a sing along - belted our “let it go”
    Nailed it.

    Got home at Pierce realized how big our microwave is. It fits 7 separate bowls.

    We tried powdered coffee cream.
    Don’t need to have it again..

    We then had a random 2 hour d&m. Not too deep but real good chat.

    It’s somehow already 1am.

    I’ve had a great day.
    Wedding is tomorrow yay!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 2

    Day 2

    19 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Gooood. Much needed sleep. Got up at 11:30 - Sonali was dying of hunger so we all went out for brunch.

    We walked along the water. Genuinely not as pretty as I imagined.
    It’s kinda cute in a way the shops part. Kind of a Kiama vibe just with more utes and American flag. So many shops selling souvenirs and like unique clothing.

    We stopped in at Cheeseburgers in Paradise. I got the Mac and cheese- burger.
    The shit these people put their food.
    Real good though. Nailed the bbq sauce
    Fucking had tipping. A ridiculous custom. Pay people properly to begin with. 🙄🙄🙄

    Walked back. Already have blisters. Terrible Australian.
    When we got back we went for a swim in the pool. Saaaaaaa guuuuuuud.
    Water was so warm. Loved it.
    Paddle paddle paddle then back to get ready.
    I showered and dried my hair, then the wonderful Sonali did my makeup - bless.
    Jo braided my fridge. Team effort.

    Caught and Uber in.
    Beautiful place for a wedding but it was spitting so we all stayed under cover. Sky was blue though so it stopped quickly.
    Got our seats.
    Great back drop.

    Casey looked fucking stunning.
    They both cried during vows.
    The dog was the ring bearer.
    My dress kept reavealing my body parts 😅😅😅

    There was Hawaiian vibes added like music and *Laes + hula Dancers.

    Lots of beautiful flowers and this background was more what I expected from Hawaii.
    Clouds, palm trees, water and blue sky.
    Niiiiiice Gary.

    Sat in a square for seatings.

    Food was good but too much.
    There was a watermelon and tomato salad - random AF.

    Me and Jo hate seafood so we got special meals woot woot.
    Didn’t touch dessert.

    Speech weren’t the best but not the worst I’ve heard.

    Met Shin. Pretty sure he thinks I’m a huge pest.
    I was a bit fan girly hahahaha

    Did some dancing.

    Then they did some magic and fuck me im done.
    Shin did a trick on me Kate and jo where we all ended up holding a 3 but he didn’t touch the cardsand I don’t understand howwwww

    I’d seen it before on Ellen or some talk show he went on but MAN OH MAN it was cool to be apart of - not rigged - FUCKING MAGIC.

    Had a great time just talking to the dance peeps.
    Love the little group. ❤️

    Casey’s dads speech was awkward. He told everyone Shin paid for the wedding not him. Awkward silence after that. Just a bad delivery and unnecessary lol.

    I had a headache at the end boooooo

    Need more water.

    Had another lengthy chat with the lads tonight.
    Good ol bonding sesh.

    It’s 3 am and we have to check out in the morning.

    Am thoroughly enjoying my holidays.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 3

    Day 3

    20 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Had to check out by 11. We walked down to have brunch in town.

    Everyone suggested this crowded fish place. Yuck. Horrified.
    Me and Jo were miserable but to weak to speak 😂
    Easier to keep the peace.
    So I had some corn chips.

    I wanted a magnet from both the islands we will visit so I looked for a Maui one - couldn’t any that said Maui that I loved so I went with a hula girl cause i can’t imagine I’ll see much if any in Honolulu so it will remain a uniquely Maui experience.
    It was stupidly humid so we went to sit in a park. The trees were fucked. I don’t understand.
    They joined at the branched ( drawing example in other journal)
    Cathy and Scott were on a different plane so they headed to the airport before us - the rest of us went and played cards at a Resturant under their fans. 🤗
    We played big 2.
    Pierce taught everyone but he plays differently to me but close enough. I prefer my version cause you don’t have to remove as much, you just have to copy.
    We all won some games. Kate was so confused though and tried to play like 10 cards at once - they were all in order ie 5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K 😂😂😂

    We then walked back to the hotel to get our bags as get an Uber to the airport. Uber dude got lost and time was getting on but we made it with plenty to spare.
    Before this though I found a cat and gave it pats. A real highlight.

    Maui is ugly lol.
    Apart from the coast line the island looks like Tamworth.

    America is so serious about security!
    When doing the bag scans every single person also has to do the 3 second body scan inside the machine which takes serious time. Lucky the line was short.
    Gotta take shoes off too.
    Smelt like feet.

    The plane ride was quick but I did not like our landing. Came in fucking sidewards and bounced off the runway. My stomach dropped and I had a panic flutter and grabbed the seat in front.
    Main point is didn’t die. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

    It was an unexpectedly long car ride to the hotel. Granted lots of traffic but still longer than I thought.
    A lot of the neighborhoods looked like scenes taken straight from forensic files. Poor families in concrete community housing with kids playing ball games behind fences.
    Not the usual advertised “look” of Hawaii.

    Checked in to the hotel and had a look around. Our pool is crap. Gutted. That was my only request. Sonali is gutted there isn’t a bar but there is one a few doors down so that’s something.
    Our room is great. Very spacious.
    People wanted showers before dinner so that was done then off we went.
    We tried a few places but the lines were outrageous. The Cheesecake Factory line was over and hour. It was more like a palace than a dinner. Nothing like on Big Bang theory.
    We ended up at some pizza place.
    Good food. Good company.
    Me and Jo were starving and getting super shitty so I would rate highly almost anything given to me at that point.

    Was gonna go to Walmart with Jo and Pierce but the Uber site was being a dick so I just went home. They bought me some peanut butter cups though 😬😬🤗🤗
    Went to their room to collect them and booked a turtle snorkeling tour for tomorrow.

    I FaceTimed Will and caught up on written journal.
    Sonali was bored so she went out. She got home at like 5:30am.
    Crazy lady. She had a good night though 🙃
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 4

    Day 4

    21 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Sonali had a terrific night. Found herself husband No. 43.
    I left her in bed and went with Jo and Pierce to the beach for our turtle tour, only Jo accidentally booked it for tomorrow. Alas!

    We decided to try find Cathy and Kate who rumor had it were already at the beach.
    Couldn’t find them and I was getting cranky cause the sand was so thick it wouldn’t fit through a sieve.
    Lots of rocks. I also popped a blister and it was really ouchy.
    Went back & collected Sonali, I put on bandaids, And put on sunscreen when the Beverley’s suddenly appeared so we all went for lunch together at the beach bar. I didn’t eat anything cause I threw back a Big Mac before the turtle tour thinking it would invite sea sickness if I had an empty stomach on a boat.
    I loved the cocktails I had though.

    The famous beach and backdrop was beautiful. (Waikiki beach)
    Fav part of Hawaii so far.
    After lunch Sonali, Jo and I went for a swim in the water. The temperature was lovely. Sand was better at this section but still not as good as ours.
    Bloody hate sand 🙄
    Loved the waves and really tried to make myself take in where I was and the beautiful spot I was in.
    I’m very blessed.

    Had a quick lie on the towel to dry before we then went walking around.
    We found a Nat Geo art gallery which had some fantastic pieces. What an amazing job to have. You’d go bonkers waiting around for the perfect shot but man, seeing animals in the wild continuously would be splendid.
    Pity I can barley work an iPhone camera.

    We then wandered into some markets.
    Crazy Asian ladies were running the stores with the standard I give you discount “just for you” crap.
    We were still wet so they wouldn’t let us try on the clothes so we went home to shower and change the went back. We bought a dress each and I bought a hat for Will cause I lost his last one.
    I also bought myself a hat earlier in the day.
    Fucking the stupidest shit. Price tag says $10 get to the counter and it’s $10.50.
    Why they any just include the tax ahead of time is beyond me.
    We went back to get ready to go to hard rock for dinner. KEEN.

    It was good but was still probably the worst one ive been to.
    Not enough blue cheese with my wings.
    I chose to go back to the hotel afterwards - Sonali, Scott and Cathy went drinking.

    FaceTimed Will. Miss him.


    Also got super sunburnt today 😭🙄😅
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 5

    Day 5

    22 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Sunburn is baaaaaaaaad.

    Walked to the turtle meet point - names were on the list today - phew!
    We didn’t put sunscreen on cause they said they had some special reef safe sunscreen so we were trying to avoid the sun as much as possible before getting on the boat.
    Fucking hate this sand.

    Got on the boat. They drove out a little bit (not too far) to turtle canyon. They gave us our gear and in we went.
    Lots of turtle! 🤗🤗🤗
    Saw at least 10 and got quite close to one cause it came up to have a breath. I love their heads. And eye shape.
    Saw lots of fishies too.

    Then went on a boat ride. Bumpy AF. Got drenched and Jo vomitted.
    They gave her a bucket just in time. lol
    It was promoted as dolphin spotting but it was way too choppy.

    So the sunscreen they gave us was so thick and disgusting AND DID NOT WORK.
    I am red raw! Sunburn on top of sunburn - send help. 😭😭😭😭

    Me Jo and Pierce then went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. So busy and the menu was like 100 pages.
    Jo got some cheesecake at the end. They had a solid 50 flavors to chose from.

    We had dinner as group minus Pierce cause he has a sore back and potentially infected ear (had water stuck since day 1)
    We went to a nice resturant where we played trivia games on the tablet on the table.
    NEK MINUTE they charge us $2 at the end for playing.
    I wasn’t hungry cause we ate late so I just had a tiny salad and cup of soup cause I knew if I didn’t eat I’d regret it later.
    We walked in and out of shops on our way home - they have 1 million M&M flavors including jalapeños.
    When back we headed to the Beverley’s apartment for a quick stop to say bye as they fly home tomorrow.

    I am so sore. Can’t move without pain. It was a shirts off evening in our room. Didn’t care. Tits flying everywhere.
    Sonali helped me by putting cold towels on my back and when I got up to pee I felt them and I had actually heated them up.

    Dumb American quote.
    *people walking past hawaiian Christmas ornament shop*
    “Oh! Do they have Christmas in Hawaii ???”
    Fuck me.
    Yes you fuckwit.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 6

    Day 6

    23 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Me and Sonali woke up at 5am to try get in early to book a pearl harbour cruise for 8:45am that day.
    They were full so we went back to bed haha - going tomorrow instead.

    We went to the same resturant as dinner last night so Sonali could have some more of their clam chowder. Our waiter was so bouncy. Its the first time I didn’t feel aggressive about leaving a tip.
    I got some pizza/soup deal. Was tasty.

    I went back to the hotel to chill for a bit before we all (Jo, Pierce and Sonali) headed to the Waikiki aquarium. Caught an Uber even though it’s only 3km. Too hot for that shit. My earlobes are sweating.
    $12 to enter which I reckon is more than reasonable.
    They had some great displays.
    Lots of fluro colored fish and bright reefs.
    I bloody love seahorses.
    Favourite animal was an octopus though. He was a total cranky puss. Kept on charging at the glass trying to attack Sonali.
    I love their sucker feet.

    If I ever win the lottery, my first order of business is to buy a house and install a big ass aquarium wall.

    There was an outside section so their was a sunscreen stand. Crappy honey textured sunscreen. 😭 so thick it won’t rub in. 😭

    Their was a seal having a jolly swim.
    Small aquarium but I still really enjoyed it!

    We got an Uber to a bar near the beach.
    Happy hour time 🎉
    We ordered mango daiquiris for $5 and they were delicious! I couldn’t taste the alcohol!

    We played big 2 to pass a couple hours.
    It was a great afternoon.

    We then headed next door to do a twilight tour at the zoo - cost $20 so I thought sure why not.

    Our guide was wearing leopards print leggings and clown shoes.
    We had a miscommunication over the word frangipani. He called the tree a plumeria tree and told us to stand under it.
    Looking at us like we retarded cause we didn’t know which tree.

    So tour was shit but the others didn’t seem to think it was that bad?
    I’m more disappointed than anything. I want to learn things but how can I expect a super in depth tour when half the American people on tour are supposed a lion eats meat. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️
    Also our guide was wrong on several occasions on being saying the lion was chuffing.
    Only tigers and snow/clouded leopards chuff.
    If I know this he should know this.

    I’d say 1/4 of the enclosures were closed which was lame. It also the guide kept skipping animals.
    We also stood around a lot. If we had walked and talked we couldn’t have seen everything.
    He also only showed the big show animals like lions and hippo - but skipped the porcupines and warthogs.

    Just really irked by the quality.

    I know I talk about Europe too much and it annoys people but it’s so hard not too. It has shaped my opinion on many many things and apart of the norm is to explain why you have an opinion - so often Europe related and I want to put my head in the dirt
    BUT MAN having been on a lotttttt of tours. Quality was POOR. 😂

    Went home to shower then we all went out for Chinese.
    Dickhead house keeping only made up Sonali’s bed.

    Loved the bow chow Min** the lettuce thing
    And the friend rice but the Mongolian beef was disappointing!

    Had a great time at the hotel alone watching tv and sampling peanut butter cups, beef jerky and lollies.

    Got a great night sleep for a change.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 7

    Day 7

    24 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    We were tired.
    Had a Only little bit of the hotel breakfast (cereal and fruit) but pleased to have at least something in my tum.

    We had a bit of panic about the bus.
    A bus from the same company pulled up in front of our hotel and so we asked if it was going to Pearl Harbour - he said no and that all buses depart from the depot a bit down the street.
    So then we were stuck not knowing where the correct spot was.
    I was also stressed cause Sonali didn’t actually have the tickets so I was worried they might be like “your not on the list” and we wouldn’t be able to prove it kinda thing.

    All ended up being fine - the bus showed up at our hotel.
    It was about a 30 min drive away. We were so tired.
    Got there and got given tickets.
    We got free range to look in and out of 2 museum sections. It’s all very one sided information. Lol classic America.
    I found the videos interviewing survivors fascinating.

    We were led into a movie theatre for the 10:30 session.
    Movie went for about 20-30 mins.
    Loved it, found it very interesting. It had real footage of the attack.

    I liked that they also had plaques listing the survivors names. Although alive those people suffered terribly too.

    After the film we were put on a boat.

    The U.S.S Arizona memorial is a floating wharf type thing where you stand and view the sunken Arizona was ship.
    1170* men died on boat.
    900 of the men are still on the boat.

    It’s a graveyard.
    I found this very powerful.
    The soldiers were there with us.

    The survivors have the options to elect to have their body returned to the ship when dead.
    40 have done so.

    The audio tour was included as the memorial was closed and we weren’t able to dock on the wharf.

    It’s been closed got ages so naturally it opens in 2 weeks 🙄

    Still, could see parts.
    Please with the tour. So was Sonali.

    The anchor of the Arizona was also on display.

    It’s weird to acknowledge these events took place in the spot you are standing.

    The gift shop was outrageously inappropriate.
    It had Christmas ornaments...

    Postcards of ships blowing up

    “Props” little plane toys

    Idk. People died here. Bookstore is fine, even a magnet if your a bit twisted but novelty toys is fucked.
    Imagine if Auschwitz had prison striped pajama sets for sale.

    The free time allowed by the tour company we chose ( the service was really just transportation there and back) wasn’t long enough. Another 30-40 mins would have been great to defuse the stress to hurry and not properly read everything.

    On our way home we drove through downtown which was actually a very nice area. A very livable and vibrant area away from most tourists.

    We got home and crashed out for 3 hours.

    Sonali went to the beach but I’m doing my best effort to avoid sun so I stayed home and had a bath (swim - tub is huge)

    I then had another hour nap hehe

    We all went to hooters for dinner.
    Our Uber was a Tesla.
    Didn’t have a dashboard, just a bit iPad thing.
    I liked the driver too. He though we (Pierce) was funny.
    He dropped us and in we went. We were worried about it being a Saturday night and would be packed.
    Basically empty.
    Service was phenomenal.
    I couldn’t be that bad if I tried.

    Lass forgot everything.
    Everyone had their own separate saga but mine was:
    Ordered wings
    Did not receive wings
    Was charged for wings and sauce
    We complained
    Wing removed from bill, not sauce
    We paid for sauce as was getting too hard
    She gave me the wings in a takeaway box anyway.
    They were stone cold AND the dip (incorrect dip to the type of dip I ordered) had spilt throughout the box

    Sonali kept getting 1.5 cups of pina colada because they kept on making the incorrect amount.
    “Don’t know why this keeps happening..?.......”

    Home now and Sonali has gone out. I feel bad for ditching but I’m just so awkward. I will ruin her night if I go. It’s better for her.
    I’m also super tired and will pull her down.
    Hope she is having a good time lol.

    Im watching forensic files.
    The tv ads are fucked. It’s all about medical disease awareness.
    Do you have these symptoms? Well you might be dying.
    Only 1 in 673929458839293748 people get this disease IT COULD BE YOU!
    Don’t forget to tell your doctor about your rectal bleeding.
    Blah blah blah.

    It’s intense. I have 27 different super rare conditions.

    Have I mentioned here it’s advertised everywhere that the recommended daily intake is 2000 calories? This place is cracked.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 9

    Day 8

    26 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

    So Sonali didn’t come home.
    Little concerned so I messaged her if she was alive at 10.
    Sends back she is fine, currently in a bed and the people in the bed next to here are fucking.
    Sent through some great video footage.
    Holy hell.

    I went to IHOP by myself.
    I have mozzie bites on the back of my legs and they are killing me.
    Not enough staff working.
    Food was poorly presented but edible.
    IHOP ✔️✔️

    Then went to Victoria’s secret. Some nice stuff but nothing I HAD TO HAVE.
    The ones I liked the most didn’t have my size anyway.

    Went back to the markets and bought some shitty jewelry. I think managed my impulses quite aa well. Only spent $24 all up.
    Also got my magnet.

    Wandered in and out of other beach shops along the Main Street.

    Bought some shaved ice finally. Delicious!

    Back home now. Sonali passed out in bed.

    Had a 3 hour nap - heh.
    Woke up at 3 and got ready to do the Diamond head hike.
    Have been putting it off because of my sunburn but it’s slowly getting better and isn’t unbearable to be in sunlight anymore.

    Used the hotel WiFi to order an Uber.
    He was actually lovely and didn’t make me sit up the front next to him which made me more comfortable.
    He had a big tips jar though which made me uncomfortable.
    He was nice though so I gave him $3 lol

    The ride took 20 mins.

    It cost $1 to enter the park.

    I ate at the food stand before getting underway though.
    They have to put either a flower or pineapple with everything. I had a hotdog with chips. Came with both.

    The walk was beautiful. I was concerned at first cause everyone was overtaking me and I was actually kinda struggling in the heat but that lasted all of 4 minutes. Once I got in the groove I was totally fine. Wasn’t really challenging at all.
    It was a very slow but constant incline.
    Had some fire points along the way.
    The stair section was a killer but lead into a cave bit which meant some welcomed shade.

    Finally made it and it was a great view.
    Very pleased to have done it. Glad to have done it alone so I could go my own pace.
    Great day.
    The volcano crater was also cool to see.

    Some interesting outfit choices along the way.
    Some dude was in long jeans, a long sleeved business shirt and tie.

    The ride home was fucked.
    Cause no WiFi has to get a taxi.
    I am completely positive my driver is a serial killer.
    First of all he has the wacky eyes that look 2 different directions and he was really dirty. His face as clothes were filthy.
    His right ear and side of face was covered in medical tape too.

    He also didn’t talk.
    Well he did, but it was so mumbled I couldn’t hear him.
    One time I questioned him and he repeated in the creepiest fucking voice

    I know a real nice secluded spot with a nice view I can show you

    Fuck no

    Alarm bells.

    Got out of the taxi at the zoo.
    Found some WiFi and ordered an Uber.
    I had genuine panic and escape plans in my head.

    Uber driver was great. Big fan of registered driver they can trace if I disappear 😅😅😅😅

    When home we all went to PF Chang’s for dinner again. Love the lettuce cup shit.

    I finally bought my shirt from Crazy shirts. It literally took me 30 mins to decide but I’m super happy with my choice.

    Once home and I had a strong impulse to go back out and get my souvenir shopping done.

    ABC stores are everywhere. Great stores. Got everything lol.
    Bought me some more peanut butter cups, a shirt, shot glasses and a tiki mug.
    Please with what i found.

    Packed up my bag and hit the hay.

    Day 9.

    Sonali was on a different flight so she was gone by the time I woke up.
    No need to make a proper update about the day but a few things worth mentioning happened.

    Glad I packed last night. Exhausted lol.

    Glad to be going home. More so sick of the company 😂 I miss Will. I miss being able to say anything I want with out judgement. 🙄
    Big ol lefties the lot of them hahaha

    The airport is fucked. Such bad signage and little organisation but the best part of my day was...

    Security was doing the usual announcements
    “Take put your electronics. Take out your laptops an kindles” blah blah blah.

    A person tried to get through with a small OVEN in their backpack.

    Security guard “I suppose it’s not their fault... I didn’t specify for people to take out their ovens”

    He was in hysterics. Never happened to him before.


    It was fantastic 😂😂😂😂

    Flight was shit. Super random though. I had an empty chair next to me for the first hour. Then some dude with a name tag who worked for the airport - was working on his laptop about plane stuff - sat next to me for the next 8.

    Then with 1.5 hours to go. He packed up his stuff, goes “time to go” and left and went back up to the front of the plane.

    If you already had a seat..?

    He also had a nap so like, was he working or not???

    So weird.

    Great trip.
    Baca lagi