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    • Gün 3


      7 Ağustos 2023, İzlanda ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      So. This is a long one today.
      The day started with me getting up PLENTY early for the rendezvous with my group at the bus station. I was expecting once again to be the oldest broad there, but to my surprise, most of my companions were (ahem) mature women. I noticed another woman that was traveling alone and we sat together on the bus.
      Man! Ya wanna talk about a fascinating lady! Her name is Ginny. She is from Connecticut, divorced with two grown sons. Her ex husband was an alcoholic who happened to be in one of his multiple rehabs when they had a COVID breakout. This was right in the spring of 2020 before the vaccine. And he died. Anyhow. That has nothing to do with the story. I just found it interesting.
      Ginny had always dreamed of being in the Peace Corps but she got married and had her babies at a very young age. So when her sons reached adulthood, she went ahead and followed her dream! IN HER LATE 40’s! I commented that I thought most Peace corps volunteers were college aged. She said they were and that she was by far the oldest in the group that was sent to Zambia. In Zambia, Ginny attended language school for 3 months and took other classes such as “How to care for your bike”. Peace Corps volunteers don’t drive. Their only modes of transportation are by foot or by bike. Ginny was sent to a small village and moved into a mud hut the same as the locals who lived there. She talked about how she had to build her courage to go out into public because whenever she went out the villagers would stop what they were doing and just stare at her white face- mouths agape. One of her first strategies was to meet and talk with the tribal chief. Ginny says that many of the tribal chiefs in Africa are highly educated and speak perfect English. That surprised me! Anyway, Ginny lived in her little mud hut among the villagers and worked with the families to establish efficient and effective farming methods. She became a part of the tribe for two years and has been back twice to visit with her “family”. She said she absolutely loved the whole experience and wishes she would have stayed longer. Talk about courage!
      She came back and got a Master’s degree in environmental studies. She now works for a nonprofit and works with farmers to develop farming methods that are kinder to the earth.
      So- my first new friend. And there were several groups of women that I felt would be cool to hang with.
      About an hour into our 4 hour drive we stopped for coffee and bathroom break. Re-boarding the bus, I reached over to grab my pack and my knee turned in an odd way. I heard/felt a loud “snap”- sort of like a too tight guitar string finally giving way. And I wasn’t exactly quiet about the pain. I knew immediately that this was not good, but settled into my seat just hoping it was not anything serious. And it honestly didn’t bother me at all. Until it was time to get off the bus. When my knee just- gave out. So I attributed it to stiffening up after the ride and tried walking on it for a bit and it was feeling better. I told our guide , Siggy about it and he insisted on putting me through a test. Day 1 is the most challenging day of the trek with lots of “stair” climbing. We went over to a raised walk way and had me step down. I did so gingerly and it was ok. Then he had me step up and at that moment my knee gave way and down I went with a loud yelp. Siggy looked at me and said “I’m sorry. You can’t go.”
      Are you friggin’ kidding me? I mean- it’s not even a good story! I got injured on the friggin’ BUS! Didn’t even step foot on the trail.
      I was really really sad and mad and embarrassed! I texted my family to tell them what happened and they were all over it within seconds! Cailin was booking me a hotel for the night and Megan was contacting her friend Payal who lives in Iceland. Payal was over hiking the Faroe Islands in Denmark but she got in touch with her …friend? Boyfriend? (I don’t know and I’m not sure they do either), Fearghus, who is a physical therapist for the rugby team in Reykjavik. A nice lad from Dublin. Grant in the meantime was contacting my trip insurer to find out what needed to be done from that angle.
      Fearghus offered to meet me at the hotel and check things out. I cried all the way back to Rek. In the meantime I had contacted my sister Maggie who is a physical therapist as well, who hypothesized that I had torn my miniscus. Fearghus confirmed the diagnosis and gave me instructions for treating it. He also called a hotel on my behalf to get a refund and walked over to the convenience store to get me a phone charger, as all my electronics are in my big duffel which had already made its way to the first mountain hut. Iceland guides are hoping to get it back to me sometime tomorrow. The hotel staff where I am staying were also quite wonderful. They even loaned me a cane!
      Sometime after Fearghus left, I and my cane went down to find something to eat. Who do I run into but Fearghus? So we ended up having a very nice dinner together.
      So. Wasn’t the post I had hoped to write , but stuff happens, I guess. And what I most feel now is simply…gratitude. So many people I love working together to get me out of my predicament. And to God for blessing me with all of those people in my life.
      I’m still unsure of when I will get on the plane to return home. I need to wait until my duffel comes back and am hoping the time allows the stiffness and swelling in my knee to go down. But I did notice this hotel has a spa…
      Took very few pictures today. As you can imagine, I wasn’t much in the mood to play tourist. But I did get a pic of Ginny and one of Fearghus. And one or two of Laugevegur.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Big Princess is Watching You!

      4 Haziran 2022, İzlanda ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

      See that little round gadget? It's called a "Princess Medallion" and every passenger and staff member has one. It's slightly larger than a quarter.

      Instead of using a room key, the medallion automatically unlocks the door as you approach. If you buy a coffee or cocktail, you pay by scanning your medallion.

      There's also an app that we have on our phones that's linked to the medallion. I haven't done this, but in theory if I couldn't find Larry, I could use the app to track down his whereabouts. (There's also an option to turn off location services.)

      The main thing I use the medallion for is to open our stateroom door. Meanwhile, I imagine Princess tracks our whereabouts to figure out which areas of the ship get the most usage.

      Princess' cellphone app is super glitchy, but who cares? I barely use it.

      Today, however, I found out that Princess is giving all passengers free Internet access. Why? Because it's so slow that they can't charge for it. (In fact, it’s too slow to post this, so I’m saving it as a draft until we get to the next port.)

      Still, slow Internet is better than no Internet. I'll take what I can get! :)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 15

      Über Thingvellir nach Reykjavik

      26 Temmuz 2022, İzlanda ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Letzte und größte Etappe mit Gepäck. Um einem Sturm am nächsten Tag zu entgehen sind wir die kompletten 100km von Geysir nach Reykjavik geradelt. War aber auf Asphalt und mit machbaren Steigungen am Ende weniger anstrengend wie auf den Hochlandstraßen.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      Island wir sind da

      28 Temmuz 2023, İzlanda ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute morgen ging es um 10.15 los an den Flughafen. Ein grosses Danke an Ernst Oppliger für den Shuttle-Service 🥰. Dann geht es schnell: Check-In, Security, Mittagessen und ab in die Luft. Die Jungs meistern den 4h-Flug mühelos - Board-Entertainment sei dank 😅. Sogar Roman gönt sich eine Auszeit mit Avatar 2.

      Wow, was für ein Empfang in Island. Sonnenschein, alles Gepäck ist angekommen und ein netter Taxifahrer der uns zum Camping in Reykjavik bringt. Da es hier erst gegen 22.40 Uhr die Sonne untergeht, nutzen wir das Licht und Ernie & Eugenius werden wieder zusammen gebaut. Unser Abenteuer kann beginnen 🤗.

      Den ersten ganzen Tag in Island lassen wir ruhig angehen und erkunden die Stadt per Velo. Am Nachmittag besuchen wir die Badi. Einfach herrlich! Beheitzer Pool (mind. 30 Grad) bei Lufttemperaturen von rund 16 Grad. Was will man mehr 🥰.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Fünfter Tag

      12 Mayıs 2022, İzlanda ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück, halben Mittag immer wieder Chillung und viele Kaffee später machten wir uns auf nach Reykjavik, der Hauptstadt Islands. Die Sonne war den ganzen Tag mit uns und wir fühlten uns wie die glücklichsten Menschen, weil es Island in ganz wunderbare Farben taucht.
      Jonas, Marco und ich chillten uns in ein Café, wo Jonas seine Wäsche waschen konnte und Lili und Mike machten eine kleine Schoppingtour. Danach fuhren wir direkt zu der sky Lagune. Es war einfach nur magisch und dekadent. Es sah einfach aus wie in einem Film. Kaum zu glauben, dass man das real erleben darf.
      Glücklich und zufrieden, auch mega kaputt schliefen wir heute direkt nach der Ankunft in der Unterkunft ein.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 21


      30 Haziran 2022, İzlanda ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Die letzten paar Tagen haben wir Reykjavik (Islands Hauptstadt) und die Umgebung erkundet. Die Hallgrimskirche ist eines der modernen Wahrzeichen der Stadt und die grösste Kirche des Landes. Anlässlich des Gay Pride Festivals wurde ein Teil der Einkaufsstrasse in Regenbogenfarben bemalt und ist ein echter Hingucker.
      Unsere Bäuche haben wir mit Pizza, Zimtschnecken, Glaces und Hotdogs gefüllt.
      Ausserhalb der Stadt befindet sich der Reykjadalur Hot Spring Thermal River. Ein dampfender Bach wo man im
      heissen Wasser baden und entspannen kann.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16

      Reykjavik City

      15 Temmuz 2022, İzlanda ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Die Ankunft gestern war im puren Sonnenschein, leider wieder Regen nachts und heute geschlossene Wolkendecke. Nichtsdestotrotz habe ich einige Besorgungen erledigt, zum Beispiel Bremsschuhe für die Vorderbremse. Hier in der Hauptstadt kann man alles bekommen, diese Gelegenheit darf ich nicht versäumen. Da ich mir wenig aus Stadtbummel etc. mache, habe ich die Halbinsel von Reykavik umradelt, 25 km, alles Radweg, schon bemerkenswert.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2


      8 Haziran 2022, İzlanda ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Tag 1:
      Von Reykjavik startet die Tour. Anstatt von neuen Eindrücken überflutet zu werden, müssen die Sehenswürdigkeiten hier eher gesucht werden. Es kann eigentlich nur besser werden. Die Stadt hat meines Erachtens kein Highlight zu bieten. Entsprechend trist sind auch die Bilder... Einen Städtetrip kann man sich hier definitiv sparen.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Aankomst startpunt in blonduos

      4 Ağustos 2023, İzlanda

      Gisteravond een hele, hele gezellige avond in Reykjavik met lekker eten, live muziek en iets teveel biertjes.

      Nadat we wakker werden gemaakt door de taxichauffeur 🙈 zijn we naar het Foss hotel gegaan voor een ontbijtje en goede bak koffie.

      Vanaf daar met de bus naar het noorden van IJsland waar we de groep hebben ontmoet. We zitten in een huisje aan de rivier met een paar gezellige Engelse gasten.

      Morgen hier nog een dag om alle spullen voor elkaar te krijgen en de omgeving op eigen gelegenheid te checken, zodat we maandag echt van start kunnen 🙂
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4


      19 Eylül 2023, İzlanda ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Um 5.15 Uhr geht es für Daniela, Valerie, Birgit und mich bereits mit dem Taxi zum Flughafen. Wir haben nämlich noch grosses vor.

      6.35 Uhr heben wir der SAS nach Oslo ab. Von dort geht es dann weiter nach... Island! 🇮🇸

      Zum allerersten Mal für mich. Da wir so früh los mussten und Island zwei Stunden hinter unserer resp. Norwegischer Zeit ist, sind wir sehr verwirrt als wir dann um 10.35 Uhr landen. Für uns wäre jetzt 12.35 Uhr.

      Wir schnappen uns den Mietwagen und fahren nach Reykjavík. Zum Glück können wir schon unser Zimmer beziehen. Wir sind nämlich alle recht erschöpft und ein bisschen frisch machen tut gut.

      Wir flanieren durch die Strassen und halten beim Hotdog-Stand für unser Mittagessen an. Offenbar ist das sogar eine Spezialität hier. Ich entscheide mich für den Pulled Lamb Bun *yummi*

      Natürlich darf die Kirche und die Regenbogenstrasse nicht fehlen. Nach ein paar Stunden entscheiden wir uns und drinnen aufzuwärmen, da das Wetter sehr isländisch ist heute.

      Zum Abendessen gehen wir ins ROK. Die Tapasartigen Gerichte sind sehr fein, aber auch sehr klein.

      Wir beschliessen heute zeitig ins Bett zu gehen und eim bisschen Schlaf nachzuholen.

      #Reykjavík #island #einstök
      Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Reykjavík, Reykjavik, ሬይኪያቪክ, Rēcwīc, ريكيافيك, Reykyavik, Горад Рэйкявік, Рейкявик, রেইকিয়াভিক, རེཀ་ཇ་བིཀ།, Rejkjavik, Рейкьявик, ڕێکیاڤیک, Ρέικιαβικ, Rejkjaviko, Reikiavik, ریکیاویک, Réicivíc, Reiquiavik, רייקיאוויק, रेक्जाविक, Rèkyavik, Ռեյկյավիկ, REK, レイキャヴィーク, რეიკიავიკი, Reykyabik, Рейкиявик, 레이캬비크, Reiciavicia, Reikjavikas, Reikjavīka, Рејкјавик, റെയിക്യാവിക്, रेक्याविक, ରେକ୍ଜାଭିକ, ਰੇਕਿਆਵਿਕ, ریکجاوک, 101, Reiquiavique, Rėikjavėks, ரெய்க்யவிக், రేకవిక్, Reikiavike, เรคยาวิก, رېيكياۋىك, Рейкявік, ریکیاوک, Reikjavik, Reykjawik, רעקיאוויק, 雷克雅未克, 雷克亞維克

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