traveled in 10 countries Read more Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Day 290

    Throwback 2017

    January 26, 2018 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Hi lovely people out there,

    Wow that's been a while. I just got an email from FindPenguins that today is exactly one year ago I had my goodbye dinner with friend, because I was about to leave to India for my Yoga Teacher Training. What a year it has been. Crazy, with so many changes.
    Ofcourse the journey of 2017 started with graduating from university. A chapter to be closed. But a closing always is followed by an opening. A space is created for something new. And that is what happened. I dived deed into the journey of becoming a yoga teacher. And hell yeah, I can tell you, that ain't easy. But luckily I was surrounded by this lovely 'family' who are still in my heart.

    Yesterday I was lying in bed after I followed a yoga class myself, because I really felt the urge to treat myself with some yoga instead of standing at the other side of the mat. I put on some music and then I heard one of the favorite songs of my theacher in Rishikesh. It touched me and brought me in tears. So amazing what the sound of music can do with you. For a moment I was back in India.

    With Astrid, who taught the class I was following yesterday, I had a conversation about being a teacher. And especially about how important it is to also spend enough time doing a practice yourself instead of teaching. We both are beginners when it comes to teaching so it was really nice to share our experiences. About all the things you have to be aware of during teaching and also about our insecurities. Sharing connects!

    Anyway, I am drifting of the topic I guess ;) Because I was reflecting on the year of 2017 with all it’s changes. When I came back from India and Sri Lanka, another new chapter started. Namely, the chapter of what I like to call ‘the black hole’ after travelling and especially after graduating. This feeling of “Help, what do I want to do with my life?! How the hell am I gonna pay my rent without the funding/loan from the government? I need to find a proper job. But what kind of job? Etcetera etcetera”. – I could go on and on!

    Luckily I could come back to the organization I was working for just before I went to India. But, this was ‘only’ I side job. You see, I’m highlighting the word ‘only’ because I hate the fact that we are so drilled by society to get the highest form of education and especially to find the job that suits this education AND gives you a lot of money. It seems that this is a topic that somehow keeps coming back to me. I guess it is because I’m still struggling myself. Struggling to find the answer to what I want to do, instead of what I think I must do.

    Somehow I have the feeling that I must have a serious and responsible job for highly educated people in which I have to use my analytic brain. Is it only me who has this feeling? Or is it something on a bigger scale? It makes me think of a video I saw from a Dutch comedian with the main message: who is gonna fix our tap if we are so focused on high education levels, degrees and certificates?!
    Funny thing: I started writing this from my heart, but now I shifted to my brains. So, I guess it is time to come to an end and continue later on. For now, I hope you enjoyed reading this and have a wonderful day!


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  • Day 1

    Two worlds

    April 12, 2017 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Overthinking the goal or purpose of (your) life can make you feel lost. At least, that is what I felt. Fearful. Lost in a big world of which you are only a really small part. But by getting lost you can find a connection deep down inside you, which makes you feel part of the universe. Actually not just part of it, you can feel that you ARE the universe. It's all inside you. It does sounds cheesy, I know, but for me this is all that counts. Connection. With the world inside you and by that, with the world around you.
    The goal we are taught from a very young age is to get educated. Science is the truth. Get a certificate and work. Work to earn money. Work to buy a house. Work because that is what we have to do. Work is the purpose of life? To me the word work has a negative vibe around it. It gives me stress. Because we should be the best, fastest, most special, most efficient. But does that make me happy? No. At the same time I know that this developing world, the western world brought us some good things. Because of the technological inventions, I can now type this story in my smartphone. Because of the constructional inventions I am now sitting on the second floor of my house. Because of inventions I don't even have a clue how it works, I am able to live a life with ease. I can buy my food in the supermarket, can take a shower with flowing water falling down on my skin, I can ride my bicycle on paved roads with traffic lights. Lights, I can use a switch to put on the lights in my room. I don't need to search for wood and create my own fire to have light and warmth. So, the world we're living in amazes me. Sometimes it's hard to imagine that all of this is invented and made by us, humans. I am not saying it is good or bad. I can see both sides. The only thing I'm saying, is that I feel that it's good to take moments to stop and be thankful for everything there is. Appreciate. But also take time to realise that there is more than just work and earn money. Think out of the box.
    I just saw the instagram of a travelling couple and got lost in the amazing pictures. I felt jealous. How cool would it be to just explore the world in a van?! But then I reminded myself that the world of exploring isn't like heaven. It can be hard. Challenging. Not only the travelling itself, but also the judgement of others. Because they keep reminding you how important it is to find a job. Use your diploma from university. Don't spill it.
    That, for me, is not easy. I feel caught between two worlds. One world in which I have to find a job. Find a proper job that I like and at the same time makes me earn enough money. The other world is the world of exploring and travelling. Both worlds are pulling me in different directions and I am searching to find a way to mix them up. Combine them.
    The realisation that I can do what I want feels freeing at the same time. In all those years of studying it felt like I was living the life I had to live. No actually I didn't even think about it like that. I just went with the flow, so time passed without me even noticing. And now, after graduating, there is this space for me to breath. Breath and have a moment to stand still. Find balance between the two worlds.
    Let's see what life will bring me. The good thing is that it is all open. A new chapter with blank pages to be filled. Scary, but oh so exciting at the same time!
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  • Day 19

    Home sweet home?

    March 25, 2017 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Ik weet het niet hoor. Nog even wennen dit. Gelukkig schijnt het zonnetje! Maar brrrr het is wel fris zeg.
    Roos en ik zijn de afgelopen weken samen vergroeid en konden nog niet zonder elkaar, dus hebben we gisteravond maar weer samen gegeten. We hebben onszelf verwend met couscous en heeeel veel groenten, wow dat heb ik wel een beetje gemist. Fijn om weer zelf te kunnen koken!Read more

  • Day 18

    Colombo airport

    March 24, 2017 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    We hadden de tip gekregen 5 uur van te voren aanwezig te zijn. Maar goed dat we daar naar geluisterd hebben. Wat een ellende. De wachtrij voor het inchecken leek niet zo lang. Nou dat hebben we geweten. Bijna anderhalf uur stonden we in de rij... gaar van de busrit en hongerig. Wat een tempo. Computers uit de middeleeuwen. Nouja, enige voordeel was dat we daarna voor 12 dollar lekker bij de burgerking konden eten en niet nog twee keer in de rij hoefden voor de security check. Je kunt je voorstellen hoe blij en vrolijk gehumeurd wij waren ;)Read more

  • Day 17

    Afscheid nemen bestaat niet

    March 23, 2017 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Laatste brakke ochtend na een poging tot een soort van laatste afscheidsfeestje gisteravond. Wild feest met technomuziek... gekke mix van westerlingen en locals. Niet bepaald een succes. Om 2 uur stond de politie op de stoep, dus toen was het finito.
    Nog een laatste duik in de zee. En na de lunch de bus richting Galle. Doei Weligama, je was een fijn huis de afgelopen week. Doei Sri Lanka, we gaan je missen. Een prachtig land. Divers. Vrolijke en vriendelijke mensen. Een goede afsluiter van een bizar avontuur.

    Een goed begin van een nieuw avontuur!! Tarika (zie foto van vorige post), een meisje dat de yoga opleiding net had afgerond toen ik begon, heeft haar eerste baantje als yoga docent in Weligama. Elke ochtend en middag geeft ze les op het dak van een resort, met uitzicht op zee. In ruil krijgt ze onderdak en eten. Dat klinkt mij niet verkeerd in de oren... lijkt me prima om zo een jaartje van mijn leven door te brengen ;) maar laat ik niet op de feiten vooruit lopen. Eerst een kijken wat Nederland me te brengen heeft. Ik zie het zo voor me dat ik een parttime baan als schoolpsycholoog heb. Dus daar wil ik naar op zoek. Daarnaast wil ik heel graag yogalessen geven. Alleen niet in een sportschool. Het zou een droom zijn om.. zelf iets te starten. Ik durf het bijna niet uit te spreken, zo eng klinkt het. Mega spannend. Maar oh zo leuk! Om meer vertrouwen te krijgen lijkt het me fijn om te beginnen met gratis lessen. Klein praktisch puntje: ik heb een plek nodig waar ik dit kan doen. Dus, mocht je toevallig iets weten, dan hoor ik het graag!
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