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    • Day 1


      October 13, 2024 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Die Heimfahrt war bis Sterzing völlig entspannt, ab da standen wir dann 2 Stunden bis hinter den Brenner. Dort herrscht einfach völliges Chaos… wir sind ein Stück über die Landstraße gefahren. Dort war auch Chaos, aber wir mussten dringend tanken. Nach der Tankstelle am Brenner hat uns die Polizei alle wieder zurück auf die Autobahn Richtung Süden gelotst, da die Auffahrt auf die Autobahn an dieser Stelle auch Baustelle ist! Genau mein Humor. Sind dann 5 Minuten am Stau entlang rückwärts gefahren, um uns dann dort wieder einzureihen und für die wenigen Kilometer 30 Minuten wieder zu stehen. 😀😂🤷‍♀️. Aber so konnte ich das Italienfeeling am Italien Schild eben zwei Mal haben auf diesem Trip 😀😀Read more

    • Day 11

      Abbruch der Reise

      May 14, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Seit Beginn der Reise quält mich ein Husten, der im Verlauf der Zeit immer extremer wurde. Jetzt nehme ich seit vier Tagen Antibiotika und immer noch ist keine Linderung eingetreten. Barbara habe ich mittlerweile auch angesteckt. Was unsere Urlaube ausmacht, können wir somit derzeit nicht mehr umsetzen. Die Wettervorhersage für die kommenden Tage hat unsere Entscheidung noch bestärkt, wir kurieren uns jetzt erst einmal zuhause aus und dann entscheiden wir mit neuer Kraft, wann und wo wir unsere Reise fortsetzen.
      Bis dahin, vielen Dank für deine Begleitung.
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    • Day 2

      Tag 2; Planänderung

      August 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Wir müssen spontan umplanen.
      Poschhsus - Schneeberghütte - Siegerlandhütte - Hildesheimer Hütte sind gestrichen. Stattdessen bleiben wir einen zusätzlichen Tag in Maiern. Morgen gehts mit Bus und Bahn für zwei Tage nach Innsbruck. Dann weiter mit Bahn und Bus nach Sölden. Von dort versuchen wir wieder in unsere ursprüngliche Route einzusteigen.Read more

    • Day 27

      He who rests rusts...finding Castelrotto

      July 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 64 °F

      The penultimate leg of ‘Walking in Europe’ began today in Zurich…if all goes to plan I will leave Switzerland travel through Austria and take a hard right into northern Italy.
      On the train between Zurich, Switzerland and Innsbruck, Austria a rather large number of tourists boarded. It was utter chaos as they tried to find their seats. I share this anecdote because the last gal to board looked rather confused and as fate would have it the last empty seat was next to me. I could tell she was just trying to find a spot as the train started to move. Shortly thereafter the ticket collector came by and said she was in the wrong coach that she would have to upgrade her ticket to stay... after a rather heated conversation she paid for the upgraded seat. I share this because the conversation was in German so I was unable to understand. After the collector left I reached on my bag and pulled out a piece of chocolate that Mimi had left with me to hand to the septuagenarian. We shared, she smiled and we chatted using ‘Goggle translate’, although she knew more English than I knew German. As Boxer is inclined to do finding common denominators…she skis and has children and grandchildren…and that her daughter turned 40 yesterday, “well you know we have that in common as our son had a birthday yesterday as well,” We shared pictures of our families and chatted about my travels, she went to her phone and began to type and when she was done she said, “my mother has a saying, he who rests rusts.”Read more

    • Day 26

      מכינים לימונדה

      September 29, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

      אז אחרי שהטבתלה לי הטיסה וקבעתי חדשה ל30.9 שגם זואתי הטבתלה לי החלטנו לנצל את היום הפנוי לצאת לטפס על אחד ההרים שראיתי כשטיפסתי על סולארס ההר ניקרא פלאטר טריבולאון או דרך אחרת לבטא את זה.
      האגדה מספרת שהיה מטפס הרים אדיר שמלך עתיק רצה את היכולות שלו לעצמו ולכן יצא במרדף אחריו אבל האלפים לא אהבו את רצון המלך לכן החליטו לפצל בין המטפס למלך ולהפוך את המלך לסלע, שם נוסף להר הוא המלך המפוצל לדעתי הרבה יותר מגניב מהשם הקשה הראשון.
      יצאנו שבת בערב לקאמפיג כדאי לצאת מוקדם כבר למדנו משאר הטיפוסים שלנו, רצינו להתחיל מוקדם ולכבוש את ההר העצים הזה יחסית מוקדם. למרות שהמזג אוויר היה טוב המזג אוויר של הימים האחרונים היה מאוד מושלג וזה הקשה עלינו מאוד להתקדם כל צעד היה צעד קשה ולא בטוח אני התקדמתי הרבה יותר לאט ממרטין אבל כל כמה זמן עשינו הערכת מצב עד שהגענו לפני ההר שראה שמש מהבוקר והבנו שהשלג הוא ממש ממש לא בטוח שם וזה סכנה אמיתי. בהרגשה לא טובה הסתובבנו וחזרנו למטה.
      מצטבר שקשה להכין לימונדה כשיש הרבה שלג...
      אבל שם לא נגמר הערב היה לי רכבת לילה מתוכננת אז יש לי עוד זמן.. הלכנו לסאונה ולבירה לפני שנפרדתי ממרטין בדרך למסע ארוך חזרה לארץ.
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    • Day 3–4

      Day 3 - Bremer Hütte

      July 23, 2024 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today, the penguins split into two because daddy penguin thought he lived in a cashless society so without money they couldn't pay for the huts, so Dave and Alexander had to descend nearly 2000m back to the valley and then climb up today which was easy enough. They saw lots of other animals like Marmots and Ibex.

      They soon caught the other penguins up and they marched a very long way for 11 hours which was very tiring for their little legs. There was over 1000m of up and down and lots of cabled and runged sections. Still it stayed dry and there was lots of singing to keep their spirits up.

      They thought the walk would never end, but eventually they saw the hut a long way away and they arrived at 7.40 PM after 11 hours. Fortunately Cihan and Alexander went ahead and had reserved food.

      Dave Chaffey
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    • Day 19


      May 21, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌫 8 °C

      Heute hab ich leider keine Fotos für euch.
      Heute Nacht hat es angefangen zu regnen… und seitdem auch noch nicht wieder aufgehört. Wir besuchen den Speckhersteller Mendel in Neumarkt.
      Wir kaufen lecker Schinken, Salami und Speck ein. Die Preise sind sehr gut.
      Unterwegs ist der Teufel auf den Straße los. Die Autobahn hat Stau, die Giro Italia soll auch durchkommen. Der Stellplatz in Bozen sieht voll aus. Wir fahren Mautfrei und geduldig. In Sterzing gehen wir endlich einkaufen. Es ist der Teufel im Supermarkt los. Jeder kauft noch für Deutschland 🤣
      Auf dem Brenner gehen wir ins Outlet, bis auf einen Aperitif kaufen wir nichts.
      Unser Plan war nun auf den Hummlerhof in Grieß am Brenner zu fahren. Lecker dort zu essen und zu übernachten. Steht so im Stellplatz-Radar. Endlich da - die Hiobsbotschaft: Essen ja, übernachten Nein. Es war mittlerweile 17:15 und es regnete noch immer Bindfäden.
      Kurz entschlossen fuhren wir auf den Brenner zurück. Sehen auf dem Gipfel hin und wieder Schnee liegen. Es regnet noch genauso schlimm wie den ganzen Tag schon.
      Wir machen uns jetzt nen Roten auf und genießen unsere gekauften Schmankerl.
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    • Day 1

      Driving to Lichtenstein

      October 6, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      We left Aviano around 11 am. An hour later than we wanted, however time is precious with our friends.
      We drove from Aviano into northern Italy and into Austria (passed by Innsbruck) and continued along the Brenner Pass. The drive is long and windy but it was gorgeous. Snow topped Dolomites and Italian Alps, cute little alpine villages and fast flowing rivers. Amazing to see! Daisy enjoyed the ride from her dog bed stacked on top of the suitcases. Multiple nap hours without a complaint.

      We made it in about 7 hours and 40 minutes. Somehow we got rerouted to avoid Bolzano and the Brenner pass, which was built by the Romans in the 2nd century. A lot of construction along the way slowed us down and rerouted us off the autobahn at times. Good thing we had stocked up on snacks!

      Liechtenstein has an unusual license plate with black background and white letters. It uses FL for Fürstentum (Principality) Liechtenstein and sequential numbers.

      We are in a small self check in hotel in Schann, Lichtenstein and tomorrow we will get breakfast and head to the capital Vaduz to check it out before our 3 hour drive to Top of Europe - Jungfraujoch.
      We will stay in an Airbnb near there. Weather looks cold. 30’s and 40’s. Yikes!!
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    • Day 1

      Step 15.5 - Hab ich was verpasst?

      June 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Letzter Umstieg. Die Prominenz der Strecke wurde mir erst spät klar: Es ging durch den Brenner. Jetzt in Franzenfeste spricht man Italienisch. Das lässt vermuten, dass ich einen kleinen Abstecher nach Bella Italia gemacht habe 🙂 Wenn man seine Verbindung sucht ist das tricky 😬Read more

    • Day 6


      September 16, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      On my train back to Innsbruck I had plenty of time to reflect on the bike trip.
      As the adrenaline wore off, the exhaustion was catching up with me. It was mixed with pride - we did what we set out to do, we cycled from the Austrian Alps to the Adriatic Sea in just five days, covering more than 500 km. However, for the next time - if vacation days allow - I would take some extra days, to have some time in the afternoon or evening to relax, to read a book and to be able to explore left or right of the road (we had to skip several waterfalls and lakes that might have been worth a visit). Maybe there would then be less to boast about, but at least it would feel more like a vacation. We already joked that considering our pace and daily efforts, we actually need another holiday just to recover from the trip. The statistic was created thanks to the data from Giacomo's watch and gives an impression of our efforts, explaining my exhaustion.

      In the end, all my stressing regarding the preparation had paid off - I hadn't forgotten anything important at home or was caught off-guard by anything. There were a few items of clothing I didn't need but they were mostly cold-weather gear, so it was not due to a miscalculation on my side that I had brought them, but rather luck in weather. I was especially glad about one item, that I had packed and never needed: the first aid kit.

      But apart from gear, I was also content with the deliberate choice of the route: I had wanted a route that was not too far away, rich in variety and not too difficult to ride. And we had had it all: the valleys of Salzburg, the Carinthian countryside, the pine forests of the train line, the lowlands of Italy and finally the coast of the Adriatic Sea. It was a memorable trip and I hadn't wished to be anywhere else.

      I especially enjoyed riding the old train line, though maybe I also just remember a romanticized version, because when I had a look at the photos at home it didn't look so impressive. It might have also been Giacomo, who made this leg of the journey so memorable for me, as it allowed us to ride next to each other (as opposed to the other parts, where we had to ride one after the other because of the oncoming traffic) - it amplified the feeling of companionship, of experiencing it together. Overall, I was pleased with our "social experiment": after all, we hadn't seen each other since our youth exchange back in 2019 where we met each other, so undertaking such an adventure was quite a dare. While we kept in contact via messenger and snail mail and know each other's inner life, dreams and insecurities, being in such trying circumstances as a bike trip - with exhaustion, hunger, constant "togetherness" and facing potential conflicts about decision making and leadership - is a challenge, but we passed.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Brennero, Brenner

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