Provincia di Como

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10 najważniejszych celów podróży Provincia di Como
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    • Dzień 3–4


      5 czerwca, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      So, jetzt war es doch ein schöner Schlauch mit fast 11 Stunden fahren. Die Pause mal ausgenommen. Dann kam die Absage meines gebuchten Zimmers, die Vermieterin, hatte aber eine Alternative für mich. Siehe Bilder. Und das alles für 40 €👍😂
      Morgen lasse ich es dann etwas ruhiger angehen, mal schauen, wohin es mich treibt 🤗🛵
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    • Dzień 77

      Zrugg in Italie

      10 czerwca 2022, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nacheme Stadtrundgang in Grado simmer es rächts Stuck i de Nacht gfahre, bis an Comersee. Das mal het au d'Rebecca es paar Kilometer mitem Wombat gspuelet.

      Nacheme halbe Tag in Lecco, leider ohni kite, simmer wiiter an Lago Maggiore und scho fascht wider i de Schwiiz. De Kafi in Italie isch wider super, am Abig leider wider chüehl und d'Chind verchältet. 😬 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 3

      Day 3 - Moderate……..My Arse!

      3 czerwca, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      We both slept well as we usually do in our tent, despite it raining for most of the night. We surfaced around 8.00am to discover a lovely sunny morning in Camping Darna. We faffed around as most campers do, with several coffees and a trip to the shop for breakfast supplies. We bought 4 rolls, Gouda slices, salami and butter.

      More faffing was done throughout the morning whilst we got ourselves properly sorted out. Initial impressions of the campsite are fantastic. It has everything we want and need. The staff are so polite and friendly, as are the other campers who all say hello with a smile. The view of Lake Lugano from the shoreline of our campsite is spectacular.

      After breakfast, around midday, we ventured out of the campsite for a planned 5.1 mile walk. This was after embarrassingly demolishing the bushes as I tried to reverse back out of our parking spot.

      We parked up in Porlezza & started my AllTrails App which was going to direct us on a 5.1 mile hike described as ‘Moderate’ difficulty. We set off along the shore of Lake Lugano, then headed inland before heading into Porlezza and up the mountain beyond. It started off nice and gently, but soon got steeper and steeper on rough tracks through the forested mountain.

      Halfway up the mountain we took a scheduled detour to Began Waterfall, which was pretty spectacular in that it cascaded down to a sun drenched pool. We were the only 2 people at this beauty spot, which made it even more special.

      It was after the waterfall that the trail got steeper to the point that we were scrambling up the path often on all fours. The occasional F word started to be heard behind me but before long the F word and every other expletive imaginable had increased in frequency to constant.

      We were looking forward to the downhill section but when it came, as most mountaineering people will know, it was worse. In fact it wasn’t just worse, it was horrendous. The path down was exceptionally steep either covered with loose rocks or on a concrete track with marble like stones scattered across it. We slip slided our way cautiously down with our toes jammed back into our feet. We skidded many times, but miraculously neither of us actually fell over.

      When we finally reached flat ground it was a massive relief. We hobbled back to the lake shore and walked along until we found a lovely lakeside cafe with a table in the sun calling our name. We ordered 2 large beers that were clearly going to be expensive, but even I didn’t care what they cost. Two beautiful well earned beers arrived along with a bowl of nibbles, so we sat back and enjoyed the view.

      My AllTrails app told me that we had walked a distance of 6.07miles (not 5.1), with an elevation gain of 1,604 ft, a moving time of 3 hours 42 minutes, 2,373 calories burnt and a total time 3 hours 59 minutes.

      We ordered a 2nd beer each. Sod the expense!! We basked in the sun for at least an hour until we decided it was time to head back to camp for a shower. I suddenly got all nervous about how much our beers were going to cost so I asked Jackie to pay and not tell me how much it cost. As it turned out, they cost just €20, an absolute bargain for the view and ambience.

      We returned back to camp and were greeted by our Dutch neighbours, who fancied a chat. We discovered that this was their second visit to the campsite and they were staying 3 weeks. They also very helpfully gave us some recommendations of things to do and see and where to eat.

      After a shower and a couple of gin and tonics, we returned to the campsite restaurant for more Sexy pizza. I also ordered a tomato and garlic pizza, which was too tomatoey! We will stick to just the one pizza in future.

      By 10pm we were both dead to the world in our tent.

      Song of the Day - Slip Slidin’ Away by Paul Simon.
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    • Dzień 5

      Day 5 - Lake Como

      5 czerwca, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Woke up to gorgeous sunshine around 8.00am and a heron observing proceedings from the top of a tree. I cracked on with my domestic duties of hanging up our damp clothes, getting the coffee on and running to the shop for a couple of plain croissants for breakfast. I showered and waited another hour for Jackie to return from the shower block - nearly ready for the day.

      It was not too long after 10.30pm, that we drove out of the campsite and headed to Menaggio with the intention of catching a ferry across Lake Como to Varenna, which is famous for it’s olive oil. The plan was then to get a 2nd ferry to Bellagio, an apparently beautiful little town on a peninsula on Lake Como, then get the ferry back to Menaggio.

      We drove past little Lake Piano, which was behind us in a flash, then we wound our way down to the ferry port in Varenna. It was heaving with tourists and despite our best efforts we could not find a single parking place. I was going to blame Jackie for taking so long to get ready but I tactically didn’t!

      Instead, we decided to drive down to the town of Como and back along the western shore of Lake Como, then try again to find a parking place and catch a ferry. We headed south to the town of Griante, where we espied another ferry terminal called Caddenabbia and a pretty much empty car park beside it. We paid €3 for 3 hours parking and bought 2 return ferry tickets to Bellagio for €18.

      Half an hour later we were cruising across Lake Como on our 20 minute ferry crossing. When we arrived in Bellagio it was busy with tourists, but also smacked of money. After disembarkation, we strolled up and down a flowery promenade, then headed past the exceptionally expensive looking restaurants and hotels to the very end of the peninsula. We espied a suitable unobtrusive bar for a beer & sat down at a nice table. Unfortunately, or as it turned out luckily, there was only one waiter and after 15 minutes we still hadn’t placed our order for an overpriced beer, so we abandoned ship.

      After meandering around the backstreets of Bellagio, we dropped back down to the port and an half an hour later we were on the ferry heading back to Caddenabbia. We returned to the car and headed south hoping to find somewhere less busy (and expensive!) for a beer. Literally minutes later we found that place, Bar Roma, in Tremezzo.

      Bar Roma had an outdoor seating area overlooking Lake Como with an extremely attractive vista. We ordered 2 large beers and the waitress talked us into ordering their homemade local pasta dish. We didn’t even know what it was other than it was some sort of buckwheat pasta, mushrooms and cheese. It came with a bowl of bite sized chunks of bread and the beers arrived with a huge bowl of crisps. It was a pleasant lunch hour.

      We drove on down south along the western shore of the lake to the town of Como. The road was narrow, often reduced to just enough room for one vehicle at a time. Fortunately the road wasn’t too busy, but I dread to think what it would be like in the height of summer. The road provided a lovely drive with lots of picturesque churches and villas overlooking the lake.

      We parked up near Como’s impressive Cathedral. We had a quick run around the heaving town and popped inside the Cathedral. Como was architecturally attractive in the tourist areas around the cathedral, but it did have quite a few homeless people and beggars. We didn’t stay too long.

      We then selected a non toll road and non motorway route back to Camping Darna. Just outside of Como, we re-entered Switzerland, then embarked on a hideously steep and windy road that was made worse by its narrowness. Jackie was a nervous wreck, to the point of having an anxiety attack, as we squeezed past oncoming traffic. By strange coincidence and right on cue, my Spotify playlist started playing a song by Hurt which had the lyrics “We’re all going to die. We’re all going to die”. This really helped!

      Eventually we reached the summit and entered back into Italy. We were amazed to discover that there was a golf course, Golf Club Lanza, no distance from the summit. We careered back down the mountain with clenched buttocks as we squeezed past more traffic to Lake Lugano. We continued on to the Carrefour Supermarket in Porlezza, where we purchased all the necessary ingredients for a Chilli con carne, salad & another 5 litres of white wine.

      Back at camp Jackie cooked up the Chilli con carne, with considerable assistance from me by regularly stirring the pot. I also wrote my blog and chatted to Marco, our Dutch neighbour. We had a pleasant evening with G&Ts followed by red and white wine. The chilli was as expected delicious. I was even allowed 4 chocolate biscuits for dessert, after Jackie had had a bite out of each.

      The weather today had been a sunny 27 & 28 degrees around Lake Como and we were treated to a lovely dry balmy evening back at the campsite for our alfresco dinner.

      Song of the Day - That (Such A Thing) by Hurt.
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    • Dzień 4

      Auf nach Como.

      16 czerwca 2022, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir nehmen die schnelle Fähre nach Como. Die braucht immer noch 100min.
      In Como bummeln wir durch die Straßen der Altstadt.
      In einem kleinen Café gibt es einen Aufsteller mit Glutenfreien „Miniküchlein“. Martin freut sich auf ein Stück Trockenkuchen. Wir können gar nicht so schnell reagieren, da nimmt der Herr hinter der Theke eine Flasche und spritz mehrfach Alkohol in den Kuchen. Nun ist es definitiv kein Trockenkuchen mehr und Martin sucht umso mehr den Schatten. Das Abendessen war leider ein Reinfall. Trinkgeld gibt es dieses Mal nicht, das ist selten bei mir.
      Unsere Fähre zurück lädt alle Passagiere ab und fährt weiter ohne uns mitzunehmen. Das Murmeln auf dem Steg ist groß. Martin ratet richtig… der Sprit ist alle. 45min später legt das „schnellere“ Boot endlich ab. Mit uns an Board ;).
      Leider hat der Supermarkt kurz vor unserer Ankunft die Schotten dicht gemacht. Anstelle Wein und Schokolade gibt es also Fanta und Oliven. 😅
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    • Dzień 2–5

      Comer See Sorico Camping La Riva

      25 maja, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Start in Ringsheim 8:30 Uhr, war wohl schon zu spät für den Gotthardtunnel...wir wurden auf die Alternativ Strecke geschickt...gar nicht schlecht durch die schöne Schweiz, vorbei am Zürichsee, durch Heidiland, Graubünden und das Engadin. Die letzten 100 km gings über 2 Pässe, krass...Serpentinen rauf und runter am Julierpass gings auf 2284 m, da war noch Schnee...unterwegs Mittagessen aus einer kleinen Bäckerei "heissa Fleischkäse " mit Brötchen, lecker 😋...dann Ankunft am Comer See...schlagartig gutes Wetter, super Platz, tolle Sanitäreinrichtungen, freundliche Wirtin und feine Getränke..
      Tag 3 begann mit herrlichem Sonnenschein und tollem Ausblick. Nach dem Frühstück zu Fuß nach Sorico; der Ort ist aber eher nicht so attraktiv, viel Durchgangsverkehr, aber egal, dafür ist der Campingplatz der beste den wir hier bisher gesehen haben...am späten Nachmittag mit dem Fahrrad nach Domaso gefahren, immer am See entlang, und lecker 😋 Pizza 🍕 gegessen...
      Tag 4 begann dann leider mit leichtem Regen, ich konnte gerade noch trockenen Fußes mit der Maya im Ort Brötchen holen gehen. Wir haben überlegt, abzubrechen und schon nach Lucca zu fahren, haben uns dann aber für eine Fahrt mit dem Bus nach Menaggio entschieden...sehr netter kleiner Ort, wohl wie die meisten am Comer See. Vor allem lecker 😋 🍦 Eis (Cafe und Tiramisu) gegessen, das können die ItalienerTrotzdem...das ist nicht unser favorisierter oberitalienischer See...morgen geht's dann weiter nach Lucca, Toscana
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    • Dzień 30–32


      21 maja, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nachdem ich heute gefühlt den ganzen Tag hinterm Steuer saß, gab es einen spontanen Halt im irgendwo.
      Da hab ich echt mal einen Händchen bewiesen.

      Auch spontan entschieden: Heute gehe ich essen. Die letzte Pizza in Italien will genossen werde.
      Vor Ort wurde ich angesprochen, warum ich ausgerechnet hier einen Stop mache. Dieser Ort sei doch so ruhig und so "langweilig":

      Meine Antwort: Genau deswegen!
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    • Dzień 3

      Ab nach Genua

      13 października 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      In der Nähe von Como haben wir auf einem super Stellplatz übernachtet. Gefunden über park4night ist in einem privaten Vorgarten. Jetzt. nach dem Frühstück geht es weiter nach Genua, wo wir übernachten ist noch unklar. Natürlich haben wir es wieder geschafft, mit unserem Wohnmobil in die Umweltzone von Mailand zu fahren. Naja, vielleicht liegt ein Ticket dann zu Hause, wenn wir wieder zurück sind. Auf einem Rastplatz konnten wir an einer Dumpingstation Wasser ablassen und für Hunde gibt es extra noch eine Area für diverse Geschäfte und Auslauf. Jetzt geht es über die Autobahn durch Ligurien nach Genua. Dieser Autobahnabschnitt besteht nur aus Kurven und Tunnel. Ein LKW nach dem anderen mit Container beladen, überholten uns. In Genua angekommen, haben wir wieder einen Stellplatz über park4night gefunden. Nach einem 30-minütigen Spaziergang sind wir am Meer beziehungsweise Flaniermeile angelangt. Wir gönnten uns ein Eis pro Kugel 3,50 € 🤦‍♀️. Zurück zum Stellplatz wollten wir an einer Cafebar Panini für Frühstück holen. Unbelegte Panini wollte man uns nicht verkaufen. Daraufhin bestellten wir einen Aperol und Bier und bekamen einen kompletten gedeckten Tisch. Für 20 € beim Bezahlen schenkte man uns dann doch noch zwei unbelegte Panini. 🤣🤣 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2

      Durch die Schweizer Berge

      1 września 2022, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Was bleibt im Gedächtnis von diesem Tag : Seltsame Begegnung am Morgen mit einer total durchgeknallten Frau auf dem Stellplatz .🙈🙉🙊
      Berge , Tunnel ,grüne Wiesen,eisblaue Flüsse, türkise Seen,teurer Sprit und ein paar kleine Staus. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 3

      1 Nacht in Italien

      2 września 2022, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Haben einen super Platz gefunden neben einem Friedhof & Sportplatz ( der Klassiker ) am Rande eines Ortes. Viel Platz für Molly zum toben und relativ ruhig die Nacht verbracht .Es hat ein wenig geregnet , jetzt klart es auf...
      Planung heute : Richtung Ancona und einen Platz ca.100km vor Ancona ansteuern...DANK park4night kein Problem
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