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Top 10 Travel Destinations Hiroshima
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    • Day 11

      Hakuba - Hiroshima

      January 30, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Our last morning wake up announcement "good morning, good morning, please come to the dining hall, breakfast is ready". We packed up and headed to the bus. Tobin forgot his pants and ran back to the hotel and back just in time. We then caught some shinkansen's to Hiroshima with a cute bento box. We had a very fancy hotel and I got my own room. We explored the Hachoburi shopping and had a really yummy okanamiaki for dinner.Read more

    • Day 12


      January 31, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

      Today we went to the Hiroshima museum, where we learnt about the A-bomb. We walked through the peace park feeling a bit sad. We went to a temple and then caught the ferry to Miajima Island where there were cute deers lots of cute shops and lots of yummy food. We got the high ropes up the mountain for a photo shoot. We rushed back to catch the last shinkansen to kyoto. We had a yummy sushi dinner on the train.Read more

    • Day 5


      May 15, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Packed up all the instruments and sent them off to Tokyo this morning. So we are feeling much lighter on the trip to Hiroshima.
      Made our way into the main station and on to the Shinkansen, only an hour and a half trip and we are there.
      Our hotel is a few ks from the train station, sun is shining and it’s hot so we opted for a cab. Gave the cab concierge the address and he got a surprised expression on his face, then the driver laughed when he read the address. Umm this is not shaping up well.
      Turned out we booked a love hotel! 😂😂 Bet they were surprised when we booked it for two nights, they are probably missing out on prime time booking while we’re here.
      Graham is disappointed there is no vending machine with assorted selections available. Must be BYO!
      There is however a very large tv with a big range of dvds options, and a blow up bed in the bathroom. Umm the possibilities.

      Well at least he let us in early so we dropped our bags and headed off to see the Peace Park and Atomic Dome. Such a beautiful space dedicated to all the victims of the atomic bomb.

      The Peace Memorial Museum has so many photos, first hand accounts memorabilia of the atomic bomb. Very emotive exhibitions and displays, enlightening and disturbing.
      We happened to pick a day when the high school students were out on an excursion to the museum. They we very respectful but there was sooo many of them.

      We also found the National Peace Memorial Hall. Very tasteful with a wonderful respectful atmosphere.
      “Let all the soul rest here in peace for we shall not repeat this evil”
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    • Day 6

      Miyajima Island

      May 16, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      What a lovely day we’ve had today. I was worried about the school children so we are on the first boat over to Miyajima Island today. I figured they’d never be able to get that many teenagers organised for an early start.
      We took the direct boat from the Peace Park which takes about 40 minutes. Nice trip except for the extremely loud Americans who laughed and talked at the highest possible volume all the way. We made sure we went the opposite way to them once we got off.

      Miyajima Island is most famous for its giant torii gate, which at high tide seems to float on the water. It’s just a lovely scenic place, with great views of the sea and islands, traditional buildings, a pleasure to walk around and explore.
      We rode the rope way up to the top of Mt Misen, climbed up to the five story pagoda, explored the lovely back streets and shopping district saw the Itsukushima Shrine in both full tide and low tide.
      We’d booked to go back on the boat at 2.30 and just when we were walking back all the school kids were coming off the ferry. Perfect!
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    • Day 2

      Hiroshima ou l'impossible pardon

      June 10, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Jet lag + 7h
      Tout paraît si flou, si flottant, éphémère. Corps ici, encore là-bas. Espace-temps lointain où l'on débarque vaporeux.
      Hello Kitty train et la mignonitude retrouvée jusqu' à Shin-Osaka, puis le Sakura Shinkansen pour Hiroshima. 11 ans ont passés. Grouillante de monde, festive (festival des fleurs). Foule fluide, propre à cette partie du monde : personne ne vous frôle, personne ne vous bouscule.

      Choses qui se démultiplient à l'infini mais qui me ravissent sans que l'on en comprenne la raison : les distributeurs.

      Choses étonnamment calmes : les transports. On parle doucement, on ne téléphone pas.

      Tout semble indéchiffrable et le restera, ce soir la fatigue et la douleur d'une épaule en miettes sont les plus fortes.
      Fenêtre de la chambre, fenêtre sur le monde, le voir défiler, le mouvement fait la loi...
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    • Day 3

      Les fleurs d'Hiroshima

      June 11, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      "De toutes parts, dans la nuit de printemps étoilée, voici que les lucioles prennent leur envol.
      Les unes se posent sur des feuilles qu'elles éclairent comme de petites lampes. Les autres, semblables à de minuscules étoiles, s'élancent vers leurs grandes soeurs du ciel, portées par les ailes du vent. Et en suivant des yeux leur course lointaine, je me demande s'il leur arrive de mourir avant d'arriver au ciel.
      Mais peu importe.
      Ce qui compte seul, c'est de partir, c'est de rêver et d'espérer."
      "Les fleurs d'Hiroshima" d' Édita Morris

      Volez haut, petites âmes d'Hiroshima...

      Pas de mots pour raconter Hiroshima, juste les leurs. Nous avons été invités à lire (en anglais) les témoignages de victimes de la bombe.
      Des mots sur les maux de l'Histoire, souvent celui d'avoir survécu aux êtres aimés. C'était beau et triste à la fois.
      Beau parce que le vie finit toujours par renaître jusqu'à cette insolente petite fleur éclose fin août 1945 là où plus rien ne devait pousser.
      Beau pour la résilience du peuple japonais. En septembre 1945, le typhon Ida, le plus destructeur du Kyushu, a fini de mettre Hiroshima à terre avec des milliers de morts et disparus supplémentaires.
      Festival des fleurs  dans la foule et la musique (thème de cette année : le pouvoir des fleurs !)
      La vie est partout, tapie dans les moindres recoins...
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    • Day 6


      June 14, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Somptueux Daisho-in et son armée de petits bonnets rouges qui viendra marcher jusque dans mes cauchemars 😉.
      Départ pour Onomichi, son chemin de la littérature, et son allée des chats.
      Mais...le COVID est passé par là, les humains ont déserté l'allée, les chats ont suivi les humains. Ne reste qu'un sentiment d'étrangeté devant toutes ces ruines...
      Le COVID a dû frapper fort ici, l'hôtel est équipé de plusieurs caméras thermiques !
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    • Day 7

      Chatponais et poèmes d'Onomichi

      June 15, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Premières larmes de pluie ce matin, juste le temps de rafraîchir l'air.
      J'entreprends le chemin de la littérature.
      Indéchiffrable, mais très inspirant.
      Le temps est un grand sculpteur...

      Départ pour la jolie Kurashiki et ses canaux.
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    • Day 153

      Traveling- Hiroshima to Kobe(Kyoto)Japan

      June 16, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Just another Friday Night, facilitating Shabbat Services on board from Japan, with My Two Jewish Geishas, my lovely assistant and wife Karen and a gorgeous sunset in the beautiful setting sun (in the land of the rising sun).Read more

    • Day 153

      Hiroshima, Japan - MIYAJIMA 3 of 3

      June 16, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      The town on the island of MIYAJIMA is quaint and interesting. There are over 20 other buildings that are historical spiritual shrines, There are hiking trails and beautiful views. In addition, although we are normally not shoppers, there are many fun shops and restaurants that line the town. Serious place to consider spending a few days here in the hotels and other accommodations.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hiroshima-ken, Hiroshima, 広島県, 히로시마 현

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