Iwakuni Shi

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    • Day 6

      Miyajima Island

      May 16, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      What a lovely day we’ve had today. I was worried about the school children so we are on the first boat over to Miyajima Island today. I figured they’d never be able to get that many teenagers organised for an early start.
      We took the direct boat from the Peace Park which takes about 40 minutes. Nice trip except for the extremely loud Americans who laughed and talked at the highest possible volume all the way. We made sure we went the opposite way to them once we got off.

      Miyajima Island is most famous for its giant torii gate, which at high tide seems to float on the water. It’s just a lovely scenic place, with great views of the sea and islands, traditional buildings, a pleasure to walk around and explore.
      We rode the rope way up to the top of Mt Misen, climbed up to the five story pagoda, explored the lovely back streets and shopping district saw the Itsukushima Shrine in both full tide and low tide.
      We’d booked to go back on the boat at 2.30 and just when we were walking back all the school kids were coming off the ferry. Perfect!
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    • Day 130

      Miyajima Insel

      November 28 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Dä Usflug uf d Miyajima Insle isch wunderschön gsi! Mir sind dä Itsukushima-Schrein go ahluege und mit em Silbähnli uf dä Mount Misen ufe. Abe sind mir denn gloffe, was sehr viel ahsträngender gsi isch als erwartet 🫣.Read more

    • Day 13

      Miyajima - パート2

      November 3 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Am Weg zum Daishoin Schrein haben wir uns in eine Liste bei einem Restaurant eingetragen ohne zu wissen, was es dort zu essen gibt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es ein Restaurant mit einem Michelin-Stern ist, in dem Aal in diversen Variationen angeboten wird. Die Schlange war sehr sehr lange, aber dadurch dass wir uns gleich in der Früh eingetragen hatten, kamen wir nach einer halben Stunde warten dran. Es war köstlich. 😋 Leider war die Seilbahn zum heiligen Berg Misen wegen Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen, deswegen sind wir nur ein Stück des steilen Weges gegangen. Am Abend haben wir noch den Sonnenuntergang beim Torii genossen. Am Weg zu unserem Hotel in Onomichi sind wir noch in ein Izakaya hinein, es war wieder fantastisch. Sake durfte natürlich auch heute nicht fehlen. Kanpai 🥂Read more

    • Day 4

      Isola di Miyajima

      July 21, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Dopo solo 10 minuti di navigazione arriviamo sull'isola di Itsukushima, meglio nota come isola di Miyajima, che in giapponese significa “santuario-isola”.

      Ci danno il benvenuto dei simpatici cerbiatti, per nulla spaventati dalla presenza delle persone, anzi si lasciano accarezzare mentre provano a rubarti il cibo o qualunque altra cosa tu abbia in mano o in tasca.
      Trascorriamo il resto della giornata visitando l'isola per cogliere tutti i suoi lati: quello spirituale e quello naturale.

      Il basso livello del mare ci permette di vedere il grande Torii rosso in tutta la sua imponenza. Il portale in mare fa parte del santuario di Itsukushima, uno tra i più antichi della regione, considerato patrimonio dell’umanità dall’Unesco: lo percorriamo tutto affidando al destino (e ad appena 400 yen) la nostra fortuna.

      Proseguiamo la visita addentrandoci nel parco di Momijidani (parco degli aceri): il parco è attraversato dalle rive dell’omonimo fiume, è popolato da oltre 200 aceri e può capitare di imbattersi in qualche antico tempio.

      Ultima tappa della giornata è la pagoda a 5 piani: una costruzione immensa del 1407 che fonde elementi della tradizione buddista zen e quelli della tipica architettura giapponese.

      L'isola avrebbe meritato una visita di due giorni per goderla a pieno, con la luce del tramonto e con molti meno turisti. Abbiamo già iniziato a trovare delle scuse per tornare in Giappone.
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    • Day 44

      Dagtripje van Hiroshima naar Miyajima

      September 13, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Vlakbij Hiroshima ligt het eiland Miyajima, wat vertaald ‘tempeleiland’ betekent. 🏯Nou, dat hebben wij geweten. De mooiste tempel ligt direct aan het water met een mega Torii voor de kust. Deze Torii weegt 60 ton en wanneer het hoog water is lijkt het alsof deze poort zweeft boven het water. ⛩️ 🌊

      Over het eiland lopen weer hertjes rond. Deze hertjes zijn alleen iets agressiever dan eerder in Nara. Helaas hebben wij af en toe even een veilig plekje moeten zoeken om iets te snacken. En ook is onze kaart van het eiland opgegeten voor een hertje, dom beest 🦌

      Naast verschillende tempels zijn wij ook met 2 verschillende kabelbaantjes naar boven gegaan, richting Mount Misen. 🚠 Eenmaal uit de kabelbaan bleek dat wij nog 30 minuten moesten klimmen naar de top. Met deze heerlijke hitte hebben wij daar deze keer van af gezien. Want de uitzichten vanaf de top van de kabelbaan waren ook al genieten! ⛰️

      Eten, dat hebben wij vandaag ook goed gedaan. Van lekkere (spetterende) ramen 🍜 (sorry t-shirt) tot een heerlijk smeltend softijsje 🍦. Maar ook de lokale citroenen in een drankje werden geproefd 🍋
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    • Day 12


      January 31, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

      Today we went to the Hiroshima museum, where we learnt about the A-bomb. We walked through the peace park feeling a bit sad. We went to a temple and then caught the ferry to Miajima Island where there were cute deers lots of cute shops and lots of yummy food. We got the high ropes up the mountain for a photo shoot. We rushed back to catch the last shinkansen to kyoto. We had a yummy sushi dinner on the train.Read more

    • Day 47

      Miyajima ⛩️🌸🦌

      April 5 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Hüt simr uf dr Wältkulturerbä Insle gsi wo schiins zu de 3 schönschte Landschafte vo Japan ghört... Näbschtem Schrein hets seeehr viiiiil wunderschöni Chirschblüeteböim ka und sehr zuertoulichi Rehli 🌸⛩️🦌Read more

    • Day 31

      Day 30-31

      March 31 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Day 30

      We packed our bags and headed towards the bus station today to get on the bus bound for Hiroshima! After gobbling down a quick snack we were quickly rushed onto the bus and set off. The highway buses in Japan are absolutely silent! They ask you not to use your mobile phones in order to not disturb other passengers, so I got my book out and settled in for our 3 1/2 hour bus.

      After 3 long and painful hours we arrived at Hiroshima bus terminal where we grabbed our backpacks and headed off to our hotel. The best way to describe our hotel is like staying inside a cigar, the whole hotel stinks of cigarettes and smoke so not the most welcoming smell after being on a stuffy bus! We were also booked into a smoking room so we left the windows open for a few hours and the smell dissipated.

      We are in a great location right next to the peace park so we thought we’d wander through the peace park for the rest of the afternoon. For those who don’t know, the peace park is MASSIVE and is full of monuments. Wondering around looking at the monuments and seeing the famous dome we found our way to the “peace pond” which was also very close to the centre of the bomb dropping point. I hadn’t felt overwhelmed with emotion until this point when I saw the flowers people had laid out and the eternal fire burning in remembrance of the victims but to also honour the survivors. It was very heavy and a few tears were shed! It’s just unimaginable the horror that Hiroshima faced when the bomb was dropped, we also went to the memorial hall which is full of rotating pictures of the casualties some of which were just children. It’s really heartbreaking and really difficult to see. I’ve been slightly putting off writing about this in my blog as it’s hard to describe how devastating and tragic this event is and how it made me feel, it’s hard to put into words.

      We looked at going into the museum but the queues were insane so we decided we’d get up early to go to beat the crowds a little.

      Day 31

      Alarm blaring we quickly got up and out the door to make it to the memorial museum shortly after it had opened and even so there were still a lot of people! But I’m sure less than if we had gone later in the day. The museum starts with a display of what Hiroshima was like before and then after the bomb. After the bomb literally all that was standing was the famous dome everything was just in complete wreck and ruin with the landscape being purely rubble.

      I think the core facts that stood out to me from the history section of the museum were…

      •the bomb released the equivalent of 16 kilotonnes of TNT, that’s not even a figure I can get my head around.

      •the west disgustingly nicknamed the a bomb used on Hiroshima “little boy” due to its shape and size.

      • ground temperatures near the hypo centre of the bomb reached 4,000 degrees Celsius.

      •the bomb killed an estimated 140,000 people but also causing long term illnesses and suspected genetic cancer so the casualties from the bomb is actually still rising.

      Just those facts alone quite frankly made me feel sick to my stomach, but the exhibition that tipped me over the edge was the children’s exhibition. A tricycle, a pair of shoes, a lunch box, a text book all belonging to children killed in the blast and more distressingly many were not killed instantly and suffered a brutal few days before their bodies eventually gave up. I was in absolute floods and I just can’t comprehend how terrifying it is that we have created weapons like this and have used them. It was a really really hard museum to visit but absolutely the right thing to do.

      I think that’s all I’ll say on the museum but I’m sure you can all imagine that emotions were running very high today.

      We decided in order to lift the mood we should go and do something fun! So we took the boat from the peace park out to Miyajima island! We were hoping to stand outside but we had to sit inside which was a shame, as we cruised the sea we saw the island coming clearer and clearer until we docked and clambered off. It was nice to get the fresh air as we have found Hiroshima has been very smoggy and the island was definitely a breath of fresh air!

      The first thing that took us by surprise was that there were deer everywhere just wondering around and completely unbothered by people which was quite lovely! Trying to leave a decent distance between us and the deer we took a few snaps and then headed around the island to see the Torii gate that was in the sea! Very similar to the one we kayaked to but obviously this one is much more popular. We climbed onto a small rickety boat with no other forgien tourists and were passed the large and rather comical on us bamboo hats! Before heading out for a better view of the torii gate, this time we were actually taken through the gate which I was surprised by as we weren’t allowed to kayak through the last one! But it did mean we got a very close up view of the rustic red gate whilst our guide gave us what I’m sure was a very interesting and in depth description in Japanese!

      Having rockingly returned to the beach we walked by the large shrine which at high tide appears to float as it is on stilts! It’s a brillaint red that really shines! Walking around the back of it I yelped in delight when we saw FULLY BLOSSOMED CHERRY BLOSSOMS!!! FINALLY!!! They were absolutely beautiful! It was a great little taster of hopefully what is still to come! They are incredibly delicate little flowers and are actually more white than pink! There are different types and some are more pink than others but a few are very white! I was so over the moon that we finally saw some cherry blossoms as we have been crossing our fingers and toes to see them as the forecast was so wrong! This honestly made my entire day and I didn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day.

      After catching the boat back we wondered through the peace park to enjoy it at night in the peace and quiet and then headed back to chill in our room.
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    • Day 4

      Miyajima Island

      October 31 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      We started our second morning by taking a ferry from Peace Park over to Miyajima island. This was the first of a total of six different modes of transportation we took today! The ferry was a 45 minute ride over to the island, which is a global world heritage site for its shrine built on the top of Mount Misen

      We walked from the ferry terminal through the town to where we would catch the next mode, a gondola car, which took us up the mountain through lush forest. We then switched to a funicular car over a mountain pass with gorgeous views of the Seto inland sea.

      We were not yet at the top. We then had a .6 kilometer walk up to a small temple complex. The down then up and up walk was really tough and left us exhausted and sweaty. In the complex we lit incense and two candles, one for good health and one to remember Mom.

      After the return hike and the two gondolas, we took a minibus back to town (mode#4) as we were too whipped to do the walk. We strolled through the town, sampling a curry bun, an oyster bun, fried maple leaf shaped dessert (one with cream, another with chocolate) and matcha and vanilla swirled soft-serve ice cream. The presentation was awesome!

      We returned to Hiroshima on the same ferry and left our hotel in mode number five, a taxi ,which we took to the Shinkansen station for mode number six, the bullet train to Tokyo where our adventure continues!
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    • Day 77

      Miyajima island

      December 16, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      היום נסענו ליום טיול באי מייאגימה.
      ישר כשירדנו מהפארי ראינו איילים והתרגשנו מהם מאוד אפילו טל הספיקה ללטף אחד.
      הגענו לרחוב החנויות וקנינו שנינו מאצ'ה לאטה חמה להתחיל את היום.
      ראינו את הטורי המפורסם במים (נראה כמו שער אדום במים).
      המשכנו למסלול הליכה למעלה התצפית לפסגה של 535 של האי והיה מסלול של 5 ק"מ מספק ומאוד יפה מלא במקדשים יפנים.
      במקדש האחרון החלטנו לקנות ספר חותמות שבו יחתמו לנו בכל מקדש שנהיה בו ביפן. אז מקווים שהספר יתמלא בקרוב:)
      חזרנו לאכול ארוחת צהריים שחיממה אותנו והיתה בדיוק מה שרצינו, מרק אודון עם טמפורה שרימפס.
      אבא קינח בגריל אוייסטר שמסתבר שמגדלים פה ומפורסם כאן מאוד.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Iwakuni Shi, 岩国

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