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    • Day 188

      Back in Kobe

      June 17, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      After a day in Kyoto that saw us walking 35,300 steps — which my step app says is equal to 15 miles — we are back on the ship for the night.

      The cool breeze on the veranda is much welcome after a 90F-day … exploring bits and pieces of the city. We even have entertainment…a colorful ferris wheel across the water from us.

      Not sure what we will do tomorrow. Taking it easy is a very attractive option at the moment. The likelihood is that we will explore Kobe instead of venturing into Kyoto again.
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    • Day 25

      Day 25

      March 25 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Despite the on and off drizzle we decided today we would head up the Nunobiki Ropeway to the top of the mountain. As we ascended through the fog and cloud the skyscrapers dissolved into nothing and we were surrounded by a thick cloud. Seeing the occasional cable car whizz past in the opposite direction it felt very eerie!

      Once at the top we strolled through the herb gardens and made our way to the cloud forest. Walking in amongst the clouds gives everything a very “horror film” like mist and you could feel the moisture of your face and it makes your clothes slightly damp too!

      We then hiked along a reservoir to a waterfall taking lots of pictures along the way of the beautiful foggy landscape, it felt like we were in the jungle with the level of humidity and the cloud forest aspect! Enjoying the waterfalls we sat for a while and enjoyed them before hiking down the mountain and grabbing a bite to eat.

      As we were wondering along we found the “Kobe trick museum” which is basically recreating photos with art? It was slightly random but a lot of fun and then we saw the “Sherlock Holmes house”. Very intrigued we went in and it’s basically a house full of everything that the Japanese think the British are. From the queen mary model to a literal tube station it was such a strange experience!! Fake bars and stuffed animal heads it did feel like we were back in England! Everyone was dressed up as Sherlock Holmes taking pictures of this “English experience” it was very amusing for us!
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    • Day 189

      Kobe: Staying Local on Day 2

      June 18, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      We were lazy today … only 13,003 steps! Of course, that’s in comparison to yesterday’s 33,294 steps in Kyoto.

      Today’s wanderings in Kobe began early-ish. We were off the ship around 8:00a.

      First up was a traditional landscape garden — Sorakuen — which dates back to the early 20th century. It is on the grounds of the residence of a former mayor of Kobe City. There is a central pond … around which are meandering paths, stepping stones, stone bridges, streams and waterfalls. Nooks and crannies afford privacy and zen-like places for meditation. There is a tea house, too … but it was closed today.

      To get to the park, we walked about 15-20 minutes from the Naka Pier. The first part of our route was familiar from yesterday. Once we passed the Minato-Motomachi Station, we were in new territory, walking mostly uphill. We arrived a few minutes before the 9:00a opening of the garden to find only one other person waiting at the stately front gate. Original to the property, the gate hides the wondrous, lush green grounds from curious eyes … until it is flung open precisely at the designated time.

      We headed up the main path to the European-style stable and the Hassam House … both designated as Important Cultural Property. The stable dates back to 1910 and is the only other structure original to the property … the rest having been destroyed during WWII. The East-West fusion style Hassam House, which was built around 1902, was the home of an Anglo-Indian trader. It was moved here after the house was donated to the city.

      After checking out the buildings, we went for a stroll along the paths surrounding the pond. Pine and camphor trees, maples, and azaleas are found in this part of the grounds. Alas, we missed the last of the azaleas that bloomed in late May-early June. Nonetheless, we enjoyed the nooks and crannies, stepping off the main path to see what was hidden at the end of some of the side spurs. As described in the brochure, we found the garden to be “a secluded oasis … in the middle of the city … unchanged for over a century.”

      Next, we were going to go to the Nunobiki Waterfall … and the ropeway by the same name. However, when we saw a photo of the Ikuta Shrine on the map, we jiggled our plans.

      The shrine, located in the bustling Sannomiya District of Kobe, is thought to be one of the oldest in Japan … founded by Empress Jingu in the early 3rd century. It is worshipped as the guardian of health. The people of Kobe see the shrine as a symbol of resurrection since it has survived battles, floods, WWII air raids, and the Great Hanshin Earthquake.

      The part of the shrine that most interested me was the passage built out of a series of bright orange torii gates. That we were able to get photos of the this very photogenic passage sans-people was great good luck.

      As we wandered the shrine compound, we saw several young couples with babies. They had come to have the Shinto-version of the baptism ceremony performed. A couple of youngsters in traditional kimonos charmed us as well. But it was the wedding ceremony being performed in the main hall that was a real highlight. We did not want the crash the wedding, so we watched the ritual from the outside terrace … and later watched the happy couple come down a red carpet laid down just for them … escorted by their families.

      After our visit to the shrine, it was time to get a bite to eat. Wagyu is the term for Japanese beef. The much sought-after Kobe beef is a kind of wagyu, and is some of the most expensive beef found anywhere in the world. All that to say that Mui wanted to have Kobe beef for lunch today. After all, when in Kobe …!!!

      Long story short, after looking high and low, we eventually found a highly-rated restaurant on Ikuta Street that could seat us within our “the ship leaves at 3:00p” time frame. The chef at this teppanyaki restaurant accommodated us before the place was actually open and we were the only ones there for about 30 minutes before patrons with reservations started streaming in.

      It was here that we learned that there are two kinds of Kobe beef — the “regular” … exported outside the country, and the “premium” … only available within Japan. Since I am not much of a meat eater, Mui ordered the 180g cut to share with me. Our lunch was far from inexpensive, but I have to say it was worth every penny. Mui looked to be in “beef heaven.” And, even well-done at my request, my small portion was incredibly melt-in-your-mouth soft.

      For a sweet treat after lunch, we went to Bocksun … described as “an artistic confectionary.” After perusing the menu, we ordered a plate of mini-cakes, including strawberry shortcake, tiramisu, creme brûlée, and two others … plus a pot of tea to share. The perfect wrap up to our meal in Kobe.

      Since it was on the way to the port, we decided to walk back to Insignia by way of Nankinmachi … aka Chinatown. I have to admit that we were disappointed. The narrow street, lined on both sides with food stalls, was so crowded that we couldn’t really see much of anything. Good thing we didn’t go there for lunch. The lines were incredibly long … we would have left without getting a bite.

      A quick detour for the quintessential “big letters” photo op, and we were back at the terminal shortly after 2:00p.
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    • Day 4

      Himeji Castle and Kobe

      July 9, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      We visited Himeji Castle (and went on a Hello Kitty themed bullet train to get there)! This castle is one of the biggest and oldest in Japan. We walked up to the top of the castle and through some of the surrounding gardens. It was the first day we didn't bring our raincoats, and it was pouring on and off all day!

      We then walked a bit further to the Kokoen Gardens. This had 13 different small gardens, a view of the castle and lots of mozzies. We then headed back to the station and bought some waffles on the way.

      Next, we caught a bullet train over to Kobe. We went on the Nunobiki Ropeway and walked around the area up the top as the herb garden was closed due to the rain. It was super cloudy but still nice! We then caught a bullet train back to Osaka and ate some ramen for dinner.
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    • Day 20

      Kobe, europäisches Japan

      March 5, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Kobe war einer der ersten Häfen die für die Europäer geöffnet wurden und das sieht man an jeder Ecke. Zum Beispiel auf dem Kräutergarten der an die Wartburg angelehnt ist. Auch hübsch ist das alte Viertel der Kaufleute, in dem man sich ein wenig wie in Europa fühlt. Da hab ich leider nur kein Bild von gemacht.
      Auf dem Weg runter vom Kräutergarten bin ich an einem Wasserfall vorbeigekommen, der zu einem der drei bedeutenden in der japanischen Dichtkunst zählt. War okay. Auf dem Weg standen überall kleine Schreine für Götter und Geister, so wie man es überall in Japan findet.
      Zum Schluss ging's nach Chinatown, weil man da das berühmte Kobe - Rind halbwegs bezahlbar probieren kann (80g, 12 bis 75€). War auch okay.
      Als nächstes geht's weiter nach Himeji.
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    • Day 5

      Portugiesen & Amerikaner

      August 18, 2022 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Kobe ist seit dem 8. Jahrhundert ein Handelszentrum, heute hat es einen hohen Ausländeranteil. Sehr atmospärisch war das Lokal, in dem wir gefrühstückt haben: Restaurant Mon in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Station Sannomiya (欧風料理 もん). Hier wird man von netten älteren Damen bedient, die dir ununterbrochen kalten Tee nachschenken. Das Menu wurde seit der Gründung nie geändert und das Lokal ist im westlichen Retro-Stil eingerichtet. Was wir als "kollonial" bezeichnen würden nennen die Japaner "Nanban". Nanban ("südliche Barbaren") wurden zunächst alle Fremden aus dem Süden bezeichent, vor allem Protugiesen. Später waren damit generell Europäer gemeint.

      Weiter ging es zum Meriken-Park und dem Naka-Pier! ⚓️ "Meriken" stand in der Meiji-Zeit für "amerkikanisch". Vom Meriken-Park aus sieht man die Konturen des Schiffahrtsmuseums Kobe. Das Dach erinnert an Segel. ⛵️ Einen guten Überblick über die Gegend bietet der rote Kobe Hafenturm. Leider war dieser wegen Restaurationsarbeiten komplett eingewickelt. Das heisst wohl, dass wir in der Zukunft zurückkehreren werden müssen um die nächtliche Skyline des kosmopolitischen Kobe in voller Pracht zu sehen. Hier befindet sich zudem einer der trendigsten Starbucks von Japan mit einer tollen Aussicht aufs Meer. Einen Macha-Frappuccino mit Soya Milch bitte!
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    • Day 5


      April 5, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute sind wir in Kobe... Highlights sind der Ikuta-Schrein (einer der ältesten in Japan) und natürlich Kobe Beef 😋

      Ein Macha Eis zum Abschluss gab's auch noch... Naja, mehr als gewöhnungsbedürftig. Wird wohl ein einmaliges Experiment bleiben 🤣Read more

    • Day 154

      Kyoto, Japan - GOLDEN 3 of 3

      June 17, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      After our traditional Japanese lunch at a hotel restaurant, we were off to the Golden Palace.

      Kinkaku-ji or Golden Pavilion Temple was a Zen Temple built in the 14th century and used by the Shoguns as a retirement residence. Originally a villa belonging to a powerful statesman in 1397, when the villa was purchased from the Saionji family by shōgun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and transformed into the Kinkaku-ji complex. When Yoshimitsu died the building was converted into a Zen temple by his son. During the Ōnin war (1467–1477), all of the buildings in the complex aside from the pavilion were burned down.

      Our guide told us the sad story of 1950 when the pavilion was burned down by a 22-year-old novice monk, Hayashi Yoken, who then attempted suicide and later sentenced to seven years in prison, but was released because of mental illness. The new structure, 3 stores high (40 feet) dates from 1955, when it was rebuilt. The pavilion is three stories high (40 feet). In 1984, it was discovered that the gold leaf on the reconstructed building had peeled off, and replaced with 0.5 heavier gold leaf, five times the thickness of the gold leaf on the reconstructed building.

      Gold was an important addition to the pavilion because of its underlying meaning. The gold employed was intended to purify any negative thoughts and feelings towards death. The pavilion functions as a shariden, housing relics of the Buddha's Ashes. The gold leaf covering the upper stories indicated the shrines housed inside. ... the outside nature is a reflection of the inside.

      The Golden Pavilion is set in a Japanese strolling garden and extends over a pond, that reflects the building. The pond contains 10 smaller islands. The zen typology is seen through the rock composition; the bridges and plants are arranged in a specific way to represent famous places in Chinese and Japanese literature.

      The five commandments at the front gate were profound: One shall
      Not Kill, Not Steal, Not commit adultery, Not lie and Not Drink Too Much SAKE! Now that’s wisdom for seeing the world …sake but not too much. I did buy Sake with Gold Flakes in it … I guess that’s what you do there. Relaxing afternoon strolling in the gardens and people watching (brides, Japanese, and visitors from all over).
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    • Day 154

      Kyoto, Japan - CASTLE 2 of 3

      June 17, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      The Nijo-jo Castle was built in 1603 by the first Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1867), Tokugawa Leyasu. He unified Japan after a long period of civil wars and began 260 years of peace and prosperity. For 15 generations of shoguns this was home when they were not in Edo (Tokyo). Of course, the Samurais always protected the Castle (what an interesting period of time). In 1867 the Shogun turned the Japan and the Castle back to the Emperor. This time, known as the Meiji Period (enlightenment) for moving from a time of feudal society into today’s modern democratic nation. With the end of shogunate rule, this was also the time of arrival of US Commodore Perry and opening of Japanese ports after 200 years of isolation.

      The Castle became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994. Our tour guide took us thru the Higashi Ote-mon Gate (main gate) built in 1662 and Tonan Sumi-yagura watch towers and the ornate Kara-mon gate at the entrance of the palace with carved lions at the entrance to protect the palace as well as carvings of cranes, pine, bamboo and plum blossoms symbolizing longevity. The actual Ninomaru-goten 3 million sq foot palace is made up of 6 buildings 33 rooms decorated with paintings (3600 wall paintings).

      On our own, we walked thru the beautiful Seiryu-en gardens and the tea houses and from the five story keep tower where we got great views from the top (of the remains of the tower that burned in 1750). We also visited and roamed around the Honmaru-goten palace and gardens and Ninomaru garden.

      History really lived inside these walls and its beauty remains all over after all these years (see photos).
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    • Day 8


      March 6 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      237 Seemeilen bis Kobe. Nach Windstärke 7 und 4 Meter Welle in der Nacht haben wir uns die tolle Begrüßung im schönen Hafen von Kobe verdient! Ein Feuerlöschschiff empfängt uns am frühen Morgen mit farbigen Fontänen und winkt uns mit dem Wasserstrahl zu - supernett!
      Kobe liegt idyllisch zwischen Bergen und Meer und gilt als eine der landschaftlich am schönsten gelegenen Städte Japans. 1995 wurde Kobe Opfer eines verheerenden Erdbebens mit immensen Sachschäden - etliche Gedenkstätten erinnern an diese schlimme Naturkatastrophe. Heute ist Kobe wieder vollständig aufgebaut und eine geschäftige Stadt mit einer wunderschönen Hafenwelt.
      E-Bike Tour Dirk und Heike:
      Heute klappt es und wir machen zu acht eine Stadtrundfahrt per 🚲. Wir sehen das schöne Kawasaki-Museum, natürlich eine Shoppingmall, das Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial, die Seilbahnstation hoch zum Mt. Rokko, normale, teure und sehr teure Wohn- und Einkaufsgegenden, Chinatown, das Earthquake Memorial am Hafen, den Kobe Port Tower und das tolle und weitläufige Habourland. Schöne Radtour, sehr abwechslungsreich und das Wetter ist auch deutlich besser als gestern 👌.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kobe, Kōbe, كوبه, Горад Кобэ, Кобе, কৌবে, Kóbe, Κόμπε, کوبه, קובה, कोबे, Կոբե, こうべし, კობე, 고베 시, Kobė, Kôbe-chhī, کوبے, கோபே, โคเบะ, Lungsod ng Kobe, 神戶, 神户市

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