
août - septembre 2022
Une aventure de 31 jours par Marko En savoir plus
  • 28empreintes
  • 3pays
  • 31jours
  • 268photos
  • 11vidéos
  • 22,2kkilomètres
  • 19,3kkilomètres
  • Jour 10

    Tumpak Sewu waterfall

    28 août 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    4 hours of sleep and early waking up to see the waterfall! This is the way! So we had quick breakfast and chat with owners (who also hosted my friend and her family few weeks ago!) then we left. This is quite a drive, 2+ hours. It's far!
    We got there, got some quick snack and just seeing the waterfall from viewpoint it was 🤯 But this is where it only begins!
    You walk down to the hole on some really shady stairs, you walk on some tiny waterfalls holding on a rope, my Lili went like a pro 💪Good thing I took her to the Alps few feeks ago 🤣
    And then you get there. This is just beautiful. Wonderful. All the nice things. You stand in a hole and there is waterfall all around you. Crazy! Nature is amazing!
    We took pictures, watches others taking weird shirtless pictures (not judging), people secretly taking picture of us, classic 🤪
    Instead of going back up we went down the canyon. From this point on there was no one around. Beautiful to explore nature like this all by ourselves. So many waterfalls, so many wonderful trees and flowers, then you climb up waterfalls and rocks to see the caves. This is heaven!
    Saldy in the end you have to leave this canyon and climb back up. Lili says this is one of the most beautiful things she has seen. Yeah, it's there in top 10 😊
    After long way home we ordered some dinner and in bed at 20h, we're leaving for Bromo at midnight. This should be fun to wake up 😂
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  • Jour 11


    29 août 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    After 4 hours of sleep (yup) it was midnight. And time to go for the Bromo! We were zombies haha.. A jeep came to pick us up. It was tiny but somehow we squeezed in. After an hour we met with other jeeps and started going up. You can't see much during the night, just lights of jeeps in the distance through the mist, sandy road up 😃 After some driving, waiting we arrived at some viewpoint place at 4, got coffee, fried bananas,... Nice. And sooo many people! We headed to the lookout point but me and Lili proceeded through some bushes (as advised by homestay people) and climbing up to get the better spot. Along we met some funny Italian guy, who also gave us some tips for Flores and some fish markets.
    We were happy we found some secret place to watch the sunrise, but soon found out its no so secret - maaaany people came, along with some loud Italian group yelling all the time omg 😂 but couldn't be bothered, just looked at what was soon to be a (hopefully) stunning view 🤘
    Then it started, the colors, all of them, blue, purple, orange, sky was beeeeeautiful (this is the most common word Lili is using recently ❤️)! Soon after that you can start seeing vulcanoes below. This is all so surreal! Then some volcano in the back decided to burp and show some smoke for good morning 😊 We were all there for like 2 hours, doing woooooow all the time, watching people making weird/funny pictures 😃 Wow!
    After this it was time to go to Bromo volcano. All smells of phosphorus and misty all around, pretty impressive. You have to walk up for around 40 minutes and you get to the edge of it. The sound of the volcano, the roar, is crazy! You can walk around it (not whole part, also smoke is coming out). Nature is just wow! 🤯
    Soon it was time to head back, seeing one more waterfall on our way back and you could now see all the things we couldn't while driving there - lots of jungle, hills, really beautiful!
    We had to chill a bit before catching a 6 hour train to Banyuwangi. This time economy. Whoa these people have tiny seats on trains, haha. And I was sleeeeepy!
    We arrived here at almost midnight and got a,ride to our bamboo place Lili found. It was raining, meh. So it made this place look a bit creepy 😃 Aaaand there was a dead gecko hanging from the ceiling 🤣 Good night!
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  • Jour 12

    Bali, baby!

    30 août 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    This morning we talked "what if we just go to Bali?". Sure. We packed, put few millions in our pocket, booked a villa with a pool and left. I know how this sounds but let me enjoy the moment 😂
    A quick ferry takes you to Bali, costs like 15k and takes like 40 minutes. Easy. 💪
    The owner from next place came to pick us up and drove us to Lovina, lovely village up north. It's quite a ride but Bali looks nice, different from Java due to Hindu being main religion here. And then I found out my Lili actually booked a villa 🥰 With a pool! This is cheap, 26€ plus cleaning so 40 for a day. And we had our own pool! And free scooter to use, yay! We chilled, swam, then went to village for dinner. Fish time😋 We had a feast! So good we ordered two meals each haha. And finally nap time because in the morning we go swimming with the dolphins 😃
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  • Jour 13

    Lovina and dolphins 🐬

    31 août 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Dolphins day! We woke up early (Bali is one hour more to the east) to have coffee in our garden. At least this time there were no dead gekko hanging around. It was a dead bat 😶🤣 We fixed that and went to village where we were met with the owner of villa for a dolphine your. We went on a little wooden boat and head out.🚤
    Nice to see Bali from a distance, sea was calm, really lovely. And before you know it - DOLPHINS! We were like little kids, aaaaaall excited and happy! And there were also baby dolphins jumping out, close to our boat, this is so beautiful! 🐬
    Then it was breakfast time, coffee, tea and delicious fried bananas 😋 That was just a pause before putting on masks, hold to rope while boat drives and look under water. At first there was nothing much, then I saw some fish down there, rolling around, and then more... there were like tens of big dolphins swimming, swirling around and dancing around eachother, this is just wooow! So awesome! 🐬🐬 And this went on for like half an hour. Holding on to the ropes at the speed of the boat let us slide along side the dolphins as they went. Beautiful! Hehe there are like 10 tiny boats all moving to where someone spots the dolphins 😃
    After awhile we said goodbye and moved closer to coast (while chilling in hammocks) for some snorkeling. First we put some bread in water, there were soooo many fish of all colors! I hade to go in! Corals all around, fish, sooo many! And they just swim around you, come close to you, crazy nice! 🐠🐟
    It was getting hot and it was sadly time to go back, eat something and then check out. The guy offered a ride (for €€ of course) and we went to check a nice buddhist temple, so quiet and nice! We really enjoyed it 😊
    Finally we went to our next accommodation somewhere inside Bali that Lili found. There are little temples everywhere!
    This has got to be the accommodation with best view I've ever seen - jungle on one side, rice fields on the other, sea in the distance. A house with all doors instead of walls so you can just chill on bed and watch the surroundings, can't wait for the morning view 😊 Lady also made us delicious dinner and we signed up for some cooking class, let's see how it goes 💪
    Bali so far is really beautiful ❤️ saying good night now watching the stars with the ceremonies on the background
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  • Jour 14

    Bali chillin'

    1 septembre 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Finally a day we don't have to get up early, woohoo! We slept long! This place is so peaceful. Soon the ladies called us for breakfast, yum (pancakes!!😋).
    We felt like chilling through the day, so Lili went around, I started reading diving book and booked a open water course. I CAN'T WAIT! 🐟🐠
    Lilian made a plan - we go around village and find a river to swim. Of course we left at 13, when sun is strongest. That's how we roll 🤘 And of course it was too hot so we quickly went through village, got some ice tea and headed straight to river. It's a lovely walk through rice fields 😊
    We came to river, the water was low so we just say there, chilling in nice water. The nature here is beautiful!
    Later we came back to house, more chilling 💪
    The place we're staying is run by two ladies, from one of which is the wife of the local priest. So we booked a mind cleansing/meditation ceremony thing by a nearby labirint. Priest and all. This was beautiful, flowers, scent sticks... Lovely! Priest chanted and performed all rituals as part of the ceremony while the wife kindly guided us through our part of it all 🙏 Grateful to have an experience like this, loving people in a wonderful place. And they dressed us up, we looked super handsome, especially my Lili ❤️
    After dinner we're sitting outside again, listening to frogs and who knows what animals all around. This is true relaxation 😊🦆
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  • Jour 15


    2 septembre 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Another easy wonderful morning 😊 After the breakfast a lady showed us a local woodshop where her family make temples. Nice yet focused job. Quite impressive!
    After short walk around we had a cooking class, yay! We made curry chicken, fried potatoes with sweet chilly and a vegetable soup. This was so much fun! Also talking to ladies to find out more about this nice place 😊 we cooked good 😋
    It was time to go. Next stop - Amed. Two hours away behind a volcano, there is this nice village. It's all about diving! It's really chilled here, black beach, you swim while watching a huge volcano above 😃
    Day ended up with informations about tomorrow dives and then a nice mexican dinner. Mmmmm.
    It was a short and easy day. But tomorrow it's dive time 🤘😃
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  • Jour 16

    Diving day 🐟🐠

    3 septembre 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I was up super early super excited about diving! I couldn't wait! So after a quick breakfast they picked me up and drove me to dive center. Lili stayed at home, reading and chilling 😘
    I got a cool lady instructor Adriana from Slovakia, experienced and a really good teacher. Promised to take Lili with me on my last dive, yay! I had lots of learning, explaining the cylinder, equipment,... and then the dive started. Oooooh this was fun! I had few problems with my buoyancy at first and had to get all my pockets filled with stones haha. The world below was beautiful, so many corals, fish, you name it! Sadly no pictures for now 😕 First dive was followed by a second one to practice taking off mask and putting it back on etc. This is so much fun but lots to learn 🤓
    After I was finished Lili found a really good restaurant with goooood food and even better desserts. Yum!
    I wish I could chill but I need to learn to pass the exam. Having a pause between lessons while my Lili is sleeping, she hasn't been feeling well past days. Hope she'll be better tomorrow or I'll go hunt for pharmacies. Sleep well my Lili ❤️
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  • Jour 18

    Certified diver 💪🐟🐠🐬

    5 septembre 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    This is the day! I'm waking up at 6 here all the time, bed early, wake up early, yay. Also grandpa next door always runs the water pump at 6 for the salt farm next door, so... we just go up on balcony and watch the sunrise 🌞
    After breakfast (Balinese - see picture 😋) while waiting for my ride to the dive center I've just started to do the exam. 50 questions, passed it like boss - 100%! Time to start exploring the other 70% of the planet 🌏
    Then it was dive time, this time we went on a shipwreck, US Liberty that was sunk here during ww2. Whoa! This is big! And all the animals and corals, nice! I also saw a huge turtle feeding herself, this is insanely beautiful! 🐠🐟 So many fish and everything, I love diving! And sorry, no pictures, I don't have any camera yet. Soon!
    Lili in meanwhile went to doctor - ear infection. But she got pills and is getting better and better, yay! ❤️💪
    But this week is a work week for me so after 2 dives and some lunch I started working 💪 It's easy working with the sound of sea behind, taking a pause at the beach,...
    We had a nice dinner in a mediterranean restaurant 😊 Food here is just so good! Overall: Amed is nice! Good vibes, nice people, majestic vulcano, black beaches, fisherman, salt farms and tons of beautiful underwater world. We love it here.
    Tomorrow we go to the Gillis 😃🤘🐬🐠🐟
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  • Jour 22

    Yes mom, we're still alive 😃

    9 septembre 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    After Bali we went to Gili air. Tiny island next to Lombok and it takes an hour and a half by a speed boat. It's kinda cool you can still see Bali's volcano from here. Basically wheh you swim you can see them everywhere 😃
    Gili is nice, chilled, no cars. It's more touristic than we thought, no more a hippie island but stil relaxed. You can see that business is down and affected by corona 😕 But less tourists more fun (at least for us). Here it's all about diving and good food. Food overall in Indonesia is really really awesome! Maybe a bit too much western offerings but still fine.
    Lili's ears are finally okay, she's happy as a bird again ❤️ Yesterday we went diving, only one for me since I had to work. I saw sharks! And turtles! They are so cool. Can't wait for new dives tomorrow, today I'm working local time and Lili in meantime dives. This afternoon my time off starts again 💪 So hopefully I'll post more pictures again and for sure I'll dive more! Next week it's Flores time and that means islands, dragon and dives 🐠🐟🐬🌞
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  • Jour 23

    Dive time 🐠🐟

    10 septembre 2022, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Saturday, dive time! Straight after breakfast it was time to dive! Lilian had advanced dive (deeper), I had regular one. We went to Sunset reef. 15 minutes by a boat and into the water we went. There were tons of corals, fish, we also saw two lovely turtles, one feasting on corals 🐢 I lasted for 50 minutes, which was quite ok.
    After a break and lunch we went to second dive, this time to turtle heaven. As the name itself tells, there were lots of turtles! So many! And while diving suddenly we hears a big baaang. All fish moved (whole school of them shot straight into the blue in the deeper parts) for a second and then went back to usual business. Turned out it was some 3.3 earthquake, pretty normal for these parts 😃 Cooool 🤙Also saw lobsters, pufferfish, boxfish,...
    Now we're chilling on beach. Gili Air was nice with all the orange cats (everywhere), live music at night and rainbows over Lombok - yep did have some occasional short rain past days but fine. Tomorrow we go back to Bali and having a flight to Flores on Monday morning, more diving yay! 🥰
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