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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Amsterdam
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    • Gün 6

      all the time in the world!

      12 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Woke up at like noon in a ROUGH state. Sunday scaries! Had a really slow start to my morning but got showered and texted ave and vi to see if they wanted to grab food. There’s a place near by called “Anne and Max” and I looked up the times and they were open! So we headed there… well they looked closed and I think that’s what the sign in Dutch on the window said too. We kept walking and tried a place we had passed a few times called “Bagels and Beans”. So far the menu descriptions have been in English in all the places we’ve gone, but this menu is COMPLETELY Dutch and not many pictures or recognizable words. So thank you google translate technology for letting me just take a picture of the menu and translating it for me! I got the paddoburger which was a mushroom burger with Parmesan cheese, pine nuts, lettuce, and truffle mayo on a sesame seed bagel. It was very good!! I also got iced coffee (YAY!) which they blend up like a frappe, but it’s so smooth and frothy and not crunchy icey if that makes sense. The rest of the day I just did whatever! The windows in our rooms are so huge and open up fully and I love just having them open!! Plus AC is not common here so it’s nice to just have a bit of air flow! I stretched, learned a sideline, and went to the gym too! Then ave vi and I met up with hunter for a bit and then ordered a papa johns garden party pizza… never knew I liked sweet corn on my pizza until today! Again, it’s smaller portions but it was perfect size to split for us! Turned on some Dutch TV for a bit and heading to bed since tmrw is the 1st day of classes!!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 63

      Cinq Fotos-Paris Day 4

      15 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I see dead people.

      More accurately, today we visited the resting places of a number of famous people in the largest greenspace in the city.

      Before we left the flat, we enjoyed an apricot cake that Stephan made for breakfast. Last night they recommended some options for our last day in Paris. We decided to explore the Cimitèrie du Père-Lachaise.

      When we arrived at the cemetery the multitude of above-ground vaults reminded me of the cemeteries outside of New Orleans with the exception of all the trees and hills here. Famous artists, authors, composers, politicians and others are found here. There are memorials to those lost in the Holocaust. There are tributes to resistance fighters. And there are whimsical and unusual sculptures throughout.

      The chapels and monuments are quite elaborate. I'm reminded of the ways that some societies play tribute to the dead. I have always found a walk in the cemetery to be calming, and I admire the inscriptions and tributes.

      There were some gravesites that I wanted to visit. The first site was the Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde. While I have not read any of his works in depth, I have appreciated his quick-witted tongue and I'm drawn to his tortured story for being a man who loved other men. Wilde was imprisoned for two years in England for homosexual acts, and when he was released, he moved to France and never returned. The time in prison left him in poor health, and he died at the age of 46. The inscription on his memorial is from one his last poems:

      "And alien tears will fill for him
      Pity's long-broken urn,
      For his mourners will be outcast men,
      And outcasts always mourn"

      We also visited the gravesite of Jim Morrison. Like too many musicians of his era (Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix), he died very young. I was 9 years old when his song "Light My Fire" was released. I remember thinking the song was dumb at the time. I rediscovered Jim Morrison when I was in grad school. I liked his haunting baritone voice and I was intrigued by many of the lyrics and mood changes.

      A celebrity buried here that I knew less about was Colette, who was an actor and writer. I was reminded when we went to Moulin Rouge that she almost caused the venue to be shut down when she gave a long kiss onstage to another woman in 1907. She is known for her books, most notably a novella that was adapted for the movie Gigi.

      We also witnessed Anerican novelist Gertrude Stein's grave who is buried next to her long-time partner Alice B Toklas. I admire them as those who came before us who demonstrated living authentic lives. "A rose is a rose is a rose "

      Rather than continuing with a name-dropping list of famous dead people I have walked by, I want to offer this reflection:

      I think most of us want to be remembered.
      Did we love?
      Were we loved?
      Did we make any contribution that mattered without needing to be famous?
      Will people still talk about us when we're gone?

      I cited a few of the individuals surrounded by a cast of deceases celebrities more to illustrate that everyone has a story. If we pay attention, we can learn their stories while they are living. We can let them know that they matter and not wait to build a moss-gathering monument after they're gone.

      One of the best parts of this trip is taking time to learn the stories of others we have met in our lodging or other chance meetings. It's a great lesson to bring home, and it was a gift that this cemetery walk brought to me today.

      Au revoir and merci, Paris. It was fun. And we're back up to Amsterdam for a few days. We're wishing everyone a good night from our floating home.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 65

      VIJF FOTOS-Amsterdam Day 10

      17 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      I woke up this morning with cold symptoms that doubled down a bit from yesterday. We already planned a low-key day. After going out for coffee, we returned to the boat and I slept for several hours.

      Yesterday, I talked briefly about the recently graduated student. He is very enamored with the Oregon Trail. He noticed Pete the Cat, and I explained to him about this storybook character and the photos we send to our granddaughter. Ben is a graphic artist, and he felt inspired to send me an image with Pete at the reins of a Conestoga Wagon as a gift to Olive. 💞

      I woke up feeling significantly better. We enjoyed our immersion into canal life with no agenda. We heard the excited shouts of children in a nearby schoolyard. We watched young folks gather at a dock along the canal. We watched young boys jump off the foot drawbridge, and we waved to those riding by in their boats.

      The experience causes me to recall a myriad of summer adventures near the water with friends and family when I was young.

      I remember sunburns on top of sunburns and my mother slathering me with Noxema.

      I think about staying in cottages in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Cape Cod. I remember picking blueberries in Truro when I was 6. I remember the merry-go-round at Watch Hill. I remember being the only one in the family to go in the ocean at Sand Beach in Bar Harbor, and being covered with blankets when my lips turned blue. I loved bodysurfing and playing with pinball machines at the beach arcade in Misquamicut.

      I remember responding to the dare of friends to join then in jumping off a small cliff into Lake Erie. I think of times with high school friends at the Flaming Gorge in Wyoming.

      What I saw today were people enjoying the promise and gift of summer. I know that being next to some body of water in the summer provides solace.

      Another day of just being present was the perfect prescription for the day.

      Thank you, Amsterdam. Next stop: Ireland.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 18

      1ère journée (Amsterdam)

      11 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C


      On s'est levés à midi, dû au jet lag.

      Premièrement, on est allés déjeuner au McDo, question de se dépayser bien comme il faut. Alix trouve qu'il ne goûte pas comme les autres McDo, ce qui est totalement intéressant à mon avis.

      Après le déjeuner, on a prit le tramway qui nous a amenés au centre-ville pour le restant de l'après-midi. C'est tellement pratique tous ces modes de transport en commun en Europe... ne pas avoir d'auto ici, c'est entièrement possible et facile, contrairement au Québec...

      Arrivés au centre-ville, on a collationné HAHA ALIX VIENT D'ÉCRASER UN SAC DE CHIPS. On a collationné dans un petit café cute qui faisait de très bonnes limonades maison, comme celle à l'aneth, concombre et menthe!

      Ensuite, on a marché en ville et dans le mythique Vondel Park, où il y avait vraiment beaucoup de gens. En cours de route, on a aperçu le Rijksmuseum (photos), plusieurs canaux parsemés de petits bateaux, des bâtiments colorés à l'architecture impressionnante, et plein de beaux petits paysages.

      Après notre grosse balade, on est allés dans une petite épicerie pour se faire un souper qu'on mangera dans notre hôtel insalubre.

      On a remarqué que même très tard le soir, il fait super clair! Ça nous incite à se coucher un peu tard...
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      “welcome to the neighborhood girls”

      9 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I settled into the most beautiful living space ever and am seriously so in love with living at the Student Experience Minervahaven! Avrey and I both were pretty hungry after our insane 48 hour travel situation and decided to walk around and find some food. We ended up at Karaat which could not be cuter. The dinner was a bit nicer than we were going for, but VERY good. Plus after our meals of airport snacks, I think we needed it!! The neighborhood is pretty new and very updated. The pros are that everything is so nice and it’s not super crowded at all, the cons are that we are limited with what is within walking distance. Honestly though there’s shopping, theaters, bars, and more so once we are able to get to the grocery and have food at our apartments we will be set.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      need. unhealthy. food. NOW.

      10 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      truly everything has been so enjoyable and although it’s only been a few days, I love it here!!! Oddly enough the hardest part of the adjustment has been meal times. Because of jet lag and adjusting to the super long days here ( sunrise @ 5 am and sunset at 10 pm) , I’ve been getting hungry at the most odd times and mostly really late like 10/11 pm. I love living in a Dutch little neighborhood area, but we are far from the tourist hot spots so there’s no familiar food place, everything is new. Which is great but when you get to the point of just needing food, it’s not fun googling “restaurants near me” and having to scroll through all of the restaurants, just to find one we like, to then see if it’s walking distance and open. One night avrey and I seriously just decided to start walking and hope for the best. Came across a pizza place and were like “great this is perfect”. We ordered a margarita pizza… got a cheese pizza though? And 2 sprites… which btw all of the soda here is typically “no sugar”. The pizza was actually perfect size for us to split, but it was like a pizza inspired thin crisp hahaha. And we washed it down with no sugar sprite… I think I’m going to lose weight here… and not because I’m trying to!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3


      9 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      I will say, traveling is not always fun. We had quite the hectic day following our first day in Chicago. We took our flight to London, which obviously was very fancy. Our first flight provided two meals and some real comfy seats that we enjoyed very much! Also for those of you under 21 and wondering, the drinking age follows that of the country you are headed to/the country the airline is based out of ;) So… we got some wine! Following this flight, we SPRINTED through Heathrow airport to make our flight that ended up sitting just outside the gate for two hours due to once again ladies and gentlemen: ✨technical issues✨ Thus, leaving me and Elena in not so great moods when we found out we’d be missing a boat tour :( As if you thought the story couldn’t get any worse, we then proceeded to sit in the AMS airport for 3 hours on a hunt for Elena’s bag that unfortunately we did not walk out with. However, we got checked into our rooms very smoothly and are both super pleased with them! Now onto buying groceries and apparently some clothing items for miss Elena because her bag went poof into thin air. Feeling all of the emotions.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Kölner Dom & Weiterreise nach Amsterdam

      3 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Sind nach einem sehr guten, ausgiebigen Frühstück noch einmal zum Kölner Dom gegangen, um ihn bei Tageslicht von allen Seiten zu bewundern.
      Der Dom wurde als repräsentative Kathedrale für die Gebeine der Hl. 3 Könige erbaut. Den goldenen Schrein kann man besichtigen.
      Der Bau wurde 1248 begonnen und erst 1880 beendet. Er gilt als "Wunder", da er im 2. Weltkrieg unversehrt blieb.
      Neben dem Dom ist der Bahnhof. Der ursprüngliche "Centralbahnhof" wurde 1857 erbaut und 1859 eröffnet.
      Nach unserer Besichtigungstour haben wir uns auf den Weg nach Amsterdam gemacht.
      Nach dem self-check-in im cashless, Influenza-Yotel-Hotel sind wir durch Amsterdam spaziert und haben die Sonne genossen.
      Abends noch im Rotlichtviertel gewesen und ein Bierchen getrunken.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Amsterdam (Pt 1)

      17 Temmuz 2023, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Amsterdam was an absolute delight and so pretty. Despite us taking it easy, Alysha managed to take more pictures there than anywhere else yet. Below and for the next couple of posts we present photos largely chronologically. The delay in upload has come partly from tiredness and busy-ness, but also overwhelm at what to do with all the photos when this app limits posts to 20 photos each!

      We got into Amsterdam at 8:30am after a VERY early train from Brussels, and walked around (and in Alysha's case, napped for a little) until our canal tour at 9pm, just before sunset. These photos cover our morning in Jordaan (just west of old town in the city centre) and the beginning of us venturing into the city centre.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 52

      VIJF FOTOS-Day 1 Amsterdam

      4 Haziran 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      "Never Can Say Good-Bye, Nein, Nein, Nein, NEIN" (with apologies to songwriter Clifton Davis)

      This seemed to be Cologne's theme song as we attempted to catch our 12:30 train to Amsterdam. We made it a point to arrive early at the station and find that our train was scheduled for track 5. There was a delay, and we watched the boards for updates. Suddenly, at our train's schedule arrival, all information disappeared from the board without any announcement.

      We scrambled to see if the train had been moved to a different track, and we finally got into a long information line where we asked what to do next, and we were referred to the ticket office.

      It was at this point we learned that on weekends they change stations for the Cologne to Amsterdam route. The exchange went something like this:

      Ticket Agent: You're at the wrong station.
      Me: Why did the Electronic Board Say Track 5?
      TA: No it didn't.
      Me: Yes it did
      TA: No it didn't.
      ME Yes, it did. Plus it said which car.
      TA: No, it didn't. And there was an announcement that on weekends this route is at the other station.
      ME: No, there wasn't.
      TA: Yes, there was.

      At this point, I was having flashbacks of one of my favorite Monty Python sketches:

      The ticket agent then proceeded to berate me about how I just should have known about the change. I grew silent for a few moments and looked at her, now keenly in touch with my "inner bitch" , and I interrupted her "When you are finished scolding me, can we make some time to talk about the next steps that we can take to get to Amsterdam?"

      She paused for a moment, and then gave us very helpful information that another train would be departing from the other station at 2:30. She wrote the information down with the name of the other station followed by an exclamation point.

      The train to Amsterdam was pleasant and traveled through farmland where we saw many contemporary windmills and a few that we associate with the older days of Holland.

      We arrived at Amsterdam's Central Station which was loud and busy. We checked the map to locate the walk to our canal house, and figured out the route.
      There was one catch.
      We could not find a way to exit the station that didn't have a gate barring our exit without a ticket. I tried using the QR code for the train trip, but that didn't work. At this point, I was expecting an announcement that we were being returned to Cologne until we signed a complete confession that we went to the wrong station for departure.

      I finally pushed the help button near the gate, and we were set free from Train Station Hell. We circumnavigated the station completely to avoid the risk of taking what appeared to be the more efficient route to our flat.

      It was about a fifteen-minute walk through a lively scene. I do think that we'll have to be on high alert to avoid a tragic death by getting run over by a bicycle. The little bicycle bells do warn constantly of impending doom. We both agreed that we are very grateful not to have a car here.

      We were both a bit beat, and Jim C observed that we had the equivalent of a stressful 8-hour workday. Given that those days are so much more rare in retirement, I have to remember that we're pretty fortunate.

      We did make it to the address of our flat, and we knew that the owner would be delayed so we grabbed a bite across the street. There happens to be a pub at the foot of our flat so we grabbed a beer and waiting for the owner to arrive. Jim C was in heaven because he had been deprived of IPA's and the pub has several.

      We met the owner, Sebastiaan, who gave us an orientation of the small cozy flat. I should note that the flat is reached coming up a spiral staircase, and we're at the top of the building. It's really nice to have our own space. Sebastiaan left us a beautiful flower arrangement (he's a florist and a bottle of champagne on ice.

      After we settled in, we walked through the neighborhood. Jim C noticed that some of the homes leaned pretty significantly. I checked out one of the coffee shops that sells cannabis. It was fun to see the social atmosphere in addition to the store and their goods.

      As we were headed back, we caught a brilliant sunset. The reflection on the canal is a treasure.


      p.s. A final word to my Cologne Ticket Agent:
      Yes, it did!!
      Okumaya devam et

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