New Zealand
Motutara Point

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    • Dag 15

      Continuo verso la punta

      14. desember 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Tolti un paio di imbecilli che correvano e che appena m'hanno visto hanno inchiodato, tutto in ordine. Si sa: se prendi un cinghiale, ci rimetti la macchina! E la non hai ammazzato il cinghiale sul colpo!Les mer

    • Dag 44

      Sightseeing in Rotorua

      21. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Leider hab ich ganz schlechtes Wetter erwischt. Für Spätfrühling ist es viel zu kalt (5-16 Grad) und es regnet nahezu den ganzen Tag und so soll es die ganze Woche bleiben. :(
      Ich musste mir schon eine Haube kaufen, was aber sehr praktisch ist, denn hier in Neuseeland gibts sehr preisgünstige Merinoschafwollkleidungsstücke.
      Trotz des Regens konnte ich zumindest eine kleine Sightseeingtour machen.
      Hier einige Eindrücke von Rotorua. Ich finde zum Urlaub machen ist es eine perfekte kleinere und hübsche Stadt mit viel Natur und Ruhe rundherum.
      Es gibt erstaunlich viel zu sehen in der Stadt selbst. zB: Government house und garden (davor wird Crocket gespielt), polynesian spa (Eintritt 30 NZD), ein öffentliches Thermalbad (Eintritt 11 NZD; das möchte ich noch ausprobieren), einen Park (Kuriau Park) mit vielen hot Pools und einige Maoridörfer.
      Einen Vorteil hat man auch noch in geothermalen Gebieten wie Rotorua: selbst wenn es draußen kalt ist, kann man sich immer wieder in der warmen Luft der heißen Quellen aufwärmen :)
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    • Dag 114


      25. juli 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      We were camping on the lake so decided to start the morning with a stroll around the lake (well part of the lake as it's massive) to Sulfur Bay. The first thing that hits you as you walk around the lake is the eggy smell. It's also strange to see steam rising from the bushes and tiny mud pools bubbling. You wouldn't think it would be safe to live around these thermal areas let along walk past them. There are lots of signs everywhere warning you by to stroll from the path as some of the water is over 100 degrees! We won't be doing a swimming here!

      We had planned to visit the Rotorua museum in the afternoon as it was supposed to rain however we walked past it on our walk to find it was closed which is a shame. The museum is in a gorgeous building which unfortunately falls well below earthquake safety standards so is closed for the foreseeable future. With a quick snap of the outside we walked back to the van through the Government Gardens with a quick pit stop to play in the park on the giant seesaw!

      In the afternoon we headed to the Redwoods Forest for a walk. We opted for a 2 hour trail which included a spot where you could see the Te Puia geyser. The geyser goes off approximately 20 times a day so we had to be patient. We were lucky though and can't have been waiting more than 15 minutes before the geyser erupted.

      Our walk continued through the forest but came to an abrupt stop when we reached a bridge which was fully submerged in water. We then had to turn around and ad lib our way back to the visitor centre. It was a nice walk though and the rain held of which was good.
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    • Dag 21

      My half marathon experience

      27. november 2016, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      I entered the race last minute in an effort to support my lovely wife in one of her dreams on this trip, I was always keen to do the 10km race but for some reason I was curious to see if I have what it takes to do a half marathon.

      The night before Isabel gave me pearls of advice on when to take breaks and when to take energy gels etc. With all of that and my personal running ability in mind we devised a plan of attack.

      The plan was to run an average of about 7 min per km for 10 minutes at a time and the walk for 2 minutes to rest but never stop. Depending on how slow I walk that should get me to the finish in under 3 hours.

      Now if there is one thing I have learnt about myself in the last few months is, when I make a plan I can stick with it no matter what.

      Before the started we were mesmerized with one of the local Maori tribes performing the HaKa, wow, that was special and the All-blacks can come have some lessons from these guys they know what they're doing and they look way more scary than the All-blacks ever do.

      At the started people started slower than I anticipated but I stuck with my pace even when the pace picked up and people started passing me I stuck with the plan.

      I broke the race up in 7 small races of 3km( also Isabel's suggestion as this is a comfortable distance for me). Each time I reached a finish of a mini 3km race I celebrated inside and kept going for the next one, before I know it I smashed 5 of 7 little races, but before I could get arrogant 6 of 7 got me back to earth and by km 18 I was feeling the distance. Isabel's Advice kicked in and I just tuck with it at a slightly slower pace to get to the last 3. As soon as I reached the last 1.6km I saw I was actually not to far behind the 2 hour 30 min pace maker and decided to drop a gear to try and come in under that. With about a km to go I paced the pace maker and that just gave me the energy to finish strong, at the 500 meter to go mark I dropped another gear and finished strong.

      This was really a huge accomplishment for me, one that I would cary with me with pride for a long time to come. At this point I can not see myself do another one but never say never.

      The route was amazing in that it was like a site seeing tour, after about 6 km we entered the forest and passed some beautiful streams before entering the Redwoods which was jaw droppingly beautiful, those trees seem like the go up for days. I had to stop myself from looking up to avoid tripping and falling.

      Shortly after exiting the Redwood forest we entered the geothermal active area we were literally running through fields of steaming holes in the earth, it stank to high heaven so deep breaths was not a good idea. Again one of those mind-blowing natural wonders that NZ have to offer.

      And we ended up next to the beautiful Rotorua lake.

      My highlight of the day must be seeing Isabel's shocked/happy face when I crossed the finish line 30 minutes earlier than she anticipated. 😘 Then she met me at the water table with teary eyes. 😂

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    • Dag 210

      Lunch With Friends

      30. desember 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      My friend Xerox's house is right on Lake Rotarua, and when I arrived several swans were feeding. Once the others arrived, we had a lovely barbeque and hung out at the house. It was a very late night/early morning.

      Today, X went off to work and the four of us have gone into the city center for lunch. We stopped at the Sunday market along the way, which had some very cool stuff.

      So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
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    • Dag 14

      Op naar Rotorua

      24. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      De reis gaat weer verder en de auto wordt weer gepakt. We verlaten het Coromandel schiereiland, wat zeer de moeite waard was, en gaan richting Rotorua. Maar wat is dat? Opeens komt de Oldtimer-tour ons tegemoet. Ze zijn blijkbaar weer onderweg, en zovele, niet te geloven! We stellen onze auto aan de straatkant, en gaan bij de andere toeschouwers staan. Velen zijn echte fans en zitten in een campingstoel (met evt gelijk picknick) voor hun eigen oldtimer. Nu kunnen we toch nog de nodige foto’s schieten ;0) Wat voor een show, er komt geen eind aan. Na een poosje rijden wij weer verder, maar ze komen ons nog steeds tegemoet. In het volgende stadje is het dan voller dan vol. Daar hebben ze blijkbaar hun ‚basecamp‘ opgeslagen, en de meesten op een campingplaats. We stoppen nogmaals want dat ziet er wel heel cool uit allemaal… Retro zo ver je kijken kan. Super klasse, met veel liefde ingerichte caravans uit de jaren 50-60, met veel oog voor detail!

      We zetten onze rit richting zuiden voort, en onze volgende stop is in Waihi, een oude gouddelverstad. Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt daar nog naar goud, zilver en kwarts gegraven, maar de grote mijnfirma sluit volgend jaar na meer als 100 jaren de schachten. Ze proberen nu toerisme te vermarkten om de stad op de kaart te behouden. We werpen een korte blik over het terrein, wat vandaag de dag een gigantische open put is, maar hier waren voor langere tijd op meer als 200 meter diepte 14 etagen vertunneld.

      De laatste korte stop is in Tauranga, een snel groeiende stad, die van de haven en de raffinaderijen leeft en ze proberen daar hun eigen kleine riviera op te bouwen.
      Vroeg in de avond hebben we dan ons doel bereikt, Rotorua. Deze keer verblijven we in een motel . We draaien nog een korte ronde door het stadje maar benutten dan het feit dat we eindelijk eens snelle WiFi hebben… De eerste posts worden in onze FindPinguins blog gemaakt… het begin is er!
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    • Dag 93


      30. januar 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Am nächsten Morgen hieß es durch Wärme im Auto um 7 Uhr morgens wieder aufstehen. Früh aufstehen im Urlaub macht mal so gar kein Spaß. Zum Frühstück fuhren wir zum Schwefelgeruchstrand, zu unserem Glück roch es an diesem Morgen nicht sonderlich danach. Da wir nicht wussten das am Montag ein Feiertag in Neuseeland ist, hatte der Bäcker – zu dem wir eigentlich wollten – zu. Trotzdem gönnten wir uns ein paar „Brötchen“ und kauften lecker zum Frühstück vorher ein.

      Gesättigt fuhren wir in die Stadt zurück, wo wir wie immer erstmal am Internet hängen geblieben sind. Danach ging es zu Fuß durch die Stadt, wo wir uns auf dem Weg ein leckeres Eis gönnten. Am See von Rotorua gingen wir ein bisschen an der „Promenade“ entlang wo wir uns danach in einem Waldstück auf die Suche nach ein paar heißen Quellen machten, sie aber nicht gefunden haben. Am Montag schien die Sonne so stark, dass man sich am liebsten in einem kalten Zimmer verkriechen und gar nichts machen wollte. Aber – diesen Luxus haben wir nicht. Also entschieden wir uns ein Stück weiter über Rotorua zu den Okere Falls zu fahren.
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    • Dag 74

      Rotorua #2

      20. april 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Unser Stellplatz für die zweite Nacht in Rotorua war der offizielle Parkplatz beim örtlichen Spa. Nach den vielen tollen Erlebnissen heute haben wir Viktor schnell ins Bett gebracht und sind dann nacheinander in das Polynesian Spa (welches zu den 10 besten Spas der Welt gehören soll) hinein. In den verschiedenen Becken mit 39-42°C heißem Thermalwasser konnte man auf den Rotorua See, die Lichter der Stadt und die Sterne gucken und dabei wunderbar entspannen.Les mer

    • Polynesian Spa

      25. november 2020, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      As the weather wasn't that great we treated ourselves to a spa day. The Polynesian Spa has geothermal hot pools with temperatures between 38 and 41.5°C. The water comes from two natural springs and contains many different minerals. The slightly acidic Priest Spring is said to relieve tired muscles, aches and pains while the alkaline waters of the Rachel Spring nourish skin.Les mer

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