New Zealand
Mount Eden

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  • Day 29

    Bus nach Hamilton

    November 28, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Heute nach dem Aufstehen war Abschied angesagt 😢. Alle waren ein bisschen gerührt. Nach einigen dicken Hugs bin ich schnell losmarschiert. Die anderen waren noch beim Frühstück, da sie heute nur bis Auckland wollen...

    Nach 13km war ich dann an der Fähre nach Auckland, die auch 20min später fuhr. Heute ist es warm, aber bedeckt und nicht mehr so heiß wie die letzten Tage...

    Die Überfahrt dauerte nur 30min. Das Intercity - Busterminal ist nicht weit vom Hafen entfernt (kannte ich ja schon von meiner Fahrt Richtung Norden) und der Bus nach Hamilton fuhr in 10min- perfektes Timing 😀

    Hamilton liegt etwas südlich von Auckland. So spare ich mir den Teil durch die Stadt, den ich an meinen beiden ersten Tagen schon absolviert habe und ein ganzes Ende Roadwalk. Morgen habe ich dann einen Tag wanderfrei, um den nächsten Abschnitt zu planen.
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  • Day 3


    November 2, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Heute Mittag um 12h bin ich in Auckland gelandet und nach einigem Bangen war sogar mein Rucksack da 😀.
    Mein Hostel ist lustig, dafür aber mitten im Zentrum. Ich bin schon einen Teil meines Wanderwegs abgelaufen bei 17° und Sonnenschein.Read more

  • Day 4

    4 hour museum visit 🛖

    December 5, 2024 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

    We walked to the Auckland War Memorial Museum, which is in a park called the Domain. On the way we stopped at the “Winter Gardens” and Henry took a picture for a big matching family. The museum is a stately building, with exhibits on the world wars but also a huge collection of Māori artifacts and history. My favorite part was the Hotunui meeting house which was an incredibly intricate carved structure (no pictures allowed as it’s a sacred space).

    We took a break to each our sandwiches on the beautiful hill outside. The weather is gorgeous and I could imagine why people have been enamored with New Zealand Aotearoa for centuries. We went back in and did an exhibition on the communities of Auckland, then the world wars, plus a few other wars NZ was involved in.

    By then we were starting to ache so we walked back to the Airbnb and had a rest and a beer. For dinner we went to an Indonesian restaurant called Java that was very pink inside. We had a delicious variety of food and a pink soda of coco pandan syrup, soda water, and condensed milk (Soda Gembira). The area of the restaurant seems to be the hipster/gay district— we saw some markets happening and a drag queen grinch. In the evening we started the first Lord of the Rings, to be watched before we get to Hobbiton.
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  • Day 4

    Dol-fijne dag!

    November 4, 2024 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Onze bagage was er dus gister en zijn dan meteen ingecheckt in ons appartementje. 20 minuutjes stappen naar het centrum van Auckland op zoek naar de winkel voor men tent en dan op naar een terrasje en eten.(Mexicaans) Na het eten was de pijp bij iedereen echt wel uit dus op tijd naar bed. Goe geslapen wel en dan ontbijtje in de buurt. Wandelingkje door het park op zoek naar het beste ijsje vooraleer we inchecken op onze whale & dolphine safari. Het is niet echt het seizoen dus de verwachtingen waren niet hoog. Het weer, het zonnetje komt nu en dan piepen, zit wel al mee! (Beetje verbrand nu ik dit schrijf. En ja we waren ingesmeerd.) Na laaaaange tijd en vele vogels later spotten we in de verte een walvis. Tis te zeggen we zien hem even "spuiten"/naar adem happen, zen rugje komt boven en weg is ie... Nog even later spotten we een schooltje dolfijnen die rond de boot zwemmen maar tuimelaars zijn het helaas niet. Op de terugweg zien we een mooie skyline van Auckland en na een 5-tal uurtjes zijn we terug aan land. We gaan nog op zoek naar een rooftopje voor de laatste zonnestralen en een burgertje eten voor we richting appartement trekken. Morgen vroeg op... camper-time!Read more

  • Day 4

    Finding the Post Office

    December 20, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    My traveling partner Charlotte devours murder mysteries. She had “eaten” two of them by the time we arrived in Auckland (after 25+ hours en route). Being a happy recycler she decided to mail her books to a friend back in the States. So we went looking for the post office.

    You know how this goes. We had the dot on our phone.. After walking over and around the dot for about 20 minutes (we were looking for a Post Office with a capital P- maybe with pillars or a parking lot) we decided to ask directions at a convenience store.

    You guessed it. We had arrived. It was operated by a young man from Bangalore and his “uncle” with an infectious smile.

    It turned out to be a delightful outing.
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  • Day 13

    Auckland Domain & Museum

    November 13, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Ett annat trevligt andningshål i Auckland var The Domain, en stor park som bitvis påminde om en regnskog. Längst upp låg Auckland Museum, med fokus på maorisk kultur men även naturhistoria (klassiska dioramor med uppstoppade djur, och en utställning om geologi med en suggestiv vulkanutbrotts-simulator). Där fanns också tillfälliga utställningar (handväskor och kinesiskt porslin).

    I närheten av museet fanns en vinterträdgård, med två växthus med en väldig blomsterprakt. Därifrån hoppade vi på sightseeingbussen igen och tog oss tillbaka till centrum.
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  • Day 2


    May 15, 2024 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Bei unserem ersten Wildparkbesuch haben wir einige der neuseeländischen Tiere kennengelernt. Wir waren sehr von der Tuatara beeindruckt.

    Die Tuatara ist völlig einzigartig und ist mit keinem anderen Tier verwandt, daher ist sie etwas ganz Besonderes.

    Tuataras haben ein drittes Auge auf der Stirn, das mit Schuppen bedeckt ist. Tuataras wachsen sehr langsam und können ein Jahrhundert oder länger leben. Sie existierten bereits vor den Dinosauriern auf der Erde und haben sich seitdem kaum verändert. Sie haben die niedrigste Körpertemperatur aller Reptilien der Welt. Aufgrund ihres langsamen Stoffwechsels können sie ihre Atmung so weit herunterregulieren, dass sie nur einmal pro Stunde atmen müssen.
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  • Day 5

    So sieht einr schone Wohngegend aus.

    July 7, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Das ist eine typische Neuseeländische Wohngegend, wo die Kinder einen Park zu spielen haben. Diese Art von Wohngegenden findet man nur in den größeren Städten und sind auch recht teuer zu bewohnen, nicht nur wegen der Lage, sondern auch aufgrund des Personals, die diesen Garten Pflegen. Zu erwähnen ist auch, dass die meisten einen Pool besitzen.Read more

  • Day 4

    Winter Garden

    March 24, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    These are from Winter Garden. There was a flower greenhouse. All the flowers seen here are in pots. As one dies, they simply remove the pot, move them around, or replace it.
    There was also a fernery. Literally all types of ferns. The pride and joy of the island is the silver fern. One reason it is special is that it is placed on the tombstone of soldiers who have died in battle. Another reason it is special is because the underside is silver, which "lights up," so one could use it to light a path.Read more

  • Day 28–29

    This is it, our final days!

    March 8, 2024 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    It's been a week since we've been home and I'm finally finishing up our journey.

    After several hairpin turns on this terribly windy road, we made it to the Queenstown airport. There are four couples leaving Queenstown this morning: 1) us, 2) Terry & Simon, 3) Lori & Paul, and 4) Ilyce & John. We all seem to be flying to different airports at different times, but here we are...again. What a crew.

    For us it was a short flight to Auckland where we made it our mission to eat well and rest up in the most awesome room ever! We came back to our same hotel where we were before, and where we stored our luggage a week back. We were so fortunate to get a top floor room on a corner which kinda ended up being a triangle room shape with floor to ceiling windows. It was beautiful! We walked the wharf area one last time and wondered upon the chinese restaurant White+Wong, which was one of the restaurants we all wanted to try in Queenstown. It did not disappoint! We had some small bites and headed home to relax.

    Our hotel was totally sold out and the city was awash in pink. This concert at Eden Park was sold out for two nights (50,000 people), and we got there a bit early since the only means of getting there was public transportation. Uber it is.

    This concert is a bucket list for me (check), and it did not disappoint. I bought these tickets months ago and they were elevated, slightly left of center, in the lower section. The weather was way warmer than New Zealand, and I loved that I could finally wear a summer dress (thanks Marci)!

    We had so much fun in this city of pink that night! Pink does not disappoint, and we were so happy to see this great woman, mother, wife that night. She was both humble and funny. She took time out of her show to recognize NWD, and she was so proud to bring her daughter Willow out to sing with her. What a show! When we finally got back to our hotel we walked back down to White+Wong for some cocktails and fried chicken--yummy!

    I'm never going to forget this show and this trip.…

    In the morning we had an afternoon flight to Fiji, then onto LA. Funny thing, we were sitting at the Bula Bar (bula=hello) in Fiji and I looked up and who did I see but Kevin & Sandi! What a crack up, it doesn't matter where we are, we're always running into some of our crew.

    We soundly slept all night on the plane and made it to LA in the morning. We picked up our rental car and headed home. Our housesitters, Rachel & Raul were fantastic! They stayed the evening we arrived home so we could catch up, and Chirps and Pizmo were so we'll taken care of.

    Guess who we saw at the Santa Maria airport returning our car on Sunday...
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