New Zealand

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    • Dag 21

      Steam, bubble and it stinks!

      22. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Rotorua ist die "Hochburg" der vulkanischen Aktivitäten!Es gibt überall Hotels und Motels mit Hotpools, die aus heißem Thermalquellen gespeist werden!Ausserdem gibt es einige Orte mit vulkanischer Aktivität!Wir haben das Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland besucht und die Craters of the Moon!Überall dampft und zischt es aus der Erde! Die verschiedenen Thermalpools leuchten in verschiedensten Farben! Auch in Rotorua und der gesamten Umgebung kommt Dampf aus der Erde und es riecht überall nach Schwefel!Les mer

    • Dag 113

      The Redwoods - Whakarewarewa forest

      16. januar 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Als letzter Tagespunkt stand der Whakarewarewa Forest, auch "The Redwoods" genannt, auf unserer Liste.
      Hier haben wir eine 1 1/2 stündige Wanderung durch den beeindruckenden Wald gemacht.
      Überall um einen herum ragten gigantisch hohe Bäume in den Himmel und dazwischen füllten Fahne die Lücken. 🌴🌲🌳🌴
      Außerdem sind wir an einem kleinen Tümpel mit glasklarem Wasser vorbeigekommen, wobei man sich vorkam wie im Paradies 😍😊

      Ein schöner Tagesabschluss, bei dem man sich nochmal richtig auspowern konnte. 😊💪🏻
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    • Dag 15

      Redwood Forest, Rotorua

      3. november 2018, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Da heute wieder etwas schlechteres Wetter angesagt war, haben wir "nur" eine schöne Wanderung durch den Redwood Forest Nationalpark gemacht. In diesem wurden vor langer Zeit über 150 verschiedene Baumsorten gepflanzt und nur eine bestimmte Sorte hat sich durchgesetzt (wie man auf den Fotos gut sehen kann). Bei der Wanderung hatte man einen guten Ausblick auf Te Puia, einem großen Vulkan-Nationalpark der Maori.
      Gegen Ende der Wanderung ist doch tatsächlich ein Känguru vor uns über den Weg gehüpft - cool!
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    • Dag 14

      …… to another

      12. februar, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Arrived in Rotorua in time to have a walk in the giant redwood forest. Very impressive. Though not as impressive as the giant redwoods in California. They haven’t had time to catch up yet!

    • Dag 82

      Redwood Forest

      20. mars 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Bei mir ist mal wieder Wandertag heute. Aber diesmal nix extremes sondern ein paar Stunden spazieren gehen durch den Whakarewarewa Forest. Hier wachsen riesige Redwood Bäume die 1901 angepflanzt wurden. Was für eine tolle Luft hier ist. Ich finde diesen Wald ganz wundervoll 😍Les mer

    • Dag 26

      Scion Redwood Forest

      30. oktober 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Well it took us a long time to find the course and then it was in really bad shape / tough to navigate (my disc golf app doesn't have this course) so we played a couple of holes and gave up. ::-(

      There is another course we might check out tomorrow.
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    • Dag 8

      Day spent in Rotorua

      12. februar 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Woke up fairly early again today in the free campsite. As we had no service last night being in the jungle we couldnt look at anything we wanted to do today. We headed up to what I thought was a volcano in Whakatane. We where half way and I couldnt see this volcano on the map so we decided to pull over. What it was was a volcano tour over to the Island but I forgot to write that on my map lol. Never the less we trooped on and had some bakery breakfast. We then headed back down to Rotorua. On the way down we stopped at Comvita which was a bee factory or as Chris says a honey processing extraction factory and laboratory. When we pulled up it was this massive white building and looked a little weird. We decided to do a tour as Chris was very interested and said a few times he wanted to go see the honey. The tour was actually amazing!!! They showed us how honey was created, how they place hives in isolated rainforests where it is only accessable via helicopter, we saw a live hive with the queen, we also catched a virtual reality video and learnt the life cycle of a bee from drones - workers and the queen. Chris bought some honey and I bought some some cream for Mel which was some medical honey. We then continued on back to Rotorua, on the way down we stopped for a few photos as the weather wasnt to bad. We then headed to The Redwood Forest where we went to explore however YET AGAIN the windows did not close on the van. We had to call Jucy again and they arrange another machine to have a look, we headed straight there. When Chris was looking at the motor he actually realised what the problem was when we where there. It was the fusable link to the battery so an easy fix. About half an hour later we decided to head back to the main town area we walk along the edge of lake Rotorua looking at cool Geothermal Pockets. We found some huge ones in peoples front yards. We then found a WW2 memorial ground with large graves and plaques. We then headed back to the pools were we where yesterday and had a quick swim and shower. As we had a Maori tour booked so needes to be ready by 4pm.Les mer

    • Dag 15

      Redwoods Treewalk im WhakarewarewaForest

      30. januar 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Zwischen dem Wildwasser-Rafting und dem Glühwürmchen-Bestaunen waren wir noch im Redwoods Treewalk. Hier haben wir einen Spaziergang in den Bäumen über Hängebrücken gemacht. Der Treewalk wurde von deutschen Ingenieuren in nur sechs Wochen gebaut (Hängebrücken bauen können die Deutschen scheinbar schneller als Flughäfen bauen ...). Die Redwood Trees können bis zu über 100 Meter hoch werden und einen Durchmesser von bis zu neun Metern erlangen. Wirklich gigantisch sind die, haben wir festgestellt.
      Und schon wieder geht ein wunderschöner und super erlebnisreicher Tag zu Ende ...
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    • Dag 143

      Giant 2w Enduro

      13. mai 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Today we both took part in the Giant 2w Enduro in Whakarewarewa Forest in Rotorua. This was my first ever mountain bike race and Ben's second race in New Zealand. I opted for the much easier 4-stage shuttled race (which included some shuttled assistance to the top of some of the hills), whilst Ben raced the 6-stage non-shuttled category (pedal-powered up the 1700m of climb!)

      After 48 hours of non-stop rain and strong winds we were starting to get a bit worried about race day. However, the Enduro gods heard our prayers and the rain eased off by the morning of race day, although the winds had caused some serious destruction in the forest. Luckily the race organisers had been hard at work overnight clearing the course of fallen trees and debris.

      Having spent a good few weeks riding in Rotorua since Crankworx we have made some awesome riding buddies who were also taking part in the race. Ben and Will were both doing the 6-stage race so set off first for a big day out on the bike. I was racing with Abby, who we met on the Trans NZ, her sister, Ella, and friend, Bianca.

      The race format allowed us to complete the set stages in any order and choose our own transition routes so long as we made it back before the 4 hour and 6 hour cut offs. Luckily we were riding with locals to help us navigate the forest.

      Our group of girls chose to start with 'Eagle v. Shark', the ultimate flow trail with minimum pedalling and jumps galore. However, we had been warned that this trail was known to claim the most victims on previous races. Luckily, none of us fell victim to the Eagle and made it to the bottom in one piece! After battling some pre-race nerves at the top I was happy to have stayed on my bike till the finish line, although I certainly could have attacked the trail a little harder.

      Next on to the stage we had all been dreading, the pedal-fest of 'Hot X Buns' into 'Be Rude Not To', 'Hot X' did have some cool rooty sections but a nasty pinch climb in the middle and a sprint down 'Be Rude Not To' had us all out of breath and cursing the cross-country nature of the stage! I learnt I really need to keep my head up after losing a good few seconds by coming completely off the trail and into the trees.

      'Gonna Gotta' into 'Paddy's Trail' was next, with a fair old amount of climbing snuck in amongst some wetter ruts and corners. This was my best stage, coming out 3rd in my category at the end of the day!

      Finally, the stage I had been most nervous about as I was racing most of it blind, 'Corridor' into 'Soakhole', 'Turkish Delight' and 'Old Exit'. Strong winds made the 'Corridor' jump section a lot wilder than usual, and then it was into the trees and roots, the race organisers added a few more pinch climbs and flat sprints before we entered the rooty drops of 'Old Exit'. Despite the climbing this was a super fun stage, with high 5s and hugs all round when we all reached the bottom!

      All that was left for us girls was to cycle back to the finish line to claim our victory beer and sausage rolls and soak in the hot tub waiting for the boys to finish their race!

      Ben and Will had two extra stages to contend with, stage E, a slick. rooty and wild 'K2' and Stage F, 'Team Line' into 'Tukonohi'. 'Team Line' consisted of a seriously steep, muddy rut, then on to the beautifully tacky flow of 'Tukonohi'.

      Ben and Will had a harder day with nearly 50k, 1700m of climbing, a couple of big crashes and a snapped pedal between them but still came back smiling.

      For me, I was really chuffed to survive, and enjoy, my first race. I even managed a very respectable 6th place in my category, with a cheeky wee 3rd place on one stage. A super fun day on the bike with a wicked bunch of girls. Congrats to Abby who got another podium finish with 3rd place. Maybe this will be the start of my race career... :)

      Now time for some pizza and a rest!

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