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    • Jour 58

      First Few Days Back in Paihia

      25 mai 2016, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Friday May 20th

      My bus came cruising into Paihia at about 8:15 pm and there was Emilie patiently waiting for me. After a nice warm hug we went out for pizza and wine. Our catchup began and we were off to the races. It had already been nearly a month since we had seen each other so there was plenty to chat about. Despite our chats it wasn't too late of an evening before we headed back to her place.

      Emilie was renting from a local lady named Jan. Emilie had a cozy little basement type suite which I expected I would be sleeping in on that couch or something, but I'm Terrence so good things just happen to me. Emilie explained how Jan also had another smaller unattached suite that (yup you guessed it!) was vacant. Jan asked me to pay the small fee of $100 for eight nights. As I'm writing this I can't believe how cheap that is for an individual bachelor's suite. I actually checked air bnb and the suite usually goes for $68/night! I guess you could say I know the right people. Anyways I unpacked and fell asleep almost immediately after a long day.

      Saturday May 21st

      After sleeping in a bit Emilie and I headed to Keri Keri which is a small ish town of about 5,000 about half hour away from Paihia. There was a weekly market with all kinds of local food, clothing, jewelry, and live musical talent. I loved the vibe of it all and we had a nice pastry type breakfast there. Emilie was on a hunt to meet locals so we ended up talking to this guy who made soaps and other natural body products. Guess where he was from!? Yeah, Saskatoon! No freaking way right? Wes was a pretty cool guy and we chatted about our home a while before Emilie and I decided to go adventuring.

      Emilie took me to this nice beach. We walked up it and the clouds rolled in. I assured her we had time and they would take a while to actually roll into the bay. I was wrong. They came in quickly and it absolutely poured on us. Not to mention the gusts of wind. I uploaded a video to Facebook that you should check out if you haven't. I think it pretty accurately summarizes the experience.

      The rest of the day was really low key. Emilie made us apple pancakes (more like crepes) for dinner which was delicious. Her friend Josh came over for a bit and that was the night!

      Sunday May 22nd

      Today we went to Russell. We had a nice walk around the beach there before heading into the town for lunch. As a whole we didn't accomplish too much during the day, but the evening was quite different.

      Jan had invited us to have a big lamb dinner, so when we got back around 4pm we started cooking. My job was to make the mint sauce. First we picked some fresh mint from Jan's garden. Then I took all the leaves off the stems (that's not the proper name but you get the point). Then we added sugar and I cut it up nice a thin. Then we just put it in a jar and filled it 1/3 with water and the rest with malt vinegar. Tada! I was pretty happy with how well it turned out. Jan took care of the rest which included the lamb, potatoes, kumaras, vegetables, and gravy. Now that I've written it all down it becomes quite apparent that Jan pretty much did everything haha.

      While everything cooked we watched a local new zealand film called "Boy" which I really enjoyed. It was far from the typical American films I was used to so it was refreshing and actually quite hilarious, I would definitely recommend it to all.

      Around seven the food was ready and wowzers was it good. I piled my plate high and stuffed my face. I think Jan could tell I really enjoyed it, and it was nice to have a full hearty home cooked meal for the first time in quite a while. Jan even made a light tomato and apple dessert which really doesn't sound that tasty, but somehow it just worked. What a delicious dinner.

      Monday May 23rd

      Monday afternoon Emilie and i went into Keri Keri again. We bought a few things from the warehouse (NZ's version of Wal Mart) including the newest Ed Sheeran album which surprisingly had a few songs that I didn't know. Needless to say I was a happy camper!

      Later around four ish we took Emilie's friend Dan up on a sailing adventure he had offered a few days before. All he asked for in payment was some beer which was easy enough. It ended up being Dan, Emilie, myself, and then Oliver from Canada, Lea from Germany, a girl from the Netherlands, and a local kiwi named Seagull. Literally his name was Seagull haha.

      We were out for about two hours and in that time I helped myself to four beers which needless to say hit me pretty hard. Peeing off the front of a sailboat, check! Twice! Haha. We all had a great time with one another and around six we headed in and found some food and then it was a pretty early night.

      Tuesday May 24th

      Today was pretty relaxed. Josh, Emilie and i went to the hot pools today. I also got to meet Josh's dog Blue, which I obviously loved given my adoration for dogs. The hot pools were smelly, but really quite amazing. The pools ranged in heat, but the hottest one was definitely comparable to a full heat hot tub. It was extremely relaxing, but also quite exhausting.

      In the evening the three of us headed to Paihia's fancy Italian restaurant. We shared a pizza bread type appetizer and then I had spaghetti bolagnase. It was all really delicious. About halfway through the meal this couple I met in Byron Bay in my surf lesson walked in. I would say I felt surprised but at this point in my travels it had become normal to run into familiar faces which is really nice. We all cabbed home and that was it for the night!

      Wednesday May 25th

      Today was a complete write off. Neither Emilie nor I really felt like doing anything and the weather was pretty shit so we just stuck around the house. We literally did nothing all day haha.
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    • Jour 4

      Camper platziert🚐

      22 février, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Mir hei e seelefriedliche Campingplatz gfunde. Am Meer u glichzitig im Wald🌴🌊
      jetzt ga dusche und öpis choche👨🏻‍🍳

    • Jour 7

      Bay of Islands

      21 décembre 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Nach den wilden Fluten der Tasmansee im Westen, haben wir uns heute gen Osten aufgemacht.

      Die wunderschönen Buchten und malerischen Strände der Bay of Islands sind so ganz anders.

      KeriKeri und Paihia sind unsere heutigen Hauptziele gewesen.

      Paradise Falls und ein altes Maori Dorf runden diesen geilen Tag an...

      Bis morgen😘

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    • Jour 19

      Bay of Islands more like Bay of Money

      17 janvier 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Ahoi mein Freund!
      Nachdem wir in Paihia, einer der größeren Orte am Bay of Islands, angekommen waren, haben wir im Infozentrum erfahren, dass man dort nirgendwo kostenlos schlafen kann.
      Trotzdem haben wir beschlossen, uns über die angebotenen Aktivitäten zu informieren. Da der Ort aber sehr touristisch ist, waren die Preise dementsprechend hoch. Wir beschlossen 5 Minuten zurück zu fahren, denn dort hatten wir einen Parkplatz direkt am Meer gesehen.
      Leider stellten wir sehr schnell fest, dass das Übernachten verboten war. Mai fragte einen jungen Erwachsenen, der dort auf Campingstühlen saß, wie er die Sache einschätzte.
      (Nicht) Überraschender Weise war er Deutscher und erzählte uns, dass er mit seiner Freundin schon seit Tagen hier schläft und noch keinen Stress hatte.
      Wir beschlossen also auch hier zu schlafen und fingen grade an zu kochen, als ein weiteres Auto, ebenfalls mit zwei deutschen, bei uns parkte.
      Den Abend verbrachte ich dann mit den vier deutschen, während Mai sich hingelegt hatte. Wir spielten Cluedo und redeten über die Zeit hier in Neuseeland. Besonders mit Ann redete ich viel, denn sie schien zu verstehen, dass ich Heimweh habe. Wir sprachen darüber, dass wir beide, Ann und ich, gerne in Gesellschaft sind und uns an andere "hängen"...darüber habe ich noch lange nachgedacht.
      Generell der Abend war super schön. Auch wenn viele keine anderen deutschen Backpacker treffen wollen, tut es mir doch ganz gut.
      Ju erzählte uns, dass der Mond hier anders steht, als in Deutschland. Natürlich logisch, selbst drauf gekommen wäre ich wohl trotzdem nicht. Aber nicht nur der Mond ist hier wunderbar, sondern die Sterne. Man kann sie deutlich sehen und hat das Gefühl, dass sie jede Sekunde mehr werden.

      Mood: entspannter, willkommen
      Song of the day: -

      Mel reist.
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    • Jour 129

      En we zijn in.. Nieuw Zeeland!

      24 décembre 2015, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Niet alleen een van de mooiste, zo niet het mooiste land ter wereld, maar vooral ook het land waar we Thomas' ouders eindelijk zullen weerzien 😃. Zo lang naar uitgekeken, spanneeeend!! 
      Als we aankomen in ons hotel in Auckland worden we direct verwelkomd door Fons en Marie-José en Luuk die al een vluchtje eerder heeft genomen. Iedereen door het dolle heen, te gek elkaar ineens aan de andere kant van de wereld te treffen na vier maanden! Tegelijkertijd voelt het al heel snel zoals thuis. Super fijn, zo'n warm bad 😊.
      Na een dagje verwennerij in Auckland met als hoogtepunt een etentje in de skytower met een fenomenaal 360 graden uitzicht (die arme stakkers hebben tenslotte zó afgezien de afgelopen maanden 😜), verbazing over de prachtig nette supermarkten die ze hier hebben (een flinke schok na Zuid Amerika kan ik je vertellen), en kopjes heerlijke échte koffie (goddelijk na drie maanden nescafé), halen we ons 'huis' voor de komende tien dagen op, een joekel van een camper.. Nu gaat het avontuur pas echt beginnen! 😁 
      We hebben niet echt een plan en dus rijden we gewoon de stad uit, richting Bay of Islands. Op goed geluk parkeren we onze tanker voor een lunch bij Arundel Reserve. De toon is meteen gezet want we hebben een schitterend uitzicht op de woeste, maar prachtig blauwe zee. Wauw! 
      Die avond slapen we na een flinke rit (de afstanden zijn hier enorm) op een mooie camping in Te Haumi aan zee. Helaas geen strandweer. De Nieuw Zeelandse zomer blijkt net zo wisselvallig als die in Nederland. Ook de volgende dag krijgen we door het grauwe weer maar weinig mee van wat naar het schijnt toch echt het mooiste stukje Nieuw Zeeland moet zijn. Ach ja, Hokianga Harbour blijkt ook schitterend en hier zien we wel af en toe een zonnestraaltje. Daar doen we het voor! Na de Haruru falls, een kopje koffie in Opononi en een prachtige wandeling naar de south head in Hokianga Harbour, rijden we verder naar de indrukwekkende Tane Mahuti, de grootste (Kauri) boom van Nieuw Zeeland. Pas als we onze camper parkeren op een camping die gerund wordt door de kerstman himself (al vloekte hij wel behoorlijk, haha!) komen we in kerstsfeer. We vieren kerstavond super feestelijk met een bbq op de camping. Voor Thomas en mij is het een extra speciale dag. Vandaag zijn we negen jaar samen 😍. 
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    • Jour 35

      Dolphin swim

      23 février 2019, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      It rained all night and still didn't get to finish Jigsaw 😱brighter this morning with light showers. Amazing how the tides are here. Last night water was up to top of wall by our camper. This morning it has gone out and it's like mud flats.Full of birds looking for food. 12md picked up by tour operator and taken to the boat. After safety talk and info about swimming with dolphins, if you can,t swim you can,t go in!! we headed off.👙👙 Very overcast and humid and quite smooth till we got into the bay. The area of Bay if Islands has 144 islands if varying sizes and occupation .After about 30 mins a dolphin was spotted and then they appeared in groups of about 3 or 4🐬🐬🐬🌏. Included in these were babies. Due to DOC regulations we were not allowed to swim with babies as it disturbs their feeding. We spent about 45 minutes's watching them. The sea was quite strong so I.m not sure I would have gone in if we could. I.m ok in a pool but not used to deep water swimming . When we left we sailed around for a couple of hours but didn't see anymore. The rain really started to come down but suddenly cleared and we made it to a beautiful sandy cove where we went for a swim before heading back. A really enjoyable day. Clutching a bottle of red wine🍷🍷🍷🍷 we got back to the camp to settle down to the jigsaw for another night.We,ll have to finish it as we,re off tomorrow and need the table 🌏En savoir plus

    • Jour 8

      Bay of Islands walk

      6 février, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Our longest walk to date. Fourteen miles (including two ferries). Another hot one. Think we will need a rest day soon. At last says Jon 😅.

    • Jour 166

      Opua - Okiato

      23 juin 2020, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      On embarque de nouveau !
      Météo typique, le ciel s'assombrit et se re-découvre en 5 minutes.
      Depuis Pahia seuls les piétons peuvent rejoindre Russell, nous descendons à Opua un peu plus au sud pour la liaison ferry prenant les voitures.
      Encore une fois le prix est très raisonnable, l'alternative étant de plus une gravel road plutôt terreuse/boueuse.
      En savoir plus

    • Jour 5

      5. Tag Hole in the Rock

      6 mars 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Für heute war eine Tour zur Bays of Islands gebucht, mal so ein bisschen Pauschltourismus zwischendurch. Die Organisation von Hoteltransfer, Busfahrt und dem Highlight die Bootsfahrt waren top. Die Natur ist unbeschreiblich schön hier oben und wir hatten Glück, dass unser Boot für eine Delfinschule extrem interessant war und wir ausgiebig Zeit zum Staunen hatten. Den Abschluss bildete die Fahrt durch das Hole in the Rock. Nun sitzen wir wieder im Bus nach Auckland.En savoir plus

    • Jour 28

      Paihia to Opua Walkway

      30 septembre 2023, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      Heute ging es einen Wanderweg an der Küste von Paihia nach Opua lang. Dabei hatte man einen wunderschönen Ausblick auf die Bay of Island.

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