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    • La forêt amazonienne: Jour 3 et 4

      21 oktober 2018, Peru

      Premier réveil au camp, après le petit déjeuner nous partons jusqu'à un mirador qui nous donne une vue imprenable sur l'Amazonie. Sur la route, nous avons la chance de voir un aigle (notre guide Arthuro nous dit que nous avions plus de chance de voir une panthère qu'un aigle ). Mathias voit même un serpent rouge et gris passer tranquillement son chemin.

      L'après midi, nous allons nous baigner dans la Alto Madre de Dios où nous avons vu un serpent dans l'eau ! Heureusement pour nous, il est mort (le botrox atrox est un serpent vénéneux qui peut tuer un homme en une morsure) .

      A la fin de la journée, nous nous détendons tranquillement autour du feu avant de passer à table.

      Le lendemain, nous marchons jusqu'a Salvacion et reprenons le bus infernal pour rentrer à Cusco.
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    • Dag 12

      Von Indiana Jones zu Fitzcarraldo

      12 november 2018, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      ...der Entdecker Machu Pichu‘s war Vorbild für Indiana Jones- Fitzcarraldo der reichste Kautschukbaron der Region...der Wechsel vom Hochland der Anden zum Amazonasbecken geht über Pre-Inka Ausgrabungen, spanische Kolonialstädtchen, Dschungelpisten und reißende Ströme - dauert aber nur 8-10 Stunden...wenn die Piste nicht Erdrutsche unpassierbar ist...Meer informatie

    • Dag 55

      Parque Nacional Del Manu - Tag 1

      3 mei 2018, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Einmal mehr startete die Tour bereits um 04:30 Uhr auf der Plaza de Armas. Im Minibus waren wir den ganzenTag unterwegs mit Stopps für Frühstück, Vögel und Affen sehen, Mittagessen und weiterer Vogelbeobachtung. Um 18:00 kamen wir dann in der 1m Junglelodge an - Fenster gibt es nicht und ein Moskitonetz wird uns in der Nacht hoffentlich vor den Mücken schützen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 19

      Cusco - ehemalige Hauptstadt der Inka

      1 november 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      In Cusco wollten wir endlich einmal wieder zur Ruhe kommen und ausschlafen nach den vielen Touren und Erlebnissen in Arequipa. So der Plan!
      Nach einer 10stündigen Nachtfahrt empfing uns das lebendige Cusco mit Paraden auf der Plaza de Armas (Allerheiligen stand kurz bevor), einer Vielzahl von Trekkingtouristen und noch mehr Touristenfängern, die einem alles mögliche anpreisen wollen.
      Unser Plan ging alleine deswegen schon nicht auf, weil es in der weiteren Umgebung von Cusco sehr viel zu besichtigen und zu erleben gibt: Valle Sagrada, Machu Picchu, Montaña de Colores, Inkatrail, Saykantaltrail, um nur einige zu nennen.
      Die ehemalige Hauptstadt der Inka selbst ist auch sehr sehens- und erlebenswert, dazu blieb uns unterm Strich jedoch nur wenig Zeit. Zu den Highlights von Cusco zählt sicherlich die bereits erwähnte Plaza de Armas mit der Kathedrale. In der direkten Umgebung von Cusco befinden sich die Ruinen ehemaliger Inkastätten. Die wohl bedeutsamste unter ihnen ist Sacsayhuaman. Hier fand 1541 die entscheidende Schlacht zwischen den von Francisco Pizarro angeführten Spaniern und den Inka statt, die von dem letzten großen Inkakönig Atahualpa regiert wurden. Der Ausgang der Schlacht ist wohl klar.
      Bedauerlicherweise findet man in Sacsayhuaman nur noch Reste der ehemaligen Prachtstätte. Die Spanier nutzten die massiven, perfekt gehauenen Steine als Basis für ihre Kolonialhäuser in Cusco.
      Cusco ist jedoch keine museale Stadt, wie das alternative Künstlerviertel San Blas zeigt. Hier kann man Kunst in zahlreichen Galerien erwerben oder einfach nur in einer der netten Cafés oder Restaurants einkehren. Individualismus wird hier ganz groß geschrieben!
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    • Dag 22

      Vom Nebelwald hinab in den Regenwald

      4 november 2017, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Auf unserer Tour von Cusco in den Regenwald ändern sich Landschaft und Vegetation schlagartig, nachdem wir den letzten hohen Pass von ca. 4200m überquert haben. Plötzlich hängen die Wolken an den Hängen und die Bäume sind von Flechten und Epiphyten bedeckt. Wir sind im Einflussbereich des SO-Passats, der die Feuchtigkeit des Atlantiks über das Amazonasbecken hin bis an die östlichen Andenhänge treibt. Schon die Flüsse im Hochland um Cusco entwässern in den Amazonas, nun kann man es sich auch vorstellen. Je tiefer wir fahren, desto dichter und höher wird die Vegetation. Bald treffen wir sogar auf die ersten Affen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 23

      Affen hautnah...

      5 november 2017, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Kurz bevor wir wirklich in den Regenwald abtauchen, sitzt ein kleines Äffchen am Straßen und schaut auf unseren Transporter herab. Es lebt frei, wurde aber in einer kleinen Station für verwaiste Tiere aufgepäppelt, wo es wie andere Tiere weiterhin gefüttert wird. Wir entscheiden uns, dass wir auch die anderen Tiere dort sehen wollen. Ob der Tapir und der Kaiman dort optimal gehalten werden, ist zweifelhaft, aber so nah sind wir ihnen nicht noch einmal gekommen!Meer informatie

    • Dag 77


      2 april 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      אחרי ארבעה ימים באמזונס

    • Dag 5

      Lac Machuwasi

      11 december 2016, Peru

      Après une sieste bienvenue (pour Émilie) et une partie de carte avec les Danois (pour Mathieu), nous reprenons le bateau quelques minutes vers l'aval de la rivière. Notre objectif, rencontrer l'oiseau emblématique du Pérou, le hoazin huppé.

      Nous mettons donc pied à terre sur la rive de la rivière un peu plus en aval, à partir de laquelle débute un petit sentier qui s'enfonce dans la jungle. Nous marchons pendant près de 45 minutes pendant lesquelles nous observons des dizaines de hoazins. Nefi, notre guide, nous explique que cet oiseau est très près de ses ancêtres primitifs, dont l'archaéopteryx. Nous avons même la chance d'apercevoir un bébé hoazin grimper à travers les arbres grâce à la serre située sur son aile.

      Puis, nous arrivons au bord du lac Machuwasi. Pensant au début qu'il s'agit d'une blague, Nefi nous invite à embarquer sur des radeaux à peine plus élaborés qu'une barricade qu'on aurait couché sur l'eau. Quel moment inoubliable! Sur ces petits radeaux, en silence, nous parcourons le lac situé au milieu de la jungle d'où nous proviennent des chants et des cris d'oiseaux magnifiques. Plusieurs aras et perroquets volent en couple au-dessus de nos têtes pendant que nous rigolons à voir les Danois essayer de se débrouiller sur leur radeau.
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    • Dag 269

      Manu National Park, Peru (Part 1)

      13 juli 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      The Amazon Basin.

      You wouldn't believe it. Cat, she who fears all things bug-like and most of all - mosquitoes, wanted to visit the Amazon. Not only that but she managed to convince me, he who fears all things hot, to join her. I anticipated disaster at best.

      When I say 'Amazon', I'm referring to the mind bogglingly enormous Amazon Basin, the drainage area defining the extent of the Amazon Rainforest (more or less). I've never been one to comprehend land area very well, but let's have a crack. The amazon basin covers an area of 6.9 million square kilometres. It covers forty percent of the land area of South America (the continent) which is roughly 26 times the area of NZ. That's gigantic! It turns out NZ and the Amazon have comparable rainfall so lets just for a minute imagine every single river, stream and creek in NZ were combined into one mighty river. Now take that mighty river and double it in size, then double that again and hell, double that two more times and you know what - add another half of that for good measure. That's how much water is flowing through the Amazon river. Despite coming in at a measly 7th longest in the world, the Amazon is the indisputable heavyweight of the world's rivers in terms of drainage. And no, much to my disappointment, we didn't see the Amazon River. Our trip to 'the Amazon' was to Manu National Park - a small part of the 13% of the Amazon Basin situated in Peru. I can tell you now, it was big enough.

      The Madre de Dios (mother of god) river flows through Manu National Park, which begins some four hours or so from Cusco, at roughly 3600m above sea level. It then takes another 3-4 hours by car (along a pretty horrendous gravel road) to complete the majority of the descent and reach the first town. We completed this part of the trip in a freezing cold van at 3am in the morning right off the back of our Machu Picchu trip. After some seven or eight hours on the road, we had breakfast in the lodge and began another two hour drive to the Madre de Dios river - the beginning of our journey to the deep jungle. Cat and I had endured nine hours of gravel road (largely in frost) off the back of four hours sleep and, to be fair, a rather outstanding fruit salad. With fatigue levels high and still building fast, I can't say we were in a good place to begin a rough and adventurous Amazon trip.

      Our guide was the 28 year old Fidel, born and raised in the jungle to a tribal father and Cusqueñan mother. His first trip to a city was at age seventeen but you wouldn't pick it - he has multiple properties, a five year tourism degree, study in ornothology, a wife and three year old, owns and operates his own business and speaks four languages. He is also never unhappy and fears cheese like the plague. Viva la revolution! If I'm going to nit pick (you know I'll find a fault!) he does have a fairly serious deficiency in organisational skills. Like, he'll make a Fijian look like a German at a job interview and unfortunately for him, our group was majority German. I let it slide...jungle time, island time, same same.

      After a few cheeky stops for spotting monkeys and birds along the drive, we boarded our river boat for the two or five hour journey downstream. It was sooooo good to be on a smooth mode of transport after nine hours of bollockings in the back of a van. Our group (now thirteen and promised not to exceed ten - still unhappy about that) was accompanied by a cook, a sous-chef, a captain, a deck hand, the van driver (not sure why), the lodge manager and of course, Fidel. We were quite the possy and our faithful vessel required quite a lot of attention to stay afloat. Fear not, we had life jackets and Fidel's vote of confidence in our skipper, what more could you possibly need?

      That river never ended. We stopped for lunch on the riverbank, and for monkeys and other animals and the afternoon passed on to early evening and we were still humming downstream. After some time I had to ask: 'how far to the actual Amazon?'. I will never know but apparently three weeks by boat will get you within shooting distance of the mouth. Given that we were less than 300m above sea level I was absolutely baffled: on average, you would descend a meagre 14m per day, the river itself less (as it is slower than the boat) and probably much less in the lower stretches. Surely the river runs out of slope before the Atlantic? Perhaps one day we'll see for ourselves.

      Finally we spun around and docked on a very natural river bank in what will most likely be the most remote location of my life. The best part of 16 hours transport from the nearest wifi, and five from the nearest shop. This is the jungle. What we weren't far from was bananas, mosquitoes, trees and vast quantities of mud. It was extreme isolation and in it, a five minute walk from the river, was a lodge. Fidel's lodge he had purpose built for tours. With a bed and running water (ish) and mosquito nets. Jungle luxury you might say. There were birds in the trees, papaya in the garden and the sun was setting. What a place!

      Cat and I tucked into some rest and relief from the bugs for all of about ten minutes before Fidel decided we would bring forward the night walk. I did not appreciate the disruption from my nap but it didn't take long before I was getting stuck in. Under the cover of darkness and some obnoxiously bright flashlights we saw snakes, frogs, tarantulas, dozens of spiders, grass hoppers, fireflies, giant rats and dozens of other plants and insects. But the best part was the stars. With no light pollution for who knows how far, the stars were the biggest and brightest I've ever seen. Absolutely incredible. I somehow managed to stuff up almost every photo I took, operating in complete darkness with a broken tripod and in somewhat of a hurry, but the milky way is seared into my brain like a hot grill to a juicy steak. Mmm. Nobody forgets a juicy steak.

      We dined that night on more rice mixed with spaghetti bolognese and chased with a chocolate mousse and vino tinto, after a toast to the jungle of course. It's the second time we've found ourselves unintentionally drinking the sweetened wine, a beverage we continue to strive to avoid.

      The dawn walk the next morning disrupted the sleep in we desired. However, the sunrise alone was worth the early rise, as we bashed through the jungle chasing the trail of banana skins left behind by hungry monkeys. Fidel got a little carried away (he seriously loves the jungle) and we ended up being late for breakfast. Breakfast was a little light and rather brief and before we knew it we were back in the jungle, tasting different plants, chasing monkeys and drinking bamboo juice. We walked three hours to the end of Fidel's vague track (cut with machete) before realising it was lunchtime and we had the same distance to cover in return.

      Everyone was spent by the late lunch after walking for nearly seven hours in the jungle heat. We feasted on a huge spread and washed it down with a warm beer. We then packed up camp and returned to our trusty chariot, which had been undergoing maintenance for most of the morning. I came to love that boat for the cool breeze, comfy seat and the implication that we wouldn't be walking. We spent the remainder of the day battling the current upstream, stopping only when we hit the bottom (which was surprisingly regular). Our destination was a spot with flat, soft land; we'd be spending this night under a tarpaulin.
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    • Dag 4

      Parque nacional del Manù

      10 december 2016, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Nous entrons enfin dans la "Cloud forest", ainsi nommée à cause des nuages qui la recouvrent presque en permanence... La descente est longue mais nous permet d'observer le changement progressif de la végétation, de plus en plus luxuriante. Et même... notre premier singe laineux fuyant à travers les branches. Émilie est folle de joie.Meer informatie

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    Kosñipata, Kosnipata

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