Provincia de Cusco

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    • Dag 4

      Machu Picchu

      1 oktober 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      📍Machu Picchu, Peru

      Woweeeee, that's one of the seven wonders of the world ticked off the old bucket list! Hiking in along the Inca trail was such a (sweaty) experience which gave us incredible views and time to appreciate the history and scale of the mountains. Just the one day trek though thankfully, the full trail sounded insane. And then we hit the town and coincided with ANOTHER local festival where, this time, they paraded the local delicacies of cooked guinea pigs and cheese in giant 3D structures through the streets.

      For us, Peru is where it all started. We were about three days away from going on a trip here in March 2020 before the pandemic hit, and then everything changed. An emotional full circle moment to be here together three and a half years later, and to be lucky enough to make it into a full-blown four month adventure.
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    • Dag 20

      Un giornata tipica

      24 januari 2020, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Sto iniziando a fare un po’ di fatica a stare dietro ai ritmi qua, è vero che si tratta di volontariato ma è veramente stancante.
      Vi racconto una giornata tipica, la sveglia è alle 6.50, e molto fortunatamente trovo la colazione pronta per le 7.10 preparata amorevolmente da Sara e Abel. Inizio a lavorare per le 8, quindi colazione la facciamo noi 3 chiacchierando, e poi verso le 7.40 devo uscire.
      Lavoro in due posti diversi, il lunedì, mercoledì e giovedì nel centro sportivo chiamato IPD (sono circa 15 minuti a piedi), martedì e giovedi invece ci metto 45 minuti a piedi o qualche volta rischio la vita e prendo il bus, la cosa molto positiva è che costa solo 20 centesimi..

      Finito con i 3 gruppi.. e la cosa diventa ogni giorno sempre più impegnativa.. torno a casa dove Sara e Abel hanno preparato il pranzo, in verità cucina Carmen i pasti! Sono sempre pronti ad accogliere ogni nostra richiesta per orari dei pasti, e se non ci siamo troviamo sempre la tavola apparecchiata.
      Vorrei aprire il capitolo cucina Peruana... credo di non aver ancora mangiato qualcosa che non mi piaccia (non che sia difficile), ma tutti i piatti sono speciali, hanno tutto. Cucinano patate, verdure, altri carboidrati, carne. Ma è tutto delizioso, persino la pasta! E soprattutto Carmen cucina divinamente!!

      I piatti li lavo io, ognuno di noi cerca di dare una mano come può! Sto anche tenendo in ordine la stanza, so che nessuno di voi ci crederà ma è così!

      Dopo pranzo vado da Starbucks in centro, routine quotidiana ormai.. da vera turista, e alle 4 sono pronta per le lezioni di spagnolo.
      Questa settimana faccio lezioni individuali con Paty, professoressa di spagnolo proprio cusquena! Oltre ad imparare la grammatica parliamo molto, riusciamo ad interagire bene e a fare discorsi molto interessanti!
      Tra lei e Sara ho imparato molto sulla cultura locale, sui peruani e soprattutto si comprende molto le differenze che ci sono tra noi europei e i latini!

      Le lezioni terminano alle 19, e mi faccio la mia camminata rigenerante verso casa! Dove trovo una cena pronta e ribecco Hannah (la ragazza italiana che vive con me) . Le altre due ragazze tedesche non le vedo molto!
      Visto che il pranzo fa per tutta la giornata ho deciso di dire alla mia famiglia che posso farne a meno.. visto che a momenti in sud Africa ci arrivo rotolando!
      La settimana è terminata, oggi ho fatto una bellissima gita al mercado di San Pedro con la mia professoressa, dove si trova di tutto, dal souvenir più banale alle interiora di animali... ci tornerò perché da brava turista che vuole far girare l’economia peruviana vorrei comprare qualcosina! 🤩

      Ecco ora però vado a dormire che domani passa il transfer a prenderci alle 4.10 per andare a vedere l laguna Humantay!
      Sperando di sopravvivere.. vista la cifra spesa per la gita.
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    • Dag 277

      Cusco Peru

      12 december 2019, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Nach ein paar Komplikationen mit der Airline hab ich es geschafft nach Cusco zu kommen. Die Stadt liegt zwischen Bergen und sie macht einen guten ersten Eindruck. Morgen geht es dann 7 Stunden lang Richtung Machu Pichu, den ich am folgetag besteigen werde.Läs mer

    • Dag 367

      Peruvian cuisine - Kochkurs

      17 november 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Am Morgen buchen wir spontan noch für den selben Nachmittag einen Kochkurs. Um 15 Uhr ist Treffpunkt am Mercado de San Pedro. Deal zeigt und erklärt uns viel über die peruanische Küche, hier und da dürfen wir auch mal kosten. Nachdem wir alle Zutaten auf dem Markt frisch zusammen gesammelt haben, laufen wir gemeinsam zur Küche ein paar Blocks entfernt. Außer uns nimmt noch eine Familie aus Tauberbischofsheim teil - ähnlich wie bei uns: die Tochter seit einem Jahr unterwegs und der Rest ist gerade für ein paar Wochen zu Besuch.

      Zu allererst shaken wir uns ein Glas Maracuja Pisco Sour. Dann machen wir uns auch direkt schon an die Vorspeise: 3 verschiedene Arten Ceviche. Anschließend bereiten wir in der Küche eine Kartoffelcremesuppe mit lilanen Maischips und feinem Beefjerky vom Alpaka zu, dann gibt es gefüllte Paprika mit Kartoffelgratin und Salat. Zum Nachtisch werden Lucuma Gnocchi mit frischen peruanischen Früchten, Chirimoya Sorbet und einem scharfen Schokosößlein serviert. Mal wird am Tisch, mal am Tresen gegessen. Ein schönes Konzept.

      Wir sind eine lustige Gruppe und haben einen gemütlichen Abend, schnell ist die zweite Flasche Wein geöffnet. Die Zeit verfliegt. Beim Vorbereiten der Nachspeise müssen wir deshalb auch gar nicht mehr viel tun, der Großteil ist schon fertig bis wir unsere Hauptspeise aufgegessen haben. Allerdings ist auch schon nach 19 Uhr (offizielles Ende des Kochkurses), doch heute soll es bis 20:30 Uhr gehen.

      Im Anschluss bekommen wir die Rezepte - ich lasse das Englisch einfach mal so im Wortlaut stehen und hoffe, dass später noch alles halbwegs Sinn ergibt. Wahrscheinlich sind zuhause nicht alle Zutaten erhältlich, dennoch: rein in die Kochschürzen und viel Spaß beim Nachkochen ;-)


      1) Passionfruit Pisco Sour (for 1 glass)

      - 3 ounces of pisco
      - 1 ounce of hibiscus syrup (equal parts water and sugar brought to boil with Jamaica flowers or hibiscus)
      - 1 ounce of passion fruit juice
      - 1 egg white
      - 10 to 12 ice cubes

      - Cut the passion fruit
      - Scoop out the pulp with a spoon and place in a colander to then press and stir until you get the juice and reserve it
      - Add the ice cubes to the cocktail shaker
      - Add to the cocktail shaker 3 ounces of pisco. 1 ounce of passion fruit juice, 1 ounce of hibiscus syrup and an egg white
      - Close the shaker tightly and beat for 45 seconds
      - Serve until halfway through the glass stir slightly and finish serving

      2) Ceviche of 3 types: traditional, ancestral and high vibes

      Ingredients for 3 people:
      - Fish 750g (we use trout because it is the freshest fish available, but you can replace it with lenguade, corvina, salmon or any fresh and not too greasy fish)
      - Sal
      - Half a red onion
      - Garlic 3 cloves smashed
      - Grated ginger 3 tbsp
      - Lemon 8 to 10 units
      - Coriander 2 tablespoons
      - Garlic lime 2 pcs
      - Tumbo or passion fruit 3 units
      - Tarwi 2 tablespoons (Peruvian lupin and super food rich in antioxidants)
      - Cushuro or llullucha 1 tablespoon (algae from the high Andean lagoons with a greenish color and shape similar to fish eggs or caviar, high in calcium)
      - Camu juice 2 tablespoons (camu camu is a fruit from the Peruvian Amazon that contains 60 times more vitamin C than orange)

      - We fillet the trout, remove the spines or bones and remove the skin
      - We cut into squares one inch on the side and a half inch thick and separated into 3 portions in bowls. One for each type of ceviche. We placed an ice cube in each bowl to keep the fish fresh and cold.

      - We cut the onion into julienne or very thin strips removing the middle part which has a strong flavor.
      - Chop 1 tablespoon of cilantro into very small pieces
      - Place in the bowl with the fish 2 pinches of salt. A teaspoon of minced garlic and a teaspoon of grated ginger. Let's mix well.
      - Then add the chopped onion and cilantro and mix
      - Add the seedless lime chilli chopped very thinly, the amount depends on the level of spiciness desired 1 teaspoon is regular.
      - Finally we cut from 3 to 5 lemons and squeeze over the fish you don't have to squeeze them too hard to avoid releasing the acid that has the peel

      - Place in the bowl with the fish 2 pinches of salt. A teaspoon of minced garlic and a teaspoon of grated ginger. Let's mix well.
      - We cut 1 tablespoon of cilantro into very small pieces and added it to the already seasoned fish
      - Add the seedless lime chilli chopped very thinly, the amount depends on the level of spiciness desired 1 small tablespoon is regular
      - We cut the tumbo or passion fruit along and place the pulp inside a strainer with the help of a spoon we extract the juice and add it to the fish.
      - Finally we cut from 2 or 2 and a half lemons and squeeze over the fish you don't have to squeeze them too hard to avoid releasing the acid the shell has.

      High vibes:
      - Place in the bowl with the fish 2 pinches of salt. A teaspoon of minced garlic and a teaspoon of grated ginger. Let's mix well.
      - Add the seedless lime chilli chopped very thinly, the amount depends on the level of spiciness desired 1 small teaspoon is regular
      - Add 2 tablespoons tarwi and one tablespoon kushuro or llullucha
      - Add 1 and a half or 2 tablespoons of camu camu juice
      - Finally we cut from 1 or 1 and half lemons and squeeze over the fish you don't have to squeeze them too hard to avoid releasing the acid the shell has.

      3) Cream of mashua, olluco and oca (potatoes) with purple corn croquette and dehydrated alpaca meat

      Ingredients for 3 servings:
      - 2 units of mashua
      - 2 units of oca
      - 4 units of olluco
      - 250 ml almond milk with oatmeal [to prepare the almond milk we need 100g of peeled almonds soaked in 1 liter of water we liquely and subsequently strain it in a gauze or fine strainer. To prepare the oatmilk we place 1 parts of oats and 4 parts water give a boil, strain and strain)
      - Half red onion chopped in brunoise
      - 2 garlic cloves smashed
      - Oil, butter or lard for frying
      - 1 purple corn
      - 100g of alpaca meat
      - Salt

      - Boil the mashua, oca and olluco for 40 minutes.
      - Set a saucepan with oil, butter or lard and fry the onion and garlic to make a dressing.
      - Place the dressing in the blender add the mashua, oca, olluco and almond milk, blend well until there are no lumps and return to the saucepan, bring to a boil and add salt to taste.
      - And we served it with purple corn croquette and dehydrated alpaca.

      Purple corn croquette:
      - Shell the corn and place it in the blender with some water blend till you have a fine paste and spread it on a silpat or non-stick paper and place it in the oven at 100° Celsius for 15 to 20 minutes, once it is good dry we remove it from the oven and let it cool so it can detach from the paper

      Dehydrated alpaca meat:
      - Cut the alpaca into thin sheets place salt and mix well then take to the oven for 20 to 30 minutes at 100°C

      4) Rocoto stuffed with potato gratin and garden salad:

      Ingredients for 3 people:
      - Potato Gratin
      - 3 Peruvian potatoes or yellow potatoes
      - 3 morayas or dehydrated potatoes (you can use only normal potatoes)
      - 3 cubes of 2.5 cm oregano cheese
      - 120g grated oregano cheese
      - 3 egg yolks
      - 120 ml of oat milk and almonds

      Rocoto filling:
      - 3 rocotos without pepa and without veins
      - 1 or 2 tablespoons oil, butter or lard
      - half onion chopped in brunoise
      - 2 garlic cloves crushed
      - 4 tablespoons chili paste pancake
      - 200g of garden chopped carrots or cubes of 0.5 cm side pre-boiled
      - 50g of cooked peas
      - 6 mushroom units cut into cubes of 0.5 cm side
      - 100g of succine cut into cubes of 0.5 cm side
      - 3 black olives without pepper and cut into slices
      - 20g of black raisins cut into slices
      - 10g finely chopped cilantro
      - Sal
      - 50g of oregano cheese cut into sheets

      Garden Salad:
      - Mézclum 150g (variety of lettuce leaves, arugula, betarraga leaves and escarole)
      - 8 aguamantos matches in
      - 40g of pepper in thin sheets
      - 2 tablespoons garlic oil
      - 1 tablespoon of tumbo or passion fruit juice
      - 1 tablespoon hibiscus syrup

      - For the rocoto: Boil the rocoto in plenty of water, discard the water and return to the boil to eliminate the spiciness
      - For the filling place in a pan the oil, the butter or pork lard and heat then add the onion and a minute later the garlic cloves once they are cooked add the chilli paste panca and cook for 1 minute. After add the carrot, mushroom, peas, succino, raisins, olives and finally the cilantro and add some water, make boil for 2 minutes add salt to taste and stuff the rocotos to the limit, then place a sheet of cheese on top of the rocoto and reposition the top of the rocoto. Bake at 125°Celsius for 20 to 25 minutes

      Potato gratin:
      - Boil the Peruvian potato for 10 minutes to pre cook it. place the dehydrated or mulberry potato in plenty of water for half an hour until it is rehydrated then boil for 15 minutes.
      - Cut the Peruvian potatoes, mulberry and cheese into thin sheets
      - Place oil on the base and sides of the molds, add a layer of Peruvien potatoes, a layer of cheese, a layer of dehydrated potatoes, a layer of cheese and finish with a layer of Peruvian potatoes
      - In a bowl mix the almond milk and oats with the yolks and beat well, then add salt to taste and add this to the mold where we have the potatoes without reaching the edge, then place the grated cheese on top. And take to the oven at 175° Celsius for 20 to 25 minutes.

      Garden salad:
      - Wash the mézclum thoroughly and place in a bowl, add the pepper cut into sheets and the chopped aguaymanto after as a dressing add ajonjoli oil, passionfruit juice or tumbo and hibiscus syrup
      - Place the rocoto already baked, the salad and the gratin on a plate.

      5) Lucuma gnocchi with mixture of Peruvian fruits and spicy chocolate ganache:

      Ingredients for 3 servings:
      - 1 Lucuma
      - 20 40g of kiwicha flour
      - 1 Chirimoya
      - 1 Granadilla
      - 1 Tuna
      - 1 Sweet cucumber
      - 200g chocolate
      - 100g milk cream
      - 6 aguaymantos

      - Peel and remove the lucuma seeds and place the pulp in a bowl, add the kiwicha flour little by little and knead by hand until no longer sticky.
      - Make small balls and then with the help of a fork shape them into gnocchi.
      - Prepare 12 and place them on a tray in the oven for 10 minutes at 150° Celsius
      - Peel and remove the chirimoya seeds and reserve
      - Peel and slice the tuna
      - Peel and slice the sweet cucumber
      - Remove the granadilla pulp to a bowl and reserve
      - In a bowl, mix the chocolate with the cream until it has dissolved
      - Take the aguaymanto leaves and place them upwards without getting to detach them from the fruit.
      - Once the gnocchi came out of the oven we placed on a plate 3 tablespoons of chocolate sauce in 3 different places and on 2 of them we placed the aguaymanto. In the other we placed a lucuma gnocchi. Place a tablespoon of chirimoya sorbet and top with another gnocchi. A scoop of granadilla and top with another gnocchi. We placed the sweet cucumber sheets and a gnocchi on top and finally the tuna slices.

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    • Dag 16

      We have a new plan

      22 januari 2023, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today was a reconciliation. Elena went on a test drive with the mechanic who also turns out to be a former bus driver. I stayed home most of the time letting the medication do it's work and feeling sorry for myself. So a per Walt Disney's film Mowgli; "wa a we gonna do?", I don no; what a we gonna do?..Our mechanic, Willey, is gonna help us cross the border; Like the trap family Saturday next week we will leave early morning and head to the Bolivian border. So I guess with a Peruvian guide as part of the team we'll be safer and more chance of success crossing the barricades. And the goal is Argentina the land of dreams, Medoc wine, Parilla steaks, lakes, winging in the Willey was super excited about his upcoming tree he is more I'm love with Pietertje than I am....perhaps al his repair work helped the bonding.Läs mer

    • Dag 19

      Road blocks

      25 januari 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Politics is not going our way, the picture of the roadblocks looks like my ultrasound Trombosis scan. Latest news is that president Dina Boluarte is sending the military to sort out the protesters. So it seems to get more uglier. Wait and see. Yesterday we consoled ourselves with some Peruvian cuisine, in an empty restaurant. Cusco is deserted and cur few makes the city desolate at night.Läs mer

    • Dag 5


      11 januari 2023, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today we did the must have; got car insurance and internet (Sim cards). Unfortunately we didn't make it to our car repair shop. The protests had blocked of the roads and we got stranded. It's a political mess and it seems not to get resolved quickly. Big question when we can cross the boarder

      We had all inclusive Peruvian lunch for $4 for two persons....
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    • Dag 240


      21 januari 2020, Peru ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Cusco, eine alte Inka Stadt mit einer besonders schönen Altstadt. Alte Häuser, Paläste und auch Kirchen von den Spaniern reihen sich hier aneinander. Daneben gibt es natürlich auch diverse Shops, Cafes und gute Restaurants.Läs mer

    • Dag 161

      Ade und Merci Cusco 🇵🇪

      10 mars, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Unser letzter Tag in Cusco war sehr ruhig. Am Morgen bis in den Nachmittag telefonierte ich mit Freunden/Familie :) Unsere Wäsche vom Vortag konnten wir abholen und versorgen. Bei einem Spaziergang durch die Stadt gab es zudem noch ein Glace🍦

      Am Abend assen wir zusammen mit Sidse, Hanna und Karissa Pizza🍕 und spielten noch Karten, bevor wir uns zuerst von Sidse verabschiedeten und danach von den beiden Amerikanerinnen.

      Ich habe mich leider mittlerweile schon daran gewöhnt, dass ich mich von tollen Menschen verabschieden muss, welche ich eventuell (sogar wahrscheinlich) nie wieder sehen werde. Aber so ist es halt beim Reisen. Vermissen werde ich die Personen trotzdem sehr fest🫶🏼
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    • Dag 11

      Andere Kulturen, andere Sitten

      13 april, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nachdem gestern nur ein entspannter Touritag anstand mit ein wenig Shopping, gab es heute wieder Programm. Heute startete der Tag mit einem Ausritt bei einer einheimischen familienbetriebenen Pferderanch auf dem Rücken der Paso Finos. Nach langer Recherche bin ich auf eine Ranch gestoßen, welche den Ansprüchen in Bezug auf die Pferdehaltung und den ersten Eindruck gerecht wurde.
      Jeder der mich kennt, weiß wie sehr mir das Tierwohl an erster Stelle steht und was zuhause alles in Bewegung gesetzt wird, damit es unseren Pferden und Hunden gut geht. Umso schwieriger fällt es einem, die Sitten und Kulturen in anderen Ländern in Bezug auf den Umgang mit Tieren zu akzeptieren. Auf dem ersten Blick haben die Pferde aufjedenfall Platz, Koppeln und sehen körperlich verhältnismäßig gut aus. (Natürlich kein Vergleich zu dem Luxusleben unserer 🐴). Trotzdem zeigen das Verhalten, die Körpersprache und die Gesichtsausdrücke der Pferde mehr als tausend Worte. Es gibt einfach so vieles was man besser machen könnte und der Drang dem ein oder anderen Pferd eine anderen Pferdewelt zu zeigen ist einfach unheimlich groß. Campero trug mich also mehr als sicher, durch die peruanische Landschaft und unser Guide erklärte uns verschiedene geschichtliche Hintergründe zu verschiedenen Tempeln, die wir auf dem Ritt besuchen, bevor wir nach ein paar Pausen wieder zurückkehren.

      Am Nachmittag treffen wir uns dann mit ehemaligen Reisegefährten von Sophie und Clara auf einen Kaffee und lassen den Abend erneut mit Shopping auf dem Markt ausklingen. Sophie braucht schließlich ein paar Einzelstücke für ihre zukünftige Wohnung 😂.
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