Provincia de Requena

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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan Provincia de Requena
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    • Hari 5

      In die Gummistiefel, fertig los.

      24 Juli 2023, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Unser Spaziergang überzeugt mit einigen spannenden Sichtungen. Eine kleine Anakonda, ein Faultier, giftige Bullet-Ameisen, Spinnen. Aber auch die Pflanzenwelt weiß uns zu beeindrucken: wilder Knoblauch, Uña de Gato, Seerosen (ändern das Geschlecht nach Bestäubung), Wasserlianen, ... Am Ende gibt es Cocktails auf dem Beiboot. Warum auch nicht?Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 96

      Amazonas Tour Day 3

      11 Januari 2020, Peru ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      On the last day of the tour we went with the boat to see some more monkeys, ant-eater and sloths. Also we went to a tree we could climb that have many branches and looked like in the movie Avatar. We also wanted to go swimming but it started again to rain heavily. After we came back we has lunch and headed back to Iquitos.

      The experience was very nice altough the mosquitos bites were the hardes part for me 😅
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    • Hari 208

      Amazonie J4

      6 Juni 2023, Peru ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Dernier jour on a pêché, histoire de. A l'aide d'une branche de bambou, un fil de pêche, un hameçon et de la peau de poulet... oui car on pêché du piranha. Il faut un certain coup de main pour les attraper, visiblement j'étais la seule à l'avoir capté car j'en ai pêché 5 et les autres que dalle 😎. Au fait l'autre couple s'appelaient Damien et Mylène et ils étaient tout à fait charmant
      Bref c'était notre dernier jour, et on devait essayer le cambo, mais Jimmy est organisé comme un pied alors on ne l'a pas fait. Le cambo c'est la transpiration d'une certaine grenouille, qui te defonce un peu la gueule, peut te faire vomir mais soit disant te revitalise après de qqs jours. Tu brûle un peu de ta peau, tu pose le liquide, tu te sens très mal, tu nettoies et voilà.
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    • Hari 86

      2. day

      29 Maret 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      At the second day we went to feed some monkeys with limes. Super cool to see and feed them & there were also fighting about food 😂 then we also saw the smallest monkey race of the world (baby 3cm) and fire ants. Going closer inside the jungle and the mossis are everywhere.

      Then we went to a big big tree & the sea level there is 3m higher than on the dry season. I climbed there and I really enjoyed it. I also went high and I felt a little bit danger 😂

      During driving back I saw an Tukan and a black monkey.I really enjoyed the morning tour!

      After dinner I played again soccer, before I saw an Papagei on the village 😍 these colours were amazing. After we won, we drunk cerveza super fast, because we bet before the game😂.

      In the afternoon tour we fished, which I not enjoyed so much, because we also did not catch any piranha. Not that season for that.

      Afterwards we went to sleep in the jungle.. So our guides was marking our roof and we slept in tents. They also showed us, how to make fire in the jungle and I cuttend wood with the machete 💪🏽

      Then we went to a night walk in the jungle to see animals. We saw frogs, spiders, Tarantel (3x!), fire ants and two fucking snacked. The Boa tree, which was on an tree and our guide putted it on a Ast & an anaconda on the ground.

      We also wanted to eat frog, so our guide killed the sweet frog, prepared everything, roasting and eating with spaghetti. It tasted good! Little Bit like chicken.
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    • Hari 58

      Libertad Jungle Lodge, Ucayali

      15 April 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We spent 4 days in the Amazon Rainforest at Libertad Jungle Lodge. The lodge is a community project which is owned and run by the Libertad Village, where all profits go back to improving the living standards of families in Libertad Village.

      We visited during the wet season, which meant river levels were really high (and continually rising) and we had to visit most places by boat. We spent our days searching for monkeys, sloths and dolphins, fishing for piranha and exploring the floating forest. At night, we found baby caimans, tarantulas and capybaras.
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    • Hari 85

      1. Day

      28 Maret 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Today I woke up at 6:30 to get picked up after breakfast at 7:05. we drove to Nauta 2h with the and then 2h with the boat to our sleeping lounge. I make my trip with an American and Netherlands guy and other people who stay longer/shorter.

      On the way we saw a slough (faultier) on a tree. What an crazy eye out tour guide had! He was moving super slow and it was super interesting to see. Also we drove on the Amazon river, which goes till the east side of Brazil!!

      Then we checked in in our lodge and saw an lizzard and I had an amazing viewpoint above our place.
      After lunch we had a dolphin tour, where I have seen plenty of PINK and grey dolphins, which was suuuper cool. We also swimmer there in the river!! Super cool & I have seen a pink dolphin from 5 meters away during swimming. On the way back we saw a slough super much closer. Super cool!!

      Then we went to an indigenous village, where I have been played soccer as the only one of our 10 persons group with them. We lost 3:2🥹😂

      Then we had dinner and went to a alligator tour after the sun went down, where I have seen two baby alligators. We drove super trough the Pampa with our boat and to see the stars was absolutely amazing. Nice tour!

      Our guide also cought one!! But unfortunately I have not seen a big one. The Moskitos are also super annoying, but it’s part of the game.
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    • Hari 9

      Amazonas, Uyacali/ Maráñon River

      15 Januari 2022, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Basically we had every day a program designed by our guide Carlos, who has a stunning knowledge of animals, plants and the jungle environment.
      When we arrived, Mario, Oyvend and me got a room together in the Lupina lodge wich maybe had 10 rooms in total. There was a shared eating space we´re everybody met for the specified meals.
      Breakfast at 7:00 (Mostly eggs, potato, plantane and fruits).
      For lunch at 1pm and dinner at 7pm the kitchen served us all different kind of peruvian dishes, based on chicken, fish, rice, quinoa, lenses etc. wich all tasted really good. For dessert we got different fruits like watermelon or mango.
      So the days and the programm were pretty clocked, but one activity was better than the other.
      We started with watching pink & grey dolphins wich swum in the different river arms, in light and black water. On some spots they were mixing up wich looked like a Fredo cappuccino.
      I always thought it would be a no go, to swim in these waters, but after we watched the dolphins we went to sandy beach were we dipped into the water. I was only really conscious not to pee, to not give a chance to the penis fish and Piranhas don’t like human meat anyway.
      Next day we went to monkey island were we could feed small monkeys with bananas. One attacked Carlos and didn’t went off his had, gave him several scratches and bit his neck (he said, she was on her heat). Somehow he managed to throw her off, while we distracted her with a cheese-ham sandwich.
      In the evening we packed our stuff for a night in tents 2 hours away from the lodge. As we arrived at the spot, the sun was already going down and we had to hurry to build up the camp.
      It was almost full moon so the crocodiles we wanted to catch could also see us, wich made it even harder. We were driving around as Carlos suddenly stopped the boat at some water reefs and pulled out a baby crocodile (maybe 1m big). If you blind them with your flashlight they stand still like a dear on the road.
      As we arrived at the camped we opened a fire had some eggs with bread and listened to Carlos evil spirit storys of the amazon.
      The night was so full of noises of different animals we could barely sleep. In the morning we lit up the fire again and had coffee + chicken & rice. lol.
      So we packed up all our stuff and went for fishing on our way back to the lodge were we caught several piranhas, catfish and sardines wich we had deep fried for dinner. We also got into really hard but warm rain showers over and over again, so we covered up our boat with a plane.
      Back @Lupuna Lodge, we visited the community of San Pedro wich was located nearby our lodge. The only place by far to get a phone signal and some groceries. The village was one street with wooden houses on stilts colored in all varieties. In this street there were children playing volleyball & soccer all muddy in the rain. Of course Mario and I joined and showed them what a proper Grätsche is. At the end of the street was a regular soccer court surrounded by palm trees <3
      The jungle was pure magic and I´m looking forward visit it again maybe next month in Ecuador.
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    • Hari 204

      Amazonie soir 1

      2 Juni 2023, Peru ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Pour nous assurer la meilleure expérience en Amazonie, j'ai cherché THE guide sur internet, et j'ai trouvé Jimmy. Extrêmement réputé sur le groupe fb les Français au Pérou, Jimmy est un ancien militaire, instructeur de survie de la légion étrangère en France (il y a qqs années déjà) et prof de survie ailleurs par la suite. Il s'est enfin tourné vers la survie de tourisme, en Amazonie, là où il a grandi. On a donc rejoint son humble lodge en bord de rivière, à 2h de bateau du village de Nauta, qui est à 2h de voiture d'iquitos, qui elle même est une ville accessible uniquement en avion depuis Lima, ou en bateau (compter 20h de trajet).
      On est accueilli par Paul, guide mandaté par Jimmy car il parle anglais et jimmy nous rejoindra plus tard. Paul est moins badass mais il est très cool et pour une fois, lui est réellement bilingue. Nous arrivons le soir après une longue route et on commence par une balade nocturne dans la jungle qui nous entoure pour observer des tarentules, singes de nuit, opossum. La sécurité est assurée par Andres (et sa machette), le fils de Jimmy, capable d'attraper des caïmans à mains nues, il a 14 ans.
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    • Hari 7

      Eine Ahnung von Riesenottern

      26 Juli 2023, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Mit der Lancha fahren wir den Marañon flussaufwärts. Am Kontrollposten gibt's einen Vortrag und Andenken. Weiter in die Nebenflüsse. Das hellbraune Wasser bringt Sedimente aus den Bergen. Das schwarze Wasser kommt aus dem Urwald. Die Wasser mischen sich. Rosa und graue Flußdelfine erfreuen uns mit ihrem Spiel. Je tiefer wir kommen, desto mystischer wirkt die Natur. Schildkröten, Affen, und tausende Vögel. Leider sieht nur der Bootsführer die Riesenotter. Sie sind sehr scheu, und schneller als wir. Wir legen an und genießen ein Lunchpaket.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 26

      1-8 Kanotocht dag 1

      1 Agustus 2018, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Op het laatste moment nog een paar spullen in de hostel gelaten en om 8 uur (8.15 natuurlijk) met de tuctuc naar de hut van de jungletochtorganisatie. Gelukkig hoeven we niet te lopen, want het regent en de weg is 1 modderbad. Ontbijt is...... geéén rijst😁.
      Dan met grotere tuctuc naar de kano. Dat is 9 km. over "niet zo'n goede weg" en we pikken nog benodigdheden op. Om half elf of zo varen we weg.
      Wát gaaf, we zitten in een kano in een tropisch regenwoud in Peru!
      Veel vogels gezien (heel veel ijsvogels, 2 soorten) apen, vlinders, een luiaard, een otter boven water, mooie bomen en planten. Erg gaaf.
      Ik krijg alleen steeds meer pijn in mijn nek (mee opgestaan, en bed en kussen waren nog wel zo lekker). Op 2 paracetamol gaat het nu wel.
      We slapen in een grote hut met slaapzalen van 3 met muskietennetten over de bedden. Er is zelfs een douche!
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