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    • Hari 26

      A Cultural Exchange - Ccaccaccollo

      12 Desember 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      I really should've read our tour itinerary. Instead of beginning the Inca Trail straight away, we actually were booked in to visit a rural village to spend a night home-staying.

      I was rooming with Louis this time. Our host mother Patricia greeted us at the parking-lot with flowers. She then carried all our bags up to her home.

      The village itself mostly consisted of mud-brick houses. Facilities were basic, but better than I expected, with both running water and electricity. There was also a football pitch where we kicked a ball around with Michael (Patricia's 9 y/o son).

      We were taken to do some local farming, where you bang a hoe into the ground near plants. I have no idea how this helps them grow and, frankly, we did a terrible job. The 'experience' was called off after 20 minutes as it became clear we were ruining the harvest. If they really do still farm in the traditional manner (there could well have been a tractor hiding from tourist sight), that is impressive but somewhat misguided - modern machines are far less labour intensive and do a better job.

      The meals served by our host family were hearty, though both Louis and I have our reservations as to hygiene. Another spin of food-poison roulette wheel.

      Next morning, we bought a woolen hat each from Patricia (she is a weaver, like most of the village women). The transaction was completed in her home, meaning she could conceal it from the rest of the village. They are supposed to share all weaving profit apparently, and this is enforced by them all supposedly selling only at their central market. The attitudes and mannerisms all felt very much like a Greek village (very 'choriatiko').

      An interesting and enjoyable experience. For a night.

      NOTE: We are setting off on the trail tomorrow - no internet so no posts for 4 days.

      Pics: (1) Patricia, despite our objections, carrying our bags up herself; (2) All dressed up; (3) Farming lessons - not the career for us I think; (4) The hills were very steep; (5) The annual running of the sheep; (6) A sample of local cuisine (cute guinea pigs) - would you eat it Sophie?
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    • Hari 13

      Töpferei Cuyo Chico

      13 Oktober 2021, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Eine Familiengemeinschaft, die Ziegel nach traditioneller Art herstellt. Jede Familie ist für einen unterschiedlichen Arbeitsschritt verantwortlich. Das Wissen wird innerhalb einer Familie von einer gen an die nächste weitergegeben.

      Für die Ziegel werden Lehm mit Andengrass und Wasser gemischt, danach in Holzformen gefüllt, und trocknen 10 Tage. Ein Haus braucht ca. 2000 Steine.

      Auf jedem Hausdach im Dorf findet man 2 tönerne Bullen mit Kreuz. So sichert man sich den Segen der alten Inkagötter und der christlichen Kirche.

      Die kleinen Tonwaren werden gebrannt und dann bemalt. So stellen sie auch Tonperlen für Ketten und Armbänder her.

      Bei den Schachspielen gibt es keine schwarzen und weißen Figuren sondern Spanier und Inkas. Der König ist ein Inka, der Springer ein Lama.
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    • Hari 22

      Machu Picchu-Hangover

      31 Oktober 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Aua! Der Machu Picchu Ausflug steckt uns noch in den Knochen, besonders der Montaña Machu Picchu hat es uns angetan. Müde und mit ersten Anzeichen von Muskelkater kommen wir heute nur schwer in die Gänge und verlassen deswegen erst gegen Mittag die Unterkunft. Zudem wird Conny heute von den Mückenstichen von gestern geplagt und ihre Hand schwillt auf eine beachtliche Größe an, dass selbst Frank Rost vor Neid erblassen würde.
      Unser heutiges Ziel: Handwerksmarkt und Inkaruinen von Pisac.
      Mit Motortaxi und Colectivo erreichen wir nach knapp zwei Stunden Pisac. Auf dem Weg dahin müssen wir darüber schmunzeln, wie selbstverständlich wir inzwischen die hiesigen Verkehrsmittel nutzen und Fahrpreise verhandeln - "¿3 Soles?" (0,80 € für 18[!]km) - "¡Es mucho!" (Haben wir das gerade ernsthaft gesagt? 🙈🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️).
      Bei einem Tee und einer Suppe stellen wir fest, dass uns der Sinn gar nicht so Recht nach einer Besichtigung der Ruinen steht. Also schlendern wir über den Markt und zeigen anschließend noch einmal unser gesamtes Können als Colectivofahrer.
      Nach einem tollen Essen in Urubamba schauen wir uns anschließend noch das rege Halloweentreiben auf dem Plaza de Armas an.
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    • Hari 7

      To the Andes

      25 Oktober 2021, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      A one-hour flight from Lima took us to Cuzco, which is at an elevation of 11,000 feet. But to get us acclimated to the altitude, our destinations for the next few days are in villages at lower elevations — ‘only’ 9,000 feet. (Did you know it’s a little hard to breathe wearing a mask at high elevations)?

      Our bus took us first to the village of Pisac, known for its colorful handicrafts market. The craftspeople showed us how to distinguish between baby alpaca wool garments and ‘maybe’ alpaca (synthetics). A sweater made from baby alpaca, which is the first shearing of the animal, not an actual baby’s ‘fur’, is heavy in weight and cool to the touch.

      We also got an introduction about how to evaluate silverwork for purity of silver. These craftspeople like to use a higher ratio of silver to copper than in sterling silver, which means that it is less likely to tarnish—but it is softer. The knockoff silver (which may have a fake stamp indicating a high ratio of silver) has much more copper and looks nice and shiny now but is yellow-toned and will tarnish.

      After a late lunch, we drove along a beautiful river valley called the Sacred Valley. The indigenous people believed that the river was the land counterpart to the Milky Way (because everything needs to be in pairs—sun/moon, day/night, etc.).

      A curious thing we learned about home-building in Peru is that the owners often leave the top level(s) unfinished, with just some rebar sticking up (often covered with plastic water bottles to prevent rusting of the cut ends). The parents add levels to their homes for their grown children to live in. Until the children are ready to move out of their parents’ house, and while the parents save enough to afford the construction, they leave the levels unfinished. We also heard it’s a way to avoid the higher taxes of a larger finished home.

      It seems we can’t escape wildfires. The farmers set controlled burns before planting to add minerals in the ash back into the soil. But this being a windy area, these fires often get out of control on the steep hillsides.
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    • Hari 179

      Pisac, und bei Diospifreunden

      16 Februari 2018, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Vormittags sind wir auf eigene Faust mit Publicbus nach Pisac gefahren. Dort schafften wir aber nichts als stundenlang die wunderbaren Kunsthandwerke anzusehnen. Nur den Botanischen Garten konnten wir noch von einem Alternativcafe aus bewundern. Die Ruinen hatten wir schon vor 4 Jahren gesehen.
      In der Nähe der Bushaltestelle in Cuzco suchten wir dann mühsam das Zuhause von Mandy und Jonathan mit ihren beiden Kindern. Zum Glück sah ihr Kindermädchen aus dem Fenster, sonst hätten wir es nicht gefunden. Wir fühlten uns wohl in dem gemütlichen hellen, warmen Zuhause und wurden wunderbar bekocht. Wir tauschten uns über praktische Tipps und Missions Vorbereitungen aus. Auf dem Rückweg würden mir keine Hunde gefährlich, wovor wir gewarnt wurden, sondern mich ereilte wieder mal Diarrea.
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    • Hari 10


      7 Mei 2018, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Wieder steht uns eine lange Busfahrt bevor. Doch bevor wir wieder Mal dem Buskoller erliegen, lass ich mal lieber meine Playlist über die Buslautsprecher laufen. In Kombination mit dem gekauften Bier (#reiseliter) wird der Rest der Fahrt dann doch noch sehr lustig. Busparty!!! In Pisac bekamen wir dann eine Alpaka-Wolle Schulung. Nach noch mehr Bier verging die Zeit umso schneller.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 390

      Pisac Impressions

      18 Mei 2022, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Pisac is a small hippie and spiritual town close to Cusco located in the Sacret Valley. I stayed here over 5 weeks. Working and enjoying the beautiful views of the mountains and the charming vibe of the town and the people living here.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 256


      9 September 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      I knew I couldn't bring a lot of souvenirs from my trip but I at least wanted to buy a few things here in Peru as I wouldn't need to carry it around a lot more. In Arequipa someone recommended the market in Pisac, a small town near Cusco, for this. Apparently this market was every day but on Sunday it was supposed to be even bigger. As daytrips from Cusco would get there around 11 every Sunday morning - and I had some spare days anyway -I decided to be clever and go to Pisac for one night from Saturday to Sunday and get to the market before the tourist busses arrive. Pisac should be nice enough to spend an afternoon there. When I got to Pisac I found my hostel and dropped my daypack before heading back into town. It turned out the town wasn't more than a few streets with a market square in the middle. The highly recommended Chocolate Museum wasn't more than a little store with some information panels and a lot of cafes and restaurants weren't even open. So I was done exploring within an hour and got back to the hostel around 4 to spend the afternoon reading and writing my blogg. I had a private room as the hostel didn't offer shared rooms and the price was the same anyways. I saw a few other people coming in or leaving but didn't really talk to anybody.
      When I went back out for dinner some of the restaurants were still closed. Maybe they only open for the tourists on sunday? I found a nice little place with a cheap menu del dia. After I ordered I realized that the 2 other guests were just finishing up their meal and leaving. So I sat there by myself while the owners of the restaurant didn't try to hide the fact that they would like to close up as soon as possible. Weird little town.
      I rose early the next morning and went out motivated to do some shopping before heading back to Cusco. But people were still setting up the market stands and had still covered most of there stuff. Also the Cafés around for breakfast were still closed. It seemed this town only existed to please the tourists coming on a tour. Around 9 I found a nice Café with a balcony overlooking the market square where I had breakfast watching the market finally coming to life.
      After breakfast I explored the market and actually managed to buy everything I wanted quickly so I was on my way back to Cusco before 11. So in the end I never saw if the town actually does get more lively once all the tourists arrive.
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    • Hari 8

      Pisac, Peru

      29 Mei 2016, Peru ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      The road from Cusco into the Sacred Valley was amazing. Then we arrived at the Incan ruins in Pisac. It was a hard climb wearing our backpacks, especially on some of the steep stairways. Afterwards we walked throughout the markets of Pisac. Lots of colors and it was fun looking at all of the souvenirsBaca selengkapnya

    • Hari 13

      Inkaskie ruiny w Pisac

      13 Agustus 2018, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Dzień wstał piękny, więc zamiast jechać do Cuzco skoro świt, zgodnie z założonym planem, postanawiamy aklimatyzować się na miejscu, w Inkaskich ruinach w Pisac. Od 2900 do 3500 npm, tylko na własnych nogach - decydujemy się na opcję wyczynową, start w Pisac u podnóża Parku Archeologicznego, a nie podwózka autobusem
      Początek ostro pod górę w pełnym słońcu, po pierwszych 15 minutach w głowie każdego zostaje tylko jedna myśl: za jak długo się rozpuszczę...
      Mapy do niczego, idziemy na wyczucie. Mija pół godziny, godzina, godzina i pół - a pierwszych ważnych ruin, wg mapy zaraz przy wejściu, jak nie było widać, tak nie widać. Trochę jesteśmy przerażeni, bo na cały trek przewidzielismy 4-5h, a tym tempie, wg mapy, będzie ze 12 jak nic...
      W końcu są, ruiny jak z obrazka. M'n'Ms biegają i bawią się w chowanego nic sobie nie robiąc z powagi chwili i ciężaru historii. My robimy zdjęcie za zdjęciem. Po chwili idziemy dalej, bo to ( wg mapy) dopiero początek szlaku...
      Spotykamy Francuzow ze schroniska, nie chce się nam wierzyć że (jak twierdzą) do końca szlaku jest tylko godzina - wg mapy przeszliśmy 1/3 drogi, a minęły już 2. Po drodze mijamy jeszcze wielu zdezorientowanych tak samo jak my, ale tak naprawdę nie ma to wielkiego znaczenia, szlak jest przepiękny, pogoda cudowna, więc trzeba się cieszyć i napawać chwilą.
      Ruiny są rozrzucone po całej górze, ciekawe, i robia wrażenie, ale tak naprawdę to widoki zapieraja dech w piersiach.
      Docieramy do końca po 4 godzinach, i ku zdziwieniu strażników postanawiamy wrócić na piechotę.
      Wojtek jest przekonany, że na tablicy orientacyjnej widzi boczną drogę u podnóża, mijająca szczyt, a rozglądając się po okolicy i orientując mapę w terenie cho trochę, rzeczywiście można dostrzec i ludzi którzy po niej idą. Postanawiamy więc zaryzykować. I słusznie - po 20 min jesteśmy przy pierwszych ruinach, w 1/3 drogi od początku. Skrót stulecia.
      Wracamy dumni i błądzi, zgodnie z wydawać by się mogło nierealnym planem, i przed podróżą idziemy się pożywić w naszej (prawie) wegańskiej knajpce.
      I już czas pożegnać się z Pisac, łapiemy colectivo razem z miejscowymi (wystarczy podążać za nawoływaniem "Cuzco,Cuzco") i jedziemy do stolicy Inków. Dziś nocleg na 3500m npm 😊.
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