Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka

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    • Day 4

      Salzmine Wieliczka

      August 20 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute geht es wahrhaftig in eine Stadt unter Tage. Seit 700 Jahren wird in Wieliczka auf neun Ebenen Salz abgebaut. Wir besuchen die 3 obersten Ebenen und enden am Ende auf 135 Meter unter Tage. Über 800 Stufen bringen uns hinab in den Berg. Auch wenn die offizielle Förderung von Steinsalz 1996 eingestellt wurde, arbeiten noch heute 900 Menschen im Berg. 400 sind Führer, welche bis zu 8000 Leute täglich führen. Auch für Sicherungsarbeiten sind etliche Bergleute erforderlich.
      Einst war das Salz so wertvoll wie Gold, und die unterirdischen Gänge von Wieliczka waren ein Quell unermesslichen Reichtums.
      Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte wurde das Bergwerk zu einem wahren unterirdischen Königreich. Die Bergleute, die hier arbeiteten, schufen nicht nur Gänge und Kammern, sondern auch kunstvolle Kapellen, Statuen und Kronleuchter, alles aus Salz gemeißelt. Die berühmteste unter ihnen ist die Kapelle der Heiligen Kinga, die tief im Inneren des Bergwerks liegt, ein Ort von atemberaubender Schönheit.
      Am Ende der Tour erfahren wir, dass wir nur 1 Prozent der Miene gesehen haben. Ein Wahnsinn und keine Sorge, ein Lift brachte uns wieder nach oben.
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    • Day 295

      Salt mine

      February 26 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Spencers aunty has a friend who lives in krakow and today he took us to see the salt mine. We considered going ourselves but the tours were expensive so we were going to miss it. I'm so happy we didn't because it was awesome. The mine has been around since the 13th century and goes 150m deep. I was staggered by how far the tunnels went and how big some of the underground rooms were. Theres a full scale church that was built in the mine that is so big it's now used as an opera theatre and for other big events. The guy we came with said he once had a work conference in the mine that had 500 people attend. All the walls are pure salt, the tour guide said we could test it by licking, I tried and it tasted pretty good but quite dusty ahaha. The whole way through there were loads of sculptures and interactive exhibits, my favourite was a carving of some miners whose job it was to crawl around carrying long burning sticks so they could ignite trapped methane bubbles before the others came. I thought that it seemed like a pretty fun job lol.Read more

    • Day 93

      Salt Mines Wieliczka, Poland

      October 1, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      # Deutsch
      Die Salzmine, welche im UNESCO - Weltkulturerbe imbegriffen ist, lässt sich perfekt mit einem Wort beschreiben: Overtourism. Im 15-Minuten-Takt werden Gruppen von 40-50 Personen durch die perfekt vorbereitete Salzmine durchgeschleust.
      - Dir ist zu warm / zu kalt? Ist die Luftfeuchtigkeit zu hoch? - Kein Problem, die Mine verfügt über Airconditioning.
      - Packt dich in 134 Metern Tiefe auf einmal der kleine (oder grosse) Hunger? - Kein Problem, es gibt da unten ein voll einsatzbereites Restaurant.
      - Kann ich meine Familie anrufen, und sie mit der klassischen "Rate mal wo ich gerade bin"-Frage belästigen? - Aber sicher doch, in den Aufenthaltsräumen ist der Handyempfang auch auf 110 Meter Tiefe perfekt.
      Ihr habts bestimmt schon erraten - ich würde es nicht weiterempfehlen...

      # English
      The salt mine, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site, can be perfectly described with one word: Overtourism. Every 15 minutes, groups of 40-50 people are led through the perfectly prepared salt mine.
      - Are you too hot / too cold? Is the humidity too high? - No problem, the mine has air conditioning.
      - Do you suddenly feel a little (or a lot) hungry at a depth of 134 metres? - No problem, there is a fully operational restaurant down there.
      - Can I call my family and ask them the classic "guess where I am" question? - Sure you can, mobile phone reception in the lounges is perfect even at 110 metres.
      You've probably already guessed - I wouldn't recommend it...
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    • Day 6

      Day 4. Sad history and salt

      May 27 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We were up at 5 am for an early pick up for our tour to Auschwitz and Birkenau.
      After a two-hour drive, we arrived at the Auschwitz camp it was very sad to come to the front gate where the inscription above the gates translates to “work sets you free”
      This was never so for so many who died from starvation and disease or in the gas chambers.
      To learn that so many Jews, Poles, Gypsies and so people from many other nationalities were sent there by train in the hope of work only to be stripped of their belongings, along with their dignity. They were sorted as they exited the trains, which were just cattle railcars, into groups. First group were older men or men with disabilities who were sent off one way and told they would be going to the city but were sent straight to the gas chambers to be exterminated. The second group were the strong, men and woman who would be put to work in the camp doing all the dirty work for the Nazi's. The third group were older woman and pregnant woman who would not be able to work, and children under the age of 15. This group also went to the gas chambers never to be seen or heard of again. This piece of history is so sick and barbaric.
      This first camp Auschwitz was for the privilege of the few. Their quarters were somewhat ok. These were for the soldiers and high ranked workers.

      The second camp Birkenau was 2 klms. away where people were cramped into long wooden huts with only two small heaters to warm them in the freezing conditions of the polish winters. There were 6 people to a bunk that was only fit for two. Here life was very dismal and for many death was a better option. Food was minimal and punishment by death was for the smallest of infringement. How was this kept secret for so long? One positive to today's world of social media is that this wouldn’t happen again in this way.
      We didn't take many photos out of respect for the millions that died here.
      Glad we came, but a sad place it is!
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    • Day 3

      Mina de sal

      September 25, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Depois de 4h de carro, chegámos às Minas de sal de Wieliczka, património mundial da UNESCO.
      Uma mina de 300km de extensão e 300m de profundidade, em atividade desde o século XIII.
      Fizemos um tour de mais de 3km, a mais de 100m de profundidade. Uma obra de arquitectura, com centenas de anos que vale a pena recordar.

      Centenas de estátuas de sal, capelas e lagos vão animando o nosso percurso. Com a nossa guia que nos vai explicando a história de cada troço.
      Cavalos trabalharam durante anos nestas profundidades, mas durante estes anos todos os únicos homens que foram forçados a trabalhar foram os judeus na segunda guerra mundial.

      A primeira impressão de Cracóvia, foi um tipo cheio de sangue na cara que passou por nós perto do nosso apartamento, uma sem abriga de peito à mostra e alguns malucos no parque que assustaram a nossa Joaninha a caminho do restaurante para jantar.
      A noite parece animada, levando nos apesar da chuva a dar um pezinho de dança antes de voltar para casa.
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    • Day 56

      Wyjscie Salt Mine.

      September 25, 2018 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      They have been mining salt here since the 12th century and it is enormous.
      The source of one third of mediaeval Poland's total revenue it still produces 8,000 kilos a year but that's just to sell to the tourists.
      Only 2 of the 20kms of tunnels are a open to tourists. That’s the 2 million that visit each year.
      To get to the first level at 64 metres you walk down 380 stairs. There are 800 by the time it’s all over.
      Absolutely amazing. Chapels, reception rooms, stairs and stairs. One room is over 35 metres high, they used to do bungie jumping a few years ago.
      In the middle ages there were 60 horses stabled underground and hundreds of workers.
      Condition have improved since the. Now there are just 400 guides.
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    • Day 20

      Krakau - Salzbergwerk Wieliczka

      July 10, 2021 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Früh geht's auf direktem Weg zum Salzbergwerk in ca. 250km Entfernung.
      Das Salzbergwerk in der südpolnischen Stadt Wieliczka (deutsch Groß Salze) ist eines der ältesten und bekanntesten Salzbergwerke der Welt.
      Als die Salzquellen zur Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts erschöpft waren, wurde unter Tage nach Salzsole gesucht und dabei die Steinsalzlagerstätte entdeckt.
      Die Tour durch das Bergwerk dauert mehr als 2, 5 Std. und ist mehr als beeindruckend.
      Zu Beginn geht es gleich 56 kleine Stockwerke über eine Art Holztreppenhaus nach unten. Die Größe der unterirdischen Räume ist atemberaubend. Die Bilder spiegeln es vermutlich nicht vollständig wieder, aber es ist fast ein wenig kruselig in ca. 150m unter der Erde von Festsaal zu Festsaal zu laufen. Da es das Salzbergwerk aber schon sehr lange gibt und die Konstruktion täglich auf ihre Stabilität geprüft wird (ist klar 😉), haben wir vollstes Vertrauen dass diese nicht heute einstürzt...
      Manche Räume ähneln der Welt von Herr der Ringe und um eine Vorstellung von der Größe zu bekommen: In einer der Höhlen wurde ein Guinness World Record mit einem unterirdischen Heißluftballonflug geschafft. Zwar nur 2m hoch, aber er wurde als Record bestätigt.
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    • Day 2


      June 28, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Meie märksõnad, mis suutsime tuuri ajal kirja panna:

      Umbes 60m sügav aga kuni 350m, meie külastasime kuni 110m sügavuseni.
      Puit valge - et kergemini seinu näha ja tuleohutust tagada, värvitakse seal puit valgeks.
      Hästi makstud töötajad
      Metaani plahvatajad käisid tõrvikuga ohutust tagamas, et plahvatused ette ära tekitada kontrollitult
      400 kaevurit praegu - Hetkeseisuga töötab seal nii palju kaevureid, kaevandus ise enam ei tööta aga seda on vaja endiselt hallata ja nemad töötavad seal puhtalt sellepärast.
      500 giidi - Hetkel seal töötavate giidide arv. Miks neid seal nii palju töötab on seepärast, et seal käiva rahvamassi arv on meeletu. Näiteks see aasta mais oli ühe päeva külastajate arv 10 000.
      80 hobust kes kunagi üleval ei käi - Kui kunagi hobused kaevanduses kasutusele võeti siis need hobused kasvatati juba sünnist saati maa all. Nad ei käinud kunagi maapeal. Keegi ei teadnud, kas nad olid pimedad või mitte. Maa alla oli neile ehitatud lausa suured tallid.
      2000 aastal viimane - Viimane kaevanduses töötav hobune suri sellel aastal. Ta elas 15aastat oma elust maa all ja 15aastat maa peal.
      Soola stalaktiidid kasvavad 1cm kuus
      Kaevurid on üüratult religuoossed ohtliku töö pärast ja on kaevandusse kokku 36 kiriku kambrit/tuba ehitanud
      Enamvähem kõik piltidel on soolast, k.a. lühtrid ja kujud.
      Vanasti oli sool kallim kui kuld ja kasutati isegi rahana, sellest tuleneb ka ingliskeelne sõna salary ehk palk.
      Kõige vingem ja suurem kiriku kamber oli pühendatud kuningannale. Seda ehitas 3 inimest 67 aastat.
      Kokku on kaevanduses 2000 kambrit ja umbes 300km käike.
      Mõned ruumid on hästi korda tehtud ja neis peetakse üritusi. Hetkel seadistati näiteks pulmadeks üht ruumi, aga seal on isegi kontsertid toimunud.
      Kõige kõrgem ruum on 90m, kus on ilutulestik olnud.
      Vanasti on alati ühes tunnelis, kus oli vesi, saanud paadiga sõita, aga 95 aastal uppus 7 inimest paadi all, sest paat läks ümber, inimesed jäid alla ja paat oli liiga raske ja keegi ei suutnud sukelduda üli soolases vees paadi alt välja. Vesi on nii soolane seal, et sool enam ei lahustu - üleküllastunud.
      Kõik seinad, laed ja põrandad on soola kristallidest - tundub must, aga taskulambiga näeb põranda sisse näiteks.

      Kambris kõrgusega 36m, tehti maailmarekord kuumaõhupalli lendamisega ja seal on ka Benji hüpet tehtud alles hiljuti.
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    • Day 3

      Il lago sotterraneo..

      January 5, 2016 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ -7 °C

      La guida che ci ha accompagnato durante la visita ci ha raccontato un sacco di curiosità: all'interno delle miniere di Wieliczka è stato sia fatto il bungee jumping che il primo volo sotterraneo in mongolfiera!! C'è poi un lago salato la cui attrazione turistica, una barca, è stata eliminata dopo che, piena di turisti, si è capovolta provocandone la morte (a causa dell'acqua salata, infatti, le persone non sono riuscite ad uscirne perché impossibilitate ad andare sott'acqua)..Read more

    • Day 3

      La sala della Cattedrale

      January 5, 2016 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ -7 °C

      La parte migliore del tour è stata senza ombra di dubbio la visita della cattedrale scolpita interamente nel sale e tuttora in funzione (è infatti possibile prenotarla per matrimoni, conferenze e funzioni religiose). I minatori impiegarono 67 anni per scavarla e decorarla con tanto di un bassorilievo raffigurante l’Ultima cena, un altare e dei candelieri.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka, Mine de sel de Wieliczka

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