• Dag 42

    Bhutan Frontier

    12 juni 2023, Bhutan ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Next leg of the trip: Bhutan!

    Places my first Grab aka Asia Uber booking today, first Uber ever for that matter. It was cheaper than a taxi too. I left the hotel at 1am to get to the airport for my 5am flight. Managed to snag a 2 hour nap but the flight was a struggle.

    The plane wasn’t full and I had my own row. Caught a short nap before we were awoken for breakfast. I’d actually scarfed down some McDonald’s before boarding so wasn’t hungry at all. We made a quick stop in Dhaka, Bangladesh to pick up more passengers before continuing on.

    More food came and I ate even less. The sun is now up and not much of flying time left so couldn’t sleep more. The Paro airport is small but the descent is quite cool as we coast into the valley. The mountains looked close enough to touch.

    All our meals are included so after lunch a few of us wandered into town. Thimphu is the capital city but it feels like a mountain town. It is definitely bigger than we could see but we only wandered the Main Street.

    Met the rest of our group tonight and received a great culture lesson from our tour leader right off the bat. There’s certainly things here we never expected. For one, the tradition of night hunting. This is where during the day boys would ask girls where their houses/rooms were so they could sneak in at night. It seems like a very open society here and you got married if you stayed the whole night and the parents caught you the next morning. Apparently divorce is practical just as easy. People could have as many wives/husbands though likely just one at a time.

    It’s a very matriarchal society as assets are passed down the female line. Daughters are the treasures as they bring the boys in and everything the boys earn becomes the girl’s. Its also common for brothers to share a wife especially in rural areas where one has to move their flocks. There’s also cases where 2 sisters might share a husband so the family’s assets don’t get split.

    We also learned where our tourist fee ($200 per day) goes. The government collects it but it goes right back to the people as education and health care are state provided. Citizens also get subsidies to travel for medical procedures and post secondary education.
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  • Dag 41


    11 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    One last day trip, today to the Maeklong Railway Train Market and Amphawa Floating Market. The train market isn’t very large, but the draw is how the vendors have their stalls extended right to the railway track and have to pull everything in and the put them back out every time the train comes through - which thankfully for them isn’t as too often, just a few times daily. There’s not much to buy, a little bit of souvenirs or produce really. A couple of cafe like stalls are spread out so you can have a drink while waiting for the train.

    The videos online where things are sped up makes the whole process look really cool but the reality is a lot slower and the train is slow as well to avoid anyone lingering between the red lines.

    Our second stop was to visit the Buddha Statue and Wat Bang Kung. The statue is over 300 years old but really came to fame when a local man praying at the shrine won big in the lottery. The statue is in a brick structure with roots wrapped around it. The site is also where there was a battle between the Kaungbang Dynasty and Thonburi Kingdom.

    It was super crowded so we didn’t get a good look at the statue and the line up to get in was very long.

    Finally what we’ve anticipated most today, Amphawa Floating Market. Our tour was to include a boat ride to see fireflies at night, but more on that later. Amphawa is quite neat to explore but if you’re short on time there’s probably a good floating market in Bangkok. The layout of like a cross with stalls lining the river. After you cross the bridge to the far side, you’ll find more finger street food options that are super cheap.

    Along the river are small shops mixed in with restaurants. A few ladies still cook from the boats in the water but there aren’t many. We had 2 hours of free time here which was more than enough as I ended up looping at least twice and maybe thrice in sections.

    Finally the boat cruise itself. We were a bit concerned when our boat seemed to turn back earlier before the rest of the boats and we hadn’t seen any fireflies yet. Luckily we weren’t too disappointed when we did come across a few spots. It was a bit underwhelming though as we probably imagined a scene straight out of a movie. Instead it was small flickers here and there in a tree and then another.

    Part of the reason it seems is that they are more active after it rains and unfortunately it hasn’t rained all that much lately despite the season. The water level in the market actually was low enough for locals to go swimming or stand while fishing.

    One last Bangkok stop for me, back to Jodd Fairs to chase the mango sticky rice Thai pancakes Khanom Krok! They were sold out last night so I wanted to try my luck and pick up some dinner before my super late or very early flight. Lucked out this time and tried the grilled jellyfish as well.
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  • Dag 40

    The Sanctuary of Truth

    10 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Sometimes there are places we go for one reason and today has one of those. After stumbling upon the Sanctuary of Truth online, I knew I had to visit. One option was to take the bus from Bangkok or take a tour and see a bit more of Pattaya City.

    In hindsight the bus probably would suit me better even if it would be more of a pain to get to the sight after arriving in the city.

    Let’s start the day in review as we spend the morning visiting a lookout viewpoint in Pattaya City before taking a speed boat to Koh Larn Coral Island. We spent 3 hours on the beach which unfortunately was quite crowded and nobody really wanted to do water sports. As the tour seemed more of a take us somewhere and give us free time, I feel it would’ve been better if it was more structured or if the guide helped with the optional activities.

    I was itching to go to The Sanctuary of Truth and it did not disappoint. It’s an unfinished museum entirely built from wooden carvings where beams interlock. The carvings reflect Thai architecture along with Buddhism, Hindu and other eastern religion influences. It reminds of a wooden version of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Of course this one won’t take quite as long to finish as it should be complete by 2025z

    The inside is even beautiful than the outside and honestly I could’ve spent hours there just wandering and reading about the philosophy of life. Unfortunately we only had about an hour :(

    At night, I headed to Jodd Fairs Night Market as recommended by my cousin. It was super fun with a great atmosphere of shopping stalls and food stalls. This is what I miss about the market at home as the prices here are super reasonable and you really can try as much variety as you want. I indulged in a Thai iced tea, watermelon smoothie, skewers, seafood pancakes and Thai Style popsicles.
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  • Dag 39

    Day Trip: Kanchanaburi & Erawan

    9 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    Day trip to Kanchaburi & Erawan National Park today. Only 7 in the group and I was the only girl. Super weird as that’s never happened before.

    A two hour drive takes us to Kanchanaburi where we visit the Jeath War Museum and a reconstruction of the bridge over River Kaui. The history lesson today was about a time during World War 2 where POW’s captured by Japan were forced to build a railway between Myanmar and Thailand. Over 6000 died in the process.

    An hour away is Erawan National Park, home of 7 waterfalls. It takes about an hour to get the the 7th one but you’re free to walk as far as you want. I did make it all the way but somehow the view wasn’t as impressive as the photos online.

    The weather is humid and we are dripping even before we get to the 3rd waterfall. You can swim in some of the waterfalls but I opted out and just walked around the pool of the 7th.

    The drive back to Bangkok is long but after a quick dinner, I popped up to the hotel rooftop pool & jacuzzi. No one was there so I ended up having the place to myself and sipping a caramel milkshake.
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  • Dag 38

    Day as a Bangkok local

    8 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    I met up with my old tour leader Sita today to hang out in Bangkok. She happened to be in between tours so perfect timing. Having been before, it was nice to not do anything touristy and just chill out.

    First thing we headed to an island in the Chao Phraya River to do some biking. I haven’t ridden a bike in years so thankfully Sita was very patient with me and coached as well so the return trip was quicker. I managed to do ok but should probably keep practicing. I was nervous about balance and then she noticed I needed to use my arms more to keep the steering straight.

    For lunch, we decided to go on an adventure to the west side of the city to Bubble In The Forest. It’s quite an Instagrammable place with very blue water and chill out huts. We sat at the top of a two story treehouse like structure which also had nets you could lie in.

    Food was great and there were great mocktail options as well! Transport options not great as you’ll need either a taxi or grab to get here.

    What else to do to relax like a local? Taking in a movie! On screen, Transformers! Really enjoyed it and a great way to end the day 😄
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  • Dag 37

    Back to the City

    7 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    It was pouring rain this morning so I opted out of the morning safari excursion. I think I’ve had just about enough rain. Normally I’m a roll with punches but it seemed like the thing to do especially when the boat pulled up again without cover. It’s quite funny though as one of the girls in the group knew the Spanish wouldn’t go but she thought I would. In the end, it was the Dutch who braved the rain. The rain which only ended minutes before they returned.

    Our join in tour was 9 ppl (I had to be the single supplement). A group mix I’ve never been in, 4 Spanish, 4 Dutch and me. Although one of the Dutch is actually Spanish. All couples of course but a fun group that included everyone.

    The ride back to the pier was plagued with rain even though we tried to wait it out some. Another reason to have the cover up. We got the same replies about wind and that it’s more difficult to drive the boat the it up, but it wasn’t convincing since we’d seen other groups leave with a cover on their boats.

    Anyhows, a welcome return to the city. My hotel was close to Terminal 21 and it was perfect to head there for dinner, including of course mango sticky rice. It’s still as inexpensive as I remember and the portions were perfect for me :)
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  • Dag 36


    6 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    Finally a unique title! But at the expense of copious amount of rain today. The morning started out promising for our overnight excursion to Cheow Lan Lake but the rain started to come, and stayed more than the previous two days. Our long tail boat didn’t use a cover and when I later asked if they could put it up, they said no because of the wind, which I’m doubtful about since we saw other boats that had theirs on.

    The nature here is without a doubt stunning and would be even more so in the dry season with blue skies, but the misty clouds adds an allure if you can deal with the rain. Bring a poncho. Bring water shoes.

    After lunch, we checked into our raft houses for the night. They’re cute, basic though you can upgrade to as comfortable as you want, but keep in mind because it’s an experience the prices are higher than expected.

    Our after lunch activity included 3 stops. Unfortunately we were hammered with rain for much of it (and the boat had no cover in place). First up was a short jungle hike when the rains came down and the paths started to muddy. It was a brisk walk. 2nd stop was Pra Kai Perth Caves, a one way system underground. It was unlit so we used head torches. In addition to the seeing the formations inside, there were also a couple of spiders and baby bats.

    When we returned to the boat, we were told to remove our shoes, for reasons we’re still trying to understand the next day as our shoes were already wet and getting wetter being on the open boat. One thought was the boat driver didn’t want any mud on the boat, perhaps he’d just cleaned it but that seems odd considering the weather. The last stop was a viewpoint of the 3 rocks which is the symbol of the lake.

    Once back the raft houses, we tried to dry our clothes and shoes as best we could but I’d resigned to the fact that they would be (and were) still wet in the morning.

    The evening wasn’t as peaceful as we thought as there was a big group staying here as well. I have a funny feeling it was a yolo group from Contiki given the size of the group and the flowing alcohol.
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  • Dag 35

    In The Jungle

    5 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    The rain is definitely louder in the jungle, more surfaces to bounce off of. It rained pretty much all night and morning. I’d decided to go bamboo rafting this morning and wondered if it would cancelled. It wasn’t. While I’d rather have gone when it wasn’t rainy, it was still something to do. Solo travelling challenge comes back as activities have a 2 person min. Luckily another party had booked the rafting as well so I didn’t have to pay extra.

    The bamboo rafts are basic with no cover but the gentleman steering provided a dry seat cover. Each raft takes 2 people so I ended up with my own. The ride is idyllic as we float down the river, admiring the scenery.

    When we pulled to a stop, I thought it was over too soon, fortunately it was just our coffee break. The going up was a bit slippery but we made it to a cave which had a covered area that ensured we stayed dry. Our steering men proceeded to make a fire and heat water in a bamboo tube. Tea (or coffee if you so choose) was served in a bamboo cup and came with a bamboo spoon as well which we were to take home as a souvenir.

    On the second half of the ride we saw some monkeys in the trees as we floated along. All in all, a nice morning. I had a nap after before grabbing lunch and walking to and through the nearby town.

    Town is probably not the right word but a section of town with restaurants, accommodations and a couple of mini marts along with massage places. Im curious what the nearby accommodations are like. Yesterday I was chatting with the GM at Our Jungle House where Im staying. She’s a lovely woman and we were talking about the rustic-ness of the place as some guests had just left as it was too much for them. I suppose people forget we are in the jungle so certain luxuries aren’t to be had.

    One of the places that peaked my interest was a dome camp, Smiley Dome. It’s on the main road of ‘town’ and I would’ve paid half of what I did at the treehouse. A bit of a hard pill to swallow but then it is a different experience all together and I’d really wanted to stay in a treehouse. I’m curious what their overnight lake options are as I know ours is basic and in a remote corner of the lake.

    There’s also a number of river huts and lodges that look appealing as well. I think at the end of the day, it really depends on what you’re looking for. While I can’t imagine a full week here, I think the two nights are great in addition to the lake. Guess I’m a city girl at heart. You can take the girls l out of the city but you can’t take the city of the girl no matter how much she likes nature.
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  • Dag 34

    Into the Jungle

    4 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Off this morning to Surat Thani airport for a short stay in Khao Sok. My coworker had recommend this treehouse place there and it feels like a great place to hang out and relax for a couple of days.

    The drive is beautiful though my lack of sleep means I slept through part of it. The national park is beautiful though and I look forward to seeing more of it. The occasional thunderstorm releases some rain to relieve the humidity and it feels better than in Bangkok.

    I love the treehouse I’m staying in. It really feels like you’re in the middle of nature, which you are. No activities today but went for a short walk and then a massage. The mozzies and bugs are out so that’ll take a little getting used to. I doused myself in bug spray but ended up changing into long pants after a few bites.

    The massage was wonderful and the masseuse even used lemon grass oil, perfect for warding off the bugs. Debating getting another one tomorrow, feeling relaxed and a great way of fully wearing repellent.

    Would love to stay here longer if not for the mozzies but alas. Going bamboo rafting tomorrow and will see what the rest of the day brings. Because I’m on my own, a little limited to activities without having to pay the single supplement but I know it’ll be nice even to sit with a drink and read.
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  • Dag 33

    Mongolia to Thailand

    3 juni 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    Leaving one country for another, today’s a travel day from Ulanbaatar to Bangkok. Once again a reminder of the difference 2 weeks make. The drive back to Chinggis Khaan airport is pretty much all green compared to the brown when I arrived. It seems summer is truly starting to set in.

    The flight to Seoul is short. I spend the layover exploring the airport to see where things are when I come back for one more transit home. The 7 Eleven is quite tucked away but I managed to find it with google maps lol.

    Flying time to Bangkok was 6 hours. I forget how much farther south it is. Though I was somewhat dressed for the weather, the humidity still got the upper hand. I arrived late at the hotel but thankfully the shuttle was exactly where it was supposed to be. Couple of hours of sleep before getting back in transit.
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